Chapter 1
Haicheng, Huangjiang District, Touch Love Restaurant.

"Hello beauty, are you on a blind date?"

When Chen Ji found his seat, there was already a pretty girl with make-up sitting across from him. After he spoke to him, the girl tilted her head and looked over. After a few glances at him, she nodded: "Yes."

"Sorry, it took me a while to find a place when I came over from get off work."

"It's okay, you're only five minutes late."

"Feel sorry."

Chen Ji couldn't tell whether she was being sarcastic or complaining, in short, it was right to apologize, after all, he was the one who was late.

The girl on the opposite side closed her mouth and didn't speak any more. She said in an impatient tone, "Let's order food first and then talk!"

Chen Ji thought for a while, "I think it's better to introduce myself first and get to know each other."

The waiter brought him a cup of tea.

"What do you mean? You don't even want to invite me to a meal?"

Her voice was raised a lot, and someone nearby had already looked over.

This restaurant is not cheap, and ordinary people would not come to improve the food. Her loud voice naturally attracted the attention of many people.

"You're really not that poor, are you?"

The girl with exquisite makeup asked back.

Chen Ji looked at her with a strange expression.

In fact, from the first time he met her, Chen Ji felt that this blind date had failed.

Having gone on dozens of blind dates, Chen Ji has his own set of standards for judging people.

First of all, he basically doesn't need to think about highly educated and high-quality women, because these girls' requirements are often extremely high.

A house with an area of ​​120 square meters or more in Haicheng and within the third ring road is the basis. If not, then you need a suburban villa, or a large flat, or have the ability to buy a house with full payment.

Chen Ji couldn't meet any of the requirements.

He graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University and has a good education, but his family is very ordinary. His parents are workers and have pensions, but there is no way to help him buy a house.

The job is not bad. Dachang has been working as a programmer for three years, but he can’t stand 996 coming out to start a business with others. Others contribute money and he contributes to get a little equity. Unfortunately, the company has been in a tepid state for several years.

It is possible to buy a house, but there is a certain pressure to get a loan.

Therefore, for highly educated and high-quality women, Chen Ji cannot meet their requirements, even if he is handsome and 1.8 meters tall.


A girl with an average education background, an average family background, and an average job.

If this kind of girl dresses up exquisitely, with jewelry and bags starting at ten thousand to twenty thousand, and her whole body is full of brand-name atmosphere, Chen Ji will want to slip away just by looking at it.

If he guessed correctly, the girl in front of him was this type.

And it is a relatively weird category in this type:
Chen Ji has been adding her for two or three weeks, and she hasn't talked ten words, either taking a bath or playing with friends, and asking her questions are either "um" or "no", and she refuses to share any personal information, and only slapped her last night Send me an address, saying that I want to have dinner with him here.

At that time, Chen Ji questioned whether this place was too expensive, but she didn't hear from the introducer that she was born in Bai Fumei.

She didn't answer.

It was Chen Ji's mother who called and criticized her, saying that the introducer had called her and asked Chen Ji to treat her quickly. Don't be stingy, the money will be paid by the family!

Of course, Chen Ji couldn't let his mother pay for it, so he could only bite the bullet and come to the blind date.

"I don't think it has anything to do with money, but..."

"Okay, I'm leaving!"

Chen Ji was still organizing his words, but the girl opposite had already stood up and picked up her bag.

Did not leave right away.

It seemed to give Chen Ji a chance to stay.

But Chen Ji just smiled and made a gesture of please.

She was so angry that she was so angry that she gave him a hard look:

"I, Zhang Yan, have suffered eight lifetimes of blood misfortune to meet such a poor poor ghost like you!"

After cursing, turn around and leave.

The high-heeled shoes clacked, causing many people in the restaurant to look over.


Chen Ji, who was left behind, sighed and went on dozens of blind dates, this time breaking the record soon.

He didn't even know the other party's name until the end.

No wonder others say that a blind date is a man who is least likely to please a girl and goes after the most difficult woman.

Blind date is a headache.

"waiter, Bill please."

Being watched by many people, Chen Ji drank a cup of tea calmly. After all, he didn't think he was the one who was ashamed.

The waiter glanced at the two cups of tea and a snack on his table, and she, who was watching the whole process, couldn't help laughing: "Sir, I think you should be happy, she just came and asked for a snack to start Photograph……"

Chen Ji understood in seconds.

Send it to Moments, right?

Wait, didn't you come on a blind date with him just to take pictures and post on Moments?

And he won't appear on the screen, is she "alone", put on a beautiful makeup, and come to touch the love restaurant for an elegant dinner?

"Thank you."

Chen Ji has a good impression of this store, the quality of the waiters here is so high.

"Help me calculate how much it is."

"Okay, wait a minute."

Chen Ji who was waiting for the bill received a call.

Pick it up and see, it's my mother.

Unsurprisingly, it was because of the blind date that Zhang Yan called the introducer to complain when she went out.

"If it doesn't work this time, it won't work. I just found out about your mother. It turned out that the woman didn't have a job. Fortunately, she didn't make it."

The corner of Chen Ji's mouth twitched, and he said, "Forget it, Mom, I'll find it myself, don't worry about it."

"Are you looking for it? How do you look for it? With your character and job, I'm ashamed to say you!"

"By the way, do you know that your Uncle Zhang's son is married? I heard that he was found on a dating app, so hurry up!"

Dating software?

In Chen Ji's impression, most of these things are cheating membership fees, it's better to find a reliable matchmaker in the same city, at least you can have a blind date with men and women in the same city.

But he couldn't hold back his mother, so he could only vaguely agree:
Let's talk tomorrow.

After dealing with the house, Chen Ji breathed a sigh of relief, and asked the girl who paid the bill at the front desk: "Is my bill ready?"

"Uh, right now, sorry, our boss heard the movement just now, so we need to understand the situation."

The girl at the front desk pointed to the quiet private room covered by a wooden grill next to it.

Chen Ji could vaguely see two women sitting inside, one of them was tall and slender, and the waiter just now was giving them a report at the door.

And it seems that the two women are both bosses, because Chen Ji heard the waiter call one of them Boss Zhou to distinguish them.

Not long after, the waiter came out and announced that Chen Ji would be free of charge.


Chen Ji was stunned.

"Yes, it's free, because you didn't order the table, and you didn't eat the snacks... In short, you didn't enjoy your meal with us. As compensation, you don't have to pay this little fee."

"That's it."

Chen Ji thought for a while, could it be that the owner of this restaurant gave him comfort when he saw that his blind date failed?

"Are you sure it's free?"


"Thank you so much, and thank you boss for helping me."

Chen Ji didn't insist on paying the bill either, and after smiling at the waiter, he said goodbye and left the restaurant.

As a programmer, in the current situation where "fail" and "error" are reported, I will always involuntarily search for the root cause.

The same goes for Chen Ji.

While waiting for the elevator, he replayed the failed blind date in his mind.

But no matter what he thinks, the failure this time is because he made an error when calling someone else's class and trying to build his own object.

"You have to write your own classes to be safe and reliable."

Muttering, Chen Ji took out his mobile phone, planning to find some blind dates in the same city on WeChat, and attend a few parties to expand his social network.

Search: Haicheng blind date.

Suddenly, a bunch of official accounts popped up, Haicheng Matchmaker, Haicheng Men and Women, Haipiao Turtle Group and so on.

As a metropolis with a population of 2000 million, there are countless official accounts for dating.

But at the first sight of Chen Ji, he was attracted by a very special official account.

"Blind date beyond time and space?"

The official account icon is a mechanical girl with a very sci-fi feel, like a baby in the mother's womb curled up in the vast sea of ​​stars, with long snow-white hair fluttering, and a weak posture with eyes closed and sleeping, which is very cute.

Chen Ji clicked on it.

"Time and space loading, please wait..."

Loading?Does the official account also need to be loaded?

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(End of this chapter)

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