Only after I was reborn did I realize that I had green plums.

Chapter 433 If Line Fanwai Chapter Yuanding Fangxi 15

Chapter 433 If Line Extra Chapter Fated to Fangxi · 15 (ask for a monthly ticket, subscribe)
The layoff notice Lin Youxi received was as unpredictable as the sudden downpour today.

Mei Fang accompanied Lin Youxi to pack up the things at the workstation, and the colleagues in the same project team showed an uncomfortable appearance.

Some people lost their minds at their workstations, some held hands and bid farewell, some squatted by the bed and talked on the phone, and some buried their heads in sobs.

You must know that the positions of these employees are the apex penguins who beat workers on the Internet in Pengcheng.

But if even a big factory like Penguin is so fiercely introverted, there is no way to stay for a long time, can the end of the part-time job only be the public examination?

It is difficult for Mei Fang to say something comforting to Lin Youxi at this time, because everything is pale.

However, Lin Youxi was not as broken as Mei Fang imagined, probably because Mei Fang was still here with her, which made her look less lonely in this empty office area.

The two sat cross-legged by the large French windows, watching the relentless rain destroying this city that was only born for struggle.




Lin Youxi wobbled and leaned on Mei Fang's shoulder, "You have worked overtime with me for so long, but no results came out. Fortunately, I told you so swearingly, and I failed your expectations."

"It's nothing, it's just like working part-time."

Mei Fang told Lin Youxi about herself:
"I used to work hard with our boss. The company is getting better and better, and the money is getting more and more. At that time, I was thinking about the company's listing with the boss, and we were rushing towards financial freedom."

"As a result, the Internet bubble burst later, all the projects invested by the boss were thunderstorms, and more than half of the employees were laid off. Now making mobile games for rubbish and krypton gold is no different from making a piece of shit, and it is not the same as living."

What Mei Fang said made Lin Youxi laugh. She rubbed her eyes and said with a smile, "How can your game be so bad."

"It's not my favorite game anyway."

Mei Fang sighed, "But it doesn't matter, we still have "Time of White Plum", and you should have received a lot of resignation compensation, so you can take a break for a while, so you don't have to work so hard."

Penguin’s resignation compensation to Lin Youxi was 2N+1. Lin Youxi had actually stayed at Penguin for five years, but he resigned and was hospitalized in a mental hospital for a period of time, so he could only get half a year’s salary as resignation compensation.

Of course, Lin Youxi's salary base is there, so the amount of money is not small.

It's just that without Penguin's various welfare subsidies, the daily expenses of the two are under pressure, mainly because of the rent subsidy, which will have a large amount of expenses, so Lin Youxi doesn't plan to be idle.

She patted her cheek lightly, then looked at Mei Fang seriously, with a look of determination.

"After I go back today, I'm going to start writing my resume to find a new job!"

"In a hurry to find a new job so early? Let's take a gap for a while."

Mei Fang touched Lin Youxi's head, "Wouldn't it be better to polish our "Baimei Time"?"

"No, no, no, making independent games is a dream, and going to work is life, and I still have to support you."

"Didn't you say that I will support you? Although my salary is not high, I still have some savings. Let's figure out a way together."

After hearing this, Lin Youxi shook her head again and again, "That money is your wife's capital, how can I use it?"


Hearing Lin Youxi's words, Mei Fang seemed a little unhappy, and just kept staring at Lin Youxi.


"Angry?" Lin Youxi stuck out her tongue.

"What do you say?"

"I won't be your wife."

Lin Youxi pinched Mei Fang's cheek, "Although I'm good-looking...but I'm crazy, you said you're always thinking about what I do."

"It's hard to buy, I like it."

"Okay, like it as you like - wait for me to get sick next time, and see if I don't torture you to death!"

As Lin Youxi spoke, he began to tickle Mei Fang.

The joy of the two is in stark contrast to the sorrowful beings shrouded in the work station.

The downpour surrounding the Penguin Building shows no sign of stopping.

Lin Youxi's job hunting journey was not smooth, because first of all, her qualifications were not considered as the vanguard of the executive level, and there were not many suitable positions;

Secondly, ordinary companies cannot afford the salary she wants, and companies that can afford it do not have flexible working hours like penguins, which is not conducive to her narcolepsy symptoms of bipolar disorder.

So under Mei Fang's suggestion, Lin Youxi can only keep lowering his expected salary. It doesn't matter to Lin Youxi that the money is less, but don't be too busy at work.

In this way, Lin Youxi finally found some companies that were infinitely close to issuing offers, and completed all the interview processes.

But Lin Youxi never waited for a formal offer, and all he got were regrettable rejection letters——

The reason is that a history of mental illness was discovered during the background check.

In fact, bipolar disorder is not a very serious disease on the outside, it does not affect intelligence, and it hardly affects other people in normal times.

But the most difficult thing about Lin Youxi's current resume is that she has a two-month history of mental illness.

Although Lin Youxi tried his best to explain the reason to HR, he still failed to get the approval of the other company.

She also didn't understand her situation like Penguin's manager, and her superiors recognized her strength.

As for Lin Youxi, the former manager of the Penguin project, it is said that he is planning to sell his house in Pengcheng and go back to his hometown to live.

During the period of job hunting, Lin Youxi became increasingly anxious, and often began to chat with Mei Fang regardless of the time. Once Mei Fang saw it, she would reply in seconds, help her analyze the problems with her resume, and then help her find out some connections, but unfortunately every time, nothing happened.

Every day when Mei Fang came home, she could almost see Lin Youxi sleeping on the sofa. She filled the coffee table with various documents and interview materials. She was trying hard to find a job, but she couldn't get a response for a long time.

And Mei Fang couldn't bear to see her Youxi continue to be so anxious, which was not conducive to the stability of her bipolar emotions.

So he found an opportunity to talk about it with Lin Youxi:

"Penguin has laid off so many people during this period, you are competing with your former colleagues."

"I think, why don't we wait for a while, let's make the demo version of "Baimei Time" first, if the game can be successful, I will quit my job, and we will be independent game producers together, so that we don't have to be disgusted by those bosses."

"Well, I don't want to be angry with those bosses anymore."

Lin Youxi raised her head and looked at Mei Fang with a sad face:

" you think we can do it?"

"Although it is a bit bragging to say this, it is my own work after all. I know how good it is, and I am quite confident."

As Mei Fang spoke, he hugged Lin Youxi to comfort him, "By the way, there will be an independent game exhibition for nuclear fusion at the end of this month. I have already registered to participate. This is also the first time we have announced our plan to the public."

"Why didn't you say hello to me in advance! In that case, I have to check the code for bugs."

"Our Youxi's code won't have bugs."

"Are you looking down on programmers! How dare you say such frivolous words!"

Lin Youxi and Mei Fang had a fuss on the sofa for a while, and then Mei Fang picked Lin Youxi up and stuck him up for a while, and then put him on the sofa safely.

"Okay... It's time to take your medicine. I'll get it for you."


"By the way, your olanzapine seems to be almost finished, let me buy it for you."

"No, no need... I can just buy it myself. You don't have a medical record, so you can't buy these prescription drugs."

"Then I'll send you the money, and if you run out of money, tell me."

"It's not that I have no savings at all. I still have half a year's salary to spend. Don't look down on me."

Mei Fang said and pinched Lin Youxi's nose, "But your monthly rent can cost you a lot of salary! We are sharing the rent, so just treat it as me paying you the rent, okay?"

"Well... If you must give it to me, I will save it for you. It is your wife's book."

"How can there be such a cheap wife who costs thousands of dollars a month?"

"If I'm not sick, I'm sure I can—"

Probably realizing that he was giving Mei Fang a chance by saying this, so Lin Youxi suddenly shut up.

At this moment, Mei Fang smiled at Lin Youxi:
"So, you still want to be my wife, don't you?"

"I want to fart, hum!"

Lin Youxi stretched her legs against Mei Fang's stomach, "Go and feed me the medicine."

"I know, I know."

During the days when she was preparing "Baimei Time" at home, Lin Youxi also tried to do some housework to reduce Mei Fang's workload because she had more time.

From the simplest cleaning, mopping the floor and brushing the toilet, to washing and drying clothes.

In fact, she used to do a lot of housework by herself, but Mei Fang's arrival turned her into a homeless waste.


How did I become like this?
While cooking noodles, Lin Youxi was thinking about what happened after being with Mei Fang.

It has been more than a year since they lived together.

But it felt like a very long time, much longer than the student days she spent in a daze.

She first came into contact with Mei Fang only to complete the project of "Time of White Plum", but the more the two chatted, the more speculative they became, and the more they chatted, the more speculative they became. Although the relationship between the couple has not been formally confirmed, everything they have done is not far from that of a couple.

Therefore, Lin Youxi did once think about what kind of life she would live with Afang if she hadn't been mentally ill.

Just like the usual young couples, go shopping together, eat together, watch movies together, and then make plans for the future together.

Maybe they will never have a foothold in Pengcheng, but if they save enough money to go back to their hometown in Baimei County, they should be able to live happily.

Lin Youxi has never felt the warmth of a mother's love since she was a child, but she really hopes that being a mother can bring such happiness to her children...

Speaking of which, Yuanyuan was always the one who wanted to be a mother the most when I was young.

When she played Jiajia with Lin Youxi, she would always act as Lin Youxi's mother. Although she never took the initiative to say the reason, she probably did it because she thought that Lin Youxi would be pitiful without a mother...

Lin Youxi was immersed in some happy memories about the past and fantasies, and unconsciously realized that her noodle pot was smoking.


Although the noodles were overcooked, Mei Fang still ate them with relish, looking like he was feasting.

"If it doesn't taste good, don't eat it."

"What kind of delicious noodles can be... They all taste like this."

Mei Fang chatted about Lin Youxi's noodles happily while chatting with Lin Youxi about tomorrow's nuclear fusion independent game exhibition.

"I originally wanted to invite Guo Yun and Peng Xue to come and participate, but she might not want to come out, and she might not be able to go because she is busy with work. I went to our company to ask, and several planners under me said that they would help me set up the venue. The boss said that he could lend me the car to drive, and then I can transport the peripherals, notebooks, etc."

"By the way, the biggest poster board in the house, was it drawn by Guo Yun for us? It seems that it took a long time, it is really exquisite."

The promotional poster drawn by Guo Yun is also equivalent to the promotional map of the game. The male protagonist on the poster is holding a girl with pink hair and a girl with long black hair and straight hair on the left and right.

The setting sun elongated the shadows of the three of them infinitely, and the surrounding streets and streetscapes were all drawn pixelated from the real scene of Baimei County, and then the pixel font of "Baimei Time" was designed directly above the poster.

"That's right...she also told me that this one is not my money, it's an apology for not coming to Pengcheng to participate in the exhibition together."

"She's really a pretty girl."

Lin Youxi smiled, "It's just a girl with a good personality. If someone discovered her shining point earlier, she might be more confident."

As she spoke, she glanced at Mei Fang again.

However, if you want to be worthy of our family, Afang, you are still somewhat short...

"Brother Fang, Brother Fang!"

At around [-] o'clock in the morning, the boss, Brother Xu, brought three or four people from the company to Mei Fang's Lin Youxi's community, and helped Mei Fang and the others carry the props for the venue into the car, and then handed over the car keys to Mei Fang.

"I originally said that I would go and see it with you, but today I have to discuss cooperation with the bosses of several companies, so you should work hard, hahaha."

"Yeah, thank you Brother Xu——"

"Thank you Brother Xu."

Even Lin Youxi, who never liked to greet people, expressed her gratitude to Mei Fang's boss, Brother Xu.

Brother Xu patted Mei Fang on the shoulder, "Come on, work hard, you are a very talented young man, I believe your independent game will be a success."

"Brother Xu, I'm not young anymore."

"Isn't it young to be under 30, hahaha!"

Brother Xu said and patted Mei Fang on the shoulder vigorously, "As the saying goes, a man will be a teenager until he dies. When the company gets through this painful period, I will also make an independent game to play. Haha, that is the fun of making games."

Xiao Cao, who was moving things at the side, couldn't help complaining: "Boss, you have to keep your word, we have wanted to be a meat pigeon for a long time."

"What kind of meat pigeon! Let's make a galgame, a beautiful girl game!"

"Yes, yes, long live Brother Xu!"

Although everyone knew that the boss was just drawing cakes, everyone couldn't contain their excitement.

Dreams are always necessary, what if one day they come true?
Nuclear Fusion is one of the few exhibitions in China that mainly focuses on game exhibitions, and other exhibitions are mainly based on COS comic exhibitions and fan exhibitions;

In addition to the works of some big-name manufacturers, many independent game studios will also choose to participate in activities at this time, just to promote their own game works.

However, in this era, the upsurge of independent games has passed. After experiencing the distrust brought by many early access games, domestic independent games are more often a pool of stagnant water.

Mei Fang knew this when he started working on "Baimei Time", so he never expected that the game he made would become a hit. This gameplay is not a hit genre, it is too niche.

It would be nice if you could make You Xi happy.

But her regret.

Regarding the development progress of "Time of White Plum", Mei Fang has always maintained a contradictory attitude.

On the one hand, he hopes to fulfill Lin Youxi's wish as soon as possible, on the other hand, he is also worried that after the end of the "White Plum Time" project, they will lose their inseparable bond with each other.

Although at the beginning it was hoped that Lin Youxi could not be separated from her through the relationship that would be maintained day and night, but now it seems that she is more immersed in this relationship.'s really difficult.

Mei Fang, Lin Youxi and colleagues from the company began to arrange the venue.

Baimei Shiguang's game exhibition is in the corner of the exhibition. After all, the studio has not been well-known before, and it is basically impossible to get a good position, but of course it doesn't matter, everyone knows it.

Mei Fang also specially asked her mother to send the school uniform of Baimei No. [-] Middle School from her hometown, and invited Lin Youxi to be the kanban lady of the exhibition.

Lin Youxi, who was wearing Mei Fang's school uniform, looked very embarrassed. She knocked on Mei Fang's head angrily, "Aren't I just pretending to be tender?"

"What do you mean by pretending to be tender? You will look very young in this dress, and you will look good."

This is Mei Fang's high school uniform jacket, with the names of his high school classmates signed on it.

Lin Youxi looked at the names on the school uniform, "I don't even remember the names of your classmates."

"Our class is not a very powerful class. It's normal for you not to know each other."

Lin Youxi asked curiously at this time, "Is there your crush in high school? I think the name Zhang Ming is written on your chest, is it her?"

"This is a man, my friend..."

"Do you still have friends of the same sex who have a good relationship? Why didn't I see you ask him out and meet him?"

"He works in Huaxing Company, and now he is dispatched to Uknan. I haven't seen any updates on his circle of friends in the past two years."

"Is it actually in Wukenan... Now there is no return."


Mei Fang smiled and said, "My friend is not good at anything else, but his life is very hard. Maybe he came back as the king of soldiers in Wukenan after a bloody battle."

"What kind of novel is set to unfold... You should hurry up and distribute the game leaflets. This position will not attract people to come and see our place."

"Okay, you can do it too."

Mei Fang gave Lin Youxi a thumbs up, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

If "The Time of White Plums" can go on like this forever——

Actually it's not that bad...

Mei Fang took the brochures and distributed leaflets at the entrance of the nuclear fusion exhibition. It is actually not a good idea to exhibit plot stories like Mei Fang at the nuclear fusion. After all, it is very expensive for everyone to understand the story line, so it is not as efficient as some fun and fighting games.

It can be seen that many happy fighting games and action game booths are already crowded with players queuing up to try them out. The flyer of "White Plum Time" distributed by Mei Fang was taken by a player, wiped his hands, and then threw it into the trash can.


Don't be angry, don't be angry, this is the normal state of Mengxin's exhibition.

However, there are some players whose hometown is near Baimei County. They have heard of the name of Baimei County, so they are also very curious and want to see the games made by Mei Fang and the others.

The first half hour of the opening of the exhibition was the time when the traffic was the highest. Mei Fang stood at the door and tried hard to distribute leaflets.

By the way, let's see if my wife is working hard to play the role of a good-looking lady.


Mei Fang walked quickly to her booth, only to see that "Time of White Plum" was sparsely populated with only one or two players trying to play the game, and the crowd was deserted.

But in front of Lin Youxi, a brightly dressed girl in a red skirt was enthusiastically greeting Lin Youxi in dialect.

"Isn't this school uniform the school uniform of Baimei No. [-] Middle School! I miss you so much! Are you a fellow from Baimei County..."


Lin Youxi nodded hesitantly, looking at the other person's exquisite facial features and face full of smile and vitality, Lin Youxi even had a sense of illusion of fate, and quickly greeted Liu Xiaoyu in dialect, "What a coincidence, you are also an alumnus of Baimei No. [-] Middle School?"

"Yeah, yeah! Wait, wait...I seem to know you...Are you called Lin Youxi? The student god in our grade who always takes the first place in the exam?"

"Learning to be a god-"

Before Lin Youxi could finish speaking, the girl in the red skirt grabbed Lin Youxi's hands, "That's are Lin Youxi! The fate is also amazing, we are not only alumni and fellow students, but also classmates of the same class."

At this moment, the girl's eyes fell on Lin Youxi's school uniform. After seeing the crooked names on the school uniform, she immediately opened her eyes wide in surprise:

"Wait... the name on your school uniform... isn't this the boy in our class? Zhang Ming, Wang Zhi, He Mingfan..."

She seemed to remember something, and then smiled at Lin Youxi, "Can I trouble you to turn around? I want to see if my name is on the back."

"Well... okay."

Lin Youxi turned around according to the girl's instructions, and the girl's expression suddenly became a little excited, and then she put her hand on the back of Lin Youxi's heart on the shoulder blade, and saw the words [Liu Xiaoyu] written in very beautiful fonts on that position.

At this time, she suddenly turned her head and met Mei Fang who was a little surprised and speechless.

After a brief shock, Liu Xiaoyu tilted her head slightly, and greeted Mei Fang with a smile:
"Long time no see, Mei Fang."

 Today, I actually had a fever of 38.6 degrees, but I still bit the bullet and finished writing it. I wonder if I have Eryang.

(End of this chapter)

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