Only after I was reborn did I realize that I had green plums.

Chapter 413 The chapter you visit does not exist

Chapter 413 The chapter you visit does not exist

Mei Fang's cousin, Mei Yue, suffered huge debts due to being abandoned by her boyfriend in her previous life. Later, she also suffered from hysteria because she couldn't bear such a blow, and she became confused and insane all day long.

In this life, Mei Fang asked Mei Yue to sever contact with her boyfriend early, and developed him into a tool for her own career, laying an important foundation for her own establishment of Yuanxi Huyu.

Although the circumstances of the previous life and the present life have undergone tremendous changes, the tendency of the cousin in terms of emotions is also obvious——

The cousin is a love brain, and generally does not get involved in love, once she falls in love, she will be deeply involved; in addition, she is also an uncle fan, who likes mature and handsome uncles, and was fascinated by him when she first met Xia Xun before.

Of course, at that time, Mei Yue had misunderstood Xia Xun as the father of that wife who died (Mei Fang once told her that her childhood sweetheart mother passed away very early), so she had unreasonable thoughts about Xia Xun, and after the misunderstanding was clarified, she also There is no further action.

Although but, although but!
The admiration for a person from the heart is something that a love brain like Sister Yueyue can't hide at all.

After Xia Xun drove to Uncle Mei Lixiong's house, the Mei family warmly received Xia Xun——

And Mei Yue, who had been well dressed, behaved very well at the dinner table, as if she had changed her appearance.

But other people didn't take these seriously. After all, there were indeed unfamiliar outsiders present, and it was just a basic quality to dress dignifiedly and decently.

Since the meeting of the three families, Mei Lijun was very afraid that the loss of his daughter-in-law would become a terrible reality, so he was very enthusiastic about Xia Xun and Lin Guochuan in his life.

And this time Xia Xun came to eat, and he also sat side by side with Xia Xun, and the two seemed very affectionate.

"Come on, Lao Xia, try my sister-in-law's handicraft, her braised fish in braised sauce is a must, let me tell you—"


Mr. Xia Xun was a little lonely when he came to eat.

His mood was like continuous rain, exuding a melancholy and sad atmosphere.

【Go find a place to eat by yourself】

Such heartless words were actually said to him by his precious daughter Xia Yuan who had loved him for 20 years.

We, Yuanyuan, were not like this before!It's all this kid Mei Fang...

If it was Yuanyuan before, what she said should be——

"Father, don't you have anything to eat when you come back? Let Yuanyuan cook for you, okay?"

"Yuanyuan is a little adult now, as Dad's obedient baby, he must feed Dad well!"

Although this is already the memory of Yuanyuan going to kindergarten, it is still the best memory in Xia Xun's life.

In any case, our family Yuanyuan shouldn’t, can’t say such chilling words——

Xia Xun's frowning and thoughtful expression exudes an invisible sense of vicissitudes. As Mei Yue ate, her eyes would inadvertently fall on Uncle Xia Xun's sharp-edged face.

Fuck, this is too handsome...

When Mei Yue stared at Xia Xun with some nympho, Mei Ya also stared at Cousin Mei Yue with disbelief.

She is young but witty and eccentric. She is mentally more mature than children of the same age. She is very talented and has learned many useless sting ape poses from her brother's station C. She is quite good at playing tricks.

The object of my admiration turned out to be my cousin Qingmei's father. Such a happy thing happened to me. If this article is posted on Station C, it will definitely gain a lot of traffic!
Mei Ya's current dream is to rely on her own talent, plus a little bit of her brother's thighs, to become the top [-] in station C.

However, Mei Fang also clearly told Mei Ya that there is no way to hold her thigh. Mei Fang said that she would only do things that add icing on the cake. Only when Mei Ya relied on her own strength to make influence and was selected into the top [-], did her brother allow her to expose her position. The identity of the eldest sister.

In fact, Mei Fang is a person who cherishes feathers very much. He can give his sister whatever she wants, and he can buy whatever she wants.

But if Mei Ya wants to use his reputation and strength to become famous through the back door, then Mei Fang will never allow it.

After all, revealing her identity also means that her actions and remarks will reveal some official attitudes. Meiya is only twelve or thirteen years old now, and she is not mature enough to that level.

Mei Yue at the dinner table has been playing the role of a cheerful and lively good sister, and keeps adding food to Yuanyuan, trying to attract Xia Xun's attention.

"Come on, Yuanyuan, eat more of this."

"Okay, oh, I can't eat any more stuffing... You and Mom Xiang are both doing this for me, and I can do it myself."

Xia Xun saw that her daughter was a little embarrassed, and immediately picked up the bowl and prepared to hand it to Xia Yuan:

"I can't finish eating—"

As a result, as soon as Xia Xun's bowl was picked up, Xia Yuan put the vegetables in the bowl into Mei Fang's bowl, and Mei Fang still looked disgusted: "Why are you so picky when you don't eat so much?"

"I, I don't want to eat, I also want to give you a taste."

Xia Yuan took the initiative to feed Mei Fang while talking, because now the strategy of threesomes has changed, Mei Fang, a young single dog, did not shy away from showing off his intimacy in front of everyone, and asked Xia Yuan to put the meal into his mouth in one gulp.

Seeing her daughter and Mei Fang making love to each other, Xia Xun felt an indescribable sadness in his heart.

Even during the time when Mei Fang and Xia Yuan were in love, the two of them were still very conservative in front of their parents, why are they becoming closer and more free-spirited now?
【Snow Flakes Fluttering—North Wind Xiao Xiao】

His favorite sad song echoed in Xia Xun's ears, and just as he was about to retract the bowl, Mei Yue stretched out her hand and said, "Uncle Xia, do you want some soup? I'll serve you some. "

"Uh... um, sorry to trouble you."

"You're welcome, you're welcome!"

Mei Yue took Xia Xun's bowl, filled a large bowl of soup, and handed it to Xia Xun.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome!"

Xia Xun glanced at Mei Yue, and then asked, "Did we meet somewhere before?"


Mei Yue was a little sad after hearing that, "That, that! I was there when you visited the Jiangcheng studio before, I was the one—"

Mei Fang explained from the side, "Sister Yueyue is the human resources director of our Yuanxi Huyu, and in charge of finance. When I was not old enough to start a company, Sister Yueyue has always been the legal person of our company."

After hearing this, Xia Xun also felt a little emotional, "Manpower and finance are very important positions. Now that Yuanxi Huyu has such a large scale, it is not easy to achieve this level."

"Hey... In fact, it is to do the job well. In the past few years, I have been focusing on work and improvement. After all, the group of Yuanxi Huyu always doubles in size within a few months. If I can't keep up Xiao Fangzi must have been expelled from the list of partners long ago."

"However, if you become an executive at your level, you don't necessarily have to have top-notch executive ability. Organizational management ability and the prestige of the team are more important. After all, no matter how much you have to do everything yourself, you can't do everything. There are also layers that you don’t understand.”

"Yes, you are right in this aspect. Employing people is more important than doing things. You should also listen to Xiao Fangzi. Don't always lead the team to play games there by yourself. You should coordinate the overall situation and develop more profit lines."

"I'm different."

Mei Fang complained, "I lead the team to make games because I like it, and I want to realize my dream. It's not interesting to make money. I'm not interested in money."


At this time, Ma's father's remarks have not been made public, so Mei Fang suddenly said such a sentence, which made Mei Yue burst into laughter, "You are the boss of a group that started your business since elementary school, you are right. not interested?"

"Oh, money is really a trivial matter. What I'm pursuing now is mainly self-realization. If I'm not interested, it doesn't mean I won't make money... If such a big company wants to operate, doesn't it mean that it has to keep raising funds and making profits to have a future? ?”

"It's best for you to understand this..." Mei Yue sighed as she spoke, "Don't forget that Uncle Xia invested so much money in you, don't let him live up to his expectations of us."

"This is for sure. Uncle Xia is our angel investor. I have always been very grateful." Mei Fang said, picked up the cup and stood up to Xia Xun:
"Come on, Uncle Xia, we haven't eaten together for a long time, I'll toast you a toast, and we'll be driving out today, so we'll replace wine with tea."

Xia Xun has always been a person who cares about face. Seeing that Mei Fang took the initiative to toast, he was about to take the toast and said, only to find that Xia Yuan who was beside him also got up and picked up the wine glass:

"Dad, I too—"

"Yuanyuan, sit down, sit down!"

Xiang Xiaoxia on the side grabbed Xia Yuan before Xia Xun's face sank.

"You haven't married yet, what are you doing with Mei Fang toasting your father? It's outrageous."

"Ah, I, I started a company with Ah Fang, and my father gave him support. Shouldn't we thank him together?"

"Oh, Yuanyuan, don't be so cute!"

Xiang Xiaoxia pulled Yuanyuan and said in a low voice, "In our Baimei County, the only occasion where a daughter wants to toast her father is at a wedding, do you know?"

"Ah? This, is that so!"

"That's it……"

So Xia Yuan blushed and sat down. Xia Xun, who was on the side, looked at her daughter in a daze, and Xia Xun had mixed feelings in her heart.

Yuanyuan has followed the pace of this kid Mei Fang.

But why is she with Youxi again?

Could it be that this is a kind of compromise that cannot be asked for...

Xia Xun sipped his tea, his calm and breezy appearance could hold Mei Yue firmly.

Mei Ya on the side happily watched Sister Yueyue committing a nympho, and she suddenly felt a little angry with her childlike nature and said cheerfully:
"That's right, Uncle Xia Xun, why didn't Aunt Yu come today?"

Xia Xun explained: "Yuanyuan's mother went to the teacher's house for dinner."

"Then why didn't she take you with her?"

"I was still busy discussing business at that time, and they had already had dinner, so it was inconvenient to go there at that time."

Maya nodded, "Oh, so that's the case. I thought—"

"Why do you think so?"

"I thought it was because Uncle Xia Xun was so handsome, I was afraid that Aunt Yu's colleagues would fall in love with you—"

Mei Yue blushed suddenly when her cousin poked her at the center, but Xiang Xiaoxia next door was furious.

"Meiya? Who taught you to say these words? Why are you so big and small! What's the matter with your mouth? Wipe it on the wall for me, aren't you afraid I'll beat you up?"

Looking at Xiang Xiaoxia's fist, Mei Ya was frightened and hid in Yuanyuan's sister's warm embrace.

"Ah, I'm sorry mom, I made a mistake and I don't dare to do it anymore. Next time you talk nonsense, you will beat me up!"

At this time, Mei Lijun also followed his daughter's words and began to look Xia Xun up and down, "But to be honest, Lao Xia, you are very handsome and young. How do you take care of it? Your hair volume is also very healthy."

"Yes, yes! I'm curious about this too!"

Talking about this, Shang Meiyue also showed off her cards and stopped pretending, "I really think Uncle Xia has a good temperament, just like those handsome uncles with stories in the Sakura drama, he looks very vicissitudes and melancholy, but he is also very masculine. !"

Mei Yue's enthusiasm for Xia Xun and her indifference to other men formed a sharp contrast, which made her parents stunned for a while, but Xia Xun didn't seem to care too much, but explained directly: :

"Actually, I don't take care of myself, I just pay attention to using facial cleanser and don't stay up late. If I have to say wife will often help me buy some skin care products to supervise my use, and control my diet, pay attention to health preservation, and use less oil and less oil. Less sugar, less spicy..."

Xia Xun here counts Yu Ling's care for her like a treasure, and Xia Yuan who is on the side is a little dumbfounded.

"It turns out that Mom knows how to take care of Dad! I don't know why. I only know that Mom's cooking is terrible, and Dad has always been accommodating to her."

"...Your mother's food is not bad, it's just bland."

Xia Xun explained, "Because I have a bad stomach, and I often suffered from stomach problems when I was young, so the dishes she cooks are light and may not taste so delicious..."

"It feels, very..."

Mei Yue listened to Xia Xun talking about herself and Teacher Yu, and suddenly felt a little sad, "I feel very affectionate, really enviable."

"This is indeed the case. My parents have always had a good relationship."

Xia Yuan just heard from Mei Fang that sister Yueyue might like her father, but Xia Yuan didn't take this matter to heart at all.

There is no need!

After all, her father is really handsome. When she was young, many classmates envied Xia Yuan for having such a handsome father. From time to time, she and her mother would hear rumors about Xia Xun cheating and having an affair.

But mother Yu Ling has complete trust in her father Xia Xun, and except for occasional business trips, Xia Xun comes back almost every day to eat the meals cooked by her mother.

This kind of respectful relationship has been maintained to this day, and it is the beautiful love of her parents that has given Xia Yuan the motivation to pursue her dedication to the end.

"My father and my mother met in college. They could have gone to a better place like Jiangcheng to develop. Because my mother said that she wanted to come back to be a teacher, my father accompanied her back to Baimei County to develop."

Xia Xun suddenly couldn't hold back: "Okay, Yuanyuan, don't say these words, what are you saying in front of so many people..."

"Hey...Dad, are you shy! Hahaha! You are over 40, how can you still be shy? Dad, you are so shameful! Sister Yueyue, you haven't seen my mother yet, let me give you Look at our family portrait."

Listening to Xia Yuan talking about the romantic history of her parents, looking at the photos of the family of three that Xia Yuan shared with Mei Yue, especially seeing Teacher Yu's elegant ladylike temperament, sweet healing smile and broad mind like the sea Afterwards, Mei Yue's state of mind also changed from regret to relief.

Her eyes fell on Yuanyuan who was telling these stories vividly.

Even though she had applied a little makeup, her face still showed a clean, clear, pure and sweet look.

To be able to raise such a beautiful girl like an angel together, the two parents must be very good and outstanding parents.

I, I just...

Hi, let's go...

Seeing the expression on Sister Yueyue's face, Mei Fang felt that this cousin of hers should have known the difficulty and retreated.

But he also began to feel a little anxious about his cousin's well-being.

At this moment, Mei Fang's cell phone rang, and it was his baby Youxi calling.

"Hey, is there anything? Have you finished the inspection with Uncle Lin?"

"Hmm... Ah Fang—"

Lin Youxi on the other end of the phone seemed a little hesitant. Seeing that her voice was a little hesitant, Mei conveniently asked:
"The test results have come out? Is there any problem?"

"Yes...the doctor said that the lung nodules are expanding and may become cancerous. He suggested that we perform minimally invasive surgery to remove the nodules, which means an operation on the lungs."

"Then do it, since it's minimally invasive, there shouldn't be a big wound."

"But the doctor said that we can observe for another half a year, but my dad wants to continue to observe. I want to suggest my dad to have an operation, but I am also afraid of the risks. Even if it is minimally invasive, I still need to be hospitalized for surgery..."

"Well, let me find out first. Then we will go to the big hospital for a reexamination to confirm. This is a big deal, and we can't just rely on the doctors here in Baimei County. May I ask someone to help you contact the doctors in the big hospital? "

"Well... then, you—"

"Well, I'll come over now and accompany you in the past."

(End of this chapter)

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