Chapter 470 The Moment of Judgment
Mei Fang and Lin Youxi came back from a date and brought back a lot of food and drink for Xia Yuan who was bored watching TV at home. Xia Yuan was also very happy to see the two of them holding hands and loving each other as before, and pulled Mei Fang Chirping on the sofa:

"As expected of you, Ah Fang, you are indeed very is this coaxing Youxi well?"

"How to coax, she wasn't angry at all..."

"Afang, you just came back from outside, don't get too close to Yuanyuan—"

Mei Fang was dragged up by Lin Youxi, and she saw a happy smile on her brows and eyes, "Come on, let's take a bath."

"Ah, do you want to wash now?"

"If you don't wash it now, do you want to wash it at night? Do you still want to hug Yuan Yuan?"

"Okay, here we go... Hey, what are you doing here just taking off your clothes?"

"Wash together, don't I want to take a bath too?"

"You're not going to take a dip in the bathtub and soak all afternoon, right? That's what you two did last time."

"No, I have something to do later." Lin Youxi smiled.

Later in the day, all the things Lin Youxi bought overseas in the shopping mall were delivered to his home, including the beautiful clothes and jewelry that Lin Youxi had chosen for Xia Yuan.

Lin Youxi accompanied the happy Xia Yuan to try out various outfits in the cloakroom, while Mei Fang checked today's group meeting minutes and related information in the living room.

When the night was approaching, after hearing the sound of high-heeled shoes approaching, Mei Fang tactfully turned on the music speaker in the living room, the automatic curtains were slowly closed, and the atmospheric light yellow ball lights gradually lit up.

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi appeared in front of Mei Fang hand in hand in gorgeous one white and one black tube top evening gowns. Among the glittering jewels and emeralds were the tender eyes of the lovers.

"How about...Afang, do we both look very sexy?"

"Yeah, it's true... If you want to say it, it's the feeling of angels and demons descending together!"

Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan came to Mei Fang's side together, Xia Yuan held Mei Fang's arm obediently, while Lin Youxi put one leg on Mei Fang's body frivolously, gently hooking Mei Fang's chin make fun of him:

"So, who is the angel and who is the devil?"

"There must be a special understanding of the game! If we only judge from the color, we are not OK."

Xia Yuan stuck out his tongue.

"Hmm...then, Youxi is a fallen angel, and Yuanyuan is a pure white succubus!"

Mei Fang commented on the outfits of the lovers and said, "Although they look similar to the dresses, Youxi wears more gold ornaments, and then there are black feathers on the high heels."

"What about me, what about me?"

"Not to mention Yuan Yuan... This pair of white silk three-lace gloves has a cosplay feel to Albedo, and the design of the thighs exposed on both sides is somewhat of a reference..."

"Hmm... I reluctantly commented, but I'll give you a reward anyway."

Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan kissed each other on both sides of Mei Fang, and then Lin Youxi got up to get a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet, and a bottle of grape juice from the refrigerator.

She first poured grape juice for Xia Yuan, then poured red wine for herself and Mei Fang, and Mei Fang turned on the giant screen projection in the living room to show Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi the wedding plan she had prepared.

"About the location of the wedding, we have actually discussed it before. The wedding planner made three plans, the blue sea and blue sky in Bali, the fairy tale world in Scotland, and the lavender flowers in Provence. Which one do you prefer?"

"Isn't there any choice in the country? Didn't we have three plans before?"

"Sanya is indeed a good place..." Lin Youxi reminded Xia Yuan, "Going abroad is not because of how good it is, but because our Yuanbao is so popular in China, do you understand?"

"Ah... That's right, I forgot about it again."

Xia Yuan stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, then looked at the wedding process planning with the three of them, and finally decided that it would be better to hold the wedding in Bali.

Xia Yuan thought of another thing at this time, "Speaking of which, would it be too surprising to have parents come over this time and suddenly tell them about the wedding?"

Lin Youxi continued: "Accidents are bound to happen, but compared to the baby in Yuanyuan's belly, this should be more unexpected and explosive."

"I always feel like I'm covering up the threesome with something more explosive."

Xia Yuan tilted her head and sighed with emotion, and then thought, "Then, let's say that Youxi is also pregnant with a baby, it's safer."

"Just tell the truth, it's nothing."

Lin Youxi paused, "I already talked about it with Afang during lunch today."

"Well, it's also..."

Xia Yuan nodded and agreed, "No one likes to be deceived, even if it's a white lie."

"Okay, now that the wedding plan is finalized, let's discuss another important matter—"

"Baby's name?"

Xia Yuan muttered, "Didn't I think everything through when I was pregnant two years ago? The boy's name will be Mei Xiaochen, and the girl's name will be Mei Xiaoxi."

"Isn't that my baby's name?"

Lin Youxi tilted her head, "Your name is Xia Yuan, what are you doing with these names?"

"Of course it's to commemorate my friendship with Youxi!"


Lin Youxi frowned, "It's still called friendship now, isn't it a bit strange?"

"Ah... um... But it's even weirder to call it love."

"Yuanyuan doesn't love me? Do you still only like Xiaoxue and Xiaoyu?"

"How, how could it be!"

Hearing this, Xia Yuan quickly pulled Mei Fang away and coaxed Lin Youxi, "They are close friends, but Youxi is the only one! We grew up together, not as sisters but as sisters."

"Yuanyuan is also my only one."

Lin Youxi was holding Xia Yuan's hand with tenderness in his eyes.

"Wait a minute, you're here to tie the knot, right? Then I'll go?" Mei Fang seemed a little redundant.

"Fang is jealous."

"It can also be jealous... What a child."

Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan giggled.

"Okay, okay, let's think about the name again... Then Youxi thinks, what name is better for my baby? By then our baby may have the same name."

"I didn't think of a big name, but I thought of a good nickname."

Lin Youxi smiled and said, "Xiao Yuanbao, what's the name like?"

"Okay, little ingot, cute and nice, it can be used by both men and women, what does Afang think?"

Before Xia Yuan finished speaking, Mei Fang knelt down on the ground, pressed against Xia Yuan's stomach, rubbed it with her hands, and smiled foolishly.

"Little Yuanbao, hehe...Little Yuanbao..."

"It's over, Ah Fang is already crazy!"

Mei Fang hugged Xia Yuan while complaining, "I don't think it's easy to choose a name with my surname. Everything is Mei Yuanmei Mei Youxi and so on... What do you want your child to be? I like the two surnames Xia and Lin."

"Oh, I think it's okay!"

Xia Yuan raised her hands in agreement, "I quite like my own surname, Xia Xiaoyu, Xia Xiaoxue, Xia Bingbing, Xia Mo, Xia Nai, Xia Ningmeng, Xia Wantao... You can choose anything that sounds good, I can take a whole bunch of names! If it’s a boy, it’s Xia Kun, right?”

"I always feel like you said that once last time... By the way, you are too patriarchal!"

"Does Afang not like daughters? I wanted to raise a daughter when I was a child."

Mei Fang rubbed Xia Yuan's head with a smile and said, "So we have to sacrifice our Yuanyuan's kindergarten video."

"Ah, don't mess with me like this! Hasn't that thing been permanently sealed yet?"

Lin Youxi expressed some objections to this:
"I really don't have the same surname as Ah Fang. I always feel that the child was picked up somewhere..."

"There is another advantage of having the same surname with you, that is, it doesn't fall into the trap of reality. In addition, you two are only children. If I take you down together, your parents will definitely feel a little... That, that's what it means, right?"

"I don't think my dad cares about this..."

Lin Youxi wanted to say something else at first, but it's useless to think about the things that haven't been written yet.

Seeing that she was unconsciously depressed, Mei Fang raised his goblet and clinked glasses with her.

"Drink first, I wish the three of you a smooth trip!"

"Y-touch me too!"

Xia Yuan held up the grape juice and clinked glasses with Mei Fanglin Youxi, "It will definitely go well!"

"We grew up under the watchful eye of adults, and I don't think parents would have the heart to see us separate. If it doesn't work...if it doesn't work, we will sever ties with my dad!"

"Don't suddenly say something about a filial daughter, you!

After making a fuss all night, the three washed up and went to bed together.

Xia Yuan was easily tired now, and fell into a deep sleep as soon as she lay down on the bed.

Sleeping in the middle, her sleeping face looked extraordinarily sweet and pure, and Mei Fang could appreciate it for a long time by leaning on the side with her chin in her hands.

On the other side, Lin Youxi and Mei Fang were in the same posture, and stood up from the bed after a while.

"I want to sleep next to you tonight, can you, Afang?"

"Of course, come on."

Lin Youxi slept on Mei Fang's other side away from Xia Yuan, and then forced Mei Fang to turn her back to her.

Then she lay with her arms around Mei Fang's back.

"Sure enough, I still like to sleep like this."

Lin Youxi pressed her forehead against Mei Fang's generous back, "A Fang."


"Love you."

"Well, I love you too."

Mei Fang turned her head to look at Lin Youxi and said with a smile, "I said during the day that I was on top?"

"I drank today, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"Ah... yes."

Mei Fang sighed helplessly, "This is really different from before."

Lin Youxi circled Mei Fang's back, "But not now, now we need to ensure that the baby grows up healthily, so if you want a child, you must control it."

"Well, I know."

Lin Youxi reached out to hug Mei Fang, her voice full of the charm of a fallen angel.

"But, if you really want to today, let me help you."

"No, it will make the bed dirty..."

Lin Youxi whispered his love into Mei Fang's ear, and then felt Mei Fang's feedback and burst into laughter.

"Finally it's time for trial..."

"Among the parents, who is Fang most afraid of?"

"Of course it's my mother, and then you and Yuanyuan's father."

"Yuanyuan dad can still understand, why is my dad?"

Lin Youxi said softly, "I don't think my dad will refuse you, he is so optimistic about you."

"The premise of being optimistic about me is that Ming Media is marrying you, but if you can't, I don't think your father is so easy to talk to."

"The dignified president of the Ten Billion Group Company is still afraid of his father-in-law."

"Well, after all, he is my father-in-law..."

"Yuanyuan's father is indeed more difficult to deal with, but he loves his daughter very much. Teacher Yu will help us. As long as you act responsibly, I think it will be fine."

"But don't worry, youxi. I'm not saying I'm not sure, but after all, I want them to entrust me with their most precious treasures. I always want to pay more and entertain everyone well, so that I can get everyone's treasures conveniently." Blessings..."

"Take a good look at Teacher Yu's strategy, and just find a chance to talk about it when the time comes."

Lin Youxi thought for a while, "By the way, the first ones to come to Pengcheng should be your family members, right?"

"Yes, my mother and the others will arrive the day after tomorrow."

"The bed still needs to be made in advance. Although there are already three of us, we still have to make a show before we announce it."

"But you and Yuanyuan have so many clothes in the big master bedroom where we sleep together, it's a bit laborious to get them—"

Lin Youxi smiled and squeezed Mei Fang's muscles, "Anyway, A Fang can do it, my A Fang is not afraid of anything, he is invincible A Fang."

"It's true, I'm invincible hahaha."

Mei Fang and Lin Youxi chatted until late before going to bed.

In the deep dreamland, the three of them are all dreaming of happiness and fulfillment.

At the same time, it was ten past six in the morning.

Pengcheng International Airport.

A middle-aged couple took their daughter with luggage on the way to the airport bus. The daughter kept complaining on the way:
"Ahhh...Mom, didn't you still bring me here? Speaking of which, when will you return the phone to me, Mom!"

"Is it okay if I don't bring you here? You ghost, if you are allowed to stay at home, you will definitely inform your brother."

"No child would like a surprise attack by their parents. What you are facing is the president of a multinational company with a market value of tens of billions!"

"What happened to the president of the group? It's not my son..."

Mother Xiang Xiaoxia strode forward with a box in her hand, "The other end of the video is so serious, let us come together, I want to see what my son is doing all the time."

"Mom, my brother is already 22 years old, can you give him some private space? Are you still unclear about the relationship between Afang and Sister Youxi and Yuanyuan?"

"You have to figure it out with your own eyes, don't keep blindfolding your family."

As Xiang Xiaoxia said, he slapped Mei Lijun who was on the side, "Don't look at your phone, do you want to be an internal response too?"

"No! Wife, I'm not that kind of person, don't you understand me?"

As Mei Lijun said, he quickly put away his phone and carried Xiang Xiaoxia's suitcase, "It's too early, so go directly to them, I'm afraid they haven't woken up yet."

"It's best not to be prepared..."

Xiang Xiaoxia sighed, "Let's go, let's call him downstairs in the community."

 Little Lemon ignored me all day today, woo woo.

(End of this chapter)

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