Only after I was reborn did I realize that I had green plums.

Chapter 373 Summary of Week 1 Purpose of Love Games

Chapter 373 Summary of Weekly Objectives of Love Games
After everyone had a good night, when it was time to go to bed, Xia Yuan put forward her thoughts to Lin Youxi.

"Are you going to decide the winner of the week's goal today?"

Lin Youxi was stunned for a moment, and then smiled slightly, "It's true that the opportunity to come out to play is rare, so let's sum it up...Who will come first?"

"I brought it up, so let me go first...but how do I sum it up?"

"Just talk about the mental journey of getting along with A Fang this week." Lin Youxi thought for a while, "Then I will share the interaction with A Fang that has a feeling of love when I am with A Fang, let's see whose interaction The feeling of love is stronger."

Although she knew that she had lost this week until the doors of her house were gone, Xia Yuan was not a girl who would easily admit defeat and lie flat.

She stroked her hair, then solemnly knelt down on the bed, cleared her throat, and then said seriously, "I think the relationship between me and Afang this week is more like the childhood sweetheart feeling in the past, except just now Sese helped in the afternoon, and the most I could do was hug and hold hands with Afang."

"Then... if there is an interaction with a sense of love..."

Xia Yuan thought for a while, and then fell into the low ebb of defeatism, "I don't feel like I have any sense of love in these interactions. If it's not that I'm not used to acting, I might not even be ashamed to hug and hold hands."

"Don't say that, think about it."

Lin Youxi patted Xia Yuan on the head and said, "You can't say that you want to decide the outcome in advance, just to surrender to me in advance, right? This is not the Yuanyuan I know, or I can enjoy Afang alone. very happy."

"Yuanyuan, I think we still have a lot of romantic interactions this week, should I remind you?"

Mei Fang played the Duan Shui card as usual, and was immediately disgusted by Xia Yuan:

"Ah Fang, don't tell me, let me think about it..."

Xia Yuan scratched her head and thought for a while, then said, "What I want to say - when I met Afang in the cafeteria this week, I learned a secret of Afang, and it felt pretty sweet."

"Is it a secret I don't know?"

Lin Youxi looked at Mei Fang curiously, Mei Fang quickly waved his hand and said, "It's not that you can't say anything, just say it directly."

Xia Yuan then cleared his throat and said, "Actually... the reason why Ah Fang has been working so hard since he was so young is that he is worried that he is not good enough to attract us to stay with him..."

"Did you think so?"

Lin Youxi rested her chin and looked at Mei Fang, "Actually, I studied so hard since I was a child, because I saw that you and Yuanyuan are both very good students. I was worried that I would not be able to keep up with you, so I always studied hard."

"That's right! I'm the same! It's Afang's hard work that caused everyone to be under so much study pressure when they were children. Stinky Afang..."

"But it's also because the three of us are all excellent in the end, so we are so good that we are rarely disturbed by the opposite sex to confess. In a sense, it also reduces a lot of trouble..."

"It's exactly the same as what Afang said... You and Afang have a tacit understanding too."

Xia Yuan slapped Lin Youxi lightly, while looking at her full of longing: "If it wasn't because I couldn't live without A Fang, I would definitely not fight with you for A Fang."


Lin Youxi just looked at Xia Yuan with a smile and shook his head. At this time, Mei Fang also interrupted:
"Don't say such weird things, just keep sharing."

So Xia Yuan continued to rack her brains to think about the interaction with Mei Fang this week, and the interactions Xia Yuan and Mei Fang could talk about were all daily flirting, such as hugging, patting the head, circling, holding hands In her opinion, these actions are not worth mentioning. When she finished sharing and then summed up, she also had a guilty expression:

"I know my performance this week was poor. I was in the car. When A Fang encountered Bing Bing's teasing, I didn't help him out immediately. When A Fang needed me to take a swim, I didn't cooperate. He also watched A Fang being taken advantage of by other girls... I am really an incompetent girlfriend, and A Fang must not feel that I value him..."

She raised her head and smiled awkwardly and politely at Lin Youxi and Mei Fang, "In contrast, Youxi acts more like a girlfriend than me, and she must have a stronger sense of love, so—"

"Yuanyuan, wait a minute."

However, Lin Youxi interrupted her at this moment.

"I think... did you make a mistake?"

"Mistake, what?"

Lin Youxi supported Xia Yuan's shoulders, and reminded her in a gentle voice: "We are comparing love games, who is more in love with a big battle, not a girlfriend who fights with strength, Zhenggong fights with strength, although I The tacit understanding and interaction with Fang may seem sweet to you, but it is actually me doing despicable things."

"Despicable... thing?"

Lin Youxi nodded and said, "I'll just follow your words and summarize what I did this week... Apart from discussing work with Ah Fang, I've been jealous all this week."


"You can see that when Ah Fang is in contact with all kinds of girls, I always have to get involved."

"Whether it's forcing Xiang Bingbing to admit that he likes Afang, touching Afang's belly in front of everyone, or reprimanding you for not being considerate to Afang later... these should not be things that an ex who has broken up with should do. "

"I was just constantly jealous and declaring my sovereignty. I didn't really realize the cruel fact that Afang and I had broken up. Our way of getting along was still the way of getting along with my girlfriend. Let alone a tacit understanding, it was completely out of the question sweet."

Lin Youxi pursed her lips and stared at Mei Fang, saying, "I know A Fang must be aware of this, but he didn't mean to remind me at all... He just spoils me too much, knowing that I'm afraid of being lonely, afraid that he won't give me tenderness Afraid that I would be lost, and then... I kept holding back and refused to speak."

Xia Yuan didn't quite understand what Lin Youxi said at first, did she act like a good boy just because she got a bargain?

"Then why do you say you are despicable... I still don't quite understand."

"The reason why I say I'm despicable is that every time I interact closely with Afang, I put it from the perspective of my girlfriend, so Yuanyuan looks sweet, but in fact it's not sweet that makes people's heart beat. Yuancai has really returned to the state before we confessed, more than friends but not lovers, this kind of ambiguous state will make people's hearts move, and I am very moved when I hear it."


But, this, so to speak... seems to make sense...

Xia Yuan's little head turned quickly, and while the corners of his mouth were crazily raised, Lin Youxi urged Mei Fang to give an answer, "A Fang, do you have anything to add?"

"Me? In my opinion... This week is actually not a complete week. Generally speaking... My liking for you must have increased a lot."

"Bringing water again."

"Why are you so in love with me..."

Mei Fang was scolded by Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi, and then she had to come out and explain: "This is just a scene, I'm afraid you think I'm biased or something... I still want to say that love games are just games, not serious In the competition, everyone's purpose is not only to have fun and to relive the feeling of love, but also to learn how to get along with three people."

"After all, we've known each other for more than ten years now, whether we want to admit it or not, the period of burnout may exist after all..."

Lin Youxi attached great importance to what Mei Fang said, and couldn't help interrupting after finishing speaking: "Then you are tired of me and Yuanyuan walking around in front of you, do you want to try a new girlfriend? "

"How is that possible!"

"Just saying that in front of us."

There was a trace of jealousy in Lin Youxi's words, which surprised Xia Yuan.

"Youxi, are you so uneasy... I thought you were the most reassuring about Ah Fang."

"I was very relieved at first, but I just thought about it recently...Does Ah Fang really like being controlled by us so much, and being ordered by me like this? If suddenly there is someone who is obedient to Ah Fang, he will be more obedient than me and you." Pretty girl, maybe Ah Fang will be tempted..."

"Words may be pale, but I will try my best to satisfy you in action."

Mei Fang thought for a while, "However, I probably won't be able to find a girl who is better and more attractive than you two..."

"Do you really think so?"

"Of course..." Mei Fang called Lin Youxi into her arms, and let her sit in her arms, "I know you like to pretend to be strong and cold when there are outsiders, but in fact More anxious than anyone else, more afraid of losing us than anyone else."


Lin Youxi shook his head, while Mei Fang thoughtfully smoothed Lin Youxi's hair and squeezed Lin Youxi's shoulders, "Okay, okay... If you don't have it, you don't..."

Xia Yuan watched Lin Youxi and Mei Fang interacting intimately, and unconsciously became a little cautious, so she also came over and hugged Mei Fang and Lin Youxi with open arms.

"That's right, mutual trust is the most important thing. We have to trust Afang, and let Afang trust us, and trust that the three of us will always be together..."

"Then who does Afang think has the higher heartbeat index this week?"


"No water is allowed this time."

"Okay, okay, it's not right."

Mei Fang rested her chin and thought, "From the perspective of heartbeat, my most heartfelt moment should be the words Yuanyuan said to me this evening. She worked very hard to win the game, although the method was a bit clumsy, But the appearance of working hard is very cute, and it also makes my heart move, making me feel that I can never let her hard work down, and I want to take good care of her..."

"Okay, okay...don't say such nasty things before Youxi..."

Xia Yuan blushed and lowered her head complacently, "I actually thought I had already lost. If you insist on doing this, I don't even feel that I really won."

"Now you feel it."

Lin Youxi got up from Mei Fang, and pulled Xia Yuan to sit down in front of Mei Fang, "Since this is the case, the result of the vote is already obvious—this week's love game, Yuan Yuan won."

"Um...thank you."

Xia Yuan nodded, "Actually, I think I still have a lot of room for improvement, but since I accidentally won...then I, I will continue to maintain it!"

"I advise Yuanyuan not to be too happy too early. Actually, after listening to your analysis, I also thought of some strategies to improve the feeling of love."

Lin Youxi replied blankly, "Just wait and see my performance next week."

"Hmph, then I'll wait."

Xia Yuan was competing with Lin Youxi, when Mei Fang suddenly came up to her and hugged her.

This sudden hug caught Xia Yuan a little off guard. Mei Fang hugged Xia Yuan very tightly, and then maintained this position for a while, then slowly pushed Xia Yuan down, just bowed her body and stared at Xia Yuan, and talked with her. Xia Yuan's eyes are facing each other and his fingers are clasped tightly.

"Sudden, suddenly what is this going to do!"

"Of course it's the reward for winning the love game."

"I haven't heard from you before. You discussed it with Youxi."

"I didn't discuss it with Youxi, but I wanted to do it myself."

Mei Fang gently brushed away Xia Yuan's hair, and stroked Xia Yuan's cheeks. With such a gentle touch, Xia Yuan couldn't help feeling restless, and stared at her sweetheart with a blushing face.

"This is what it feels like to be in love."

Lin Youxi also lay down on the side, and watched seriously from the side, "It seems that I still have a lot to learn and observe."

"I hate it, Youxi, what are you talking about, don't read it."

"No, I'm going to watch."

"Don't look!"

Xia Yuan deliberately turned her head away from Lin Youxi, now Mei Fang also leaned down, and lightly scented Xia Yuan's face.

"My Yuanyuan, it smells so good."

"I want to eat it in one bite."

"I... I have a lot of meat." Xia Yuan snorted, "How can you finish it?"

"I know... But I can taste it slowly... By the way, let's see if your heart is beating fast, and if you feel my heartbeat."

"Um... um..."

"Ken, there must be..."

Xia Yuan blushed, and her heart was beating violently at the place Mei Fang touched.

"It seems that you really like me."

"Then you... what about you? Let me feel it too."

"Come on, try it."

Xia Yuan also pretended to understand and nodded, "It seems to be a little faster."

"How can this be a little bit, little villain, I'm going to bully you."

"Any-whatever you want...Anyway, I'm too tired and don't want to move anymore..."

Mei Fang took another sip of Xia Yuan's nose as he spoke, and finally began to slowly and formally make out with her.

The kiss this time was also a very romantic kiss, and it was a state in which Yuanyuan herself was more adaptable, but she was adapting and had plans to explore further, but was stopped by Lin Youxi, who was supervising the battle.

"Yuanyuan, you guys have to maintain the purity of love and don't cross the line, okay?"

"It's already at this time, why are you still talking to me like this...I'm going to—"

Before Xia Yuan finished speaking, Mei Fang suddenly stopped her movements, stood up and explained, "At this point, it's all about love rewards."

"Ah? That's it..."

"We agreed before, the winner enjoys the nourishment of love."

After Lin Youxi patted Xia Yuan on the shoulder, he began to make preparations.

"Then as a loser in the love game, I can only taste the taste of failure..."


"Yuanyuan, you can also take a good look at the fate of the loser."

Lin Youxi stuck out her tongue at Xia Yuan, "Don't make the same mistakes as me, okay?"

 The friend is already dizzy.

  Friendship py: "Invincible Harland at the beginning"

  The opening devil template, slap Melo!
(End of this chapter)

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