Only after I was reborn did I realize that I had green plums.

Chapter 506 if Extra Chapter Snow Chapter 4 Papers are short but love is long

Chapter 506 if Extra Chapter Snow Chapter 4 · Paper is short but love is long
The Blueberry Music Festival was held in Jiangcheng, so Mei Fang and Peng Xue had to take a ride from Baimei County.

As a reward for being admitted to Baimei No. [-] Middle School, Mei Fang received some travel budget from her parents.

After spending money to buy tickets to the music festival, I still had four hundred left, but the remaining money was only enough to buy a round-trip ticket and a meal.

Peng Xue sat in the waiting hall and looked at Mei Fang's bag. When he came back after buying the ticket, she handed him a bottle of water, and then forced the remaining 200 yuan in her wallet to Mei Fang.

"These are all my net worth. I spend money a little casually, so it's better to leave it to you for safekeeping."

Peng Xue handed the bag to Mei Fang, then dusted his shoulders, "When we come back from Jiangcheng, I will work in Xincai's tea restaurant. When I make money, I will treat you to a big meal." meal as a reward to celebrate your graduation.”

"I don't have much pursuit of food. You can save it and buy a few more nice clothes."

Mei Fang smiled and said, "Buy more, I like to see them."

" were so serious when we first met!"

Peng Xue punched Mei Fang angrily, then pinched his cheek, "Then you go shopping with me then, and I'll pick out some nice clothes for you."

Although my pockets are not rich, and I am even a little short of money, after all, I am going out with the person I like the most, and I am filled with happiness.

Peng Xue and Mei Fang found a seat in the back row and sat down. As soon as Peng Xue sat down, she lay on the window and looked around. Mei Fang helped her style her hair.

"I feel like you are so excited, like a primary school student..."

“This is my first time traveling far away, so of course I’m excited!”

"This is also my first time traveling by myself."

"That's different. I've never been on a bus."

Peng Xue said, "I remember when I was 10 years old, my brother always wanted to go to Jiangcheng. My parents took him to Jiangcheng to eat McDonald's and play in the water park, and then left me alone at my grandma's house."

"I actually wanted to go, but my mother wouldn't let me go. I suspected that I was picked up. I cried for a long time and almost ran away from home. In the end, my grandma brought me back, hahaha—— Do you think it’s funny or not?”

"It's not funny, I can't laugh at all."

Mei Fang put her arms around Peng Xue's shoulders, leaned towards her cheek, and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek.

"It hurts to hear that."

"Okay, okay, then I won't talk about these things anymore..."

"It's okay, you can tell me when you think of it."

Mei Fang, "I want to be angry and sad with you."

"Then, it would be better to have fun together..."

Peng Xue tilted her head and leaned on Mei Fang's shoulder. She took out her mobile phone from her bag and plugged in the headphones. Then she handed one to Mei Fang, put one on herself, closed her eyes, and began to enjoy the leisure time of listening to music together.

"This is the first time I heard this song. Is it a new song by the July Fire Band?"

"Yes, yes, you heard it immediately! It's really good..."

Peng Xue held Mei Fang's arm, held Mei Fang's other hand, and intertwined their fingers with Mei Fang's.

The journey to Jiangcheng Fujiapo Station was bumpy and long. It was already around three o'clock in the afternoon when Mei Fang and Peng Xue arrived.

"The music festival starts at 06:30 in the afternoon. I remember taking bus No. 332..."

At this time, Mei Fang suddenly interrupted Peng Xue and said: "We haven't eaten at noon, let's go get something to eat first?"

"Okay, okay, what should we eat?"

"Just eat that one. It's rare to come to Jiangcheng. There is no such restaurant in Baimei County."

Mei Fang pointed to a restaurant next to the passenger terminal. Peng Xue couldn't help but smile when she saw it, and jumped to Mei Fang and said, "A Fang! That happened when I was a child! I wouldn't still want to eat McDonald's now. Got it!"

"You're here, why don't you eat until you're full?"

Mei Fang smiled and said, "After all, my boyfriend also wants to fill in the missing fatherly love you have."

"Oh, is that so?"

Peng Xue held Mei Fang's arm with both hands and said with a smile:

"Well, our father Al Fang is really considerate!"

At this time, Mei Fang approached Peng Xue and whispered to her: "In this way, remove A Fang, and then call me to listen..."

"I'll go, you're serious...that's too shameful!"

Even Peng Xue, who was carefree and relaxed, couldn't help but be shocked by Mei Fang's thoughts.

"If you feel embarrassed, forget it. After all, I can't force you."

"Don't tell me that I don't want to do the same thing...I just-hum, forget it! How can I be looked down upon by you!"

Peng Xue wiped her nose, then stood on tiptoes, leaned towards Mei Fang's ear, and began to play coquettishly to Mei Fang with a soft and sweet voice:
"Good dad, take me to eat McDonald's -"

"Okay, okay! Let's go, let's go! I'm fine!"

So, Mei Fang and Peng Xue, a young couple in love, held hands and walked towards McDonald's while shaking their hands.

Considering the upcoming budget, the two of them only ordered a hamburger set and a separate order of Colonel's chicken nuggets.

Mei Fang only ate some French fries and chicken nuggets and stopped eating. Instead, she watched Peng Xue take small bites of the burger.

"Is it tasty?"

"Don't just stare at me, do you want to try it too?"

Peng Xue handed the burger to Mei Fang.

"I had it when I was a kid, but I didn't think it was that special."

Mei Fang said, "Although my family's conditions are not very good, my parents are very good to me. Of course, because I am an only child..."

"However, my father often complains that I am not a daughter and cannot be pampered. He sometimes complains to me that if he had money or left the system early, he would have a daughter and a second child."

"Hahaha, your dad is really an interesting person."

Peng Xue complained while eating a burger, "My grandma and my dad are actually kind to me... but he is too soft and has to follow my mom's wishes in everything."

"I actually have never figured it out. My mother is obviously a woman, so why does she always favor my younger brother?"

"She is a strong woman. She obviously has no happiness in marrying my father, but she always wants to help the old Peng family continue the family lineage, as if I am not the flesh that fell off her body..."

"It's hard to say. My mother actually feels a bit like this. She's also very strong, but other than that, she's a pretty good person."

"Your mother is very nice, really nice."

Peng Xue said softly, "I still remember that night when my grandma and your mother were called over. After listening to the yellow-faced woman's speech, your mother was very dissatisfied with her actions. If my mother had been called over at home at that time, If so, she probably beat me while letting the yellow-faced woman teach me a lesson."

She said and handed the half-eaten hamburger to Mei Fang, "But, in other words, what kind of mother can teach what kind of child? Ah Fang, you have such a good mother, that's why you can Become such a person with a sense of justice.”

"That's not right to say that."

Mei Fang took a bite of the burger and then continued, "I don't think you will become a woman like your mother."

"Indeed, I will definitely not, absolutely not, hahahaha!"

After Mei Fang and Peng Xue finished eating, they took the bus together to arrive at the performance venue of the music festival.

Peng Xue, who was tired from traveling and traveling, was already very tired, but after feeling the carnival atmosphere in the venue, Peng Xue became so excited that she pulled Mei Fang to look here and there.

"Ahhhh, Alfang, look at that guy! That guitar is so cool!"

"Damn it, did the music festival originally have four stages performing together?"

"That outfit is too cool!"

"That sister seems to be the lead singer of the band Blind Box Hime! She's so beautiful in real life!"

Musicians dressed in punk and avant-garde styles, carrying guitars and basses on their backs, can be seen everywhere on the road, taking pictures everywhere.

However, these music players all appear to be around 20 years old, and it is rare to see someone as young as Mei Fang Peng Xue.

Even Peng Xue, who is quite avant-garde in her hometown, looks a little green and immature in such a scene.

After experiencing the excitement of feeling the atmosphere for the first time, Peng Xue gradually calmed down. She held Mei Fang's arm and walked around, then chatted about her cousin.

"Speaking of which, do you remember that I told you about my cousin Yanzi?"

"She also plays a band. Her band actually participated in the Blueberry Music Festival last year, but it was held in Qianhang that year."

"I've listened to your cousin's band's songs before, and they're quite interesting to me."

Mei Fang asked curiously, "Didn't you come together this year?"

Peng Xue shook her head, "Now that the music festival is getting bigger and bigger, they don't have enough seats, so they didn't receive the invitation."

"Making music is indeed not easy..."

"It's true, it's a lot of pressure, um..."

As Peng Xue spoke, a hint of loneliness suddenly flashed in her eyes, but she soon cheered up again, turned to Mei Fang, who had been watching her and said:

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about unhappy things. I want to go see the July Fire Band's performance. It's on the north stage, right? There's still about ten minutes left."

"Look at the brochure, that's right..."

"There are more and more people over there, let's go quickly and find a good place to watch!"

There were huge crowds of fans at the music festival. Under the brilliant lights and dynamic music, everyone was in a carnival mood following the band’s explosive songs.

Under the influence of this atmosphere, Peng Xue sang along with the band's lead singer.

Although Mei Fang also likes music, he will not be involved in it like Peng Xue. Most of the time, he is a quiet audience, watching Peng Xue jump happily and watch Peng Xue sing loudly.

His vision is filled with doting on his sweetheart.

"Ah Fang Ah Fang, I can't even see in front of me! Hold me and look! Hurry!"

Peng Xue opened her arms to Mei Fang.

"It's so tiring to hold you, I don't want it."

As Mei Fang spoke, she moved Peng Xue in a different direction, then squatted down:

"Just sit on my shoulder and watch!"

"Hahahahahahahahaha! I like Al Fang the most!"

Peng Xue rode on Mei Fang and waved, cheering and screaming along with the crowd.

Do your best to sing loudly and enjoy this music carnival party.

Life is full of joy, so that the gold is empty for the moon.

By the time the festive fireworks of the celebrations dissipated, it was time for the music festival to end.

Tourists in the venue began to leave one after another. Mei Fang and Peng Xue, who were traveling for the first time and had little experience, stupidly waited in line for a long time to get on the bus. It was already past ten o'clock.

"It's too late to catch the last train today. The next train will be tomorrow morning, Xiaoxue."

Mei Fang looked at her watch, then looked at Peng Xue who was too sleepy to open her eyes. She rubbed her eyes and looked at Mei Fang.

"How much money do we have left, Al Fang? If we don't have much money, we can find an Internet cafe for the night... I can fall asleep as soon as I lie down on the chair, really."

"Excluding the return ticket, there is still a little more than 200 left. I feel that the Internet cafe is not very safe and the environment is not good."

Mei Fang thought for a moment, "If you're not worried about me doing bad things, how about we book a double room?"

"Open a room?"

Peng Xue couldn't help but exclaimed and immediately covered her mouth, and then touched Mei Fang's arm to tease her, "Okay Al Fang, have you been planning this for a long time?"

"Don't you want to take a shower before going to bed?"

"Change the subject, right..."

Peng Xue pinched Mei Fang's cheek, "But who makes you my father? You can do whatever you say."

"Hey, why are you still playing this?"

"It's your choice, Dad!"

Peng Xue joked with Mei Fang, then leaned on Mei Fang's shoulder, "Shall we find a hotel closer to the city center? I want to experience the night view of Jiangcheng."

"There may not be enough money." Mei Fang was very direct.

"You can go to a lower-grade one. As long as you can take a shower and sleep, I don't mind."

Peng Xue waved her hand.

So Mei Fang studied the bus routes, found a prosperous area near the city, and got off the bus with Peng Xue.

He held Peng Xue in hand, and while feeling the feasting and feasting of the big city, he looked for several hotels along the road, and finally found one with a suitable price, but now only a double bed room was left.

"If there's only one bed, then I'll sleep on the floor."

"Don't talk so much first, let's go up and take a look!"

It could be seen that Peng Xue was exhausted.

A special large bed room of 198, although it is a high-rise building, has no windows and the house is relatively small. Fortunately, the environment is much better than Peng Xuemei expected. As soon as Peng Xue came in, she threw herself on the soft big bed and let out a deathly groan. Voice.

"Phew...this is so comfortable, isn't it-"

Peng Xue covered the quilt and said, "I'm going to fall asleep directly. Just sleep like this, Al Fang!"

"Then I'll take a shower first? I'll call you when I'm done."


There was no plan to stay in Jiangcheng originally. Neither Mei Fang nor Peng Xue brought a change of clothes, but the hotel finally had bathrobes, so Mei Fang could put on a bathrobe after taking a bath, and then rub her clothes. Let it dry.

When Mei Fang finished her work before going to bed and went to see Peng Xue, she had fallen asleep completely on the quilt, sleeping peacefully.

Seeing that she was sleeping soundly, Mei Fang did not disturb her, but gently helped Peng Xue take off her shoes, turned her over so that she was not pressed down, and then rolled the quilt around Peng Xue's body.

Mei Fang took the remote control to increase the temperature of the air conditioner, and spread her own bath towel on the floor.

Finally turn off the lights and go to bed.


Almost as soon as Mei Fang turned off the lights, Peng Xue's voice rang out.

"Smelly Al Fang, you brought me to a hotel to live together, but in the end it was really just... just sleeping?"

"You didn't sleep, did you?"

"My whole body smells like sweat, how can I sleep?"

Peng Xue turned on the light, glared at Mei Fang angrily and said, "Lie down here! You are not allowed to sleep until I finish washing. You must talk to me first, do you understand?"

"to make."

Mei Fang didn't hesitate at this point and lay down directly.

Peng Xue took a long bath.

When she finished taking a shower and came out wearing a bathrobe, Mei Fang was sleeping on the other side of the bed, with her back to her.

He could feel Peng Xue getting into bed.

He could smell the good smell of Peng Xue after taking a bath.

"Are you asleep, Alfang?"

Peng Xue asked Mei Fang softly.

"Didn't sleep."

"Then, I'll turn off the lights."


"Say something, Al Fang!"

"Um...have you told your family?"

"My grandma was the only one at home, so I told her to go to my classmate's house to sleep."

"Your parents took your brother to spend the summer vacation abroad?"


Peng Xue paused, "What about you? How do you tell your family?"

"I'm also going to spend the night at a friend's house."

"Hahaha, it sounds like we have many friends."

Peng Xue turned sideways and stared at Mei Fang, whose back was turned to him.

"Can I hold you to sleep, Al Fang?"

"Um... OK."

So Peng Xue moved forward and put his hand into Mei Fang's bathrobe.

on his stomach.

Puff, puff.

Peng Xue leaned towards Mei Fang's ear and whispered seductive words.

"Afang, why don't you look back at me?"

"Don't dare to look."

Mei Fang replied, "Our Xiaoxue is so pretty, I'm afraid I can't control it."

"Hehe... just saying that makes me happy."

Peng Xue rubbed Mei Fang's belly, then whispered softly into Mei Fang's ear. "However, I still hope that A Fang can take a good look back at me."

"With your back turned to me like this, it makes me feel very insecure."

"It's like I can only watch your back forever..."

Peng Xue's voice became more and more aggrieved, and seemed to be crying.

After a brief hesitation, Mei Fang slowly turned around.

The room without windows is actually very dark, and only the vague outlines of each other can be seen through the dim light from the corridor.

At this time, Peng Xue, who was facing him, covered his mouth and burst out laughing uncontrollably.

"As expected, A Fang is still easy to deceive. He will accept soft things but not hard words. He can coax you to listen to me just by acting coquettishly."

"That also depends on the person."

"In other words, is Mei Fang willing to be deceived by me?"

"Um...are you really lying to me?"

Mei Fang touched Peng Xue's face, "I think you like to tell the truth in a joking tone every time, as if you don't care that much."

"Uh... you actually think so?"

Peng Xue pinched Mei Fang's cheek, "A Fang, I'm so happy today."


"Only you are willing to accompany me all the time to go crazy."

Peng Xue's tone was a little apologetic, "I've really worked hard on you today."

"No, I'm very happy too."

Mei Fang said, "I also like to listen to folk songs, and I also like to listen to you singing, but I don't like to make trouble myself. But I am also very happy to see you making trouble."

"Really? You're not coaxing me?"

"What are you cheating on!"

"Then let me hear it!"

Peng Xue pressed against Mei Fang's heart, feeling the heartbeat of her sweetheart.

"Afang, your heart is beating so fast, you must be nervous..."

Mei Fang naturally followed this posture and hugged Peng Xue.

Hold tight.

"Look, it seems that you really didn't lie to me! Uh-huh... It seems that you are already addicted to my beauty."

Peng Xue groaned and looked up at Mei Fang, "But, I am the same..."

"Same what?"

"Of course, I am addicted to Al Fang's male lust!"

As Peng Xue spoke, she suddenly felt emotional:
"Ugh... falling in love with a smart boy, it feels so addicting! I almost don't have to think anymore, I just listen to your love words and I feel super happy."

"Aren't you coaxing me?"

"What are you cheating on?"

"Then let me listen and see." Mei Fang said.

"Listen...just listen, I don't mind."

This time it was Peng Xue's turn to let Mei Fang stick to his heart.

However, she prepared a small gift for Mei Fang.

Mei Fang was stunned for a moment as soon as he pressed forward. He wanted to move away, but Peng Xue also hugged him.

And, the same tight hug.


"No, no clothes?" Mei Fang muttered.

"Of course! Otherwise, why would you want to see..."

Peng Xue and Mei Fang rubbed their ears and temples together.

"Want to feel it?"

"Stop playing with fire, Xiaoxue."

"It's time for us to go to bed. Just sleep, okay?"

There was already some fear in Mei Fang's words, "I went crazy, even myself was afraid."

"If you say that, I would like to see it even more..."

Peng Xue became more and more excited:

"We have known each other for so long, and I have never seen you look crazy! This is not what lovers should be like!"



Mei Fang and Peng Xue slept in each other's arms until three o'clock in the morning the next day.

It was such a crazy festival experience.

However, it is also unforgettable.

Maybe when you look back on the past in this life, you will always think about the splendor of that day, right?
Peng Xue and Mei Fang didn't meet much this summer. Peng Xue had been working in a tea restaurant. Mei Fang would occasionally go to the tea restaurant to see her, order a glass of lemonade, accompany her from work to get off work, and then ride her bicycle to see Peng off. Snow goes back.

Just relying on the money saved on the meal card and the money my father occasionally secretly stuffed me into was not enough.

Peng Xue, who loves beauty, wants more good-looking clothes and useful cosmetics.

Of course, before that...

By the end of August, the summer of 16-year-old girls was coming to an end, and Peng Xue had saved enough money and planned to relax for a few days.

Mei Fang sent a message to Peng Xue, asking her if she wanted to come to his house and watch a movie together.

【Could it be!Are your parents not at home? 】

[Not at home, will come back tomorrow]

[Okay, I'll come over right now! 】

[I’ll bring some clothes with me! 】

[Why are you bringing clothes...I'll go down to pick you up]

Mei Fang waited on the street in front of her home when Peng Xue came over with a bag on her back. The two just looked at each other and did not say hello directly.

After all, the neighborhood is full of neighbors. If you were seen and told your parents, it would be the end of the world.

Mei Fang returned to the small alley at home first, and Peng Xue took a while before pretending that nothing had happened and got into the alley.

After successfully reuniting with Mei Fang, Peng Xue jumped directly into Mei Fang's arms excitedly and gave Mei Fang a big hug.

After hugging and spinning around for a few times, Peng Xue stood on tiptoes to make out with Mei Fang further, but Mei Fang pinched her waist and stopped her.

"Hey, hey, don't be so hasty..."

"But, it really feels like I haven't been intimate for a long time..." Peng Xue pouted and felt aggrieved, "You are so busy during the summer vacation and you only come to accompany me once a week. Are you dating another woman?"

"Don't be so insecure, go back to the house first."

Mei Fang led Peng Xue into the house.

"Visit your boyfriend's house and you will get it!"

Peng Xue is happy.

"Sit down first and I'll get you a drink... Do you want Coke or Sprite?"

"I want Alfang!"

Peng Xue waited for Mei Fang to approach with open arms.

So Mei Fang leaned down and hugged Peng Xue. Peng Xue put her arms around Mei Fang's neck, and also stood up and came closer.

The two of them flipped back and forth on the sofa several times, and finally ended with Peng Xue getting up from Mei Fang.


"Satisfied and full."

Peng Xue pinched Mei Fang's cheek, "A Fang tastes really good."

"You are obviously being enjoyed by me, but you are so confident that you can just say something to make me feel..."

"Isn't that because I want you to have a sense of accomplishment? You can't stand it if I take it seriously."

"Okay, I'm going to get my stuff...what movie do you want to watch today?"

"I want to watch that youth art film that was released last year. Can you watch it at your home?"

"Okay, wait for me, I'll get snacks and drinks first."

When Mei Fang came out of the kitchen, she turned around and saw Peng Xue blocking the door, holding her hands behind her back and pursed her lips, looking at him with a smile.

"What? Behind you is-"

"Shut up and close your eyes!"


Mei Fang obediently closed her eyes.

Then, his hand was held by Peng Xue, and then Peng Xue placed a black object in Mei Fang's palm.

"You can watch it now."

When Mei Fang opened her eyes, she saw a black game console in her hand.

Mei Fang couldn't hide the surprise in her eyes, "This is PSP3000!"


Peng Xue smiled.

However, Mei Fang was not very happy, but pinched Peng Xue's face.

"This is very expensive. How much does it cost for you to work for 2 months?"

"You don't like it!"

"I definitely like it! I just mentioned to you before that I always wanted a handheld console of my own when I was a kid, so you bought it for me. You have worked so hard in the past two months..."

"If you like it, thank me more! I don't want to hear you say it's too expensive, so don't say it."

Peng Xue pinched Mei Fang's nose and said, "Also, even though you have a game console, don't get bored playing with things. I only like smart and motivated men."

"Well, that's definitely not the case... I definitely need to pamper you more."

Mei Fang put the game console on the table aside, then hugged Peng Xue and stepped forward. Peng Xue also followed Mei Fang's steps and retreated.

Two people who had never learned to dance were dancing a simple waltz.

Put one hand around the other person's waist.

They looked at each other lovingly.

"By the way, Xiaoxue, this is a rare opportunity... Do you want to visit my room?"

"Okay, okay! I've wanted to take a good look at Al Fang's room..."

Peng Xue cheered and was about to go over, but Mei Fang grabbed her arm.

"Old rules, you have to close your eyes too."

"Ah-Afang is so good at imitating everything."

Peng Xue covered her eyes by Mei Fang and walked forward, "I just said that if Fang suddenly invited me to his home, he must have his own arrangements."

"It's your birthday the day after tomorrow, but school just starts that day, so it's not convenient to celebrate, so we celebrate your birthday in advance. I always celebrate my birthday in advance during the New Year."

"It doesn't matter, my family never celebrates my birthday anyway..."

Peng Xue was blindfolded by Mei Fang and walked step by step to her bedroom.

"Okay, can you open it now?"

Peng Xue grabbed Mei Fang's blindfolded hand, "I can't wait any longer."

"Go a little further, go further."

Mei Fang urged Peng Xue forward.

"Smelly Al Fang, you really want to take this opportunity to push me down, do you..."

"All right."

Mei Fang took Peng Xue's hand and asked her to touch the things hanging on the wall.

She first touched something like a wooden board.

Then she felt a straight line.

one, two...

Peng Xue's hands gradually trembled, and the corners of her mouth kept rising crazily.

"Hey, hey... No, it's not...Afang, you..."

Peng Xue opened Mei Fang's hand and saw the acoustic guitar hanging on the wall. She was so surprised that she couldn't speak clearly.

"You, you... you can even afford a guitar, where did your money come from?"

"I'm tutoring my relatives' children during the summer vacation, taking extra classes in science."

Mei Fang said, "There is also a child whose mother is a colleague who will start to make up for math in the first grade of junior high school..."

"But why do you think of buying a guitar? Because I think I will like music."

Peng Xue hugged Mei Fang and joked, "Making music is a dead end. I also told you that my cousin——"

"But I know you like it very much. When you talk about music and bands, your eyes sparkle."

Mei Fang's eyes were full of doting on Peng Xue, "Since you like it so much, you should give it a try. Don't regret the things you didn't do when you were 16 when you get older. That's sad."

"And I think dreams are a very precious thing. Probably many people, including many adults, don't know what they want to do in their lives. If you know your dream very early, you should stick to it, right?"

Just when Mei Fang softly persuaded Peng Xue to accept her intention, she listened with her head lowered and tears fell down.

"Hey...why are you crying..."

Peng Xue raised her head and cried to Mei Fang.

"No one has ever been so kind to me...can't I just cry a few times?"

Mei Fang wiped Peng Xue's tears and then said softly:

"We Xiaoxue will be a great beauty in the future. Rich people who want to be nice to you will definitely line up a street."

"I don't like those dog men."

"You are the only one in my life."

Peng Xue wiped away her tears, grabbed Mei Fang's collar and said:
"Did you hear that? You're the only one!"

"Only you."

"Well, I heard you."

"If you don't want me anymore, then I will be alone for the rest of my life..."

Mei Fang looked at Peng Xue, who had always tried to force her smile, to shed tears, and suddenly felt that the soft part of her heart had been touched.

He softly comforted Peng Xue in his arms, slowly calmed her down, and began to make plans for her.

"After we get the guitar, we can try to teach ourselves for a while, or we can ask my cousin. If it doesn't work, I will continue to be a tutor on the weekends and help you buy lessons from the guitar teacher..."

"We can also make money singing on the streets, yes... we will definitely make more money than serving dishes."

Peng Xue looked at Mei Fang with her head held high, her almond-shaped eyes turned pink from crying, full of longing for the future.

"Let's write a song together. I'll show you the lyrics and I'll sing the songs to you. You have to be my first listener forever. By the way... you'll be my manager, okay?"

"No problem." Mei Fang smiled and nodded.

"I will always be with you as long as you need me."

【You accompany me into the cicada summer】

[Beyond the hustle and bustle of the city]

【The song is still wandering】

【Your eyes like pomegranates】

 I'm so fierce, hehe.

  Eight consecutive days!

(End of this chapter)

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