Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 35 The Earth Where the Stars Disappeared, Ability

Chapter 35 The Earth Where the Stars Disappeared, Ability
Doomsday Disaster Response Center.

After the sun went out, the disaster response center was urgently established that night.

But it was only temporary.

Three days later, the response center took over the task of maintaining social order, and the leaders of all major departments participated.

Half a month later, almost all other departments were paralyzed or abandoned, and all civil servants automatically became staff members of the response center to fully respond to this sudden disaster for all mankind.

No, it should be said, a global catastrophe.

After the earth cooled down and the ice and snow raged, a large number of animals and plants died. You don't need to read the reports sent from all over the world, just looking at the scenery outside is already shocking.

Now, four months later, the disaster response center has become the only hope for survivors.

People struggling to survive in gathering points in major cities are eagerly waiting for the arrival of supplies and vehicles every day.

In the material dispatch office, a meeting related to the distribution of materials in various places is being held.

"Director Zhao, how much should we reduce this time?"

"According to the instructions, at least 50%, and the number of gathering points in various places must be reduced to make the crowd more concentrated and facilitate management and transportation."

What Zhao Xiangming said in a deep voice caused the meeting room to explode.

"Still concentrating?"

"Half the amount with one knife? This..."

"No, I object, there are too many people who need food and warm supplies, medicine is also in short supply, and the survival rate of newborns..."

"50% is too much, and it will cause a backlash, causing the order that was on the verge of getting out of control to collapse again."

"I also object. The previous distribution of materials was very small, and only less than 60% of the reported amount was distributed to various places. Now it has decreased. Isn't that..."

"Director Zhao, I also object, you can't do this!"

Those who participated in the meeting unanimously opposed the proposal to reduce the material quota.

They all know that the surviving people everywhere have been suffering from hunger and cold for many days.

If supplies are further reduced, the order that is struggling to maintain in the doomsday will very likely collapse directly!

Everyone is against it.

Zhao Xiangming, who was sitting in the main seat, didn't say a word.

In the meeting room, slowly quieted down, looking at him together.

Zhao Xiangming was only in his early 40s, and before the doomsday he was a middle-aged man in the prime of his life with a promising future.

But now, his face is full of vicissitudes, and his temples are already gray and white.

After a while, he slowly opened his mouth:
"I know that a 50% cut is unacceptable to anyone."

"I also know that there are still a lot of supplies in warehouses everywhere, enough for the surviving people to use for at least three years, or even a little longer."

"However, the doomsday continues!"

Zhao Xiangming scanned the crowd slowly, "We must be prepared to persist for five years, ten years, or even longer. The purpose of everything is to enable mankind to overcome this unimaginable disaster!"

Unimaginable, meaning no one knows when the disaster will end.

"But please rest assured."

Zhao Xiangming gave everyone some comfort, "As long as there is hope of overcoming the disaster, the supplies will be distributed in full immediately."

"What is the hope of defeating the disaster? When will it appear?"

someone asked.

Zhao Xiangming couldn't answer, he could only say: "Persevere, there will be hope!"

Everyone looked at each other and had no choice but to accept this reality.

The material distribution meeting will continue to be held, and the amount will be distributed to various places according to the 50% reduction.

"It's not good, something serious has happened!! Come out and see!!"


"Why is it gone?!"

"It's all gone, I can't find a single one!"

Just as they were drawing up their plan, there was a violent commotion outside.

Can faintly hear... the stars?
Zhao Xiangming's face trembled.

He stood up, walked quickly to the window, raised his head, and looked towards the sky.

Suddenly, as if struck by lightning, he stood still in front of the window, staring at the sky absentmindedly.

Everyone had a bad premonition, and they came to the window together, went outside, and looked up at the starry sky with others.

But where is the starry sky.

It was pitch black.

There is no star at all.

All the stars seemed to be annihilated, and the entire universe seemed to be plunged into darkness.

Only the lights in the conference room, the candles of human civilization, still emit a faint light, dotting the night sky of the earth.

"Where is the hope of mankind?"

Zhao Xiangming muttered to himself.

He knew that after seeing the starry sky disappear, all the survivors would despair again.


Zhou Wan had a dream.

She dreamed that Chen Ji traveled to her side, and together they went to find the gathering point in the dark. The two encountered many mutant creatures, but Chen Ji stood in front of her and solved them one by one for her.

So handsome.

With a bang, Zhou Wan put on a bright red wedding dress, married him in the warm and bright sunshine, and was kissed by him bowing her head.

Zhou Wan had never been kissed before, she just felt a heat on her face.

Then the body also started to heat up.

It's hot. It's hot.

And it was still very stuffy, she began to struggle, struggling to breathe, her whole body was wet, a gust of cool wind blew, she——

Woke up!

"Hu, hu, hu!"

Zhou Wan sat up, panting heavily on the bed, subconsciously wiped the sweat from her forehead, her mind was full of the dream with Chen Ji just now.

Beautiful and sweet.

It makes people blush and heartbeat, just feel so hot.

and many more.

So hot? !
"I am...?"

Zhou Wan touched her forehead in surprise, and there was indeed a lot of sweat.

The body moved, and the whole body was covered with sweat.

Taking a closer look, she saw that several layers of thick quilts and blankets that had been rolled up in front of her head were all kicked away by her in her sleep.

The few clothes she was wearing were also unconsciously pulled apart by her to dissipate heat.

"Why do I feel hot?"

"How hot are you sweating so much?"

"And, now... I'm not afraid of the cold anymore?!"

Zhou Wan was full of shock.

The feeling of bone marrow cold in the doomsday has disappeared, as if she is using the heating equipment that Chen Ji gave her.

She touched her arm, it was a little cold, but not very cold.

Touch the wall again, and immediately feel a chill.

"what happened?"

Zhou Wan couldn't figure out what happened. Maybe her body temperature was extremely low, which led to an imbalance in her brain's perception. People who freeze to death in winter would take off their clothes because of something wrong with their brain.

She got up quickly, took off her wet clothes, and wiped her body with a towel.

She felt a little cold when she was barely wearing any clothes.

After putting on thick clothes, I soon felt hot again.

"I am..."

Zhou Wan endured the sweltering heat, opened the iron door a little, and still tied the bolt with a chain. Through the crack of the opened door, she took a picture of the outside with the infrared camera of her mobile phone.

In the photo, Wang Caicheng and others were covered under thick quilts, and their heads were covered with clothes, leaving only their nostrils exposed to breathe out.

They still feel cold.

Zhou Wan fell into deep thought for a while.

There was a certain change in her body, no supernatural powers appeared, it was just that she was not afraid of the cold anymore.

But how could it be such a coincidence, just after she lied to Wang Caicheng and others that she had spatial abilities, her body changed.

Zhou Wan couldn't sleep.

She repeatedly confirmed that it was not a problem with her brain's perception, but that her body was no longer afraid of the cold.

"Damn it's bad!!"

Suddenly, Wang Dayong's exclamation came from outside the door.

Zhou Wan listened carefully to what he said outside the door.

It turned out that Wang Caiyong, who went out to release water, suddenly discovered something:

The stars disappeared.

"It's so fucking obvious!"

Wang Caiyong had lingering fears, "I immediately felt something was wrong when I went up to the ground. There was a little light when I went out, but now it's all gone, it's pitch black!
Walking outside the villa and looking up, it turns out that all the stars are gone!

Damn, what the hell is going on?This world is getting more and more wicked! "

It turned out to be the case.

After the stars disappeared, Zhou Wan's body changed.

She couldn't explain why, but she knew she had to act and couldn't wait any longer!

After making a decision, Zhou Wan took off the clothes that made her feel hot, and only put on a simple long coat without any headgear, allowing her face and neck to be exposed to the cold.

Very comfortable.

She opened the iron door, and walked out calmly under the surprised eyes of several people.

"I'll take a look outside."

Zhou Wan said simply, and turned on the phone light to illuminate the location of the stairs.


After seeing her clearly, Wang Caicheng and Qin Dongxue were startled.

It's not because of Zhou Wan's beautiful appearance, but because she only wears this kind of clothes? !
Ignoring their gazes, Zhou Wan turned off the lights and walked up the stairs in the dark.

"I'll go out with you."

Wang Caicheng put on a thick coat and caught up with her.

Wang Caiyong thought for a while and followed.

After getting close, when the woman turned on the light once in a while, Wang Caiyong could see more clearly.

This beautiful woman really only wore two or three thin clothes, but she didn't shiver at all, and her complexion was better than anyone else's.

And very calm and composed.

Not afraid of two big men following her at all.

"How fucking scary are these supernatural beings!"

Just seeing Zhou Wan like this, Wang Caiyong felt terrified.

Who knew that besides being not afraid of the cold and possessing spatial abilities, would she become stronger, react faster, and blow his head away with a single slap?

Go up to the ground and walk outside the villa.

The contrast between supernatural beings and ordinary people became more and more obvious.

As the cold wind blew past, Zhou Wan remained motionless, but the two men behind him shivered.

After the apocalypse, nights are much colder than days.

One minute later, Zhou Wan, who had achieved her goal, said, "Go back."

She had already frightened the two of them, and it was safer to find the gathering point.

The disappearance of the stars made her feel a strong sense of crisis. It became increasingly impossible to stay in the wild, and she had to find a human gathering point immediately.

Not only is safety guaranteed, but more information can be obtained to understand how the world has changed.

"Chen Ji, I have some bad news for you, the stars in my world have disappeared."

After returning to the wine storage room and closing the door, Zhou Wan sent a message to Chen Ji.

Two hours later, Chen Ji got up and told her one thing:

"It just so happens that I tell you good news, I can travel to your world now!"

"Ah...? Ah!"

(End of this chapter)

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