Chapter 358

The announcement of the establishment of Yuanxi Interactive Entertainment marks that Meifang’s development team has officially changed from a small group of clubs to a formal commercial organization. However, from a company to a group, Meifang still needs more manpower.

As far as the young Yuanxi Huyu is concerned, they do not lack excellent grassroots executive talents, but what they lack are management talents who can effectively allocate resources.

19-year-old Mei Fang has been doing project management since he was 13 years old. With 5 years of experience in project management in his previous life, he is an experienced and talented management talent. complement it.

But this is limited to development teams of less than 50 people.

Now Yuanxi Huyu has nearly 500 members in the company, and it would be very inappropriate to ask Mei Fang about everything. Fortunately, Mei Fang now has an all-round uncle to take the lead, and the uncle is also relying on follow-up My contacts have brought a group of outstanding management talents, including "Auntie" Li Ni who was controversial in her previous life.

Aunt Li Ni is the deputy of Uncle Chen Rui who cooperated very closely when the Hound moved. In her previous life, she was with her uncle and the governor and said that Station B managed the Big Three. She served as the chief operating officer, that is, the COO position. However, her aunt gradually took over later. Uncle’s work, station B gradually fell into the controversy of “fan circle”.

Although there has been a saying that "people who haven't watched many animations can't manage animation well", but Auntie herself has also been picked out that her animation experience is only limited to relatively well-known works such as fate.

When Mei Fang was looking for senior management talents, his uncle also recommended Auntie to Mei Fang. Auntie’s professionalism has been recognized by Mei Fang to a certain extent, but her love for the Two-dimensional culture is far from that of her uncle. ;
However, this does not mean that the aunt does not have her own place in Yuanxi Huyu. Mei Fang asked the aunt to be responsible for assisting the uncle in developing Fang’s library business, and has not been involved in the main business of Station C yet.

Now the COO position of the company is concurrently held by Mei Fang, and he did not easily promise it to his aunt, because the person who was originally in charge of this position is still studying at the Pengcheng University of Science and Technology next door.

The eldest sister, Yue Xinyi, who has been silent for a year, is still the operation director of the operation department of Station C in name, and the actual person in charge is Feng Ling, who has made great contributions to the company during the outsourcing period.

Feng Ling has an excellent resume that is not inferior to that of his aunt, and coupled with his loyalty to station C for many years, he can be regarded as a disciple trained by Mei Fang himself.Website operation is a position that should not be underestimated for station C. If it is difficult to get along with two-dimensional people, it will be difficult to do your job well.

Mei Fang followed this rule, and she also looked forward to Feng Ling, the eldest sister, Yue Xinyi, and Auntie, who would take the big stick in the end.

At present, besides the Big Three, the real executives of Yuanxi Huyu are only uncle and cousin.

After the establishment of Yuanxi Huyu, both uncle and cousin jumped to the position of vice president.Although the two of them are tied with Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi in terms of rank, their status is completely incomparable.

Mei Fang’s external identity is CEO CEO and COO COO. There is nothing to say about this. He is in charge of the decision-making of various large-scale affairs of Yuanxi Interactive Entertainment. The company he currently leads is Similu Games. The place where Mei Fang realizes the value by himself.

Lin Youxi is the chief technology officer and CTO of Yuanxi Interactive Entertainment, and also the legal representative of Linxi Technology. The technological advancement of Station C and the development of the core product of Similu Games are all led by Lin Youxi.

Xia Yuan works as the global exclusive brand ambassador in Yuanxi Huyu, and is also the image spokesperson for the outside world.

Xia Yuan herself does not participate in management affairs, and this is of course not her strong point, everyone knows it.

In addition, Xia Yuan is also the person in charge of Yuanxia Music, and Yuanxia Music is currently only a music publishing company that produces records for Xia Yuan to promote.

But Xia Yuan is committed to developing her own music creation team and her own band in the future. Now Liu Xiaoyu and Xiang Bingbing have promised to join the band. Although Peng Xue has temporarily withdrawn, she is already a well-known folk singer. Then I will return to my team.

As the vice president, my uncle is mainly in charge of the management of the two companies, Station C and Fang Wenku. He is basically the chief executive of these two companies. Although my aunt has not yet become an executive, my uncle has high hopes for her.

Cousin Mei Yue has been the financial director and human resources director of the company since she helped start Mei Fang's company. After being promoted to vice president, she naturally continued to work as CFO (Chief Financial Officer) and CHO (Chief Human Resources Officer).

Although Mei Yue is not very old, her status in Yuanxi Huyu is almost below the three of them. Normally, Mei Yue has the most work with her uncle. The two get along fairly well now, and Mei Yue's talent has also been recognized. play.

However, recently Mei Yue also complained to Mei Fang that she lacked energy due to frequent overtime work, and hoped that someone could take care of CHO's manpower deployment related work; Mei Fang knew that her cousin was also at the age of marriage, and it was impossible to fully focus on her career. Therefore, in this regard, the human resources department also selects suitable candidates.

Although Mei Fang's company has been transformed into a group, the business direction is still divided according to his uncle's original plan. The overall workflow scheduling efficiency has been improved to a higher level, but the burning of money has also become terribly fast.

The company's cash flow is about to be squeezed out by the continuous work, and the A-round financing intention brought by Fang Plan is still under negotiation. The burning of money is faster than the plan, and the financing is slower than the plan. This is fast and slow. Yes, Mei Fang not only owes a lot of debts to the outside world, but the capital chain is also in jeopardy.

Why did this year's game disdain to go to the World Cup to gamble!You can earn tens of millions of dollars if you just go out!

Now Mei Fang cherishes his own feathers more, and now he can no longer buy online lottery tickets. If things like gambling are picked up by others, the influence of him as a role model of the times will indeed be very bad.

Of course, Mei Fang will not show his embarrassment to the outside world, and he always looks cheerful to the outside world. In the days when there is no work arrangement, he will actively accompany Xia Yuanlin Youxi to experience college life.

It's just that Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi, who grew up together, are not unaware of the crisis facing the people next to their pillows. Mei Fang's occasional look of sadness when watching her mobile phone also makes them feel a little worried. After all, their current career is not What kind of children's play house game, if you are not careful, it will completely collapse.

So after discussing with Lin Youxi, Xia Yuan went to Mei Fang alone at home to ask the reason.

"Recently, Ah Fang is not very energetic. Is there any trouble in the company's operation?"

"It's okay, it's okay..."

"Ah Fang is not being good. If you encounter problems, you have to talk to us. Don't think about solving it alone."

Xia Yuan hugged Mei Fang and pushed him to sit on the sofa, then snuggled into his arms and asked, "Is it because the group is short of money recently?"

"The financial situation is not very good, but it is still within an acceptable range..."

Now the price of Bikercoins is pretty good. If the financing really can’t keep up, Mei Fang can only bite the bullet and take out a part of Bikocoins to relieve the urgent need.

At this time, Xia Yuan drew circles on Mei Fang's chest, and then said to Mei Fang:

"If there is no shortage of money now, my dad plans to buy me a suite in Pengcheng with all the money. Look——"

"Full payment? Pengcheng?"

Mei Fang frowned slightly upon hearing this, "Does Uncle Xia have such ample cash flow?"

"So, do you want to consider asking my father for financing...or borrowing money?"

Xia Yuan said softly, "Recently, my dad often asks me how your business is doing. I wonder if he is also considering joining, so I discuss it with you... Actually, I also think that this is a way to bind us. Great opportunity for the relationship between the two."

"That's right, if it's for a threesome—"

"Well, yes, go to my dad to borrow money!"

Xia Yuan smiled and said, "You have been so appreciated by my dad since you were a child, he will definitely be willing to invest in our business."

(End of this chapter)

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