Chapter 422 Cat Raising Plan (seeking monthly ticket)

"Pregnancy, pregnant?"

Xia Yuan showed a very surprised expression after hearing what the veterinarian at the pet hospital said:
"No wonder we saw it has such a big belly, and thought it was so fat..."

Lin Youxi answered: "After all, it's a stray cat, and the food is definitely not as good as that of domestic cats."

"Then, should we adopt it?"

Xia Yuan stared at Mei Fang with big eyes blinking, and then at Lin Youxi. At this time, Lin Youxi was observing the sanhua cat, who was resting and sleeping with his eyes closed, "But I heard that if an adult cat wanders around for too long, it will , I won’t get used to being a house cat…”

Mei Fang here is trying to search for information related to the adoption of stray cats. Hearing what Lin Youxi said, he was a little discouraged, "There is indeed such a problem... But in short, let this cat recover first, and then we Make plans."

Mei Fang paid the pet hospital to let them take good care of the Sanhua female cat in the hospital. On the way back in the car, Xia Yuan suddenly felt emotional, "Speaking of which, the three of us have never raised any pets since we were young. Yeah, my dad is allergic to animal hair, so it's—"

"My family doesn't have this condition, but A Fang can actually raise it? I remember that your family seemed to have raised yellow ducks before."

Mei Fang shook his head and said, "In the past, my sister secretly raised ducklings by herself, but after they were raised a bit, they were sent back to grandma's house. In the second half of the year, my sister went to see the ducks, but they were killed and made into cured ducks. , Xiaoya cried miserably for a while, and she hasn't touched duck meat for a long time."

"That's... quite pitiful."

Xia Yuan took Lin Youxi's hand and said, "Now we just put the cat in the pet hospital, but whether we should raise this cat or not, I want to hear your opinions."

"I still say the same thing, I don't have any resistance to cats, but I can't say I like them much..."

Lin Youxi looked at Xia Yuan's expectant eyes, "But it must be very hard to raise a cat, and this is a pregnant female cat who will have many cats to raise in the future. We are so busy with work and school, we are usually afraid There is no time to take care of it.”

"If the three of you take turns taking care of it, there will always be time... Ah Fang, what do you say, Ah Fang?"


While driving leisurely, Mei Fang murmured, "I think we are destined to be with this cat... After all, we live on the fourth floor, and it has so many places to rest, so it chose us On the balcony of the house..."

"Then I'm going to place an order now to buy cat food, cat litter, cat house cat strips and cat teasers!"

"Why are you like a child—"

Lin Youxi was complaining, but Mei Fang answered again: "Don't buy the cat house yourself, I'll take a look with you... Sanhua wants to give birth to a kitten, so we need to buy a bigger one."

But speaking of it, our Afang is also a child...

Lin Youxi couldn't help but smiled, "Don't prepare too much, after all, they may not be willing to live with us."

"How could it be? Sanhua was abandoned by the scumbag, and now she is homeless, she will definitely not refuse our love for it!"

Mei Fang added on the side, "It doesn't matter even if you are abandoned by Mao Mao, you can just buy a new Mao Mao."

"No, Afang! It's not that I don't love this cat! I already have feelings for it!"

"How long have you taken care of it... It's okay to have feelings now."

In the next period of time, the three of them began to be busy with the preparations for the arrival of new family members. Xia Yuan and Mei Fang were responsible for the preparations for purchasing cats and cats together. Cat dos and don'ts videos and books.

Within a few days, the Sanhua cat was recuperated in the pet hospital and regained its vitality. When taking Sanhua back, Xia Yuan and Mei Fang tried to use cat sticks to lure Sanhua to come and get closer. , After eating the cat strips fed by Xia Yuan, he consciously got into the cat bag.

The veterinarian at the pet hospital reminded the three people, "Because the cat is pregnant now, there is no way to directly vaccinate the vaccine. The vaccine will be attenuated, which will affect the development of the cat's fetus. If you want to adopt this cat, during this period You must not be scratched by the cat, otherwise the consequences may be very serious."

"I, I know, we'll be careful."

Cats, like dogs, can carry rabies virus. If they are not vaccinated, they will be very dangerous. Therefore, Mei Fang offered him to take care of Sanhua cats.

Because of the meticulous care in the pet hospital, Sanhua lying in the cat bag has a relaxed and comfortable expression. Its left side is black, the right half of its face is orange, its lower body and belly are basically white, and its body is also orange, black and white. The cross, furry look is very cute.

(The AI ​​effect is not good, the network map is invaded and deleted, by Zhihu AuWc)

Xia Yuan carried the cat bag and put the cat bag on it to observe Sanhua, while Lin Youxi also watched quietly from the side.

"It's looking at me! The mother cat's expression looks very wise... It's looking at you, it's looking at you! I really want to pet it."

Mei Fang, who was driving, reminded Xia Yuan: "The pet hospital has already bathed and disinfected the cat. It shouldn't matter if you touch it, but you must not make it angry, or it will be a disaster if you scratch it."

"Yeah, I know!"

Mei Fang and his team carried the cat back home. As soon as Xia Yuan entered the house, she couldn't wait to check the doors and windows in the house. After making sure that they were all closed, she asked Mei Fang to let the cat out.

"Hello, hello, this is your new home, isn't it?"

The released Sanhuamao walked around gracefully, looking around, Xia Yuan used the cat teasing stick to lure the cat to approach, and introduced the Sanhuamao's furnishing at home.

"This is where you drink water!"

The Sanhuamao leaned over and licked the water in the cat food bowl.

"This machine can enjoy self-service cat food! Look, dial it like this, and you can eat."

Xia Yuan personally demonstrated to Sanhua how to flip the switch to make the cat food fall from the machine. This Sanhua was also quite smart, and Xia Yuan only learned to use the switch a few times.

"This is the place to sleep and lie down!"

Sanhua lay alone in the cat's den for a while, but he didn't seem very interested in the big cat house against the wall that Xia Yuan and Mei Fang bought.

"This is the place for teasing, you can't tease in other places, or I won't like you."

The Sanhua cat stepped on the cat litter, loosened the soil of the cat litter, and became familiar with the smell of the cat litter.

Xia Yuan has been patiently teaching the Sanhuamao to get used to all the facilities at home. The Sanhuamao seems to be very cooperative throughout the process, but it does not meow non-stop like ordinary cats, giving people a kind of cleverness and aloofness impression.

During this process, Lin Youxi and Mei Fang basically had no room to intervene. They just watched Xia Yuan guide them, and Lin Youxi couldn't help but teased Mei Fang.

"Yuanyuan is so patient, she is really suitable to play the role of mother."

"After all, my mother is a teacher, and I also liked to play the role of mother when I was young..."

Lin Youxi smiled and said, "It feels like Yuanyuan can take care of our children when they are born."

" are so lazy!"

"It's all mother, it doesn't matter."

Lin Youxi stuck out her tongue at Mei Fang.

 I still owe 2000 words for today’s daily update, and tomorrow there will be 2 more normal updates and [-] update for the lord. The honey chicken also gave me the lord and I have to add more, so tomorrow I will send a photo of my leg to apologize if I don’t have [-] words , please give me the monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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