Chapter 464 Marriage Battle

When Mei Fang first moved into Pengcheng four years ago, he emptied out a lot of land in Pengcheng.

In the following years, Mei Fang also purchased some real estate in various parts of the country as his own real estate property rights, waiting for a steady appreciation.

And in 17, when Bikcoin reached its peak valuation, Mei Fang operated his own dusty password key for many years and distributed 10000 Bikcoin to repurchase the valuation shares of his group and support "Yuanxi" The huge cost development of "Phantom Domain".

As the final hole cards are operated bit by bit to become their own cash flow, in this way, the assets in Mei Fang's hands no longer need to be counted, which belongs to the level that can not be spent in a few lifetimes.

Mei Fang, who has tens of billions of assets, usually goes in and out very inconspicuously. On the one hand, it is because the domestic environment is very safe and stable, and there is no need for so-called bodyguards at all;

On the other hand, with such assets at this age, he is more often considered to be the spokesperson launched by the group's behind-the-scenes funder, rather than the real power controller.

The behind-the-scenes information about Mei Fang is actually very interesting. Some editors started from the background of Mei Fang’s family history and found out the growth path of Mei Lijun; some people also found out about the rise of Xia Yuan’s father Xia Xun as a well-known investor. ...Of course, as a penguin that once invested heavily in Yuanxi Huyu, it is also a part that has attracted more attention.

All these opinions are different, although it took Mei Fang some experience to clarify some things, it also helped Mei Fang share a lot of attention and attention.

After completing her studies, Mei Fang gave a speech as one of the student representatives at the graduation ceremony of Pengcheng University, sharing bits and pieces about her experience in this school.

Mei Fang's speech was full of warm and natural emotions about real college life, mostly complaints about daily life and messages to his juniors, so that people could not feel any airs of a president in him.

Who wouldn't love such a young and promising boss?

Young gamers regard entering Yuanxi Huyu as their graduation ideal, in order to be able to achieve the game dream cultivated since childhood with this legendary figure.

At the end of the speech, Mei Fang once again thanked Qingmei Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi who grew up together for their company, and brought two bouquets of flowers at the end of the speech. Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi were in the front row.

Therefore, the photo of Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi holding a flower in one hand and a plum dog in the other, posing for a commemorative photo with their juniors, has become the most famous part of Pengda University. A group photo.

After the speech, Mei Fang Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi followed the usual practice to sign for everyone, and then wrote words of encouragement.

Just like that, when Mei Fang was signing an autograph for a sophomore girl with short hair, the girl suddenly asked after Mei Fang wrote the signature:
"Senior station master! Can I ask you a question!"

"Please say."

Mei Fang raised her hand, and the school girl immediately hugged the book signed for Mei Fang, and then said excitedly:

"I have heard your story since I was in high school. The story between you and Miss Yuanbao is like a real-life green plum love story in our, we really want to know now, what will you do in the future? Do you have any plans to reconnect with Yuanbao or Missy?"

The bold question of the school girl immediately aroused the curiosity of the students queuing up to sign. After all, apart from the legendary life of the station master Mei Fang, the love-hate relationship between him and the two young plums is also a topic of great concern to everyone.

Although Mei Fang and Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan both dated for a period of time, they both broke up peacefully afterwards. In recent years, people have often heard that Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi have a close relationship, like a lily, but not Any real hammer is at best a group photo between good girlfriends.

Therefore, whether the webmaster will remain single in this life has become the most concerned topic for many people after dinner.

"About this question—"

Mei Fang rested his chin, looked at Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi who were smiling at him, then squinted his eyes and smiled at the school girl:

"The school girl, who do you think I should be with better?"

Under Mei Fang's rhetorical question, the enthusiastic school girl really thought about it seriously: "Yuanbao and the station master really match each other on stage, but Miss has been the station master's right-hand man for so many years, I feel It's not good to give up either..."

"You feel troubled too, don't you?"

Mei Fang smiled and said, "Actually, I don't think getting married is a very necessary thing. The current era is different from the past. For me and the two of them, whether we get a certificate or not, we will be to each other in this life. It’s like being a family.”

"It's true... no matter who they are with, the three of them are very close and irreplaceable family members."

The school girl mumbled and thought for a while, then asked a more explosive question:

"Then, don't you want children?"

Mei Youyuan's three giants were surprised by the junior girl's sudden questioning to varying degrees. Mei Fang opened his mouth slightly to express his surprise at the question, and Lin Youxi looked at the junior girl with a meaningful smile.

The one who reacted the most was naturally Xia Yuan. She stood up straight away, blushing and flustered, and then slowly sat down under everyone's gaze.

"It's too early, it's too early hahaha...Your school girl is very bad."

"Have you already said that you really have the idea of ​​having children? Does that mean you all have to have one or—"

Mei Fang obviously couldn't continue to answer the junior's question, and the fanatical junior was naturally taken out of the venue by the hasty security guards.

For some reason, this questioning video suddenly began to spread wildly on Station C, and it became a hot search, becoming a question that Internet surfers began to talk about.

Ever since Mei Fang became famous in Jiangcheng Division [-], many people have watched the Big Three gradually grow up, and there are also many mother fans, so there are endless voting topics around who the station master will be with.

But there is no doubt that under the momentum of recent years, Mei Fang x Lin Youxi and Mei Fang x Xia Yuan are not the current mainstream praise, and they are almost at the bottom of the list. Maintaining the status quo is currently the most supportive point of view. , and again some are the lily combination of Yuanbao X Miss.

Although there is also the option of wanting everything, the vote is only slightly higher than the two options standing alone. It can be seen that the recognition of this behavior at the social level is quite low, even for three people who grew up together. Same.

As a public figure, Mei Fang certainly does not expect his three-person trip plan to be accepted by public opinion. Parents reach a certain level of compromise.

However, after graduation, Mei Fang gave herself and Xia Yuanlin Youxi a half-year vacation, and they will complete this long-prepared wedding battle plan in the follow-up time period.

In the past two years, Lin Youxi has been sharing photos of her intimate relationship with Xia Yuan on the social circles seen by her parents, but occasionally there will be separate photos with Mei Fang, and Xia Yuan is the same.

And as early as two years ago, the Big Three had expressed to their parents that they were together by fate. This time, the time together has not changed because of the two years. This also made the original quietly wait for the change. The happy-go-lucky parents began to get a little anxious.

Of course the most anxious person here is Mei Fang's mother, Xiang Xiaoxia.

As soon as today's hot search came out, Xiang Xiaoxia made another video for Mei Fang.

"What's the matter, calling again?"

"Ah Fang, I've watched all the videos on the Internet."

"Why are you looking at this, you..."

Mei Fang shrugged helplessly, "This can be regarded as a broadcast accident, how can a school girl ask such a question."

"Hey... I didn't say it, I haven't finished asking you the question before."

Xiang Xiaoxia asked Mei Fang: "What are you thinking... have you always maintained such a relationship with them? Just be a childhood sweetheart forever?"

"It's a childhood sweetheart...but it's also a family relationship, they don't call you mother anymore."

Mei Fang rested her chin and looked at Xiang Xiaoxia in the video, "Are you in a hurry?"

"Your mother, can I not be in a hurry...You earn so much money now, why don't you sleep in one bed and eat three meals... If you continue like this, our old Mei's family——"

"Our old Mei's family has no queens, huh—"

At this moment, Mei Ya's clear and sweet voice came from behind Xiang Xiaoxia. Mei Ya, who entered middle school, was in the development stage, and now she has become a slim girl.

"Go play with your villain, don't disturb me and your brother talking about important things here."

"What do you call a villain playing with me! This is a Warhammer painting! Your daughter's ability to make money online!"

"What's the ability to make money... If you don't study hard and play this every day, can you get into a good university by playing this?"

"Mom, our family is so rich, why should I go to a domestic university...I want to go abroad and take off!"

"You don't even look at your English—you're better at English, you."

"That's right, I'm going to take the fourth and sixth exams now!"

In order to become a more qualified Warhammer UP owner, Mei Ya has been busy learning English whenever she is free these years, understanding Warhammer knowledge, organizing, analyzing, and popularizing science for Xiaobai and the public. She is well-known in the circle .

Like Warhammer 40K, who doesn't love the cute Warhammer girl who shouts that the emperor is above?

Mei Ya has never expressed her identity as the webmaster's sister from the beginning to the end, but even without this relationship, she is already a well-known UP master in the Hammer circle, and she calls herself "Hammer Sister" in the circle.

At this moment, Mei Ya has passed the rebellious stage of quarreling with her mother every now and then. She put her arms around Xiang Xiaoxia's neck and whispered softly in her mother's ear, "Mom, don't force Sister Yuanyuan and Sister Youxi They are gone, they have a very good relationship now, don't you regard them as daughters, why do you want to break them up?"

"I'm not saying we want to break them up, I just think that young people still have a long way to go in the future, and they don't necessarily have to... You said that the two of them were fine when they were young, so why didn't they have feelings for us, Ah Fang—"

As Xiang Xiaoxia spoke, she couldn't help rubbing her eyes and weeping.

"Oh, how can there be no feelings? Isn't the relationship very good now?"

"But, this kind of relationship is can't help me get a grandson—"

"Oh, mom, your grandson is still very young!"

Mei Fang was pretending to be embarrassed and comforting her mother Xiang Xiaoxia. At this moment, behind Mei Fang, a green doll costume suddenly appeared, crawling slowly towards him with all fours on the ground. :

"Fang... Fang—I'm a big turtle, I'm going to crush you—unless you give me a hug—"

Xia Yuan, who was wearing a tortoise cartoon pajamas, was playing role-playing. Mei Fang did not help Xia Yuan avoid it, but let the video camera directly point at Xia Yuan who was crawling on the ground.

Xia Yuan was holding her head up, ready to say something more coquettish and nasty, when she saw Mei Fang's mother Xiang Xiaoxia watching her calmly on the other end of the video, and her daughter Mei Ya was leaning against her behind her. On the mother's shoulder, she stuck out her tongue and showed a playful expression.



Xia Yuan, who had experienced social death, blushed immediately, turned around and continued to crawl.

"The tortoise, the tortoise is going back to her lair—"

Xia Yuan experienced the bottomless pit of social death here, and Mei Fang hadn't heartlessly played video with her mother:
"Look, I just said that I have a very good relationship with Yuanyuan Youxi."

After Mei Fang finished speaking, she turned her head and asked Xia Yuan, "Sister Wugui, can you get up by yourself this time without me hugging you?"

"Ahhh! It's muddy, muddy!"

Xia Yuan yelled and suddenly jumped up, lifted the hood and shook Mei Fang's neck wildly, then stroked her messy hair and greeted Xiaoxia in the video:

"Mother Xiang! You are videoing with A Fang... I, I didn't see it just now, I was just kidding with him."

"It's good to have fun, it's good to have fun!"

Xiang Xiaoxia looked at Xia Yuan and her son with an intimate face, a smile on her lips, but there were mixed feelings in her heart.

Mei Fang has been like this since she was a child, how can I, a mother, not know your thoughts...


Should I turn a blind eye?
After all, I am still A Fang's mother...

Xiang Xiaoxia regards Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi as her own, and doesn't want them to leave Mei Fang's side. If she doesn't have expectations for her children, maintaining the status quo might not be the best choice for her.

But the marriage of children is a lifelong event after all, and she has always been very concerned about the thoughts of the other two families.

And, and.

The thoughts of these two girls are also very important.

very very important.

After exchanging pleasantries with Xia Yuan, Xiang Xiaoxia asked Mei Fang to go out, and she drove away the curious little daughter Mei Ya, leaving Xia Yuan to talk to herself alone.

Compared with Lin Youxi, who has become extremely mature and stable, but also somewhat elusive, Xia Yuan, who is still as cheerful and lovely as she was when she was a child, has become Xiang Xiaoxia's easier to talk to. This time she also found a chance to call Xia edge.

"Yuanyuan... Speaking of which, you and Youxi... Are you still as close as before?"

"It's the same, all three of us are the same."

Xia Yuan replied sweetly, "Mom, don't worry."

"I'm not worried about that, but..."

Xiang Xiaoxia paused, and then continued, "Yuanyuan, you have been an honest, lovely, well-behaved child since you were a child. Mommy Xiang has something on her mind and doesn't want to always hide it from you. I still want to ask you some questions. I hope you can tell me the truth, can you?"

"Well, you watched me grow up, and you are also my mother. Of course, I will tell you the truth."

"You used to be with us A Fang before, and now you have been with Youxi for so long, do you still... have feelings for A Fang? I mean... It's not the friendship of childhood sweethearts, or—between men and women Do you still have the kind of love you have?"

"This, this, this..."

Xia Yuan covered her face with a troubled expression, "I can't lie to my mother, can I?"

"Well... Mom wants you to be honest with me."


Xia Yuan covered her face and muttered, "Of course I still like him, but Youxi likes him as much as I do. We don't want to fight for Fang and destroy our mutual relationship."

"Okay... okay... Mom, I can understand what you said."

Xiang Xiaoxia breathed a sigh of relief.

Although some things can be known at a glance, it is still necessary for the person concerned to say it in person so as not to misunderstand.

Today, Xiang Xiaoxia got a certain answer from Xia Yuan, and she didn't continue to ask about the follow-up content, because she was afraid that Yuanyuan would be disgusted, so she asked at most whether Yuanyuan likes children or not, and she also got Xia Yuan's answer. After answering in the affirmative, he hung up the video contentedly.

After Xia Yuan hung up the video, Mei Fang opened the door. Unlike before, Mei Fang was hugging and making out with Lin Youxi.

At this moment, Lin Youxi was wearing a black les lace gauze dress. She was dressed in a very attractive semi-empress style, and it could be seen that she had carefully dressed her posture.

Xia Yuan protested angrily, "Youxi, what are you doing? Didn't you say you have to go to bed early today? Get up tomorrow—"

"It's a rest, aren't you playing turtle PLAY yourself?"

Lin Youxi wiped her mouth after enjoying the plum recipe, "It's just that my mother just happened to find out."

"I-I don't want to finish the battle plan sooner... Hmph! It's all over now! It killed my club."

Angrily, Xia Yuan flung herself on the bed while making complaints, imitating the position of a tortoise, lying on her stomach, looking like she was sulking alone.

Then Mei Fang coaxed her well all night.

Of course, I coaxed Youxi all night.

After graduating from college, in order to complete the plan of the wedding battle, they no longer need the inconvenience of chewing gum.

 After writing, seeing this passage means seeing that I am the official version.

  I was disturbed by photos sent by my cute reader sister in the second year of high school, and I never finished writing.

(End of this chapter)

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