Chapter 339 So They Are Already Adults
That day, several people rested together in the large second-floor space of Xiang Bingbing's home. Liu Xiaoyu, Guo Yun, and Xiang Bingbing slept in the same room, and Mei Fang, Xia Yuan, and Lin Youxi slept in the same room.

Now Shenlongjia is still using the bamboo bed with mosquito net in Baimei County in the early years. Xia Yuan remembered that Mei Fang and Lin Youxi slept on the bamboo bed without her when they were young. Waking up the next day, Xia Yuan's face was covered with the marks of the bamboo bed.

Xiang Bingbing successfully asked Fa Xiaoranrou to go camping the night before, and she also met with everyone early the next morning.

Ran Rou is a childhood sweetheart who has a close relationship with Xiang Bingbing. Bingbing likes to call her Xiao Ran, and her younger sisters like to call her sister Rourou directly. She looks like a girl with short hair and bangs with a wheat complexion.

Although she just got engaged before, she still looks like a very immature baby face, and everyone greeted Ran Rou under the recommendation of Bing Bing.

"Hello, hello, classmate Ran Rou."

Mei Youyuan's three students are all students who have lived in the "city" of Jiangcheng for more than three years. car.

Xia Yuan's powerful Bai Fumei aura made the country girl Ran Rou feel a little cramped and embarrassed, she simply said hello and sat in the car without talking much.

Because everyone understood the situation with Xiang Bingbing in advance, they could also understand her mood, and they would not focus on Ran Rou, but would occasionally bring her along when chatting about certain topics, so that she could be more calm.

Bingbing’s mother is usually responsible for running short-distance transportation, delivering goods to businesses in scenic spots in the forest area. Having a car is also convenient for taking care of the children. Sometimes she can take the children to the forest area to meet her father. She is very shrewd when she supports such a large family alone. Capable, calm and unhurried, he sent everyone to the scenic spot of Shenlongjia in a short while.

Because the scenic spot here is very open, Bingbing’s mother brought her own pass, and sent everyone directly to the core scenic spot, and gave everyone the camping equipment.

"You can choose a campsite not far up the mountain from here. Be sure to keep warm on the mountain, and wear a jacket. You can go to the Huiquan Hotel downstairs the next day. I will stay here with you, Uncle Wang. I said hello..."

After telling the auntie, his eyes fell on Ran Rou, and then he said to her: "Rourou, don't think too much about family affairs, have fun today."

"Well, I know, thank you, Aunt Xiang." Ran Rou rushed to her aunt and nodded.

"The next step is our Shenlongjia adventure, everyone follow me!"

When Xiang Bingbing was playing together, she seemed to be an optimist again, but everyone was not sure whether her happy appearance was just showing that she was underestimated by the hair, or it was just her nature.

We waded through the creek, walked through the plank road, and followed the passengers up the mountain step by step. The distant scenery was gradually covered by mountains and mountains, and a thin mist enveloped the mountains and rivers. Xia Yuan walked and watched, and gradually forgot the fatigue along the way. , quickly turned back to look at Mei Fang and said:
"Wow! Ah Fang, you Xi, look over here! This place is like a fairyland on earth, it's really beautiful!"

As Xia Yuan spoke, she staggered and almost fell, but Mei Fang firmly hugged her from behind.

"Be careful, this is not on a flat road."

Mei Fang patted Xia Yuan on the head, Xia Yuan just mumbled to Mei Fang, "I'm not a child! I just slipped my foot just now."

Guo Yun and Liu Xiaoyu have been getting closer these two days, and they always go out together. Liu Xiaoyu is not as delicate as Guo Yun, and is often out of breath on the way. Guo Yun always stays at the back and waits for her.

"I trouble you every time...I'm sorry..."

Liu Xiaoyu held Guo Yun's hand out of breath, "Isn't it boring to wait for me?"

"It's okay, everyone has things they are not good at, and I used to fall behind like this to the end."

"Is it about your junior high school?"

Liu Xiaoyu smiled and said, "I heard Yuanyuan and the others talk about your fitness. It's really amazing that you can persevere. If it was me, I definitely don't have this perseverance and determination."

"It's not purely my own determination..."

This reminded Guo Yun of the past when he climbed Wuzuo Temple to Laozu Mountain together with Mei Fang.

At that time, she stared blankly at Mei Fang's back. In order to be able to stand by his side in the future, she made such a big determination to lose weight for the first time. It is incredible to think about it now. This precious memory also made the corners of her mouth twitch slightly up.

"Why did you suddenly laugh?"

Liu Xiaoyu leaned over curiously, "Did you think of something happy?"

Guo Yun did not respond directly, but said with some emotion:
"I think it is a happy thing to have someone I like, especially if I like a very good person...Even if I like it from a distance, I will unconsciously work hard to get close to him, and then I can make myself become It’s a happy process to get better.”


Although Guo Yun said it very freely, Liu Xiaoyu felt a burst of emotion when he heard it.

This must be Mei Fang!
She is Mei Fang's deskmate, and Mei Fang must have taken good care of her before...

When you are most unpopular, there is a very good person who has been supporting you, encouraging you, cheering you on, and admiring your unknown talents. It is a very fascinating thing to think about.

If I were Guo Yun, I would definitely like Mei Fang, that scumbag Mei Gou.

Liu Xiaoyu was complaining in her heart, but unconsciously, the tender scene of Mei Fang sending her home at the beginning of the year, telling her the truth that no one could tell, sitting next to her and listening to her cry, shy The feeling arises spontaneously.

yes, yes...


Who wouldn't like such a gentle plum dog?
"Xiaoyu, how are you? If you can't walk, let's take a rest? Your face is turning red."

"Ah? Er... yes, I'm too tired..."

Liu Xiaoyu mumbled and took Guo Yun's hand, "Then continue with the topic just now, so does Yunyun actually have someone she likes?"

"Me? Um... probably not, haha." Guo Yun shook her head.

"But you have become very good?"

As Liu Xiaoyu spoke, she deliberately raised her head to look at the back of someone who was walking in front with Lin Youxi, Xia Yuanqingqing, and Guo Yun, who was innocent and innocent, was suddenly panicked when she saw through her mind, "That, that—— Let's go faster! Otherwise we will get lost."

"Hey, Yunyun, wait a minute, my shoelaces are about to come loose!"

Xiang Bingbing and Ran Rou walked at the front of the team. While she was leading the team in a high voice, she chatted with Fa Xiao about the past from time to time.

"Our development is really fast. There were not so many hotel buildings before, but now there are many cultural landscapes such as pavilions along the road. The path we used to venture up the mountain together is now except for the one in my dad's forest area. , can't be found now."

"The times are developing, and everyone's life will definitely get better and better."

"Then you still got married so early." Xiang Bingbing muttered.

"I can't compare with you and your friends... I have a bad mind, and I don't have your talent in sports."

Ran Rou touched her face with a smile and said: "Okay, my partner is actually quite a nice person, don't worry about me, I will show you my partner in a few days, he is not a bad person."

"Then what did you mean when you asked my dad about wanting to be a forest ranger?"

"Ah? When did it happen?"

After listening to Xiang Bingbing's words, Ran Rou shook her hair and smiled, "Didn't you know my partner at that time, I always failed in the exams, and felt that this life was hopeless, so it's better to live alone in the deep mountains and old forests ..."


Xiang Bingbing scratched his head, "I still feel something is wrong."

After hearing this, Ran Rou tried to stand on tiptoe, and helped Bingbing grin and said, "Bingbing, what do you want to do so much, you should be innocent and free, don't become sad because of me gone."

"It's as if I can't do things with my brain! You are too bad!"

"Don't just talk about me, talk about your affairs too... Didn't you have a boy you liked in high school?"

"There is almost no one taller than me! How could anyone like it!"

"You can only find someone shorter than you at your height."

"I don't want to accommodate, it's better to live alone, hahahaha!"

Xiang Bingbing and Ran Rou chattered and laughed, and it seemed that the atmosphere was very lively.

Everyone moved forward along the route of the scenic spot. Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi held Mei Fang's arm alone, which attracted the attention of many passers-by, but Mei Fang and his party were already used to this scene.

The group finally found the camping area and prepared to set up a tent to sleep. Xiang Bingbing and Mei Fang were carrying a multi-person tent weighing about 10 kilograms on the road. Now they can finally put it down and build it. With their help, we quickly set up tents on both sides.

The girls sat cross-legged in the tent like this, and sighed to Bingbing with a look of emotion on his face, "The last time everyone stayed in the tent, it seems to be the last time."

Liu Xiaoyu also said with emotion: "We were the ones that time, right? Only Yunyun and Xiaoran were not there..."

Guo Yun asked curiously, "I'm a little curious about what you guys talk about when you're camping."

Lin Youxi smiled and explained: "It's nothing more than topics like love and love, but I was still a student at that time, so the topics at that time must be very young compared to today."

"Then what's the difference." Bingbing scratched her head in confusion, and Liu Xiaoyu, who was on the side, remembered the fear of being dominated by the office, and immediately blushed and muttered: "Youxi, you can't talk about too explicit topics! Everyone Most of them are pretty simple."

Lin Youxi stared at Liu Xiaoyu with great interest, and examined her with her chin: "What you said, it seems that Yuanyuan and I are not innocent anymore..."

Xia Yuan was happily eating melons at the side, but when Lin Youxi cueed her, she immediately blushed and retorted, "Youxi, you are not enough sisters! Why did you bring me along?" How can I not be innocent, I am very simple, okay!"

"Hmph, I knew everyone would disagree because of this, so I brought the most popular social game for college students-this is it!"

"It won't be the Three Kingdoms Killing again! I don't want to steam..."

As soon as Mei Fang finished speaking, Xiang Bingbing took out a stack of cards and displayed them in front of everyone.

"Clang clang clang clang! Don't get me wrong, this is the recently popular truth or dare! As part of the punishment game, you have to choose one of the truth or dare from the card you draw. It must be Tell the truth, otherwise play a big adventure and complete one thing as required."

Lin Youxi asked curiously: "It sounds interesting, can I see what's wrong with the card?"

"No! You can't watch it!"

Xiang Bingbing hid the card and said, "In order to maintain a sense of mystery, I haven't seen the content of the card until now. It's interesting for everyone to maintain a sense of expectation when playing, isn't it?"

Xia Yuan also applauded expectantly, "Yes, Bingbing is still very good at playing! Let's start!"

At this time, Liu Xiaoyu interrupted and said, "Truth or Dare is fun only if there is a punishment from another game. Can't everyone take turns to draw one?"

"That's simple, let's start with rock-paper-scissors, and the loser can just draw cards."

"Yeah, that's fine!"

Xia Yuan strongly supported Xiang Bingbing's proposal, while feeling that Bingbing had finally grown up and knew how to play tricks.

The reason why I want to play the truth is because I want to know some truths from Xiao Ran, right...

Then I can't release the water, I have to show off my strength as one of the Big Three at station C!


In the first round, everyone else played rocks, and only Xia Yuan played scissors.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu how did the results come out from the very beginning... From the perspective of probability, shouldn't there be a lot of draws!"

"Oh, you're willing to bet and admit defeat! Pick one and see?"


Xia Yuan thought that it was indeed still early, so there was no need to rush to let Ran Rou lose, so as not to arouse the other party's vigilance.

Xia Yuan randomly picked a card from Xiang Bingbing's deck and flipped through it. After seeing the truthful words, he immediately showed a rather shocked expression.

"I'm Zhuo, Bing! What kind of truth or dare did you buy! This question is too complicated, okay!"

Xia Yuan's first truth-telling question is【Which step have you reached with your lover's body?】

"Do you want to talk about such a dirty topic?"

"It doesn't matter whether it's dirty or not, you're already an adult, Yuanyuan."

Xiang Bingbing didn't seem so hard to accept, "Why don't you just answer the truth anyway?"

Lin Youxi also took the opportunity to stab Xia Yuan in the back, "That's true, after all, Yuanyuan doesn't have a lover right now, so you can avoid this question, right?"

Yes, you!

Xia Yuan quickly waved his hands and said, "How can that be done! The past should be fine too, I'm willing to bet... But let me take a look at the big adventure first—"

[Big Adventure - Shouting in front of strangers: I am a little burner]

So Xia Yuan smiled slightly and said, "Shall we tell the truth?"

"But you're on a big adventure—"

"Let's talk!"


"All right……"

Xiang Bingbing is a little sorry, anyway, it should be just a very common and common answer——

I saw Xia Yuan muttering, "The degree of physical contact... I can only say that I have touched every step, and I have everything I need!"

"Well, we have everything we need. Huh?"

Xiang Bingbing scratched his head, puzzled, "What do you mean you have everything you need? Have you even kissed Afang? Yes, Yuanyuan! That's amazing."

"There is everything that should be, that means it shouldn't be—"

Liu Xiaoyu dragged Guo Yun who was about to go forward to explain to Xiang Bingbing about science popularization (she was also a little curious at this time), and signaled her not to ask any more questions, lest she shock the innocent and lovely Xiang Bingbing for a whole year.

And the thoughtful Guo Yun knew Liu Xiaoyu's thoughts from her eyes, and immediately nodded without explaining, but his eyes fell on Mei Fang who was beside him, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

Yuanyuan and Afang have reached every step, so Youxi should also—

Yuan, so...they are adults now.

 In other words, after the Bingbing chapter is finished, there will probably be a second section of the IF plot, as a transition to officially entering university.

(End of this chapter)

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