Chapter 324 Goodbye Peng Xue
The Spring Festival in 2014 is at the end of January, and there are only a few days to go to school after the New Year's Day. However, in order to prepare for the college entrance examination, the students in the third year of high school are working hard.

Although Mei Fang has now reached a special enrollment agreement with Pengcheng University for guaranteed admission and preferential treatment, there is still a need for the three of them to take the first-line college entrance examination, otherwise there will be some hidden dangers in the follow-up processing.

As for academic performance, Mei Fang and Lin Youxi have been accumulating for a long time. Mei Fang may still be struggling, but for Lin Youxi, it is an easy matter; because Xia Yuan has already transferred to liberal arts, One book's cultural class scores can still be guaranteed.

The three of them are now equivalent to preparing for the college entrance examination, but in fact they only need to work a little bit harder.In order not to leave too much trouble for future development, the three of them still have to work hard to study for the exam, especially Xia Yuan, who is serious about math problems every day.

"Afang, Afang, why does the inequality proof here require derivation?"

"What did I do wrong with this conic section function? I really don't understand it. I've been doing calculations for two hours."

"It's going to be like this..."

Although she has got rid of the torture of physics forever, Xia Yuan still finds it very difficult for the logic of mathematics and science. This is also reflected in her calculation of geography, contour lines and isotherms. However, Mei Fang still patiently teaches she.

"Do you understand now?"

Xia Yuan stuck out her tongue with a smile: "Next time I encounter the exact same question type, I think I should do it?"

"Then you are awesome, shall I give you some encouragement of love?"

"Okay, okay—ah, it hurts..."

Mei Fang was tapping Xia Yuan's head when Xia Yuan's phone suddenly lit up.

In the direction of special concern, there was a message from a friend I hadn't seen for a long time.

【Hello, Yuanyuan】

【I'm back to Jiangcheng】

After seeing the news, Xia Yuan happily shared the news with Mei Fang, "Afang, Afang! Look! Xiaoxue is back!"

"Let her live at home."

While Mei Fang reminded Xia Yuan, Xia Yuan also quickly sent a message to Peng Xue.

【Miss Peng is finally back!How about coming to my house tonight! 】

【No, no, I'm staying in the hotel with my cousin, don't bother me】

[Don't be so stupid!We haven't spoken for a long time, I have many things I want to talk to you, and many things I want to ask you]



"The news from Xiaoxue is so unfamiliar."

Xia Yuan was muttering to himself, when Mei Fang also leaned over to watch, Xia Yuan shared the news sent by Peng Xue to Mei Fang.

"Because we haven't seen each other for a long time, it's normal to speak a little awkwardly."

Mei Fang thought for a while, "Then at least make an appointment for dinner, she should still go home, and then you can ask her about her follow-up plans."

"Hmm, yes..."

Xia Yuan was planning to send a message to Peng Xue, and at this moment Peng Xue's message came over again.

[We plan to sing at a bar tonight, do you have time to come and listen today? 】

【Yeah!I just told Ah Fang that I want to find you for dinner, so I just go to clean it up]


Peng Xue issued a series of ellipses.

【Speaking of which, didn't you break up with Mei Fang? Why are you still with him?】

[About this matter, it is a bit complicated to say...]

【never mind】

Peng Xue's words obviously didn't have the enthusiasm for the past, [I'll send you the address, if you want to come, you can take a look together]

[Okay, oh, oh!I will prepare well]

Xia Yuan sent many emoticons to Peng Xue in response, but Peng Xue did not reply with cute and funny emoticons like in the past.


After talking with Peng Xue, the smile on Xia Yuan's face gradually froze.

"Xiaoxue has really become a lot colder."

"Perhaps it's not a relationship of indifference, just because of exhaustion?"

Mei Fang thought for a while, then lightly patted Xia Yuan on the shoulder, "In short, let's go see how she is doing now."

Mei Fang thought for a while, "Do you want me to go with you? You haven't been to Qing Dynasty yet..."

Mei Fang shook his head suddenly while talking, "Forget it, I'd better go with you, you are a big star now, it's not good if you don't have a flower protector by your side."

"The flower protector is not so... You see, Xiaoxue and her band don't seem to have any boys, and they have come all the way."

Xia Yuan said and thought for a while, "Then Xiaoxue must have suffered a lot along the way."

"But I'd better go with you, at most I won't go in with you, I'll watch you from the corner."

"How can I be so precious... Our appointment is at seven o'clock in the evening, and we can come back early, and why are you like my father?"

"You go to the bar alone, how could I not go with you?"

"That's just Qing, there are many college students there, by the way... Shall I call Shangxi together?"

"Then I'm going even more! This is my double wife, how can I not worry about meeting bad guys."

"Who is your wife! How can someone call me like that so quickly... Forget it, Ah Fang is so clinging to me, I really can't help you."

Xia Yuan felt very happy because she was needed by Mei Fang.

In the afternoon, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi talked about this matter. Lin Youxi asked Mei Fang if he would go with him. After getting a positive answer, Lin Youxi decided not to go.

The reason is also very simple.

"I'm the chief culprit of Afang who robbed you. Peng Xue probably wouldn't want to see me."

"She doesn't seem to care about this anymore, why don't you—"

Thinking of Peng Xue's current attitude, Xia Yuan thought about it or forgot, "Then, then I will go with Afang?"

"Yeah, but please be careful."

Qing Bar is a relatively quiet bar with light music as the mainstay, without DISCO or hot dancers. It is suitable for chatting, communicating with friends, drinking and chatting. There are often folk singers there to sing, and it is also very popular with college students.

The Dingxiangqing Bar that Peng Xue went to was the most famous one located near the university town in the urban area. Xia Yuan and Mei Fang just took a taxi and found that the place was already overcrowded.

There are many young people in fashionable clothes outside Qing Bar. It is not too cold in winter, and some of them are still puffing and laughing exaggeratedly.

Seeing this situation, the good girl Xia Yuan suddenly felt a little timid, she took Mei Fang's arm and stared blankly at him.

"Why, I don't have to separate from you?"

"Afang! You don't want me, who is cute, to be approached by a strange man!"

"What kind of weird words are you talking about?"

Mei Fang rubbed Xia Yuan's head, then said with a smile, "Speaking of which, there are many more young ladies than boys here, are you sure you are the only one being approached, not me?"

"Okay, okay! Don't play tricks here, go in quickly."

Xia Yuan took Mei Fang's arm, and the two pretended to be an adult couple and walked into the bar. Now the high platform and booths with a better view have no place at all, and the two can only sit at a separate platform in a corner At the table, when I was about to look at the order, a red-haired lady with a punk style came over.

"I recognize are Fang Bao and Yuan Bao, right?"


After hearing this, Xia Yuan hissed in embarrassment, "We are here to see a friend's performance today, I can give you an autograph if you want, please don't make a fuss if you can—"


The red-haired lady suddenly laughed when she heard the words.

"I know you are here for a friend's performance, and I have reserved a better seat for you, please sit here?"


Xia Yuan, who had experienced death, squatted in Mei Fang's arms for a long time with a blushing face before she dared to show her head.

"Isn't it shameful that I was going to sign the autograph just now?"

"No, I think it's cute."

Mei Fang smiled at Xia Yuan, "Our Yuanyuan is cute no matter what."

"You better really think I'm cute!"

Xia Yuan stuck out her tongue at Meifang, "By the way, what do you want to drink, shall we have cocktails?"

"I'm not yet an adult, so I don't want to drink it anymore. I can drink some non-alcoholic drinks."

"Non-alcoholic drinks... aren't they orange juice or something?"

"No, there are also cocktails without alcohol. For example, look at this glass, it is marked..."

"Why does Ah Fang seem to understand so well!"

"Be sure to prepare a strategy before coming here. This is my habit."

Mei Fang smiled and shook his head.

At this moment, the members of the band came out, and Xia Yuan immediately searched for Peng Xue after seeing it.

"Oh, Xiaoxue!"

Xia Yuan wanted to shout loudly but was afraid of affecting others, so after shouting in a low voice for a while, he waved to Peng Xue again.

Compared with half a year ago, Peng Xue's attire was much more elegant. She wore a black and white striped shirt and jeans, and sat behind her back to find a seat for the bassist to tune. The lead singer and guitarist of the band, Peng Xue's hall Sister, Xia Yuan was a little surprised when she saw it.

Isn't this the red-haired sister who greeted her just now?

After hearing Xia Yuan's greeting, Peng Xue looked up at Xia Yuan, then gave her a faint smile, and then quickly entered the rhythm of tuning.

Apart from piercing and silver earrings, Peng Xue didn't seem to have changed much.

After sporadic applause from everyone, Peng Xue's band started their performance.

The first song they sang was the well-known "Serious Snow".

However, this common popular love song was adapted by them into a folk-style song. The whole bass started to tune, and then slowly entered the guitar.

【The snow is falling so deeply——it is falling so seriously】

【Reflecting my scars lying in the snow】

【I don't care about myself】

【Exactly how scarred it is】

【But I care about who will accompany you in the future】

The song changes from a sad memory full of memories to a patient accusation with some daring to vent, a kind of wordless sadness that hits the cotton.

Peng Xue's cousin Yanzi interpreted this speechless feeling vividly and thoroughly, obviously her own strength is also quite good.

Listening to their singing, Xia Yuan suddenly felt ashamed.

"You sing really well...much better than me."

"I only agree with the previous sentence, your styles are different."


At this time, after the song was played, everyone began to applaud lightly, and Xia Yuan also applauded along with her.

After the swallow finished singing, he got down from the microphone position of the lead singer and reminded the microphone:
"Now Michelle, the bassist of our band, will bring you our new song."

Peng Xue got up following Yanzi's words and sat in the lead singer's seat.

She cleared her throat, and saw Xia Yuan watching her eagerly, then she began to hold the microphone tightly, and gently started her singing——

【If you want to go to the beach】

【We can lie on the beach all night】

【If you want to go on an adventure】

【I don't think I will be timid】

【We promise to go to the edge of the world】

[Look at the most lush forest and the vast white snow]

When Peng Xue sang alone in Baimei County, her smoky voice was very recognizable; today, she also has her own voice characteristics, but her voice is no longer so ostentatious.

【The most anticipated may be completely extinguished one day】

【May you and I be able to withstand all changes in life】

【Want to stand by your side/Only stand by your side】

【Complete this adventure】

Xia Yuan quietly closed her eyes and listened to Peng Xue singing, she felt her voice in Peng Xue's songs, Mei Fang sipped her non-alcoholic drink, and Peng Xue sang intoxicatedly while holding her chin.

Compared with the sharpness and flamboyance of the past, her style of music suddenly began to look weak and immature, with a feeling of emotion and helplessness about the impermanence of the world, which would make people feel a sense of embarrassment.

Mei Fang listened, and suddenly heard Xia Yuan sobbing softly.

Although she didn't know why Yuanyuan was crying, Mei Fang was very quiet and didn't disturb her, but when Xia Yuan was crying, she gently handed her a stack of tissues to wipe her.

After the band's singing was over, Peng Xue quickly took off the bass, got off the stage, and sat beside Xia Yuan.

"Long time no see, Yuanyuan!"

After Peng Xue stepped down from the stage, she seemed to have gotten rid of her persona on stage, and began to look a bit like the one Xia Yuanmei Fang knew well, "How have you been recently?"

"Hmm... Long time no see... Woo..."

Xia Yuan suddenly sobbed again, and Peng Xue hugged Yuan Yuan to comfort her, "What's the matter, started to look like a crying bag again, is it because Boss Mei is bullying you again?"

"No... I'm just... that's... You replied very coldly to my message today. I was wondering if you don't like me anymore, but when I listened to your song today and saw that you lost weight, I always felt that you were hurt. I suffered a lot, and I was just wondering if you don't like my little things... I'm really too selfish."

"Hahaha... what kind of self is this?"

Peng Xue patted Xia Yuan's shoulder with a smile, and then said with a smile, "Yuanyuan is still the same as Yuanyuan before... I'm fine. It's not as bitter outside as I imagined, but it's not as interesting as I imagined. Cousin They took good care of me, and I was very happy when I was in Rongcheng."

As she spoke, she snapped her fingers at Mei Fang, who had been watching them across the table, and smiled, "Boss Mei, it's rare for me to come back. Can you treat me to a glass of [Alexander]? I'm tired of singing."

"Well, let me help you."

Mei Fang stood up after speaking, and saw Peng Xue comforting Xia Yuan, and at the same time showing the conspicuous and small word [Yuan] on her arm.


At first glance, Peng Xue on the stage was lonely and lonely, as if she was singing in a low voice in the sad ice field in the extreme north.

But when she spoke, she was the familiar playful girl with a flamboyant personality who hung shoulders with others like a familiarity.

It seems that everything is back, but I always feel that something is still missing...

 There is another chapter before 24:00 today, this is the supplementary yesterday 4000
  Friendship py: "You didn't follow the routine to clear the level, did you?"

  "It's fine if you can pass the customs, you don't care if I follow the routine."

(End of this chapter)

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