Only after I was reborn did I realize that I had green plums.

Chapter 360 Whether we love or not is our business

Chapter 360 Whether we love or not is our business (7200 words, plus 25 monthly tickets)

"Uncle Xia, Aunt Yu, hello!"

"Hey...Ah Fang, you really look a lot more handsome!"

As soon as Teacher Yu saw Mei Fang, he squeezed his face enthusiastically, "You and Yuan Yuan Youxi's Fangyuan product launch conference, Yuanyuan's father and I watched the whole process together, it was amazing Focused!"

"Thank you, Aunt's all thanks to everyone."

Mei Fang scratched her head in embarrassment, "Of course, Yuanyuan and Youxi helped me the most..."

He said and looked at his future father-in-law, "Uncle Xia, what do you think of this product launch event?"

"Your Uncle Xia is a businessman in a small county, but he doesn't understand the big business you young people are doing now."

Xia Xun coughed, and then said, "However, you are now making a lot of handicap, and the tree attracts the wind. You must keep in mind the principle of shooting the top bird with a gun. You must make various plans, make money with kindness, and make connections. Make trouble."

"Uncle Xia, you know, we also have a professional team. Many strategies are planned in advance before we start. In terms of connections, I am also very grateful to you, Uncle Xia. If you didn't recommend Uncle Chen Rui to us, we would not develop like this quick."

"Uncle Chen Rui... Is that what you call him in the company?"

"Yes... usually called uncle."

Xia Yuan explained, "We usually call people by nicknames in the company. For example, I am Yuanbao, Afang is the station master, Youxi is Miss, and Chen Rui is uncle."

Xia Xunjing's reminder immediately realized that Lin Youxi didn't come with him today, and seeing that the two cubs were arguing today, they probably wanted to change their minds, and their favorability towards Mei Fang immediately increased by 0.1.

"By the way... Speaking of Youxi, didn't Youxi come over today?"

Yu Ling patted her daughter and asked, "How is your relationship recently? Didn't you quarrel? I think you three have a good relationship at the press conference."

"Okay, okay! Why are you asking this all of a sudden? Youxi is at home preparing to cook for us."


Xia Xun frowned slightly when he heard the words, "Why bother her so much, didn't we agree at the beginning to find a restaurant to eat directly?"

"Oh, Ren Youxi is also a heart, why are you not happy?"

Yu Ling pinched Xia Xun's arm to remind him not to be too obvious, Xia Xun coughed and said, "I'm not unhappy, I just think it's too much trouble for her..."

At this time, Xia Yuan took her father's arm and said coquettishly, "It's okay, Dad, Youxi has always respected you and mother, and she is also happy, so don't be coy here, hurry up and get in the car , it will be bad if you encounter a traffic jam in the evening rush hour."

"How can I be twitching—"

Mei Fang graciously packed Xia Xun Yu Ling's luggage into the trunk, and then several people got into the car. Xia Xun took his wife and sat in the back seat. He wanted to call his daughter to come, but Xia Yuan sat naturally. took the co-pilot position.

Favorability -50!

Seeing this, Xia Xun immediately glanced at Mei Fang, and the murderous aura coming from behind made Mei Fang a little apprehensive.

Am I... did something wrong?

This hasn't even started talking about work-related matters...

Mei Fang and his party drove to the high-end community opposite Pengda University. Lin Youxi was still preparing meals at home. As soon as Xia Xun and Yu Ling entered, they were warmly welcomed by Lin Youxi.

"Hello, Uncle Xia and Aunt Yu! Please come in... If you take off your shoes, change them here. There are spare slippers here. Let me get them."

"Okay... I'm sorry to trouble you... But the place you live in... is really high-end. I really like this balcony."

"Come on, Mom, let me show you around our respective rooms—Afang, you go and help make tea."

"Oh, good."

Mei Fang looked back at Xia Xun, "Uncle Xia, do you still like to drink Pu'er tea now? Our family just received a box of high-quality Pu'er tea. If you like it later, you can take it home and drink it. "

"You kid... when did you become so familiar with my preferences?"

Xia Xun was a little overjoyed, and immediately had +0.1 favorability with Mei Fang.

"It's been so many years, I remember it all."

"Okay, don't be too busy, just pour me some water."

Xia Xun said to Lin Youxi who was busy in the kitchen again, "Youxi, just make some dishes. We are so familiar, so you don't have to be too polite. You won't be able to finish it by then, right?"

Yu Ling also persuaded from the side, "That's right, we are all a family. Youxi, you don't need to cook too many dishes."

What kind of family, hello...

Xia Xun didn't know why his wife would say this suddenly, but Lin Youxi seemed to be very pleased with her words, she smiled and nodded and said, "It's okay, I'm following my own parents' specifications. You are welcome, uncles and aunts."

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen your parents for a while, where are they now?"

"Recently, I was traveling in Thailand and took pictures of us riding an elephant. Let me show you."

"Wow...look at how good your dad looks now, he's living a chic life..."

Mei Fang made the tea regardless of Xia Xun's nagging, and when he was about to serve it, Xia Yuan pulled him aside and winked, "Should we talk about the financing later at the dinner table, or after eating?"

"Let's talk better after eating, so as not to say that we are cheating, eating other people's short-mouthed things..."

Xia Yuan and Mei Fang were discussing the plan, but Xia Xun who was on the side took a casual glance and noticed this scene.


"It's dinner time!"

Lin Youxi prepared the last big bone soup and served it on the table. When he took off his gloves, he was accidentally scalded by the pot. The movement of withdrawing his hand was very obvious. Mei Fang subconsciously leaned forward and took Lin Youxi's hand to check the situation .

"It's okay, you Xi, let me see!"

"No, no... It's just accidentally burned, you sit down and eat with your uncle and aunt first, I'll just wash it—"

"Stop talking, I'll place an order to buy a burn ointment first."

"No need, sit down and eat, oh, you—"

Lin Youxi's reproachful words revealed a small complaint against Mei Fang.

It's enough to be so considerate to me at ordinary times, don't take care of me like this when Yuanyuan's parents are around...

Sure enough, Xia Xun's favorability towards Mei Fang was -50.

Everyone chatted happily at the dinner table, Mei Fang and Lin Youxi have been serving Xia Xun with wine and vegetables very attentively, serving him well;
And Xia Xun was also full of praise for Youxi's craftsmanship, which made Xia Yuan's mother and daughter very embarrassed, and they were blushing and bowed their heads to pick up vegetables, not daring to say more.

After drinking for a while, everyone ate very happily, and Yu Ling also expressed her love for the environment of this community.

"Yuanyuan, you guys chose this house really well. When we come here, we can also buy you a hardcover house like this, okay?"

"Ah, that—"

Xia Yuan tugged at her hair and muttered, "Don't worry about buying a house, right?"

"Right now, the house price in Pengcheng is set at one price a day. If you don't buy it again, I'm afraid it will rise even more... Yuanyuan, you want to develop in Pengcheng for a long time. If you want me to say, it would be more appropriate to buy a suite right now, and the decoration should also be done. It took half a year just right."

"Mom, we are still busy with our careers, how could we settle down so quickly..."

"But it doesn't affect us buying a house for you, does it?"

Xia Xun said, "If you're not in a hurry to separate from Youxi Afang, it doesn't matter if it's our investment."

Seeing Xia Yuan being rushed by her parents, Mei Fang knew that she couldn't hold on, so she stood up immediately:

"Uncle Xia, Aunt Yu... Inviting you over this time is actually a selfish and ruthless invitation—"

Xia Xun and Yu Ling's eyes fell on Mei Fang, and Mei Fang said word by word, "I want to invite Uncle Xia to join our Yuanxi Huyu team."

Xia Xun and Yu Ling looked at each other. Yu Ling was about to speak, but Xia Xun stopped her with her hand. He looked up and down at Mei Fang who stood up, and asked unhurriedly:

"It's no wonder even Youxi is so enthusiastic you came prepared?"

Xia Xun said, "However, you said that you want to invite me to join you, but you actually want me to invest in shares, right?"

Mei Fang nodded, "Uncle Xia has been in the industry for so many years and is a senior in the investment industry, so he can see through our thoughts at a glance."

"But your industry is now so big, the investment you want is not a small sum, right?"

Xia Xun said quietly, "So you heard Yuanyuan say that we want to buy a house with full payment, which made you think about it. You seem to be very confident. You think that based on your relationship with Yuanyuan, I will definitely support you Right?"

"Dad, what are you talking about... A Fang's property is my property, and supporting him is supporting me."

"You silly child... you won't even know when you're sold out."

Xia Xun frowned and said, "You have made a lot of money as an online singer, but I have never seen the money entered into the account. Did you all go to support his career?"

After hearing this, Xia Yuan looked very angry, "Dad, how can you say such chilling words? How could I succeed without Afang's help? Afang wrote all my albums and lyrics for me, and there are issues such as publishing and distribution." , it was all done by A Fang alone outside and asked someone to find someone!"

Mei Fang held Xia Yuan aside and tried to persuade him, "Yuanyuan, don't get angry, Uncle Xia is your father, and he must have considered you from your standpoint."

Then he said to Xia Xun: "Uncle Xia, the three of us have signed a partnership agreement. Except for external financing and promises to executives, Yuanyuan and Youxi now each hold 33% of Yuanxi Huyu. , I have a share, and both of them have a share, this will never change."

Although Mei Fang was sincere, Xia Xun didn't seem to buy it at all: "But this is also the sharing of risks, isn't it? She is just chasing dreams with you now, and she also helps you share your risks."

"What does chasing dreams with A Fang... Isn't my music dream a dream? Dad, you are really going too far!"

Xia Yuan yelled at her father very angrily. If it wasn't for Mei Fang who pulled him aside, the scene would have been even worse. Xia Xun obviously felt that her daughter's favorability for her had dropped by 500.

Although his heart is also bleeding, but this is something that must be done.

Mei Fang was the child he watched and grew up, and since he was a child, he knew that this child would be a person who could achieve great things in the future, so he didn't shy away from dating him.

But that doesn't mean he has to fully support his career, because to put it bluntly, he's just a neighbor's kid, at most Yuanyuan's childhood sweetheart...and his ex-boyfriend.

After witnessing what happened to the Baimei family in his hotel, Xia Xun's current investment strategy tends to divide the eggs into baskets. Needless to say, the amount that Mei Fang wants to speak must be in the tens of millions, which is inconsistent with his investment strategy.

Even if his son-in-law came to ask him, he had to weigh it carefully, let alone this is just an ex-boyfriend?
However, that being said...

No matter how you divide the basket, the daughter will not be able to separate out. Xia Xun is the only daughter, and it will be hers in the end.

But Yuanyuan is too innocent and sincere. After identifying with Mei Fang since he was a child, he completely entrusted his future to him.

My daughter is a fan of the authorities, and my father, as a bystander, must give Mei Fang a little more pressure to interview to see if this kid is really reliable.

At this moment, Mei Fang did not blame Xia Xun for his indifference, but kept trying to appease Yuanyuan.

"Yuanyuan, don't be like this... Don't blame Uncle Xia, they originally saved the money for you to buy a house. We came up with such an idea on the spur of the moment, because we offended you first...Uncle Xia has his own investment plan. Can't blame him."

Mei Fang bowed his head to Xia Xun and apologized, "Uncle Xia... I'm sorry for making you difficult, just pretend you didn't hear my request."

"You don't have to say that... that—"

Xia Xun was about to ask Mei Fang about the current development of Yuanxi Huyu, when Lin Youxi came over and patted Mei Fang on the shoulder:

"Afang, it's okay. We'll figure out a solution together when the time comes. At worst, I'll persuade my dad to sell the house."

Lin Youxi's words shocked everyone, Xia Xun was worth +100 on the spot, and Mei Fang immediately showed a dumbfounded expression - after all, this was a plot that was not in the previously arranged script. It really doesn't matter, anyway, the bigrams are there.

"What do you do with the house in your seller's house... Even if you are short of money, you are not short of it?"

"It's a little bit to be able to make up a little bit. Anyway, my parents won't go home to live in the short term. We just have to get through the current few months. By the end of the year, the mass production of motion capture equipment will be mass-produced. The A round has passed the review, and we have The money has been paid."

Lin Youxi said softly, "My parents have trusted you since childhood, and will definitely support my decision."

Xia Xun's shame value +300.

"But if there is no negotiation on the A round, and the copyright collapses..."

Lin Youxi said with a smile: "Then it will be fine for us to work together to pay off our debts. There is always a way to solve any difficulties in this world."

"It won't let you go to work to suffer..."

Xia Xun's embarrassment value +1000, Xia Yuan's embarrassment value +3000.

Compared with Xia Xun's difficult questioning, Lin Youxi's full support can be said to be an explosion on the spot. Not only did Xia Xun not get off the stage, but Xia Yuan who was on the side found that Lin Youxi was taking advantage of the opportunity to score points, and immediately pulled Mei Fang's arm , with an angry voice, choked up with red eyes and said:

"Afang, don't be discouraged, I am too... I will support you with all my strength, whether it's acting as an endorsement, accepting commercials, or holding a concert, no matter how hard and tiring, I will find a way to help you make up the gap. Fill!"

"That's not okay... You don't like to do these things, and I don't want to see you being wronged for me."

"It's all like this now, so I don't care about being decent, and I don't hate these things... I just find it troublesome. Anyway, our success so far is all due to our own hard work, and I will never be an old man. snort!"

As Xia Yuan spoke, Xia Xun glanced blankly. Xia Xun could feel that if he didn't say anything else, he might lose this daughter forever. He was pushed and shoved by his wife several times but he didn't speak. He was preparing words and sentences. When she spoke, his wife Yu Ling finally couldn't stand it anymore, and hurriedly greeted the Big Three and said:

" don't want to do this, it makes Yuanyuan's father want to part ways with you. Actually, we were discussing it before we came here. It's not easy for you to start a business. "

"Okay, my wife, stop talking..."

"I don't want to talk about how you open your mouth, you...your father said that you have been doing a lot of handicap recently, and the turnover of funds must be difficult, and you have deliberately cashed out a lot of projects that could have made stable money, saying that if you need it here, He must give priority to supporting your career... He is actually stubborn, and all he thinks about is your development."

"Then you said such exaggerated things just now! Dad, do you know what your daughter's dream is! You haven't cared about it, have you? Just say it yourself..."

Lin Youxi watched Xia Yuan teach the old man who dared not speak, the corners of his mouth raised slightly unconsciously.

Fortunately, Uncle Xia Xun didn't know Yuanyuan's wish in those years.

If you know, you will definitely peel Afang's skin...

Here Mei Fang also persuaded Yuanyuan to calm down, and then spoke to Xia Xun:

"Uncle Xia, I know you're worried that I won't be able to give Yuanyuan a future. After all, you and Aunt Yu are Yuanyuan's daughter, so I can understand your worry that she will suffer outside."

"But what I promise you here is that, as I said at the product launch, Yuanyuan and Youxi are the two most important people in my life, no one can take their place, and I count myself Even if they are hungry, they will not be hungry, and they will suffer a little bit of grievance."

"You may find it unconvincing just to say this, but we have known each other for more than ten years. I am the child you watched and grew up, and I am also a student taught by Aunt Yu. If you want to observe me and test me You can keep observing Yuanyuan's sincerity, and I will keep fighting for your approval one day."

What is there to fight for...

Xia Xun nodded calmly on the surface, but was troubled in his heart.

As long as you open your mouth to marry Yuanyuan as your wife, how can I not trust you to take care of all the property?

As a result, what you did, you have to bring a promise to make any promise...

What if he still walks with Youxi in the end, what about Yuanyuan, our family?
She likes you so much, why will she die alone in the end?Have you ever thought about it?
Xia Xun couldn't ask this question.

And he didn't dare to ask any more, he already made his precious daughter angry today.

Under the friendly reassurance of Mr. Yu who everyone likes, everyone can finally sit down and have a good talk about financing.

Mei introduced to Xia Xun the current income and expenditure of Yuanxi Interactive Entertainment, and at the same time issued a draft financing plan prepared in advance for Xia Xun to see.

In fact, the overall financial situation is not as bad as it was just now, but they are obviously preparing for the rainy day before the A round of financing is negotiated.

And from what Xia Xun learned, apart from his daughter's relationship, he should even thank Mei Fang for providing him with this opportunity to enter the game.

In order to make up for the mistake that caused Yuanyuan to be angry before, and also because she wanted to support her daughter, Xia Xun directly signed a financing agreement of 3000 million yuan with Mei Fang.

To be honest, Mei Fang was also taken aback by this handwriting. After all, the full purchase of a house in Shenzhen now costs more than 1000 million yuan. Seeing that her father supports her husband’s career so much, Xia Yuan, who had been putting on a bad face before, also Finally, his complexion improved a little, and he patted his father's arm and complained:

"Really... Make it clear from the beginning, you, I thought you didn't like Afang!"

I really want to see this guy not pleasing to the eye...

Xia Xun was about to say something, but Xia Yuan suddenly came up and gave the old father a big hug.

"Thank you dad."

"Thank you for trusting us."

"Thank you for standing by my side."


No matter how much dissatisfaction Xia Xun had before, it all disappeared in her daughter's embrace at this moment.

"Although, you are not allowed to be so arrogant in the future, do you hear me?"

"Tsundere means... what does it mean?"

Mei Fang and Xia Xun's couple reached an agreement, and for the next three days, they drove them around Pengcheng to see the sea and parks.

During this period, Xia Yuan was alone with her, and Lin Youxi did not accompany her because she was busy with work. In return for financing, she handed the Xia family and his wife a three-day son-in-law experience card as a local pass for Pengcheng. There is plenty of money, and Mei Fang has no pretensions as a boss after busy work, so she naturally takes good care of the couple.

After the family had a good time, it was finally time to send the couple back home.

In the car, Mei Fang and Xia Xun chatted about work one after another, while Xia Yuan chatted with her mother about various household chores, and the family of four enjoyed themselves happily and intimately.

On the surface, Yu Ling always looks cheerful. As a mother and teacher, she has always been very concerned about the interaction between the three of them. This time, she finally couldn't help asking her own questions:

"Afang, Yuanyuan said that you broke up with Youxi a while ago, can you tell your uncle and aunt the specific reason?"

"Didn't I say this before? It's just—"

Yu Ling interrupted Xia Yuan and said, "Yuanyuan, it doesn't count if you help explain, I want to hear Ah Fang explain himself."

"Youxi told me that the obvious reason for the separation is that I feel that I am busy with work now, and falling in love will waste part of my energy. Uncle Xia and Aunt Yu, you also know that our three groups are still in the most critical period and we cannot tolerate it. A little sloppy..."

"Student Mei Fang, don't forget, I'm your primary school head teacher?"

At this time Mei Fang was waiting for the red light, Yu Ling patted Mei Fang on the shoulder and poked his cheek when he turned his head, "This should be the wording that Youxi said to you, Auntie still wants to hear yourself idea."

"Mom, what are you forcing Ah Fang to ask about this... It's as if you're questioning him."

" are all old now, auntie still has to ask as an elder. Do you like Yuanyuan? I think you still like it now. You also have feelings for Youxi. After all, you grew up together ..."

"But no matter whether Yuanyuan broke up with you or Youxi broke up with you, I feel that you are too calm and natural."

Yu Ling nodded her chin and closed her eyes thinking, "In my opinion, the reason why you are like this is either that you don't love at all, or the breakup is expected..."

As a traditional male elder, Xia Xun naturally wouldn't participate in the love topics of the juniors. Now he can only pretend to be asleep and listen to Mei Fang's answer.

Mei Fang, who wanted to invest from Yuanyuan's family, was in a relaxed mood at first, thinking that sending the Xia family and his wife back would increase their favorability a lot. Who would have thought that his beloved primary school head teacher would suddenly make such a mess?
If they didn't answer well and exposed their threesome's ambition in advance, it might be difficult for them to get the support of Xia's parents.

After thinking for a while, Mei Fang answered cautiously: "It is indeed expected that we will break up... because, whether we are with Youxi or Yuanyuan, we always feel that we have feelings for each other. guilty."

Xia Yuan also nodded, "It's like this... I broke up at the beginning because I felt that it was pitiful for Youxi to be alone."

"But it's not a matter of sympathy... You are already so old, if you can't determine your destination for a long time, it will delay another person's happiness, isn't it?"

Mei Fang bit his lip, he couldn't answer this question directly.

Because the answer is already clear.

The destination of the three of them is each other.

But this is something that cannot be said directly.

And at this moment, Xia Yuan lowered his head and muttered:

"Mom...don't say that, as if I can compare to Youxi...I actually don't want Ah Fang to make a choice, because I must be the one who gets left behind."

"Yuanyuan, don't say that... liking someone doesn't just depend on whether you are good or not, and in my eyes, you are as good a girl as Youxi."

Mei Fang was silent for a while and then said, "It's all my responsibility if I say it...Mr. Yu, let me tell you the truth, I can't make a choice. We are not friends who have only known each other for a year or two, but we have known each other for ten years. Many years of partners, Yuanyuan and Youxi are part of my life."

"The three of you are really in a good relationship...I can also understand..."

Yu Ling sighed softly, and then smiled, "However, if you really don't want to make a choice, just choose not to choose and maintain this relationship all the time, I think it's also—"

"Hey, hey, what are you talking about? Do you want Yuanyuan to die alone?"

"That's not what I mean... I just mean... When you look at the three of them these days, don't you think they are more affectionate than ordinary young couples? If childhood sweethearts can maintain this kind of relationship forever, it's not considered lonely forever, right? ?”

"But you don't even have a marriage certificate, how can you guarantee that the relationship will not break down?"

"In the end, a marriage certificate is just a piece of paper, and whether we love it or not is our business, isn't it?"

Yu Ling smiled and said to Xia Xun, "You told me this when we got married, have you forgotten?"

"Then, why do you mention that kind of thing to the junior..."

"My husband is so cute, he blush easily at this age."

"My dad is so cute, hahahahaha!"

"You two—forget it, long-winded."

Xia Xun closed his eyes and continued to doze off. Xia Yuan and his mother smiled and looked at each other tacitly.

She knew that with her mother's personality, she would not make tentative moves. In a sense, her mother's idea was a step closer to a threesome.

Xia Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to look at her sweetheart.

The smile in the brows and eyes is full of sweet love.

 The if4 chapter has been uploaded to the v group for free, you can go and have a look

  Friendship py: "I and the Doll Girl of Zhidiao Island"

  Love story with many heroines in Japan, childhood sweetheart & black long straight doll & arrogant lady, if you like the theme of Japan, you can read it

(End of this chapter)

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