Chapter 378
In order to open up the payment fanatic channel of domestic Two-dimensional users, Yuanxi Huyu’s Sakura game release plan is being docked one after another. Their biggest goal this year is to work with Xingyueshe on a new Two-dimensional mobile game. , At present, a relevant cooperation agreement for localization has been reached.

The unenthroned Two-dimensional king is in the infancy of the closed beta. Now, except for Mei Fang, no one knows what kind of bloody storm this work will cause in China in the future.

At the same time, Yuanxi Huyu’s A-round investment has gradually come to an end.

International giant investment institutions led by Pengcheng Venture Capital and Chishan Capital led the investment, and took a total of about 3 million capital investment. For this, Mei Fang only gave up 5% of the shares.

3 million can be said to be a very huge sum for ordinary start-ups, but it is not too high for a unicorn like Yuanxi Huyu.

Due to Mei Fang's personal will, he does not want to sell too much equity in the company. After all, there is still a long way to go before going public. If it is diluted too much now, it will actually be very detrimental to the stability of the company's decision-making.

And the reason why Mei Fang gave up the opportunity to lead the investment to Pengcheng Venture Capital is also obvious - to strengthen more ties with Pengcheng, to consolidate his position in Pengcheng, and to devote himself to making his new company stand firm heel.

Pengcheng Venture Capital is the strongest local venture capital institution in China. At the same time, it has intricate connections with many Pengcheng state-owned industries. As a stakeholder, it is also convenient for Yuanxi Huyu to continue to grow bigger and stronger.

And behind these turbulent business battles, Yuanxi Huyu's highest will, the station master Mei Fang, is doing his best for the company's small industrial layout——

Xia Yuan returned home after class in the afternoon and saw Mei Fang working on a pixel game on the computer, so she put down her bag curiously and went up to it:
"Afang... what are you playing with? This painting style is so old-fashioned, are you reminiscing about your childhood?"

"This isn't considered childhood...and didn't you play "Bubble Gum" with me in your childhood? When did you play this kind of pixel game?"

"I forgot, I seem to be playing with Xiaoya, the one who shoots guns together and defeats alien creatures..."

"That's Contra."

"That's right, it's "Contra". Your game is quite similar to that style of painting."

"This is the adventure puzzle game I showed you before, right?"

"That said, I'm a bit impressed... But I didn't look carefully, aren't you all playing with you?"

"At that time, she was only asked to try the gameplay part. Did you really not take it seriously at all?"

Mei Fang pinched Xia Yuan's cheek, and Xia Yuan sat down in front of Mei Fang aggressively while puffing up her face.

"Isn't this kind of game just walking around and talking, what's so difficult about it?"

"It's a bit like the technique of a barrage game... It's localized now, come and try it, I'll watch you play."

"This game doesn't look like a big game. How long is the process?"

"At a normal level, 6 hours should be enough."

"That's okay."

Xia Yuan looked back at Mei Fang, and said mischievously, "If I can clear this game, is there any reward?"

"Get through the customs?"

Mei Fang thought about Xia Yuan's technical and tactical level.

"If you can clear the level this week, I'll go on a date with you alone."

"Hey, this is also called a reward!"

Xia Yuan pinched Mei Fang's cheek in disgust, then thought for a while, "If I can clear the level this week, you will call me Yuan Yuan's mother next week."

"Then...Yuanyuan's mother play is like a boy's way of calling me dad as soon as he clears the level. Does that mean it's a play?"

"What do you say? Bad baby—"

Xia Yuan pinched Mei Fang's nose, and just when she was about to continue rubbing shoulders with him, Lin Youxi came over from the house to cut her hair.

"What kind of mother-child game are you playing, add me too."

"What, what mother-child game! Are you playing that previous pixel game?"

"Oh, has the game been localized yet?"


While pinching Xia Yuan's shoulders, Mei Fang looked at Lin Youxi with a smile and said, "Would you like... to challenge me too?"

"It seems that you really want to be a baby."

Lin Youxi smiled and came to his computer and sat down, "Pass me a copy of the game."

"It's officially on the shelves, you can buy it on the desktop version of TABTAB."

"...We started our own company, and we still need to spend money to buy games?"

"Of course it will take money, otherwise how can we appear to be fair and just?"

Mei Fang said, "One piece is 24 yuan, thank you for your patronage."


Lin Youxi said, took Mei Fang's mobile phone to scan the code, and skillfully entered Mei Fang's payment password.

"You Xi, give me, I want to sweep it too!"

Xia Yuan yelled and followed by scanning the QR code to buy this game, "Then I'm about to start speedrunning...By the way, Fang, is there anything I should pay attention to before playing this game?"

Mei Fang thought for a while, then smiled and said, "There are many things to pay attention to, but you'd better play according to your heart."

"Your expression is too bad! Is this a horror game?"

[A long time ago, there were two races on the earth, humans and monsters. 】

[One day, a war broke out between the two races. 】

[The monsters were defeated, and they were sealed underground with a seal by humans. 】

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi entered the game, and Mei Fang moved a stool and sat between them. He beat Xia Yuan's back on the east side, and squeezed Lin Youxi's shoulders on the west side.

There is nothing more joyful than watching wives play their favorite healing games!

"At the beginning of the game, which feels very normal, this little flower looks strange."

Lin Youxi's expression was calm.

"This mother sheep is so cute! Let me see..."

"This must be a bad woman, the atmosphere is here."

Lin Youxi said, "Don't you think the background music is weird?"

"Huh? I think... it's okay."

"Hey, hey... I want to keep flirting and call her mom all the time. Ah Fang also likes this kind of play, right?"

"Uh, it's okay..."

Mei Fang noticed that Xia Yuan was obsessed with interacting with Tolier, while Lin Youxi was really running for the speedrun. The puzzles of Chapter 1 were basically all over, and she had already walked in front of the mother sheep again.


Lin Youxi turned to ask Mei Fang, "What's the difference between this action and an attack?"

The difference is huge!
"Both are one type of interaction, both of which can find ways to defeat the enemy."

"But what are the options for forgiveness?"

"It depends on your understanding of this image."

"Can you not kill it?"

Xia Yuan nodded, "I feel that all the monsters in this world are so cute, they don't look like bad guys."

"It feels like it's all faked. Those who treat me badly will definitely be killed."

"Is the mother goat going to be killed in the end? Is she a bad person?"

Lin Youxi pushed back Xia Yuan who had been dragged over, "Don't read my spoiler, play with yours."

Then Lin Youxi started a formal battle with Mother Yang, but Xia Yuan couldn't help but watch from the sidelines.

"This too difficult."

Mei Fang watched Lin Youxi desperately operating to avoid the attack of the mother sheep.

"You don't have to work so hard, Youxi."

"Are you planning to spoil me?"

Lin Youxi is thinking about the next attack, "I feel that there is no room for manipulation in this design, and there is a problem with the design. Unless it is plot killing... plot killing?"

Lin Youxi continued to operate the character.

"...Why did her attack method change?"

Finding that the opponent's attack trajectory has been avoiding him, even if he actively leans up, he will retreat, Lin Youxi thought, "Interesting... Did you notice that I am dying?"

"What do you say? Are you going to attack the sheep mother?"

Lin Youxi shook her head, "I probably understand..."

Lin Youxi slashed the mother of the sheep a few times at the beginning, but when she found something was wrong, she forgave the mother of the sheep directly.

"But that doesn't seem to work."

"It's effective." Lin Youxi reminded Xia Yuan who was watching, "Look here, the conversation between Yang Mama is different every time."

"Really... Is it really possible to reconcile? If I have to kill the sheep mother, I won't play it. What kind of rubbish game did Fang choose?"

Seeing Lin Youxi constantly forgiving Mother Yang and finally reconciling with Mother Yang, Xia Yuan jumped up for joy.

"Great! With such a cute character, I knew she must be a good person! Look at Youxi! I just said..."

"How can it be so easy to see..."

Lin Youxi frowned and said, "If she hadn't avoided attacking me in the end, I wouldn't have paid attention."

"I have already shown that I love you so much."

"It may also be a conspiracy..."

"Oh, I won't tell you anymore, I have to clear the customs myself."

Xia Yuan read Lin Youxi's strategy, and soon came to the mother of Yang.

She didn't even chop the mother of sheep.

Because Xia Yuan has seen the plot here, the operation is very fast.



Just when Mother Yang felt relaxed about the character's behavior, Xia Yuan also relaxed a bit and chose the attack mode.

"Ah, I accidentally pressed the wrong button... But, it should be fine after a while—"

Under Xia Yuan's operation, the protagonist inflicted 22043 damage with one blow.


 I haven't finished writing yet, damn it, there will be another chapter in a while, and I will continue to write later.

(End of this chapter)

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