Only after I was reborn did I realize that I had green plums.

Chapter 504 if extra chapter Snow Chapter One day when I was 15 years old

Chapter 504 if Extra Chapter Snow Chapter 1·One day when I was 15 years old

Instructions for eating if extra chapter——

In order to ensure the pure love of the main story, the chapters of Cloud/Snow/Rain can be regarded as an imaginary set route that never existed for Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi.

It is based on the setting of Mei Fang's original world line (i.e., the sudden death line before rebirth). It is an imaginary story in which some key decisions have changed. The characters are basically the same as the original world line, but some magical changes will be made based on the imaginary situation.

Please read the extra chapters after understanding these settings.

【Snow Chapter】

The white plum blossoms bloom on the street, and the snow falls in Penglai before you know the cold.


14-year-old boys and girls are entering the rapidly developing period of adolescence, both physically and mentally.

Everyone slowly started to think about some complicated things from being ignorant at a young age.

For example, where do you come from and what is the meaning of reading.

And which girl in the class is the most beautiful is the class beauty, and which boy in the class is the most handsome is the class idol.

In the eyes of many boys in the class, even if all the girls in the school are compared together, Peng Xue in the same class can be regarded as the most beautiful girl among the girls.

She is dressed avant-garde and has a very beautiful short hair, cut heart-shaped bangs and some sweet girl-style clothes with cute bunny rabbits, and these are just plus points in front of Peng Xue's already exquisite facial features.

Of course, in a small county where tradition is the main style, even an adult woman would be criticized behind her back by the aunts for Peng Xue's overly glamorous dress, let alone a 15-year-old middle school student.

Although Peng Xue smartly controlled her dress to the limit allowed by school regulations, such Peng Xue was naturally not welcomed by the old-fashioned class teacher Huang Lian. Wearing small shoes was a common occurrence.

Although she was among the top ten in the class, Huang Lian would always criticize Peng Xue in class from time to time on the grounds that she did not dress like a student. She would never give Peng Xue any essays. To make an "example", even when praising Peng Xue, she would deliberately miss her name.

However, Peng Xue didn't care about these behaviors. She happily lived her own little life with her sisters every day, sometimes discussing popular stars, sometimes discussing cute hairstyles. The part of the class corridor near the stairs, It will always be the position occupied by Peng Xue and her best friends.

Peng Xue, who is regarded as a "bad girl", has almost no interaction with Mei Fang, a "good student" in the class.

Mei Fang always studied according to the rules, and occasionally scolded Huang Lian for playing games and falling asleep in class.

But among the classmates in the class, except for Huang Lian's close friends, who among them was not scolded by the yellow-faced woman?
Everyone has long been used to it.

Mei Fang and Peng Xue were enjoying their middle school lives in this way, until a recent seat adjustment, and Peng Xue was switched to sit in the back row of their own.

She would take the initiative to ask Mei Fang for solutions to some math and physics problems. For such questions, Mei Fang would not refuse anyone who came.

Peng Xue was also happy to see someone help answer her doubts. After all, her sisters were all idiots, and they asked her to help them cheat in the exam and give them cheat sheets.

"Oh, I see, it's so simple? I understand it completely now. Thank you, Master Mei!"

"Don't call me like that, there are people in the class who are much better than me..." Mei Fang scratched her head, "I think their solution is much simpler than mine."

" that so? But I think what you said is easy to understand, and it should be more suitable for jobs that require more communication in the future."

Peng Xue held her chin and pouted, "Besides, the other students with good grades in the class thought I was a monster when they saw me, and ignored me when I spoke to them."

"Ah. It won't happen..."

"Really? That's a lot of yelling!"

Peng Xue pouted as if she was coquettishly showing off to Mei Fang, "Although I also know that some of the things I do do not please the yellow-faced woman, but I don't think there is any need for us classmates to make things difficult for each other."

"I agree with that."

Mei Fang nodded, "Teacher Huang did some things that were really speechless. He even had to take care of me playing games during holidays, and even complained to my family."

"Hahahaha, it sounds like a boring thing that a yellow-faced woman can do."

Peng Xue and Mei Fang had a good chat. Occasionally, she would talk to Mei Fang. She would also help him time when Mei Fang practiced turning books, or compete with him.

But when the seats were changed again, the two were separated by a distance again.

But Peng Xue would occasionally come to Mei Fang with a book, and Mei Fang would teach her how to solve the problem. Peng Xue would occasionally give Mei Fang some snacks in return.

The days went by like this. By the time I entered the third grade of junior high school, the learning atmosphere in the class became more and more intense, and the competitive pressure became very fierce.

Peng Xue's grades dropped significantly in the third grade of junior high school, from a dozen to more than 20 in the class. She even got a score of [-] in the previous exam, which made Huang Lian find more The reason for attacking Peng Xue.

"Some people are just wild at heart and don't look like serious students at all. Their thoughts are not on studying at all. Of course, their test scores are getting worse and worse. Everyone must take this as a warning. The fundamental purpose of students is to study. Don't put their thoughts into it." Put it on those miscellaneous things, do you hear what I said?"

"I heard!"

The students shouted out in unison, but Mei Fang did not follow suit.

He finds such intersex people disgusting.

However, fortunately, Peng Xue has a very strong heart and doesn't seem to care about Huang Lian's ridicule to her.

The first semester of junior high school is coming to an end. As winter approaches and Christmas approaches, it becomes very difficult for everyone to even hold a pen. However, everyone will still work hard to write homework, take exams, and do their part as students.

The same is true for Mei Fang.

However, with the recent sudden drop in temperature, he seemed to have caught a cold.

When Mei Fang came back from school that night, she kept sneezing and had a runny nose.

His mother, Xiang Xiaoxia, made some cold medicine for him. Mei Fang, wearing a cotton-padded jacket, drank the cold medicine and her stuffy nose got better.

"How can you go to school like this? Why don't you ask for leave tomorrow?"

Xiang Xiaoxia asked with concern, "Can I help you ask for a leave from Teacher Huang?"

"Well... let's see how the recovery goes tomorrow. Tomorrow we will talk about yesterday's science comprehensive examination paper. I still want to listen to it."

"Hey Al Fang, don't try too hard, your health is important."

"Ok, I know……"

"Don't study until 12 o'clock today, go to bed early."

"Well, ah, Ah Qiu."

Mei Fang wiped her nose, and then continued to look at the exercises in front of her. Xiang Xiaoxia saw that her son was studying hard, so she stopped disturbing him and silently closed the door.


I might as well not go to class tomorrow.

But if I ask for leave, Teacher Huang might have objections and drag me in for a talk or something like that... That seems to be a waste of time.

But if you go to class rashly, you don’t know if you will infect the people in the class.

In that case, the gains outweigh the losses.


My head hurts.

Mei Fang rubbed her head. She couldn't read a single word of the test paper in front of her.

It's better to go to bed early.

Mei Fang closed her three-year high school entrance examination and five-year simulation, then turned off the small desk lamp, took off her cotton-padded jacket, turned off the electric blanket, and lay down on the bed.

Just as Mei Fang was gradually falling asleep with vague memories, a light flashed, and two paper cranes, one blue and one red, appeared from the light, dancing around Mei Fang's head, scattering many light spots. dust.


the next morning.

Mei Fang opened her eyes.


Mei Fang did not sneeze.


My nose suddenly became less stuffy.

Why did it suddenly feel better?

When did the cold medicine suddenly become so effective?

Mei Fang was suddenly confused about the situation.

However, it's a good thing that my body doesn't feel uncomfortable anymore.

Go to class quickly.Mei Fang packed up her books, told her father Mei Lijun and her mother Xiang Xiaoxia, and then rode her bicycle on the way to the Experimental Middle School while the sky was still dark.

The roads in Baimei County were very slippery in winter. Mei Fang put her gloves in her sleeves, clutched the sleeves of her cotton-padded jacket and rode forward slowly.


Mei Fang was half asleep while riding her bicycle. Suddenly she saw a girl crossing the road in front of her. Mei Fang rang the girl's bicycle bell, but she didn't seem to hear her. Maybe she was listening to music, so Mei Fang planned to go around. Ride directly past her.

At this moment, a large truck came roaring from the other side of the road and drove directly towards the girl's path. I wonder if the driver was also driving fatigued and didn't even honk the horn.

Seeing that the truck was about to hit her, Mei Fang quickly shouted to the other party to let her go away, but the other party seemed to be immersed in the music. Mei Fang quickly left the car and pulled the other party, and then the two of them looked at the big truck. Whistling by.


It seemed that he had not yet reacted to the aftermath of the disaster, and the other party's reaction was still a bit slow. He stood there in silence and did nothing. Mei Fang asked angrily:
"Look carefully, classmate, you are almost going to be hit to death."

"Ah... thank you, thank you... I didn't notice it when I was listening to the song just now."

The girl took off her earphones, took off her hat, turned around and thanked Mei Fang, and then realized that it was her classmate Mei Fang who saved her.

Only then did Mei Fang realize that the girl she was holding onto was her classmate Peng Xue.

"Let me go, it turns out to be you?"

"Hey, is now the time to talk about coincidence?"

Mei Fang breathed a sigh of relief, "But as long as you're fine, you still have to be careful when going to school alone."

"It's true... Oh, you saved my life, it's not good to just leave like this."

Peng Xue thought for a while, "How about I treat you to a cup of milk tea? There is a restaurant in front of the school that I know is pretty good."

"Well, I feel like I'll be a little late..."

"No, no, that milk tea shop makes milk tea very quickly, and don't you have a bicycle?"

Peng Xue said and sat on the back seat of Mei Fang's bicycle, "This way, you can drive me there, which will save time."


"Ah, what are you struggling with?"

Peng Xue tilted her head and asked curiously, "Brother Mei Fang, brother Mei Fang, don't you have a sweetheart and don't want other girls to sit in the back seat of your car?"

"Don't talk like that...I don't like anyone."

"Isn't it just right if you don't have someone you like... Or," Peng Xue thought for a while, "Are you afraid of having a puppy love scandal with a bad girl like me, or of being called upon by your parents?"

"That doesn't mean..."

Mei Fang said softly, "Then you have to be careful. My car's faucet is a little unstable, and I'm afraid it will fall on you."

"It doesn't matter if the car is not good, I believe in the driving skills of our Mei University master!"

Peng Xue, who was very familiar with it, easily took away Mei Fang's experience of driving a girl to school for the first time. Moreover, she did not hold on to the base of the car seat, but held on to Mei Fang's cotton-padded jacket.

However, Mei Fang really doesn't care much about this.

Mei Fang drove Peng Xue to the milk tea shop opposite the school. When she was almost there, Mei Fang stopped the car, and Peng Xue jumped out of the car tacitly.

"Mei Fang, I'm going to buy milk tea. What flavor do you want?"

"Original and signature milk tea are both fine."

"Oreo grilled milk, right? Okay!"


Are you listening to my order?

Mei Fang watched Peng Xue skipping into the milk tea shop.

Then, he subconsciously rectified the corner of his clothes that Peng Xue was holding, and began to think about the very thrilling moment that had just happened.

At the moment when he grabbed Peng Xue, although it was very dark, he seemed to see the gloomy look in Peng Xue's eyes from the truck's headlights.

She was always smiling or getting angry, and she never showed an expression that was noticeable to others in the class.

Peng Xue held a cup of warm milk tea and handed it to Mei Fang.

"Here, I'll buy you a drink."

"Just buy one drink?"

"Well, I'm losing weight recently, so I don't drink milk tea anymore. I don't even eat breakfast."

Peng Xue said.

"It's so hard to take exams in class, why lose weight?" Mei Fang frowned, "Aren't you afraid of being hungry and dizzy in class?"

"This is a girl's thing, a straight guy like you won't understand!"

Peng Xue smiled and said, "Okay, okay, do you want milk tea? I don't want to drink it myself."

"Well, drink it yourself."

Mei Fang nodded, "I don't like milk tea either."

"Hey, you are..."

Peng Xue was puffing up her face at this time, showing a somewhat annoyed expression, "Since you don't want to drink it, then don't agree to it just now. Milk tea is very expensive."

"Because you said you don't eat breakfast, how can you make you hungry and read early."

"But this is a treat for you, and I can't take it back to drink. It would make me lose face, as if my life is not worth even a cup of milk tea."


Mei Fang thought for a while, "Is this okay? I'll take this cup of milk tea, but you also want a cup of milk tea, or breakfast or something, and I'll buy it for you."

Peng Xue was stunned for a moment, then showed a somewhat mocking expression, "Then, what's the point of asking me? Do you like me?"

"Did you talk so much before? Just throw your milk tea in the trash can. I'm leaving."

Mei Fang said as she was about to turn the car around and enter the school, but Peng Xue immediately held the front of the car down.

"You've never been this hard to talk to before, right?"

Peng Xue sighed and said, "Then order me a cup of milk tea too. I also want Oreo toasted milk."


Mei Fang stopped his bicycle to buy milk tea, and Peng Xue followed him holding the milk tea for Mei Fang.

"You seem to like this flavor of milk tea."

Mei Fang asked curiously, "Do you like Oreos very much?"

"I don't really like eating..."

Peng Xue thought for a while, "It should be said that it is an obsession, right? When my family was very poor, my younger brother would eat the Oreo biscuits. I could only eat one piece at most, and then I would just pick up the scraps."

"Is it so miserable... Then your family is too partial."

"I'm used to it."

Peng Xue said with a smile, "You see, when the yellow-faced woman put on my little shoes, I didn't care. She is nothing compared to my mother, hahaha..."

"The way you smile is so sad."

"Maybe I am acting? Many people in the class say that I like to act and pretend to be pitiful."

Peng Xue saw that the Oreo roasted milk was ready, and then handed the Oreo in her hand to Mei Fang, "Okay, now I will officially repay you for saving my life."

Mei Fang received the newly made Oreo roasted milk from the counter and exchanged milk tea with Peng Xue.

Mei Fang pushed the cart and walked with Peng Xue on the avenue to the school gate.

Light snow gradually fell in the sky.

 The changes have been completed, and I wish everyone a happy National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival. The October update will begin, and I will try my best to release it all at once, including the follow-up to Snow Chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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