Chapter 408 A Very New Relationship
After visiting You Xiaobing with Lin Guochuan, on the way back by car, Lin Guochuan asked Mei Fang this question:
"You, Youxi, and Yuanyuan have been on such a good relationship since they were young, but now they are all single... Can you tell Uncle Lin about your plans for the future?"

"About future plans..."

Mei Fang froze for a moment, then shook his head, "Currently the company is still in the stage of start-up financing, and many developments are still unstable. In addition, university courses also need to be studied carefully. The reason why Youxi and I broke up is also because I want to concentrate on In career and school..."

"I know, so I'm asking, what happened after that."

Lin Guochuan said softly, "You know, Uncle has only one daughter, Youxi. Although my family is not as rich as Yuanyuan's family, and I am not as rich as Yuanyuan's father, I can invest in your company, but Youxi is also my precious daughter. , I will never let her be wronged."

"Uncle, I know this."

"When you and Yuanyuan were together before, I just checked for lung nodules. At that time, I thought that if we really got terminally ill, we would at least have you as our support."

"You were also raised by your uncle, and you also have a lot of kindness to our family. Uncle always remembers it."

"But now that you have broken up, no matter whether the relationship is still there or not, this matter can only be discussed separately."

"If you finally decide to stay with Yuanyuan, Uncle will respect your personal wishes."

Lin Guochuan said, showing a very kind smile:

"However, once you decide to be with Youxi, uncle hopes that you will not disappoint her sincerity to you, and devote your affection to her alone. Can you promise to uncle?"


Mei Youyuan's Big Three have always believed that the biggest pressure for a threesome comes from Xiang Xiaoxia, who has the highest right to speak and has a strong personality, and Nu Xiaxun, daughter of a big family and a big business. Lin Youxi's family is often made by Lin Youxi himself. Guochuan always followed her wishes.

But this time Lin Guochuan decided to fight for more benefits for his daughter. After all, parents must not bear to see their daughter being wronged.

Mei Fang felt that he was afraid that Lin Youxi would be willing to stay low in order to continue being with Mei Fang because his family was not as good as Xia Yuan, which Lin Guochuan didn't want to see.

Therefore, Lin Guochuan's speech here, almost forcing the palace to express his position, is to cut off Mei Fang's desire for the three of them to go together.

If you agree to it here, you will put yourself in a morally disadvantageous position when you confront him later.

So, here we can only-

After hearing the words, Mei Fang, who was in a hurry, pretended to hesitate for a while, and then sighed deeply.

"Uncle Lin, you are my elder. I don't want to hide some things from you, but I can't tell you the truth. From my perspective, I may not be able to concentrate on one person in my life. .Yuanyuanyouxi and I are not in that simple love-like relationship, but a very new relationship that includes friendship and family affection..."

Lin Guochuan showed a frown and serious expression of complete distrust of himself: "I can't make a choice in this life... Do you mean to maintain this relationship with Youxi Yuanyuan for the rest of your life, and keep delaying them and yourself? "

"So... this matter may be more complicated than you imagined. You have to ask your daughter. If Youxi is willing to tell you the truth, you will understand my difficulty in not being able to choose one of them. I can only say that I understand everything. Understand."

Mei Fang's riddle man Dafa made Lin Guochuan stunned for a while, so that in the end he didn't understand what the "situation" Mei Fang was talking about.

After returning from the outside, Mei Fang sent Lin Guochuan back to Lin Youxi's home.

After all, she helped solve a family's serious problem. The grateful Liang Meijuan invited Mei Fang to have dinner at home. This time Mei Fang was not polite, but sat obediently at Lin's house waiting for the meal, and then was dragged to her room by Lin Youxi Ask about the history of Uncle You Xiaobing.

"He really told you that he wanted to apologize to me?"

Regarding her uncle's change, Lin Youxi still finds it inconceivable, "If I want to believe that he really repents, I might as well believe that Afang is not afraid of heights and is good at swimming."

"Hey, what you it itchy, right?"

Mei Fang threw Lin Youxi on her bed and tried to tease her, but Lin Youxi lay down as if she wanted to play whatever you want, "I heard that people who are addicted to gambling will never repent, but if you enter After going inside and coming out, maybe there will be a little difference in mentality, Afang, do you think he is pretending?"

"I don't think I can see the meaning of pretending... After all, the feeling of shrinking and shrinking, your uncle will definitely not be able to act like he used to."

"Well...then believe what you say, after all, the eyes of the CEO of Yuanxi Huyu will definitely not be wrong."

As Lin Youxi spoke, she opened her arms for Mei Fang's hug, "Do you want to go to Yuanyuan's hometown to sleep tonight? I miss you."

Mei Fang pinched Lin Youxi's face as he spoke, "Well, don't worry about this, let's talk about another thing, which has to do with your father."

"My dad?"

Mei Fang and Lin Youxi came out of the room one after another. At this moment, Liang Meijuan had prepared hot soup and food, and warmly greeted Mei Fang and Lin Youxi to come over for dinner.

At this time, Lin Youxi strode forward, coughed a few times, and then said seriously:

"Dad, Mom, I heard what Afang said about the situation. I still have to tell you the truth about some things, lest you misunderstand Afang."

"Say, say what?"

The innocent Liang Meijuan had no idea what Lin Youxi was going to say to them next, so she just swallowed and listened carefully to her daughter's speech.

"The reason why Ah Fang and I broke up is actually the most important reason——"

"Actually, I already have someone else in mind."

"Don't, another sweetheart?!"

After hearing this, Liang Meijuan dropped the spoon in her hand in fright, and Lin Guochuan even dropped her glasses to the ground, and hurriedly picked them up and put them on again.

"Youxi, are you serious? Have you fallen in love with someone other than Afang?"

Lin Youxi nodded, and looked at Mei Fang with an indifferent attitude, "Although I like A Fang very much, I have always been A Fang, and sometimes I still feel tired."

"Then, who are you looking at? Wait, wait a minute..."

Feeling greatly shocked, Lin Guochuan was immediately ashamed. He had been worried that Mei Fang would want both, which would make Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan turn against each other. He didn't expect that the first to cheat was his own daughter?

Lin Guochuan obviously couldn't accept this fact.

He adjusted his glasses tremblingly, then asked in a trembling voice:
"You, when you were in love with Afang, you—"

Lin Youxi nodded, "It was at that time that I cheated."

" have always been a very good child, how could you do such a thing..."

Lin Guochuan frowned and said, "Since childhood, Ah Fang has paid so much for you, and he is sincere to you. Is there any child who is more sincere to you besides Ah Fang in this world? I don't think there is any..."

"Father, don't be too deadly, there are still... the world is full of wonders."

Lin Youxi smiled.

"No, it's impossible."

Lin Guochuan shook his head, "If you joke with Dad, Dad doesn't blame you, but don't let Ah Fang misunderstand you, explain clearly, so that you don't have to—"

Lin Youxi put her hips on her hips and put on a girlish posture, "No, I don't, I still show my love to her in front of A Fang."


It was the first time that Lin Guochuan had the idea of ​​beating his daughter. Just when he was about to do it, Mei Fang hurriedly stopped Lin Guochuan, then scratched his cheek and said embarrassedly: "Uncle Lin, don't listen to Youxi's teasing!" You, things are not as bad as you think."

"I knew... Youxi, don't always—"

"Youxi's cheating partner is Yuanyuan, and she broke up with me only to be with Yuanyuan."


That night, Xia Xun, who was watching the football game at home, received a call from Mei Lijun.

"Hey, Mei Ju, what can I do tonight?"

"Well, Lao Xia, are you free tonight?"

"I'm free...what's the matter?"

"The three children all went out to visit the night market today. I was thinking that the adults of our three families haven't met for dinner together for a long time. Why don't you come to my house for a gathering? Xiaoxia said I'll give you something delicious."

"I should have time, but Mr. Yu probably has to go for a beauty treatment tonight, so I don't have time—"

"Next time, let's make a mask next time, call Teacher Yu, hahaha."

Mei Lijun smiled, and his tone became serious again:

"Let's talk about the children tonight."

"Well...then I'll talk to my wife."

Finally, it's time...

Mei Lijun took the initiative to find his own family to discuss together. It seemed that he already knew who Mei Fang would choose to be with in the end.

Although You Xi is an excellent partner, there is still a difference between a lover couple and a business partner.

Our family Yuanyuan is so cute, that kid Mei Fang should not be so ignorant of current affairs——

Xia Xun, who was thinking so in his heart, was even more nervous than when he handed Yu Ling a love letter for the first time.

If this kid doesn't choose my daughter, I will definitely divest him!
Xia Xun is cheering himself up.

Then, Xia Xun began to fall into doubts again.

So, who will Mei Fang choose to fall in love with in the end? !
Xia Xun, who was sitting at the dinner table, became a little nervous.

 I went back to my hometown today, and I played Chapter 2 relatively late.

(End of this chapter)

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