Chapter 394
Since Xia Yuan made her live broadcast debut as Yuanjiang, she has quickly become the top live broadcast host of station C, and every time she broadcasts, she will wash the live broadcast list and go straight to the top of the list.

In the follow-up, Xia Yuan will broadcast live for 2 hours every day. She will mainly do two things in her daily life. One is to play games promoted and released by Similu Studio; the other is to chat and sing with everyone, and she will also explain some knowledge about music creation .

During the period, in addition to the [Flower Q] stalk, Xia Yuan also created a lot of interesting stalks and various emoticons that were spoofed by screenshots. Noisy, her friendly and familiar personality also helped her harvest a large number of young fans.

[You can even write songs, and you still say you are not Yuanbao! 】

[Is station C so poor that it wants the proprietress to come out for business]

[I'm calling Yuanjiang's wife now, is it considered a bully or not, the stationmaster?Ben Pure Love God of War panics]

[The one on the left, isn't he more excited? 】

[Go to the bull warrior! 】

Xia Yuan swayed like this for a few days, and it was not until the New Year's party before the year that the broadcast was temporarily suspended to prepare for the New Year's party and the [-]th.

Many of the New Year’s parties in this era are still very mainstream orthodox programs, and the New Year’s Eve party programs at station C are mainly organized by the top [-] UP owners of station C. It is a very club-like and youthful event.

Because Mei Fang personally promised that as long as it does not violate relevant regulations and violates public order and good customs, any theme and any form can be played freely. The confirmed top [-] UP masters are also eager to try.

In the previous life, Station B launched the top 2019 plans in [-], four years later, but the development momentum of Yuanxi Mutual Entertainment is much stronger than that of Station B. Mei Youyuan’s personal charm and influence of the three giants harvested a large number of fans in summer.

However, at this time, the Two-dimensional ecology is still a very niche ecology. An ordinary UP main fan with more than [-] fans is a very big figure. The two accounts of Yuanbaoyuanjiang like Xia Yuan can add up to a whole C Zhan Rihuo’s UP owners belong to Dingtian’s head, so it is actually very difficult to get together the top [-].

More than half of this year's top [-] UP hosts are selected by Mei Fang himself. In addition to the heads of each section, Mei Fang has strengthened the selection weight related to subtitle groups, games, fan dramas, singing, and house dances. These UP masters play a vital role in the inheritance of the Two-dimensional culture of station C.

Therefore, Chun Hei, Lao Tomato, Wang Lao Ju, Lao E, Liang Feng, Ping Zi Ji, Xiao Yuan and other UP masters who were also well-known in their previous lives but may not be very popular at this time were also selected into the top [-] in the end. List.

Of course, the director of the factory has been ruined by controversy after 2020 because of his various strange operations and orders, but his "Call of Ji" series of albums has a very deep memory for the older generation of gamers. You cannot ignore his contribution to the website with the experience of later generations;

In the same way, the "former emperor" in Fanju District is also one of the top [-] candidates that Mei Fang can't avoid his eyes at the moment. As the leader himself, he has no reason why he cannot be selected for the top [-].

In the process of communicating with these UP masters who were controversial in the previous life, Mei Fang even felt that the other party was a little too sincere and straightforward, which was completely incompatible with the incidents caused by those people in the impression of the previous life.

However, it is understandable... After all, a person's personality and behavior style will definitely change a lot before and after becoming famous.

In fact, Mei Fang also thought about whether to use past life experience to screen out a group of existences that may affect the future reputation of Station C in advance, but Mei Fang gave up this idea after careful consideration of the pros and cons.

He is not just a user of Station C, but the owner of Station C. He should not consider the problem of a single UP owner, because even if he avoids this UP owner, other UP owners cannot guarantee that the same problem will not occur.

On the official platform, it is very dangerous to take the initiative to express a biased position, because that in itself will become a black spot for the official.

The official most is to express their tendency in terms of selection weight, but it is a trivial matter to attack a certain UP owner or over-praise a certain UP owner, causing the UP owner to leave. There is a public relations crisis. Whether the way of handling this time can convince the public netizens is the most important thing for Mei Fang to consider.

As for why Yuanjiang and Yuanbao did not remain neutral——

This has already been clearly stated to be official, and there is no neutral topic for discussion.

What's more, Mei Youyuan herself is not in the top [-], and the three of them are award presenters.

Among the offline friends, the only one who made it to the Top [-] is Mei Fang’s former tablemate Wan Chaoxiong.

He is a lifestyle blogger, who shoots every detail of himself on campus from the perspective of a cat "overlord". His excellent editing ability and gradually improving script skills make him a well-known UP master in the living area. one.

Another point that is worth mentioning is that, as a high school classmate of the webmaster Mei Fang, Wan Chaoxiong never used this as a material for contributing videos to publicize. It can be said that he is a very individual person.

In the first issue of Top [-], there are many Top [-] Top [-] names, which accounted for [-]% of the total. The selections were all subtitle group leaders who had made outstanding contributions to the spread of Two-dimensional culture.

These subtitle Chinese translation groups are not just pure fan dramas, but also include two-dimensional culture in various aspects such as games, film and television. They used to complete the translation work based on their love for games and fan dramas. In terms of family and work, he has retired and no longer continues to shine in the subtitle group, but he is still respected on the Chinese website.

Mei Fang’s reservation of places for them here is not to forcibly collect the top [-] places, but a kind of inheritance and commemoration of the two-dimensional culture in the past, just like the award speech he personally wrote for the big names in the subtitle group.

"There are many young friends who may not understand what these honorary UP owners who were not present mean to station C."

"In my opinion, this means a cultural heritage."

"Many of the Japanese games we were exposed to when we were young, the jrpg you secretly played at home, and the dramas you secretly watched, the reason why you can empathize with the characters in the game, laugh together, and fall in love with them together is because you can Read their stories."

"It's all based on, you know what they're talking about."

"Many Sakura-style role-playing games contain millions of characters of text. They have not been released in Chinese in China, so naturally there is no corresponding localized language pack."

"For most of us Yingwen Xiaobai, it is almost impossible to get into the pit if you can't understand the text."

"As for the subtitle group, the role of the Sinicization group is also reflected here."

"Many times their work is purely for love, and they have never received or asked for any rewards or honors. Some of them are just a thank you from netizens in the community-I like their translations and the texts they arrange based on story understanding , this was the biggest reward for them back then.”

"We always say that selfless dedication is praised, but this does not mean that you can't get rewards for giving. It is undoubtedly a kind of moral kidnapping."

"The reason why I set up the annual Top [-] here is not just to award an honor, but a kind of commemoration and inheritance."

"To commemorate the contributions made by the subtitle group over the years, to inherit our love for Two-dimensional culture, and to let this love continue."

"Therefore, I will issue special commemorative medals to these top [-] honors, and give them the accounts of lifelong honorary members at station C. After that, their viewing experience at station C will always be unimpeded, enjoy limited exclusive logos, and even be able to keep watching all the time. Handed down!"

Mei Fang's speech at the New Year's Eve Awards Ceremony caused many members of the subtitle team who were watching the live broadcast in front of the computer, holding the child in their arms to put him to sleep, to tears.

Looking at those familiar IDs, they couldn't help but miss the time when everyone was surfing the Internet ten years ago...

Years are a killer knife.

 I could have double updated today, but I kept fighting in the afternoon, and I couldn’t bear to play with Kiss Pig at night when I saw Kiss Pig even kneeling. Kissing sister pig, just wanted to see how it turned out.

  As a result, Kissing the Pig won its first victory after 12 o'clock, and it was only then that I started to code with peace of mind. I was really warm.

  Another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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