Chapter 401 Mom, something big happened!

Today, Mei Lijun was tired from driving all day, so he didn't participate in many discussions.

After chatting with his wife about Mei Fang in the evening, Mei Lijun expressed his attitude. He felt that his wife was a bit too strong.

As the majestic head of the Mei family, Mei Lijun deeply felt his own powerlessness when he saw the conflicts between his wife and daughter, and his son's emotional journey through difficult torture and setbacks.

However, there should be something that I, the head of the family, can do...

He wanted to try to persuade his wife not to be entangled in these matters any longer, which would affect Mei Youyuan's harmonious relationship with the Big Three.

"Isn't it said that good children and grandchildren have their own blessings, why are you starting to intervene in their affairs now?"

"How can this be called meddling? You, a dignified national cadre, just watch your son messing around with men and women?"

"How can this be called messing with men and women?"

Mei Lijun crossed his legs and loosened his wife's shoulders, "I see these three children grew up together from childhood to adulthood, and now we get along like this, you love me, and you don't have a secret relationship with anyone, isn't it good? ?”

"What's so good? This son is a greedy ghost, and your father doesn't have any knowledge, right?"

Xiang Xiaoxia said in a deep voice, "You can't just think from the standpoint of your own son, you should also think more about Yuanyuan, Youxi, and their parents."

"But I think Youxi and Yuanyuan don't mind this...I mean...the two of them are not just rivals in love, and they have a very good relationship. Do you really want your son to choose from among them?" One, let the other tear the skin off with our family?"

"I just don't want to be immersed in the Dao and tear my face in the end, so I have to break up early."

Xiang Xiaoxia said seriously, "To be honest, we are also responsible for this matter. No matter what, Lao Lin's family and Lao Xia's family are old neighbors who have known each other for many years. Our son must explain to both parties."

"Since there is an explanation, shouldn't it be—"

"Hey, how do you educate your children as a father?"

Xiang Xiaoxia scolded angrily, "You should say a few words less, I have the final say on this matter, unless your son doesn't want to recognize me as a mother, otherwise don't continue to entangle with the two of them like this."

"No... I'm afraid—"

"What are you afraid of?"

"Hey...forget it."

Mei Lijun shook his head, "Just pretend I didn't say anything."

"Daughter and daughter are angry with me, son and son make me worry, even if you don't stand by me, I don't know how to live this day."

Xiang Xiaoxia sighed, then lay down on the bed, and Mei Lijun lay down with him, and said, "By the way, we don't know how far our son's career has progressed."

"Even if he becomes the richest man in the country tomorrow, I, a mother, can't let him mess around."

Xiang Xiaoxia looked at the ceiling, "No matter how much money you earn, you will still be dead in 100 years? But I can't let our descendants point at our son's nose and curse, this ancestor is a scumbag with two feet, you know ?"

"I can understand that..."

Mei Lijun also looked at the ceiling together, "But the palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, and you can't pick them yourself. You let our son choose."

"He has to choose by himself, and this is also the choice he must go through on his growth path."

Xiang Xiaoxia said with emotion, "You can't have both. Our child has never encountered any setbacks in his life. Let him know that there is not always a way to have the best of both worlds."

"But I always feel..."

Mei Lijun couldn't help complaining, "Actually, I didn't think so much at first, but hearing what you said, I don't think our son can be viewed with the eyes of ordinary people."

"Why can't you use ordinary people's eyes?"

"Honey, do you still remember how our family got rich?"

"You said... about buying a lottery ticket?"

Xiang Xiaoxia thought for a while, "He is really lucky."

"Luck is one aspect... What impressed me the most was what he said to us after winning the big prize. He told us not to spread the word, do you remember?"

"I think a six-year-old child can say such calm words, instead of asking me to buy him toys, delicious food, and finally a computer... I always feel that I have been gifted since I was a child. Without this computer, He can't do what he's doing now."


When Xiang Xiaoxia and Mei Lijun reviewed their son's growth history, they really felt a wonderful feeling.

"My son Mei Fang has the posture of the sky, and the momentum of development in the future may be extraordinary."

"If you say so much, you can only ask for a wife, sleep!"

Xiang Xiaoxia turned off the lights.

In the next week, Mei had the chance to spend a rare vacation at Mei's house with the Big Three.

Lin Youxi would cook with Xiang Xiaoxia, Xia Yuan would accompany Mei Ya to do homework, and Mei Fang would study flower cultivation with Mei Lijun, returning to busy work from time to time.

Since being reprimanded by her brother, Mei Ya's enthusiasm for learning has increased a lot, her self-consciousness has also greatly increased, and she never mentioned to Xiang Xiaoxia that she wanted to go to Pengcheng with her brother.

However, the mother and daughter have not yet fully reconciled, and they usually talk to each other in daily life. It will be difficult for them to return to the era of the little padded jacket.

I don't know if Mei Fang listened to her own words, but Xiang Xiaoxia didn't see many pictures of Mei Fang and Xia Yuanlin Youxi making love to each other.

But the three of them are single now, so it might not be appropriate to be intimate...

On the contrary, Yuanyuan and Youxi have gotten very close in the past week. Mei Fang is usually busy at work. When he is busy with work, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi take Mei Ya to the streets to buy, buy, eat, drink, share and watch together. past movies.

Xiang Xiaoxia didn't think it was particularly strange at first, after all, this pair of girlfriends had been together deeply since childhood.

But every time they went out to play at home without Mei Fang, Xiang Xiaoxia began to wonder.

That day, she passed by Mei Fang's room after collecting her clothes, and saw that he was still using the computer in the room, she was puzzled and said:
"Mei Fang, why don't you hang out with Yuanyuan Youxi?"

"Ah... I'm busy at work here, you see."

Mei Fang showed his mother his computer screen, "I'm still discussing character design with the artist in our studio."

"I have already started to take annual leave, don't patronize work, but also have a good time to relax."

"This not what I say."

Mei Fang smiled, "Our Yuanxi Huyu Entertainment is now the top in the industry, but it has also attracted a lot of criticism and controversy. If we can't make more money, it will be difficult for the company to support hundreds of people."

"You also ask Yuanyuan Youxi to help... Aren't the three of you partners working together?"

"They...are not very good at me."

Mei Fang smiled, "Oh, Mom, just leave it alone, we usually have a very clear division of labor, even if the two of them worry about me, they can only worry about it."

"The last time I asked you about that, did you tell them both?"

"Please, how could I be so stupid!"

Mei Fang smiled and said, "If the two of them really knew about this, how could they be so close now, what do you think? Besides, wouldn't saying this affect your image in their hearts?"

"I'm doing it for their own good. Yuanyuan and Youxi will understand me."

"No matter what, it's not convenient for me to talk about it, so let it be."

Mei Fang sighed, "Mom, go ahead, I have to deal with work here."

Xiang Xiaoxia originally wanted to talk to him and remind him to choose one, but seeing that her son was so busy at work, she let it go.

That's right...the presidents in those TV dramas are all socializing, although they don't work, they don't have much leisure time.

My son's company is still in the startup stage. It is making games, opening a website, writing music, and socializing. How can I have time to worry about these children's love?
This seems to be the reason why Youxi broke up with his son before... Doesn't it make sense in this way?

The one-week holiday at Mei's house passed quickly, and Mei Fang also drove back this year, so we can drive together on the road together.

Although Xiang Xiaoxia didn't get too much sweet candy this week, Mei Youyuan's relationship with the Big Three is still very good. The feeling of physical contact, and the three of them sat together when they went home by car, which also made Xiang Xiaoxia feel a little more at ease.

"Let's go! Mei Fang hasn't been driving for a year yet, so we can only go home at a low speed this time."

Mei Lijun greeted his wife to get into the car, but when he saw that Mei Ya was obediently following him to get into the car, he asked curiously, "Xiaoya, why didn't you go with your brother's car."

"I...I want to spend more time with Dad, but I feel like I haven't talked to Dad recently."

Maya muttered, looking worried.

But Mei Lijun was very happy just hearing this, he smiled and stroked Mei Ya's head and said, "You don't feel tired of seeing Dad every day, there is really nothing I can do about you."

Mei Ya was pushed into the car by Mei Lijun. Just as Mei Lijun was about to start the car, Xiang Xiaoxia felt a little strange when she saw Mei Ya who was preoccupied in the rearview mirror.

"Xiaoya, what are you thinking?"

"I, I'm thinking about how much I haven't finished my winter vacation homework."

Mei Lijun said in surprise: "Wow, Xiaoya, what did your brother talk to you about? Why are you so motivated now?"

"Anyway, my brother will tell what I like to hear, and I can listen to it, instead of just blaming me, saying that I am not doing my job properly, this is not okay, and that is not okay."

"Xiaoya, why are you pissing off at your mother? If you have an opinion on your mother, just tell her. What's wrong with the family?"

Both Mei Ya and Xiang Xiaoxia felt speechless at Mei Lijun's punctured words, and both of them gave Mei Lijun a white look at the same time.

Xiang Xiaoxia paused and said, "About this matter, your brother actually talked to me. I admit that sometimes I still don't understand you, but you shouldn't say anything anyway, relying on your brother to hold your thigh It's not as good as when you were trying to be an astronaut."

"When I wanted to be an astronaut, you didn't and never supported me..."

Maya had a dream of being an astronaut since she was a child. She was always working hard to become an astronaut until she graduated from elementary school. It gradually became indifferent, and was attracted by the content of Warhammer, which is also a space stage.

However, it’s normal for children’s interests and hobbies to vary widely. How many of them write about becoming scientists in their elementary school essays, and how many of them really want to practice this dream?
The car was driving unsteadily on the road. Mei Lijun's family didn't have much to say on the road without Mei Fang. Mei Ya kept playing with her mobile phone, and Xiang Xiaoxia reminded her from time to time not to get too close to the mobile phone, which would cause myopia. discourse.

But at the same time, Xiang Xiaoxia would always inadvertently look at Mei Fang's car outside the rear window when she turned her head.

She seemed quite concerned about the relationship between the three of them.

She didn't know if it was because she had talked to Mei Fang, but she always felt that the relationship between the three of them had become a little subtle and hazy.

As a woman's intuition, this feeling has always been correct...

After being patient for a while, Xiang Xiaoxia took the initiative to talk to Maya and said:

"Xiaoya, Mommy asked you something."


Mei Ya is happily playing with her mobile phone. She is playing "Shadow Blade 1" with unlimited krypton gold, killing all directions in the server.

"It's just... You and Sister Yuanyuan Youxi often go out to play recently, have you heard them mention your brother?"

"Why did you mention my brother?"

"They've been playing together recently, and their relationship is a bit too good. Why don't you take your brother to play?"

"Well... I think Sister Yuanyuan and Sister Youxi have always had a very good relationship! Besides, isn't my brother very busy with work, I don't have time at all."

"That being said..."

Looking at her mother Xiang Xiaoxia who fell into silence in the mirror, Mei Ya showed a disdainful expression for a moment, then continued to play with her mobile phone, thought for a while and said:
"Mom, do you think sister Yuanyuan and sister Youxi don't like brother anymore?"

"Well... It shouldn't be possible. The three of them have been together since childhood, and their relationship is so good."

"It shouldn't be possible if you don't like it, but after all, you have broken up. No matter how many reasons there are, there is always a possibility of not loving."

"Stop talking nonsense."

Xiang Xiaoxia reprimanded Mei Ya, but immediately she couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

"Having said that... but have you seen any particular signs lately?"

"It's nothing special, I just think... Yuanyuan and Sister Youxi's relationship has really improved a lot recently..."

Mei Ya pretended to think for a while, then continued to play with her mobile phone and said, "Well, let me take a look at Sister Yuanyuan's circle of friends. I have Sister Yuanyuan and Sister Youxi's private accounts. Whenever Sister Yuanyuan has something, she will go to it." In the group."

"Mom! Something big happened!"

"What, what happened?"

"Sister Yuanyuan and Sister Youxi made an official announcement yesterday!"

"Official announcement?"

"It means being together! Let me show you..."

Mei Ya sent Xiang Xiaoxia the news she saw. One of these two messages was from Xia Yuan and the other was from Lin Youxi.

[Fate comes with Xi]: The encounter with you is a predestined fate, which makes me feel so emotional. I hope we can be happy together for the rest of our lives.

[Xi Ding Qing Yuan]: There are forests in the mountains and branches in the forests. I hope that from now on, we will always have branches to rely on.

The copywriting of the two people is different, but the accompanying pictures are the same - the two hands in the picture are clasped together and joined together - it is obvious that they are the hands of two girls.

"So... that means—"

Xiang Xiaoxia suddenly felt that she was shocked and rushed, which was not something an adult of her age could accept.

"This means that Yuanyuan and Youxi are together?"

"F-I'm afraid that's the case..."

Meiya suddenly started to cry in anxiety, "Woo, what can I do... now only my brother is single, and he likes Sister Yuanyuan and Sister Xi so much, I'm afraid he won't be with other girls in this life We are together, how will we live in the future, is our old Mei family going to die!"

 I wasted too much time listening to Kiss Pig's lectures in the group, and I forgot to ask for leave, sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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