Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 16 Warriors, Martial Arts

Chapter 16 Warriors, Martial Arts
"Miss Xia, do you have martial arts in your world?"

Chen Ji asked Xia Shumin again, to delay her a little bit of time, so as not to think about her all the time tonight.


"Can you fly over eaves and walk over walls? A person has the strength of a thousand catties, can emit sword energy, and can cross a river with a single reed?"

"Those who can cultivate sword energy are also second-rate masters in the Jianghu. Not everyone can do it. As for flying over eaves and walls, even a thief can do it."

Xia Shumin asked curiously: "Young Master, why do you ask these questions?"

A thieves can fly over the roof and walk over the wall!

In front of Chen Ji, there seems to be a world of chivalrous swordsmen slowly unfolding. In this chivalrous world, there are monks, Taoists, Confucian scholars, swordsmen, heroes who drink heavily, and despicable flower pickers. The leader of the martial arts, there is also the saint of the devil.

And so on, these people together constitute the Jianghu martial arts that he yearned for when he was a child!
"You go to rest first."

Chen Ji suppressed the excitement in his heart, "When there is a chance in the future, I will go to your place to have fun and visit. I hope Miss Xia will not dislike it."

Uh, this.

Xia Shumin was very hesitant, should he tell Mr. Chen that he seems to be able to invite him?

"Of course I don't dislike it, Mr. Chen, in fact, I..."

"By the way, Ms. Xia, since there is a martial arts world there, and there are many warriors, I wonder if you can get some sharp swords. They don't need to be too long and are easy to carry. It would be even better if you have bows and crossbows."

Chen Ji thought of Zhou Wan who was still in the apocalypse and could not make a loud noise in the dark, so he asked her for help cheekily.

And said: "I will also give you some gifts, Miss Xia, I guarantee it will be something rare that you have never seen before!"

There are too many things that Chen Ji can give her.

You can even give her a mobile phone and teach her to type, so that the little lady can use her fingers to swipe on the screen instead of writing with a brush.



Xia Shumin was about to continue writing, when the urging voices of the maids Lu Zhu and Cui Zhu came from outside the door, "We'll break in if we don't come out~ Miss, go wash up and rest, or Madam will scold us."

"Master, do you want a self-defense weapon?"

Before he had time to ask Chen Ji why he still needed human weapons in the illusion of Lihentian and Earth, Xia Shumin wrote hastily: "The little girl will prepare it for you, let's talk next time."

After finishing speaking, she didn't dare to read the poem book again, quickly closed it and put it in her arms, and shouted towards the door: "Come on, come on, I was interrupted by you when I was enjoying poetry."

"I don't believe your nonsense, miss. Miss just wants to read more books, or is writing your strange novels."

"What is strange is true, iron birds can really fly!"

"Miss!!! You must not say these words to others, otherwise others... Oh, there are too many people who break their mouths."

The three masters and servants drifted away.

A hunchbacked old woman came quietly in the dark, gently opened Xia Shumin's study, walked in in the dark, and searched for something inside.

After a long time, the old woman said to herself:
"What is this girl writing about recently? The flying iron bird? Hehe, if the iron bird can fly, it must be the way to become an immortal and attain the Tao. I have to take a good look at it."

The old woman couldn't find anything of value, so she left quietly.

What she didn't know was that there was another pair of eyes staring at her in the dark night.


"The world of the little lady of the Zhao country, is it the world of martial arts? Low martial arts? Or is there a Shattered Void?"

Sitting on the sofa, Chen Ji suddenly thought of many possibilities.

So far, except for the Nine Realms where Kai Mu Xiaoxiao is, Chen Ji has a rough understanding of the world where the other three are.

Zhou Wan is living in the doomsday when the sun is extinguished, the time is 2026, and everything else is almost exactly the same as Chen Ji's world.

However, judging from the sudden extinction of the sun, Zhou Wan's world is not simple, and there must be some reason behind it.

The second one is Xia Shumin.

Similar to ancient times.

But the people there can practice martial arts, they can carry a tripod with strength, thieves can fly over eaves and walls, second-rate masters can emit sword energy, and masters of martial arts can lead a fleet to sail the sea.

The Qin Dynasty lasted for 200 years, and the Han Dynasty lasted for 1000 years. After the Qin and Han Dynasties, the dynasties continued to change and lasted for tens of thousands of years.

The feudal era lasted for thousands of years without the development of modern science. The only possibility Chen Ji could think of was because of the existence of martial arts.

There are martial arts in the East, and there must be in the Western Regions.

Judging from the fact that Xia Shumin's country of Zhao was not colonized, no industrial revolution had sprouted anywhere in her world, and it was still in an ancient social structure.


Judging from the voyages led by the Great Master, the productivity of Xia Shumin's martial arts world is not too bad. It should be an ancient martial arts world with prosperous business and able to support maritime trade.

Chen Ji wanted to see it with his own eyes.

Not to mention anything else, it's good to open your eyes, otherwise I'm sorry for the cheating on him.

Although his cheating is not good, he has not been able to travel through it now...

The third one is the world of evil gods.

"Astana didn't send a message all day, so she didn't receive it. After hearing what I said, didn't she pray to me?"

Chen Ji glanced at Astana's chat box, but there was still no reply.

However, the time of the two worlds is out of sync, so I don't know what's going on with her.

The fourth one is Mu Xiaoxiao.

Chen Ji did not dare to contact her for the time being.

Chen Ji didn't know that the blind dates were all real, so Chen Ji even joked that he wanted to marry Mu Xiaoxiao.

Who knew that she was really the emperor after seizing the destiny and reigning for 10 years.

What if he sends her a message again, and after being seen by her, he directly tears the space and comes in front of him?
Can the Destiny Empress of the Nine Realms tear down the barrier between the two universes?
There is a high probability that she can't, otherwise she wouldn't be mad for so long and fall into a deep sleep later.

But Chen Ji didn't dare to gamble.

"Leave it alone and let her continue to sleep."

Before going to bed at night, Chen Ji took another look at the 500 million text messages that arrived in the text message, and counted the zeros behind, feeling comfortable all over.

Not to mention that he is still so low with cheats.

Anyone who has experienced the feeling of getting rich overnight will say it is cool.

"Do you want to resign tomorrow?"

Chen Ji, who was lying on the bed, thought about this question.

In any case, there are people who cheat. Although the cheat is not very good, the freedom of wealth is still no problem.

Decided, resign!


the next day.

"You really went to the interview!"

Huang Hao's face was full of heartache, like a resentful woman who was abandoned by her husband.

Chen Ji couldn't explain it to him, so he could only say: "I didn't go to the interview, and I don't plan to look for a job recently. Brother Hao, you can hire someone to replace me. As compensation, my shares can also be transferred to the person who replaces me. .”

Chen Ji's shares only have the right to dividends, and if he resigns in less than three years, he will only be given a small amount of money, tens of thousands of yuan.

So he simply gave up, as compensation for his sudden departure.

Huang Hao's complexion improved a lot, and he looked at him strangely: "Not working, are you going back to inherit the family business?"

"Get ready to find something else to do."

Chen Ji still didn't explain too much, "Brother Hao, you should find someone as soon as possible. I'll also ask my classmates and former colleagues to see if any of them are willing to come for an interview. As for attracting investment... you should hurry up."

Although the wealth is free, this is how Internet companies leave their jobs. They cannot leave immediately, and the project must continue to be worked on. When newcomers come, they will transfer the work to them.

Chen Ji is not a cruel person, he can't just leave as soon as he says it.

(End of this chapter)

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