Chapter 448 The Band's Efforts

For Peng Xue, who has just entered Pengda University, her new university life can be described as extremely busy.

Not only busy with the duties that freshmen should do, but also busy with rehearsals with Xia Yuan and the others, usually not much time to spend with roommates.

Since Peng Xue was originally a girl who had taken a year off from school, she was not the same as the flowers in these greenhouses after being beaten by society.

During the short time they got along, Peng Xue quickly conquered them with her free and easy personal charm. Her experience of being in a band quickly gathered a group of supporters in the same class. It was so topical that Peng Xue received a confession from a boy in the same school during his military training.

Such a courageous but immature confession is naturally impossible for Peng Xue to accept. After declining the boy, Peng Xue sorted out her mentality and re-invested in the band's rehearsal.

Since both Peng Xue and Xia Yuan are well-known singers (although Peng Xue only broke the circle with "The Song of Strange Ability" as [Mi Xue], she still became the top 10 online singer of the year with this song existence), and Xiang Bingbing's own foundation is not enough, Liu Xiaoyu became the best choice for the lead singer of the band.

There are two famous singers assisting her to participate in the performance. As the lead singer, Liu Xiaoyu naturally knows that she has a heavy responsibility, so she also wants to play the position of lead singer well;

But it needs to be admitted that it is still rare for a keyboard player to act as the lead singer in domestic bands, so when encountering many uncertain situations, Liu Xiaoyu can only find a way to deal with them.

Of course, the team members will also help Liu Xiaoyu analyze the situation and point out problems.

"I think Xiaoyu's biggest problem right now is that he can't do two things at once. I feel that you can sing alone, and you can play alone on the keyboard. It's just that when the two come together, it's a bit... How should I put it, it's unnatural. .”

"Besides this, I think Xiao Yu still can't let go."

Peng Xue explained from the side, "Although our band has not yet formed its own style, you can't expect us to sing only folk songs every time. Live songs can bring out the emotional atmosphere. Rock songs are essential. If you can't get up, then Everyone can't cheer up."

"That's right..."

Liu Xiaoyu patted her face in distress, "It's a real problem for me that I can't let go, but I think it's really hard to do two things at once. I envy you guys who play guitar and bass, you can sing while playing..."

Looking at Liu Xiaoyu who was criticized by Xia Yuan and Peng Xue, Xiang Bingbing was a little incomprehensible, "I think Xiao Yu's performance is pretty good... Are you too strict?"

Xia Yuan explained from the side: "It's not too strict, the lead singer is like this...the pressure is heavy, and the responsibility is also great."

"I think there's nothing wrong with Xiao Yu having her own characteristics... Maybe there are audiences who like this feeling!"

Xiang Bingbing said aggrievedly, "We have been practicing in the recording studio for the past two or three months, and we have not received feedback from the audience, so in fact, whether everyone will like this style, whether they can accept it, is still unknown."

"Recently, I have been only practicing songs in the recording studio, and have no chance to contact the outside world. Without feedback, our progress will also lack purpose..."

Xia Yuan thought for a while, "Then I'll ask Ah Fang to arrange a contact—"

She was knocked on the head by Peng Xue in the middle of her words:
"Wait, have you relied on Meigou for so long that you forgot your last name?"

Xia Yuan was stunned immediately, "Ah yes, I'm Lin Wanwan now, I can't ask Ah Fang to do things for me...Then let's contact the performance venue by ourselves, is it a place like Qingba?"

"Qingba has its own resident singers, and the application process is not easy. We are obviously newcomers who have just debuted, so it is better to apply to join the livehouse."

"Livehouse? What kind of place is that?"

"The concept of an underground concert has always been popular in Sakura Country. If you buy an admission ticket, you can watch the band's performance up close."

Peng Xue explained, "The livehouses in Rongcheng are very developed, and almost every street in the business district has at least one."

"It sounds more suitable for our rookie band's first attack."

Xiang Bingbing beat the drum excitedly and said, "Then, is there a livehouse here in Pengcheng? Let's get in touch to see it? Let's see how much money we can earn for our first show!"

"You are thinking too much..."

Peng Xue shook her head and said, "Although the livehouse is a commercial performance that can earn tickets, it is for bands with a certain reputation. We are just a grassroots band now. It would be great if someone is willing to allow us to participate. This is to increase exposure. How about you?" Want to make money?"

"Damn, is it such a scam? How long will it take to make money?"

"It depends on how popular you are. If you can be invited to participate in the music festival, your income should be stable. In other cases, it depends on how you negotiate with the organizer..."

Peng Xue thought for a while, and pondered: "Actually, it's also possible to be a street performer in a road show, but it's too cheap for classmate Lin Wanwan, and she probably won't be able to."

"What's the price drop? Xiaoxue, don't treat me as a pampered young lady, okay? Although my family is rich, I have suffered hardships to some extent, and I can endure hardships."

"Can you really suffer..."

Facing Xia Yuan's determination to pat his chest swearingly, Peng Xue expressed strong doubts: "I haven't been with you for a while, and I want to hear what you said about suffering. We spent the summer vacation together in the first year of high school. Is it hard for you to play games?"

"No, doesn't it count?" Xia Yuan muttered, "I also stayed up late for several days!"

"This hardship is a bit abstract. After all, we did it together. Please give some examples of yourself."

"When the Fangziyuan project started, I had to prepare the lines for the stage, and I also practiced for a long time! And when I first composed a song and arranged a song, sometimes I couldn't figure it out, and I would stay up very late... ..."

"Then what are your Afang and Youxi doing?"

Xia Yuan thought for a while, and then said with a smile: "Indeed Xie, Ah Fang will encourage me from the side, massage my shoulders and loosen my legs, and I will relax a lot! Then Youxi will cook chicken soup for me, it's hot, It is fragrant and delicious, it helps me replenish my vitality, and inspiration will come after drinking it!"

"Do you think you are suffering, tired?"


Xiang Bingbing smacked his mouth aside, "That chicken soup is so delicious, I want to drink it too."

"Hey Bingbing, don't interrupt!"

Xiang Bingbing curled her lips aggrievedly, and looked helplessly at Liu Xiaoyu, who just squinted her eyes and smiled.

"So, have you ever experienced suffering alone?"


Facing Peng Xue's questioning, Xia Yuan was a little speechless.

"Student Lin Wanwan, your life experience as Xia Yuan is different from that of most people. It is true that you have suffered a lot in the past, but you will always have Lin Youxi by your side to support you, and there is a Mei The dog is protecting you and it gives you the courage to face many things..."

"But, why do we have to suffer alone? Even if I don't have Afang Youxi now, I still have you. We can endure hardships and struggle together."

"Of course we can endure hardships and fight together, but I hope you have a mental preparation. We are not geniuses like Lin Youxi, nor are we like reliable people, we will not spoil you, you I'll point it out if there's a problem."

"I know."

Xia Yuan nodded firmly, "I have this mental preparation, which is why I don't want Afang Youxi to help me."

Here Xia Yuan was expressing his determination to Peng Xue, when a voice came from behind:
"I want to mention something..."

Xiang Bingbing murmured, "Xiaoxue, can you stop always talking about a plum dog and shutting up a plum dog when you talk, is A Fang treating you badly? Why do you always scold him..."


Peng Xue didn't expect Xiang Bingbing, a defeated dog, to be still speaking for Mei Fang at this time, thinking how much she likes him?

But if you insist on talking about the actual situation, Mei Fang really has nothing to feel sorry for Peng Xue——

Except for not responding to Peng Xue's liking for her.

Peng Xue was stunned for a while, and then said with her head tilted and her hips akimbo:
"I just want to call him that, can't I?"

"Bingbing, it's okay, it's okay!"

Xia Yuan, who knew the inside story, also comforted him, "Xiaoxue can call Meigou if he likes, he is quite a dog in the first place, isn't it very doggy to be on two boats..."

Xia Yuan was originally just saying some polite words on the sidelines, but unexpectedly, Xiang Bingbing suddenly started to fight for Mei Fang:

"Yuan—Student Lin Wanwan, although it is true that A Fang is in two boats, but A Fang is your boyfriend, this is also your choice, even if you don't protect him, whoever protects him, Even I feel sorry for Ah Fang, okay?"

Xiang Bingbing's speech finally caused Liu Xiaoyu to complain, "Bingbing, I know what you said is from the bottom of your heart, but if you say it like this, you really have a million points of tea..."

"Ah, what does tea mean?"

Therefore, after everyone's deliberation and voting discussion, Meigou will be regarded as a kind of insulting title in the future, which is reasonable and common among various friends, and Xia Yuan gave an approved opinion.

However, an interesting point worth mentioning is that after it was stipulated that the name Meigou can be used universally, Liu Xiaoyu has the highest content of Meigou on weekdays—it can be seen that she often calls Meigou behind her back.

Everyone has confirmed the plan for the first performance at the livehouse, but after all, there is no local snake in Pengcheng among the people they know, and Lin Wanwan can't use Xia Yuan's contacts, so everyone can only search for a few well-known local livehouses by themselves, and then come to the door Ask if you can participate in commercial presentations.

It was the golden autumn of October, and it was the peak season for the activities of major folk and big-name bands. The four of them who didn’t plan to use resources even found a few livehouses, but failed because the schedule was full, and they didn’t even have a chance to audition. .

Xia Yuan and Liu Xiaoyu brought water from the store for everyone, wiped the sweat from Xiang Bingbing's face, and sighed helplessly: "I didn't expect that the lineup will be full for several days in a row. It seems that we can only go to the street performance first ?"

"The drainage effect of street performances is not good, especially when there are no festivals, and it is very troublesome to be caught by JC... In short, I suggest that I take this road when I have no other choice."

Peng Xue thought for a while, "Then we can only go to some small livehouses to try our luck, but the acoustics of the small venues are uneven, and the safety factor is not very good. We have to confirm it clearly when we arrive at the scene, so as not to Smash the signboard of the first show."

"Let's make a decision like this. We definitely can't make an appointment to participate in a big show as soon as we come up."

Xia Yuan wiped the sweat off Peng Xue's forehead, "It's okay, Xiaoxue, just walk around and ask more questions."

"As long as you don't think in your heart: 'If our family A Fang handles it, then I probably don't need to ask about it' and such things will be fine."

"Oh, Xiaoxue, why don't you always trust me! I trust you very much, so I'm watching this with you."

Xia Yuan said and pinched Peng Xue's cheeks, and Peng Xue also hugged Xia Yuan and asked for a sticker: "I'm sorry... I'm really insecure. Whenever I feel that I'm not as good as Meigou, I think about it." Do you dislike me..."

"Meigou puts too much pressure on you! I didn't think so."

Xia Yuan said, shaking her small fists at Peng Xue: "Thump him to death!"

"Okay, beat him to death!"

Peng Xue imitated Xia Yuan and began to thump, and the two reconciled as before.

That night, Xia Yuan dragged his exhausted body back home. As soon as Mei Fang opened the door, he saw Xia Yuan dressed in Lin Wanwan appeared at the door. Mei Fang hurriedly took Xia Yuan's guitar and bag.

"You've had a hard time rehearsing today, how's the livehouse going?"

Xia Yuan just shook her head and didn't speak, and Mei Fang refused her love hug.

"I, I'm Lin Wanwan now, I can't post with you."

"Why do you still pay attention to this..."

Mei Fang watched Xia Yuange You paralyzed on the sofa, turning into a puddle of mud and motionless.

So Mei Fang walked up to Xia Yuan, slowly took off her shoes and white socks...and so on and on, and finally took off her wig and Lin Wanwan's attire.

Xia Yuan has been very cooperative throughout this process, letting Mei Fang dictate.

"Okay, I took off your makeup for you, you are not Lin Wanwan now, but my good wife Yuanyuan, can you tell me now?"

Xia Yuan hummed and nodded, then crawled slowly into Mei Fang's arms, asked Mei Fang to make a knee pillow for herself, and then groaned in Mei Fang's arms.

"Ah Fang, I'm telling you..."

The aggrieved Xia Yuan and Mei Fang vomited their bitterness of running around looking for livehouse performance opportunities.

"We consulted on the phone and visited at the door. Many shop owners didn't even look at us. Some even asked us to give them money in reverse to come to the show. They said it was a venue fee to increase their exposure... One of the store managers was even more speechless, and wanted to mess with us—”

Mei Fang shuddered when he heard the words, and his eyes sharpened immediately, "Which family? What's their name? Did they bully you?"

"Don't show that murderous expression... We're fine, Bingbing is here, she picked up the store manager immediately, and he was too scared to speak at that time."

"With Bingbing here, I really feel relieved..."

Mei Fang thought for a while, "So why don't you find an agent to help you deal with it? Even if you don't let me come, Yuanxia Music already has professionals in this field."

"Our company's brokers are all very professional...I don't want to be like this, and I'm relying on your help again...By the way, I'm actually asking for your help now."

"Talk to your boyfriend about the hard work of building a band, does this count as asking for my help?"

"Then, Xiaoxue, Xiaoyu, Bingbing and the others don't have boyfriends to pour bitter water on."

"It's because they don't look for it themselves...then what can I do?"


"What me, you want me to send three of their boyfriends?"

Xia Yuan looked at Mei Fang, who was playfully sticking out her tongue, and immediately felt nothing to be angry about.

"you are nasty."

"If you hate it, you hate it... What are you doing unbuttoning there?" Mei Fang teased while scratching Xia Yuan's nose.

"Come to serve me in the bath today, my feet are covered with calluses, Afang's car is still comfortable..."

"Okay! I'll fix the feet of our princess Yuanyuan... That's right, so did the livehouse finally find a suitable one?"

"Yes, it's a livehouse on Qianhai Road. The location is not bad, but the venue is a bit small..."

Xia Yuan was still unbuttoning her button, and Mei Fang hugged her like a princess. The two kissed for a while, and Mei Fang asked again:

"By the way, what's the name of the livehouse store that's going to mess with you?"

"Ask don't plan to buy that store and do something like the overlord, do you?"

"Isn't it cheaper for him to buy it?"

Mei Fang smiled and said, "Don't underestimate the influence of your male ticket...I have an easier way to deal with it."

That night, a video about the misbehavior of a certain livehouse store manager in Pengcheng was posted on the hot search on station C, triggering unanimous complaints from many netizens in the barrage.

Since then, the store's business has plummeted until it closed down.

 Friendship py: Shuhuang's new work "Undeserved Royal Beast"

  Why does this book about imperial beasts look weird?It feels so unscrupulous, did the author specify a side job?Come more!I want to criticize it!
  Sorry for the late update today. I went to a mental hospital yesterday to check for sleep disorders.

  Later, I will share with you a look at the medical records of the mental hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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