Only after I was reborn did I realize that I had green plums.

Chapter 368 You give me a sense of boundary, hey!

Chapter 368 You give me a sense of boundary, hey!

"Okay! Everyone, get ready, and you can start eating right away!"

Xia Yuan clapped her hands to greet everyone to come to the table together, and then stopped Mei Fang who was helping Lin Youxi untie her apron.

"Fang, come here."


Xia Yuan didn't respond directly to Mei Fang, but posted it next to Mei Fang, and handed the phone to Mei Fang.

"Call Yunyun again and see where she is. If she arrives soon, we'll have dinner later."

"It's okay, I'm already fighting."

Yue Xinyi dialed the phone from the side, "Hello, Yunyun? Where have you been? Ah...Are you at Gaoxin [-]th Road? It's almost here. We just started dinner, so let's wait, you don't have to rush. "

After setting up meals and chatting for more than ten minutes, Guo Yun finally arrived at Mei Fang's community.She came here from Yangcheng today with many twists and turns, Mei Fang took the initiative to open the door, and then took the luggage for Guo Yun, her words were full of guilt:

"If I had known that the traffic conditions were so bad, I would have picked you up at the station by car, so that you would suffer so much..."

"Ah...then there's no need to trouble you, I can just take a taxi..."

Mei Fang's hospitality to Guo Yun obviously exceeded the sum of all the previous guests, which made Guo Yun a little flattered.

She obediently greeted everyone one by one, and then found a side seat to sit next to Liu Xiaoyu.

"Wow, I can finally taste the craftsmanship of our young lady Mrs. Lin. This opportunity doesn't come often, and I won't come again when I can't miss it!"

"Wait, wait! Don't rush to eat! Let's take a group photo first!"

It was Xia Yuan who proposed the idea of ​​taking a group photo. She put her mobile phone on the selfie stick and pulled it away, then leaned against Mei Fang's arms, Lin Youxi put Mei Fang's shoulders, and everyone compared scissors hands together.

After Xia Yuan took the photos, she posted them in the group, and after everyone started eating, Xia Yuan kept her head down and played with her mobile phone.

Mei Fang leaned over and asked Xia Yuan, "The food is getting cold, who are you still chatting with?"

"Of course it's Xiaoxue, the big guy is not here today, so I have to make her jealous."

Xia Yuan was chatting with Mei Fang, when the phone vibrated, Xia Yuan quickly picked it up to check, it was a video call from Peng Xue.

Seeing this, Xia Yuan quickly clicked on the video call. The Peng Xue she saw on the other end of the video was much more restrained than the previous publicity. She had short hair trimmed to the ears, wearing glasses, and looked like a good student.

"Wow, wow! Who are you!"

Xia Yuan was shocked when she saw Peng Xue, "I don't recognize you at all."

"You can't even recognize me! Hehe, Yuanyuan, you are a heartless thing, now you are so prosperous, you don't even recognize your old friends, right?"

"No, no, no! I'll let everyone comment on it, and you can see—"

Xia Yuan first turned the camera towards Mei Fang who was closest to her. Peng Xue and Mei Fang briefly looked at each other, and then looked at more people outside the camera before Mei Fang raised his hand to say hello. As a close friend, Yue Xinyi Also very shocked by this:

"Wow - are you actually Peng Xue! Have you been taken away? What was the name of our former high school head teacher, tell me!"

"Old Zhu, Lao Zhu, Zhu Renxuan, I remember the name correctly, right?"

Peng Xue tilted her head and reluctantly greeted Yue Xinyi, and then greeted everyone one by one, and met Xiang Bingbing, whom she had never met before.

"Except for Zhang Ming, everyone has matured a lot now, don't say you don't recognize me, I don't recognize you either!"

"Why do you have to tell me something!"

Zhang Ming's complaints caused everyone to burst into laughter, and Peng Xue also smiled and wiped away tears, "Okay, okay, eat slowly, I haven't seen you for a long time, and by the way, take a look at Youxi's craftsmanship .”

"You have to be hungry."

Lin Youxi replied in the video call, "I have prepared special meals for you several times, and you didn't even have the face to eat."

"Next time! Definitely!"

Peng Xue clasped her fists in front of the table, "I'm really sorry for the previous few times. After I finish the college entrance examination this year, I will definitely try your handicraft."

"Then I will wish you the title of the gold list in advance."

Lin Youxi smiled warmly.

"With the auspicious words of a college bully, I'm sure I'll be sure this time, haha!"

"You work hard too, Xiaoxue."

"come on! Come on!"

Peng Xue said goodbye amid everyone's blessings. She was very warm to everyone, even Zhang Ming who usually didn't talk much.

But Peng Xue was particularly indifferent to Mei Fang.

It's almost as if he doesn't exist.

Xia Yuan turned off the video chat with Peng Xue, and everyone began to enjoy a sumptuous lunch.

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi sat on both sides of Mei Fang respectively. Xia Yuan comforted Mei Fang while picking up vegetables:
"Xiaoxue is like this... After all... Well, then what is it, don't worry about it."

"What do you care about?"

Mei Fang smiled at Xia Yuan, "Are you thinking too much?"

"No, no! You don't mind, this chicken leg is for you."

Xia Yuan picked up a chicken leg and was about to send it to Mei Fang's bowl, but Mei Fang directly opened his mouth to bite it, and Xia Yuan also fed him a mouthful.

"Mmmmm, delicious."

"It's delicious! This is made by You Xi himself."

Xia Yuan smiled at Mei Fang, at this time Lin Youxi poked his head out and complained:

"Why... I feel like I'm borrowing flowers to offer Buddha."

"Is that so! It's obviously Youxi's cooking, you two are flirting here, pay attention to your image, hahaha."

It was rare for Yue Xinyi to find an opportunity without Peng Xue's argument, and subconsciously began to assist her own CP. This move also made Xia Yuan realize the suffering she was in now.

But I can't always rely on Xiaoxue to give me an assist every time, I have grown up...

Your lover, you should fight for his love back by yourself!
After we finished eating together, we helped clean up and wash the dishes together, and then we helped pack our luggage together, preparing to go to the villa by the sea, and come back tomorrow.

"Let's go, ready to go to the beach!"

In the cheers of Xiang Bingbing, everyone came to the underground parking garage and came to Mei Fang's car.

The passenger seat of a car is often a status symbol. Of course, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi don't usually quarrel about the passenger seat, but they can still argue a little in front of others.

Xia Yuan trotted to the front passenger seat first, greeted Mei Fang to unlock it, and sat in. Lin Youxi followed closely behind in the back seat, followed by Liu Xiaoyu.

But when Xiang Bingbing went in, Xia Yuan's calculations were distorted——

"Oh, Afang, your back seat is a bit crowded, I can't sit down."

Xiang Bingbing pulled the back of Xia Yuan, who was sitting firmly in the front row, and begged, "Yuanyuan, can you let me sit in the front, my place is really crowded."

"Well...then, there is really no way."

Xia Yuan bit the bullet and got off the co-pilot, then met Lin Youxi's smiling eyes.

You already thought of it, right...

As expected of Lin Youxi from my family.

Mei Fang waited until the car called by Zhang Ming and the others arrived before setting off for the seaside together. Along the way, she asked Bingbing all the time like a child anxious for a spring outing, and Mei Fang answered them patiently.

"Afang, what is the name of that pointed building?"

"That should be the Chunsun Building."

"What about that? What are those nest-like eggs?"

"That's the Spring Cocoon Gym."

"Wow, Ah Fang is amazing, you know everything."

"I was in a meeting here a few days ago, and a local partner told me about it."

"Being a boss must be very hard. Are there endless meetings every day?"

"It's okay, it's basically other executives who are in meetings now, I'm still learning."

Xiang Bingbing asked Mei Fang questions like a little girl, Xia Yuan, who was sitting in the back row, frowned, feeling something was wrong.


Is it an illusion?

It feels like she is more interested in Al Fang than she was in high school?

But when she was sitting at the same table with A Fang, I don't know what she usually looks like...

But no matter what, this is in front of Youxi and me!

Although Bingbing likes Afang because she thinks about it, she doesn’t think it fits, but she has no sense of boundaries because she is already dull. I can’t just let her not have this self-awareness...

Just when Xia Yuan was about to say something, Lin Youxi reached out and gently poked Bingbing's back.

"Bingbing, I'll tell you something, don't mind."

"What's the matter?"

Lin Youxi smiled and said, "I said, Ah Fang should concentrate on driving, and it's the same if you ask us any questions. Don't disturb him, okay?"

"Yeah, you're right!"

Xiang Bingbing nodded cheerfully, as if she didn't notice Youxi's warning to her at all.

This tense atmosphere frightened Liu Xiaoyu, who was sitting in the middle, and she also felt that Bingbing had changed a bit from before.

Is You Xi angry now?Are you there?

Will she drive Bingbing out of the car when she gets angry?
Should, should not be able to do such a thing, right?
But, but that's Lin Youxi...

Even if Bingbing is a good friend, then——

However, Xiang Bingbing still looked carefree, folded his arms around his chest and tilted his head to think for a while, then turned around and said:
"Then what I'm curious about do you get along when the three of you are together now? For example...will you sleep together at night or something?"

"You give me a sense of boundaries, hey!"

Liu Xiaoyu, who couldn't hold back anymore, finally had an explosion this time.

But she complained before Xia Yuan complained, which made Xia Yuan who was about to speak embarrassing.

 I'm going to explore Kingdom Tears today!

  Friendship py: "Killing Beauty Starts at a Fatal Corner" is a novel whose selling point is European and American movie murderers and monsters. It is stitched with some DND settings, and the content is dense. It is recommended to watch.


(End of this chapter)

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