Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 19 Doomsday, Someone

Chapter 19 Doomsday, Someone

Chen Ji still doesn't know what happened to Xia Shumin, let alone how many days have passed by her.

At noon, he went downstairs to eat at a restaurant near the company alone. Huang Hao originally wanted to eat with him, but Chen Ji refused to deliver lunch to Zhou Wan in Doomsday.

"It's noon, what do you want to eat?"

Chen Ji and Zhou Wan's time is synchronized, which saves a lot of trouble, just give her a copy when I eat.

"Today I want to eat some cold dishes, and the rice doesn't need to be too hot, just order me a takeaway."

After giving some gifts to Chen Ji, Zhou Wan is much calmer now, and can accept what Chen Ji sent over with peace of mind.

Eat cold dishes?
Chen Ji was a little strange, and Zhou Wan sent another message:
"By the way, I don't need to give me hot water these days."

No hot water either?
Chen Ji finally thought of something: "Could there be another mutant creature?!"

Inside the basement.

Zhou Wan bit her lip, but he still found out.

No hot food, no hot water, obviously too strange for someone in a dark and cold world with the sun out.

And those mutated creatures are sensitive to light and heat, so Chen Ji guessed it immediately.

"Sorry, I didn't hide it on purpose, but I don't want you to worry."

"It's not a mutant creature, it's a human being."

Zhou Wan explained to him what happened just now.

There are people in her family.

Perhaps it was because Chen Ji kept giving her heating rugs, hot meals and hot dishes, boiling water and other things, causing the supposedly cold basement to emit heat continuously.

The heat penetrated to the icy ground, allowing some mutated creatures to notice it, which in turn attracted some humans to come.

This morning, when Zhou Wan was hiding under the covers and studying with a tablet, she suddenly heard vibrations from above.

She immediately turned off the tablet, and also turned off the electric blanket that Chen Ji sent.

After listening carefully in the dark, it wasn't mutant creatures that came, but several people.

She could hear some talking, but she didn't know the details, nor could she tell how many people were there.

To be on the safe side, Zhou Wan decided not to use anything that emits heat or eat hot food, and hid in the basement patiently waiting for the other party to leave.

"This... is too dangerous!"

Chen Ji, who lives in a peaceful era and the sun rises as usual, can't imagine how difficult Zhou Wan's current situation is.

She obviously needs to find a human gathering place.

But when humans came nearby, she needed to hide more.

But this is very reasonable.

After the apocalypse, the wild has become extremely dangerous, and any creature encountered may become an enemy.

"It's okay, humans are easy to fool."

Zhou Wan chuckled, and sent a message saying: "There are two floors in the basement of my house, and the outside is a large collection room. I live in the wine storage room now, and I throw those wine bottles outside, pretending that this place is full of wine storage." If someone comes in, they can't open my door, so they give up quickly."

After the end, no one will fight an iron door unless there is something usable inside.

"There is still a certain risk."

Chen Ji said: "Now I ask someone to buy crossbow arrows and sharp swords. It should be better to have these things for self-defense."

"Crossbow arrows? These things are contraband, and not many people have them. There is no need for swords. The fruit knife you bought for me before is enough."

Zhou Wan actually didn't really need these things.

Frontal combat was not her strong point, and she couldn't take risks just because she had a weapon.

Being cautious and exploring boldly is the foundation of her survival until now.

Chen Ji thought for a while, and still revealed to her: "The modern world can't get it, but the ancient world is easy to get it. Don't worry, I don't dare to say crossbows and arrows, but there must be swords!"

There are so many people practicing martial arts in the world where the little lady lives, are you afraid that you won't be able to get a good sword?

Chen Ji also has money, so just send the modern products to her.

"The ancient world... so it was."

Zhou Wan is not stupid, and immediately heard the meaning of Chen Ji's words:
Not only can he contact her, but he can also contact people in other worlds.

However, she didn't ask much, these things didn't help her much now, if there was anything that could help her, Chen Ji would take the initiative to say it.

She believed in Chen Ji.

"I can't help you with anything else, tell me if you need any material."

The reason why Chen Ji voluntarily revealed it was also because in the future he would give Zhou Wan a self-defense weapon from the martial arts world where Xia Shumin lived. Rather than being discovered by her in the future, it is better to take the initiative to say so.

Two or three worlds apart, it doesn't matter if it's exposed or not.

So far, Chen Ji has not figured out what the purpose of his cheating is.

Just to find him a blind date in a different time and space?

Can it be crossed?

in the afternoon.

Chen Ji asked about Zhou Wan's situation again, and learned that those people actually chose to live in her house, never left, and kept going out to look for supplies, and then came back.

According to Zhou Wan's speculation, they should live on the second floor of her house, in her father's study.

Because there is only one small window in the study room, and the warmth retention is not bad after it is sealed.

"Can you find supplies in the wild now?"

Chen Ji has some doubts.

Zhou Wan said before that after the sun goes out, animals and plants die one after another, and most of the dead trees are cut down by humans. Only in cities and villages far away from humans, dead trees may be found.

Of course, there are also some plants that have mutated and disguised as dead trees, just waiting for humans to approach.


Zhou Wan thought for a while, "When the apocalypse began, rich people in the community spent a lot of money to buy various supplies and hid them in various places in the community. If you search patiently, you may be able to find some.

Of course, if they can find other people, they can also grab some supplies. "

Looting is also part of finding supplies.

Chen Ji nodded thoughtfully, and said, "I plan to cook for myself tonight, what do you want to eat?"

"Hmm... some ribs, please? You give me some bags of trash."

Zhou Wan's face turned red.

Chen Ji understood, smiled and didn't point her out.

Hiding in the basement and unable to get out, Zhou Wan's personal hygiene can only be dealt with.

Fortunately, the weather is very cold and there is no peculiar smell, so it is easy to solve.


After Chen Ji made the sweet and sour pork ribs, he ate them first, and then sent them to Zhou Wan when they were cold.

Although humans can't feel a little heat, Zhou Wan still dare not eat hot food just in case.

At nine o'clock, Zhou Wan, who had been nervous all day, went to bed first, and usually no one went out at night.

Strangely enough, the night was still colder than the day, despite the lack of sunlight.

"Little lady broke her promise?"

Chen Ji opened the blind date official account again, looked at Xia Shumin's chat box, but there was still no reply.

Originally, she made an appointment last night to have a chat tonight, and she was also looking forward to the chat with Chen Ji.

The result is not there today.

"Miss Xia, are you there?"

Chen Ji sent her another message, and after confirming that there was no news, he had no choice but to give up.

There is no information from Astana.

By the next morning.

After Chen Ji thought about it, he decided to send a greeting to Astana, and if the other party replied, he would ask her what was going on.

"Morning, Astana."

Chen Ji, the great creator whose power penetrates both worlds and lives on the supreme earth, sent a good morning message to his followers.

Originally, Chen Ji went to say hello to Astana who believed in him, and chatted with her by the way, with some kind of bad taste in mind.

who knows.

The moment he sent the message.

Thirteen thousand 640 two messages appeared in his mobile phone explosively.

It's Astana.

(End of this chapter)

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