Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 28 Which Pharaoh 8 is Talking?

Chapter 28 Which bastard is talking? (Seek to follow up, ask for various tickets)

The heavens and the earth are shaking, the rays of light are overwhelming, the auspicious omens are numerous, and the 360 ​​laws of Tao appear together. In the past, the laws of heaven and earth that were impossible to understand can be understood at this moment at any time.

Countless treasures of heaven and earth were born one after another, dancing and singing in the sky.

Many treasures of heaven and earth that have been hidden for thousands of years, ten thousand years, or even millions of years have grown rapidly at this moment, absorbing amazing power.

The Three Lives Treasure Tree, which withered since ancient times, grew branches at this moment.

The phoenix essence and blood left over from the age of ancient gods ignited a monstrous fire at this moment, and the miraculous sound of the phoenix resounded through the world.

In the depths of the ghost domain, in the restricted area for living beings, in a place that has not been visited by humans for hundreds of millions of years, the tombstone in front of a lonely grave slowly cracked.

Within the Nine Domains, all spirits shook.

At this moment, even the ancient emperors who hid in a small space outside the Nine Regions to escape the invasion of the Nine Regions' life laws all turned their attention to the Nine Regions again at this moment.

Countless gazes fell on the highest level of the Nine Regions, on the Tianyu Emperor Mountain.

"Empress Nine Extremes?"

Among them, many strong men have been away from the Nine Regions for millions of years, and this is the first time they know the name of Emperor Mutian.

The existence of the law of life does not allow people who have lived over 10 years in the Nine Domains.

The longer you live, the deeper you are invaded by the law of life.

Nine Realm powerhouses can easily grasp the laws of life, can annihilate creatures, can be reborn with a drop of blood, and can enter reincarnation to rebuild a hundred lives.

The only thing that cannot rewrite the deepest part of the law of life is the most powerful attack on the creatures of the Nine Realms.

Even if it is rebuilt ten thousand times, it cannot escape the law of life.

The only way is to leave the Nine Regions, open up a small space outside the Nine Regions, rewrite the law of life, and escape the pursuit of destiny.

Outside the Nine Domains, there are countless strong people.

They dare not enter the Nine Domains for half a point.

Every time they enter, they will age for a hundred years, and they will be attacked by the law of life all the time!

but now.

In the Nine Regions, something happened that even the powerful who hid in the small space, the Supreme who had been sleeping for countless years, could not understand.

The shock of the Nine Realms spread throughout all the realms, making every living being feel this... celebration.


The Nine Realms are celebrating.

Heaven and earth are cheering.

Every living being felt the joy of this new life.

"In the end what happened?!"

No one can sit still.

The ancient great emperors, the holy emperors of the monster clan, the immortal emperors, the ancestors of the ancient clans, the supreme beings of the ancient times, and even those sacred ancient clans that were long thought to be extinct, all cast their cold eyes on Dishan at this moment.

Look at the current empress who has been invincible for 10 years.

Empress Jiuji is back!


Shen Xuanyin was the first to know that Emperor Mutian had returned.

She didn't dare to leave for a moment, and when she saw the glimmer of the Destiny Mirror on the throne, she hurried forward, knelt on the ground, and waited cautiously.

After a while, the mysterious law appeared and surrounded the Mirror of Destiny.

Mu Xiaoxiao walked out of it, her eyes were cold and filled with overwhelming anger.

And it's the kind of anger that can't be vented, but can only be held back.

"what happened?!"

Noticing one thing, she cursed even more angrily.

"Your Majesty, I will take good care of the Mirror of Destiny..."

Shen Xuanyin tremblingly wanted to explain that she kept the Mirror of Destiny when His Majesty left, and used a bluffing method to scare away those arrogance and powerhouses who were peeping at Destiny.

But when she looked up, she saw that His Majesty was angry at a pile of leaves and dirt.


A big question mark appeared on Shen Xuanyin's forehead again.

She couldn't understand at all that His Majesty and the Destiny Mirror jointly made such a big commotion, shaking the Nine Regions, and making countless people tremble with fear, just went to get a pile of leaves and soil?
Could it be that this is not an ordinary leaf.

Is it the leaves of the sacred tree that manifested the law of life in the ancient times?
Is it the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil in the sacred ancient garden?
"How come all the leaves and soil have turned into soil leaves from the Nine Realms World!?"

Mu Xiaoxiao went crazy.

He raised his hand and slapped it on the Mirror of Destiny.


The mirror made an aggrieved sound.

I do not know what it means to express.

"That bastard lied to me again?!"

Mu Xiaoxiao's anger made Dishan tremble.

She went to Earth, fought that bastard, and lost.

Tricked by him to come back with a bunch of ordinary leaves and dirt? !
hate it!

She was extremely weak on the earth, and she couldn't tell what the soil was. After taking it back to the Nine Regions, she swept away her divine sense and knew that it was just the most common soil and leaves in the Nine Regions.

Where are the electrons, protons, neutrons?
"The great emperor of the world is actually a little girl playing with mud?"

A mysterious and loud voice came from outside the sky and fell on the Emperor Mountain. The Emperor Palace shook, and Shen Xuanyin felt the strength of the comer almost across several realms.

The other party was sizing up Dishan unscrupulously.

Shen Xuanyin is known as the Tianjiao of the Shen family, but she has only practiced for 26 years, and she is far from being able to resist this powerful extraterrestrial force.

"Which bastard is talking? Get out."

Mu Xiaoxiao's voice is not loud, and it can barely be heard all over Dishan, it's unbelievably weak.

Nine Domains quieted down.

Countless people are wondering, what is the situation of the current empress?How did it become so weak?The supreme holy body is gone, and it has become an ordinary physique?

There are also many strong men who heard the empress speak for the first time in tens of thousands of years, and they were shocked.

Old man eight?
Is Empress Jiuji just this tempered?
The person who was scolded as a bastard was silent for a long time.

"Empress Nine Extremes?"

The voice was indifferent, as if looking down on the great emperor of the Nine Regions from outside the sky, "Arrogant and ignorant, if it weren't for the existence of the law of life in the Nine Regions, would you have become the Great Emperor? I could have killed you with a single finger back then!"


Mu Xiaoxiao raised her finger, pointed towards the sky, and said lightly, "I found you."

A chill suddenly rose from the hearts of countless people.

found it?
So fast?
"Bad girl, what are you doing?!"

The man roared, and his voice spread across the sky.

Anyone can hear the panic in this voice. Many people who cannot see beyond the sky don't know what happened.

But the real strong one can follow the power of Empress Nine Extremes and see that a certain hidden space is forcibly opened beyond the sky.

The power of the Nine Domains is pouring into it.

The first one to enter is the law of life, rewriting the distorted law there.

The ancient power who has been hiding for an unknown number of years is rapidly aging.

He couldn't even escape.

The space law of the small space he opened up has been fixed by a certain powerful force.

He has become the king of the urn!
"I will kill you with my fingers."

Mu Xiaoxiao pressed down with her finger, and a slight wave spread out of the sky, collapsing like a bubble, and the ripples quickly returned to calm.

Who is he?
Who was the strong man killed by the empress?
Only a few people know that it is a strong man who left the Nine Realms after failing to win the Mandate of Heaven a million years ago. It is said...

No, it doesn't matter anymore.

He was too dead to die.

The Empress Jiuji, who seemed to be physically weak, crushed her to death with a single finger from a long distance away.

"Your Majesty is invincible in this world, and will be invincible in eternity!"

Shen Xuanyin was very excited.

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at her, stretched out her hand to grab the dirt on the ground, sat back on the throne, yawned, and said lazily to the Mirror of Destiny: "Bastard Chen Ji, come out to me!!"

She didn't even bother to hide it.

Many people looked away after seeing this scene.

Don't dare to peep at Empress Jiuji again.

At least, no one will challenge this mysterious empress until they figure out what happened.

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(End of this chapter)

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