Chapter 456 Band Special Training Plan
Yixia Band did not perform well in the previous debut performance. Liu Xiaoyu, the lead singer and keyboard player, has been immersed in Yuyu. Of course, she was also driven by a sense of responsibility while in Yuyu. Invited by Xia Yuan, I participated in the summary meeting of Yi Xia Band's first show.

【Summary Meeting of Yixia Band's First Show】

Xia Yuan spent a few days making a beautiful and lovely PPT, and then borrowed a self-study room in the teaching building of Pengda University, and then used the PPT to give a lecture on the summary meeting.

"The first show, everyone's performance is very good! First of all, please give yourself a round of applause! You are really good, Xiaoyu's playing harmony is very brilliant, and Bingbing is also very rhythmic! Xiaoxue, I will No need to exaggerate, Pengda’s top bass player! On the contrary, I can’t perform well myself, and it all depends on everyone’s support and encouragement, hahahaha!”

Xia Yuan smiled and tried to slap everyone, but during this period Liu Xiaoyu kept her head down, Peng Xue stared at Xia Yuan with her chin resting on her cheek, and even Xiang Bingbing, who was always enthusiastic and cheerful, looked absent-minded in a daze.

"What's the matter! Don't be so dejected, you may think that the performance is not satisfactory, but I think it is already very good as the first show."

"But, isn't this the first time for Xiaoxue?"

Xiang Bingbing muttered to the side, "I think Xiaoxue must be very dissatisfied!"

Peng Xue did not directly respond to Xiang Bingbing's inquiry, but stared directly at Xia Yuan.

"And how did your first debut on the school stage go?"

"My first time was in elementary school, and I used to skip "Swan Lake"..."

Xia Yuan was a little breathless when Peng Xue stared at the ground, and immediately nodded, "Okay, I know you are talking about the school's Golden Autumn Art Festival... I admit that the stage effect was very good, and I enjoyed it very much. .”

Xia Yuan paused and said, "But if there were no lyrics written by Afang, and Afang and Youxi were not there to accompany me and encourage me, I would not be able to do that. I also hope that I can be like this help..."

At this moment, Xia Yuan's words became serious:

"Actually, I've been thinking about it for the past few days, and I think there are some things that I still have to tell everyone in person... that is, I hope that everyone has the same dream as me, instead of just arguing with me, which is a waste We are great friends all the time, and I don't want you to think that way."

"I hope we can sum up our mistakes together, correct our analysis, and think about the next strategy together. If you feel that you can't enjoy the joy of this performance, you can say it or tell me in private. We will still be good friends in the future. Don't make trouble over this matter. Happy, okay, everyone?"

Xia Yuan patted the table lightly and then applauded to encourage everyone to cheer up. Everyone turned their attention to themselves. At this time, Peng Xue's face looked very surprised:
"Damn it, Yuanyuan, who is always sweet and soft-spoken in our family, can say such ruthless things. You really have grown up. I'm going to cry!"

"Little Snow!"

"Okay, okay...I'm not kidding you either."

Peng Xue nodded and said, "Although Yuanyuan has been doing weird things, but I think that if you start a band, you really need such support and encouragement. Among other things, I think Yuanyuan's point is very important. Well, the premise of being a band is to enjoy, and you must enjoy to continue doing it.”

"When we started as a band in Rongcheng, we didn't have much popularity at the beginning, but those friends at the scene would support me and give me an encore. I think most of the fans are very friendly people. When we debuted, everyone They are also very friendly because they know we work hard…”

After talking for a while, Peng Xue paused, "To be honest, on the one hand, I wanted to join a band to pursue my music dream, and on the other hand, I wanted to keep up with Yuanyuan's footsteps... Although I have such selfish intentions , but I love making music first, and then I have these.”

As Peng Xue spoke, she cast her eyes on Liu Xiaoyu, who had been pursing her lips. She stood up before Peng Xue could call her, "I'm sorry everyone... I know that I have caused you a lot of trouble these days. Feeling guilty... On the other hand, I do have a little stage fright on stage."

"Is it just stage fright?"

"Xiaoxue... you asked Xiaoyu to say—"

"But... anyway."

Liu Xiaoyu paused, "I like making music, and I have liked it since I was a child. Like Yuanyuan, I learned piano when I was young, but I didn't have such an opportunity later on. I thought I would never have such an opportunity in my life... Until Yuanyuan invited me to make the soundtrack—”

Liu Xiaoyu patted her cheek suddenly at this moment, "Okay, this is not the time to reminisce about the past, I know my problem, but my love for music is a dream I have always held on to, so...that—"

Liu Xiaoyu, who is always not brave enough, has firmly believed this time: "I will continue to make music, not to repay Yuanyuan or Mei Fang, but because I like it myself. I like the feeling of being immersed in it. This sense of accomplishment is Nothing compares, and I feel like it's a reward for my love of music."

"That's a good speech. I can finally hear Xiao Yu's heart. I think everyone should have a chat like this."

Xia Yuan's side was clapping, and Xiang Bingbing, who was in the last row, also took the initiative to stand up:
"Since everyone has talked about the shortcomings of the first show, let me also talk about it... I think I am very self-conscious when I play drums. As soon as I start playing, I will play by myself like I am playing a taiko master. I am also looking for Some way to follow everyone well—"

"As for the original intention of making music..."

Xiang Bingbing twitched: "Can I tell the truth, but you may not like to hear my truth."

"What's the matter, Bingbing."

Xia Yuan squinted her eyes and smiled, "Today I want everyone to tell the truth. It's not your style to hide it. You used to be such a cheerful girl..."

"I just look cheerful! I still have a lot of bright sadness in my heart."

Xiang Bingbing raised his head and puffed up his chest, "For example, making music, I may not like making music as much as everyone else... I just think it's very interesting so I want to do it. I told Ah Fang that he could play the guitar as early as in high school. Interested because I think it's pretty cool."

"Then... I actually wanted to be a guitarist, but the band doesn't need so many guitarists anymore, and then Afang said that only strong players can play drums, so I went to play drums."

", if you really want to be a guitarist that much——"

"It's okay, I think the drummer is also very interesting now, haha!"

Xiang Bingbing scratched his head and said, "And I did this because I don't want to lose contact with you... When the time comes for you to start a band, to run a company, to run a company, only I don't seem to know anything except playing basketball, and Ah Fang won't let me To be the captain of security for him, so I came to play the drums."

"Ah, I, this is the first time I've heard of..."

Xia Yuan looked a little surprised, "Just, just don't want to lose the intersection, we can still be friends and play together in the future, it's, it's nothing—"

"That's what I said, but in fact it won't be like this..."

Xiang Bingbing murmured, "Do you still remember Xiao Ran, my relative and friend in my hometown? I also think that she and I will be good friends for life, but because we don't have any common language topics, so we are very strange now, it's true... the circle The differences can’t be forced, and I don’t hate making music, so we did it together.”

Originally, Xia Yuan thought that what Bingbing said was outrageous, but after she explained it like this, she suddenly felt that it made sense.

If both Youxi and I have no interest in games at far can we and Afang go together?

In the final analysis, I just like the game in general, because I like Afang so much, so I love Wujiwu...

But Afang also likes music. Is it because he likes me so much that he puts so much effort into music?
Uh, it turns out that Afang loved me so much back then——

Xia Yuan began to feel moved because Bingbing's words reminded her of her boyfriend, and Xiang Bingbing added:
"Oh, that's right, now that everyone knows, I'm not afraid of being laughed at by everyone. I just think that if I come to be the drummer, Afang will be very happy, so I will be the drummer, hehe..."

Both Peng Xue and Liu Xiaoyu were greatly shocked by showing Xiang Bingbing his wolfish ambitions in front of his teammates. The rebellious Peng Xue, who always thought of himself as unfettered, couldn't help but be amazed:
"I'll go, Bingbing... If you don't say this, everyone can guess it and understand it... But do you really have to say it in front of everyone?"

"Ah, didn't you want everyone to tell the truth today? I thought it was absolutely impossible to hide it."

Xiang Bingbing pursed his lips, then bowed and apologized to everyone:

"I'm really sorry everyone, I have tarnished everyone's pure and noble music dreams, I just want to be friends with you, and want to please Ah Fang..."

"Don't, don't be so's nothing! Haha! You are a real heroine."

On the surface, Peng Xue gave a free and easy thumbs up, but in reality she was already trembling and sweating profusely;

"Yes, yes, it's nothing, Bingbing, don't talk about you, it's me and Xiaoxue—"

Liu Xiaoyu, who was trembling and didn't dare to sweat, was pinched by Peng Xue's thigh in the middle of her sentence, and she calmed down and didn't speak the truth after being condemned by morality.

"Huh? What happened to you and Xiaoxue?"

"I, I mean, Xiaoxue and I are not so pure..."

Liu Xiaoyu muttered, "Just, like me, my family is relatively poor. I can earn money while chasing my dreams. I feel very happy."

"Well, making money is also one of my selfish interests."

Xiang Bingbing nodded and said: "You have also seen that I have many younger brothers and sisters, and I also want them to live a good life, so I think I can earn a lot of money by continuing to work with Ah Fang."

This child... is really too sincere, too sincere...

Woohoo, I really cried to death!

Xia Yuan tried her best to restrain her emotions.

She hid in the closet with Mei Fang and heard a lot of things during the team building, so she also knew that Liu Xiaoyu and Peng Xue still had a little bit of obsession with their own A Fang.

But she can pretend not to know.

She doesn't leave room for others like Youxi, because she was almost reduced to a defeated dog who was no different from them——

At least Xia Yuan thought so for a period of time. She has always felt that You Xi is more suitable to be A Fang's girlfriend than herself since she was in junior high school.

But since they are already in a relationship, isn't it just to see who likes whom more... This kind of thinking is quite distorted haha.

So Xia Yuan restrained the heat of everyone's discussion, and wanted to move this slightly embarrassing topic away:

"All in all, I think everyone can analyze themselves, which is also the first step for us to improve. Next, let's discuss our respective special training plans together!"

"Special training plan?"

Everyone looked at each other at a loss, but Xia Yuan explained directly, "I think our tacit understanding and cooperation have reached a certain level. If we want to improve, we have to change some behavioral habits or thinking patterns."

"I have heard a lot from everyone just now, and I have also benefited a lot. I think we can discuss a lot of plans today! However, because Xiao Yu is the lead singer of the band, as the band organizer and captain, and I also have certain stage experience, I will do it for you. Xiaoyu has arranged a special training, I hope Xiaoyu can persevere and complete this special training plan."

"Special training for me...?"

Xia Yuan nodded, and then operated the computer to switch the PPT page.

[Xiao Yu's special training plan for lead singer——]

While showing the content of the PPT, Xia Yuan introduced to Liu Xiaoyu:

"This special training plan is divided into several stages, and each stage has its own tasks. Due to some reasons, all of them will not be announced for the time being, but the overall purpose is to hope that you can control the rhythm of the lead singer of the band and become an excellent singer. Lead singer of the band."

"I... I will work hard."

Because of the addition of moral condemnation, Liu Xiaoyu began to obey Xia Yuan unconditionally, "So, so... What do you want me to do in the first stage?"

"The first phase of the special training task is very simple, and our family, Xiaoyu, will definitely complete it with ease."

Xia Yuan turned the pages of the PPT with her hands behind her back and a smile.

"In the first stage, I hope that our Xiaoyu can complete at least three street singing goals in the next week!"

"Street, street artist? I'm alone? I, I'm sure I can't do it...I——this is so difficult."

Liu Xiaoyu hurriedly waved her hand to refuse in a panic. At this moment, Peng Xue couldn't help knocking her on the head, "You can't do it, you can't. You promised to work hard just now, why are you being cowardly now?"

"But this is really... difficult... I can't do it."

"There's nothing you can't do! When I was in high school, I sang on the streets of Baimei County. It's super simple. Let me tell you."

"That's right... Because Xiaoxue is very experienced in street singing, I hope Xiaoxue will do a good job of supervising and recording." Xia Yuan smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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