Chapter 376 Made a New Hairstyle
Youxi's love game entered the second week of competition. Although Xia Yuan won the first victory in a muddleheaded way, she knew that it was not time to rest, and when she saw Liu Xiaoyu's new style with fluffy curly hair, she suddenly There was also great interest.

In class on Monday, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi were in the new fourth teaching building together. After class, Xia Yuan and Liu Xiaoyu went to meet Lin Youxi together. After seeing Liu Xiaoyu's beautiful curly hair after perm, Xia Yuan proposed to Lin Youxi. Genius idea to enhance the feeling of love——

"Are you really going to perm your hair?"

Facing Xia Yuan's proposal, Lin Youxi thought for a while, "Have you discussed it with Ah Fang?"

"Discuss what to do with him, isn't this a surprise for him!"

"What if the perm doesn't look good? Or A Fang doesn't like your hair permed."

"Yes, you should like it..."

Xia Yuan muttered, "Ah Fang said, no matter what happens to me, he will like me."

"A man's mouth is like this. A deceitful ghost, he just likes to make you happy. If you don't believe me, ask Xiao Yu what you think."

"Xiao Yu, tell me!"

Seeing that both Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi's gazes were on Liu Xiaoyu's side, Liu Xiaoyu seemed a little nervous, "Ah... I, I can't comment, Mei Fang is my boss after all..."

"Wrong, wrong, Ah Fang is not your boss, I am your boss..."

Xia Yuan thought for a while and then waved his hands and said, "So, we are the team partners together. In short, you should maintain the feeling of a bystander. Do you think Ah Fang will like the way I curl up?"

"Student Mei Fang likes Two-dimensional as far as I know. If you perm your"

"Yes, yes, I think Afang liked to choose the route of those tsundere young ladies before. It seems that you can try the spiral double ponytail..."

"That, that kind is too Two-dimensional, and it's too eye-catching when walking on the road."

Liu Xiaoyu couldn't help persuading, "I think it's better to have ordinary waves or texture..."

"Haha, I'm just kidding! But the one you mentioned is a bit ordinary. I was wondering if Afang would like pink hair, or it would be better to dye it a cute and sweet pink..."

"You didn't listen to me at all..."

Seeing that Xia Yuan was falling into a frenzy, Liu Xiaoyu couldn't help but sigh in a low voice. At this moment, Lin Youxi put Xia Yuan's shoulders and said earnestly:

"Yuanyuan, the reason why you perm your hair is just to please Ah Fang, not to look good for yourself?"

"Huh? No, no... I just..."

"Afang doesn't like you sticking to her like this, he just hopes you are a girl with your own opinions, otherwise it will make him a heavy burden, you know."

Lin Youxi said earnestly, "Fang himself is burdened with the jobs of hundreds of Yuanxi Huyu's employees, and the pressure is already great. As lifelong partners, we should be part of helping him shoulder his responsibilities, not pleasing him dependent on his appendages."

"I, I know what you mean... Indeed... If Afang knows that I perm his hair to make him happy, he may really feel pressured."

Xia Yuan thought for a while, "But I still want to have my hair permed, not for Afang, but for myself!"

"How do you say it? How do you call it for yourself?"

"I hope to make my appearance more mature and reliable, so that people won't treat me as a child, and Afang is also willing to discuss more profound topics with me..."

Xia Yuan covered her mouth as she spoke, and then muttered, "I mean, Ah Fang would be willing to talk to me about work, instead of worrying that I can't do much..."

"If you can't do it, can Afang still not understand?"

"Say, I've said so much, what do you think, Youxi? Do you want to do hair with us?"

"Okay, I want to do it too, but I want to do straightening."

"You don't have a perm, do you?"

"Yeah, and then..."

Lin Youxi thought for a while, "Then make a three-knife hairstyle by the way, I don't know if the barber shop will cut it."

"Isn't this the kind of black-haired and chaebol pretty girl that A Fang is obsessed with recently? You are simply more young than the young lady! It's written on your face that you want to please A Fang!"

Xia Yuan immediately shouted that she was cheated, but Liu Xiaoyu was used to it.

After all, it's that Lin Youxi, so it's not surprising to do anything...

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi followed Liu Xiaoyu to the shop where she used to do hair. Although this shop is not far from the school, the shop decoration is very high-end. , but there are still many people.

"Not bad, I didn't expect Xiao Yu to be able to visit the store..."

"I was also recommended to me by a fellow in my class. I thought that I should take good care of my hair and not treat myself too badly."

Liu Xiaoyu now pays the living expenses and tuition fees by herself. After all, she has already played music and games with Xia Yuan and the others, and recently officially joined the job as an intern. Her living standard has improved, and her style has gradually improved.

Besides, she would secretly send money to her mother—Xiaoyu's father had a strong self-esteem, so she just left it to her mother to save for herself, and she was afraid that her father would find out.

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi arrived at the store, and as soon as they entered the door, they were warmly received by a young lady who introduced herself as the foreman of the store, "You two little sisters, please come in! Do you want a haircut? Or do you do perm dyeing?"

"I want to perm my hair."

"I'm going to do a straightening and then a fix."

Liu Xiaoyu waved her hand, "I don't need it... I will accompany them, and my hair is also done here."

"Yeah, it can be seen that it is the craftsmanship of our shop! This hair is permed so beautifully, and of course you are also beautiful, little girl. The three of you look like big stars, haha."

As Lin Youxi spoke, she started to play tricks, and pushed Xia Yuan to the front, "Tell me, who do you think she looks like?"

"Ah... That's the one, it's very popular recently, that virtual idol... Yuan-chan or something! Have you watched station C, this electronic idol is very popular recently, and your voice sounds quite similar. "

Of course it looks was synthesized with my voice...

But why didn't he recognize Yuan Baolai!Instead, I was replaced by that virtual idol...

The virtual idol project is the part that Xia Yuan highlighted in Fang Plan's product launch conference. Recently, the debut promotion of the two-dimensional "artificial intelligence" idol Yuan Jiang, who is virtualized with Xia Yuan's Two-dimensional image, has been vigorously promoted.

Of course, everyone understands that the so-called artificial intelligence is just played by the middle-aged actors behind. There is actually something to say about Yuanjiang’s middle-aged people.

But Mei Fang thinks that this will put a lot of work pressure on her, and she may be overwhelmed, so she is more inclined to recruit a full-time actor who is close to Xia Yuan's personality but has her own characteristics, but this has not yet been finalized. down.

But no matter what, many places in the streets and alleys of Pengcheng are now occupied by Yuanjiang's Two-dimensional image posters. Just walking this section of the road, I encountered several posters.

"Okay, okay, please wait here, do you have an appointment teacher?"

"No, we are here for the first time, just look at who you think is suitable..."

"Let the female hairdressing director with the best skills here come here."

Lin Youxi paused and said, "My boyfriend loves me very, very much. If a male teacher comes to do it, he will definitely be jealous, so don't."

"Ah... OK, I probably understand your needs, so I will arrange for the teacher."

After the reception staff left, Xia Yuan couldn't help complaining to Lin Youxi, "When did Afang say that... You really like adding people to Afang."

"We are more or less public figures now. If we are photographed inappropriately, we will definitely be hyped up. I am not a celebrity, so it doesn't matter, but Yuanyuan and you can't... After all, you are a celebrity, paparazzi or something There will be."

"Hearing what you said, it's true that I'm a little less vigilant..."

"So you should cut your hair with a bob, and you will be a cute and cute little girl, isn't it good?"

"I do not want it!"

Under the careful care of the teachers, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi completed the transformation of their looks. When they left after paying the bill, the female foreman asked about the service experience:

"How about it, are you satisfied with your appearance?"

"Very good, your store is of a high standard."

Lin Youxi, who had straightened her hair and cut it three times flat, became more cold and pure. She nodded slightly, and looked at Xia Yuan who was beside her: "Yuanyuan, what do you think?"

"I think it's pretty good too...hehe."

Xia Yuan finally made big waves with pink highlights under the suggestion of the hairdresser. After the overall style became more mature, it still retained a touch of cuteness and sweetness.

"I like this highlighting very much, it feels very good."

"It would be great if you two like it."

The female foreman nodded and smiled, then took out the small notebook and handed it to Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan.

"If you don't mind...can you sign for me here?"


Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi looked at each other, and the female foreman immediately made a silent gesture, and then whispered, "I actually recognized it a long time ago... But you sure don't like being disturbed?"

"It would be nice if you could understand..."

Lin Youxi liked the foreman's understanding, so he smiled and took the foreman's small notebook:

"Since we recognize them all, don't you plan to ask your store manager to take a photo with us? This will also be good for your store's business."

"Eh... that will still cause trouble to you, won't it be inconvenient for you to come in the future?"

The female foreman smiled and handed out a supreme VIP haircut card to Lin Youxi, "My name is Zhu Xixi, I hope you two, and this little sister, can come to our store often in the future!"

"Yes, you can do business."

"Then I'll sign for you too..."

Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan signed for Zhu Xixi, and then she put away her books contentedly. After exchanging contact information with the two, she smiled and waved to the three of them, "Next time you have a chance, make an appointment with our store! If it's inconvenient, our teacher can also come over and make a customized hairstyle for you."

"OK...that's a good idea."

Lin Youxi, Xia Yuan and Liu Xiaoyu went back together, Xia Yuan still didn't understand on the way.

"Since everyone recognizes us, why don't you take a group photo with us? It should be very attractive to hang on the promotional poster..."

"She is our fan first, and then an employee in the store."

"Keeping a secret agreement with the idol you like should be happier than the little extra money you earn, right? After all, she is just a worker, and the commission may not be much; and forcing a group photo may not necessarily get our consent. It will be safer to think about proposing some cooperation after the relationship is acquainted."

"Indeed, this also makes sense... If you ask me to take a group photo directly and ask me to agree to hang it in the store, I will indeed be a little troubled."

Xia Yuan said with emotion, "I feel that the foremen of this kind of hair salon are very spiritual and good at doing business, but I don't have such a mind."

"It's not necessary to have such a mind... The work we do is different, and the most important thing is to play the role of our respective identities..."

As Lin Youxi was talking, the phone suddenly rang, and Xia Yuan's phone vibrated at the same time. Liu Xiaoyu saw Mei Fang make video calls to both of them.

Then Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi hung up the phone tacitly, and they looked at each other. Then Lin Youxi took the initiative to call Mei Fang back, and turned on the speakerphone so that Xia Yuan could hear.


Mei Fang's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Aren't you going to cut your hair? Why are you still not back so late?"

"Miss me?"

"Well... I'm alone at home, lonely, empty and cold, you and Yuanyuan come back soon."

"Xiao Yu is also beside me."

Lin Youxi smiled at the embarrassed Liu Xiaoyu, and Mei Fang was also very embarrassed when he heard the news.

"Oh, why didn't you say earlier..."

"It's okay, we made a little styling and will be back in a while."

"Shall I drive to pick you up?"

"I've already left the school, and I'm almost at the gate of the community."

"That's fine, then I'll wait for you two at home."

"Wait, Afang! In vain, in vain, mua."

After Xia Yuan and Mei Fang finished their sweet interaction, Lin Youxi also hung up the phone. At this time, Liu Xiaoyu gestured aside and said, "Now that my hair is done, I'll go to the supermarket outside to buy some daily necessities, and I'll go back first."

"It's all here, just come to our house to play."

Lin Youxi said, "Don't you still want to make music for the new project, you can play our game."

"Next time... come with Bingbing next time. They have a ball game today and don't have time to come. I don't have class tomorrow, so just ask Bingbing."

"Alright... then next time you come together."

After Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi greeted Liu Xiaoyu and said goodbye, they crossed the road to the community. While waiting for the elevator, Xia Yuan couldn't help playing with Lin Youxi's hair.

"I feel like it looks better straightened, woo..."

"You don't suit my hairstyle, you look best with big waves like this."

"I want to try too..."

"Then next time you wear a fake fur."

Lin Youxi paused, and then thought about it, "By the way, should we take a gamble? If we win the bet, we will have exclusive access to A Fang's bedside tonight, of course it is a pure and simple exclusive."

"What are you betting on?" Xia Yuan became interested as soon as she heard about A Fang being exclusive.

"How about a bet on who A Fang will kiss first when he enters the door?"

"A Fang is not so perverted..."

"After all, it's a new look, so it's normal to not be able to bear it."

"Then I'll bet you..."

"Don't do this, just bet on yourself." Lin Youxi said seriously, "You have to have confidence in yourself."

"Well... let's take a look then?"

Xia Yuan followed Lin Youxi home with a worried heart, and just as she was about to open the door, Mei Fang took the initiative to open the door.

"Let me see my wives are, are - whoa, whoa!"

Mei Fang was stunned when he saw Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi's appearance, "How did I pick up a wife from Two-dimensional, woo woo... Come and tell me this is real, isn't it dream!"

"Then... shall I tell you?"

Lin Youxi was talking here, when he suddenly leaned over and kissed Mei Fang.

Xia Yuan was shocked by this operation.

"I'll go, you sent it up by yourself!"

 On 520, there will be a special if6 chapter by Yuan Ding Fang Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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