Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 37 Awakening of Powers

Chapter 37 Awakening of Powers
Chen Ji turned into the sun, emitting light and heat from his whole body. While testing his abilities, he chatted with Zhou Wan, but within a short chat, he used up his blue bars—the light and heat on his body were constantly weakening.

A chill hit him, freezing him into a dog again.

Zhou Wan hurriedly put the quilt on her bed on him first.

"The duration of this ability is too short!"

Chen Ji wrapped herself in Zhou Wan's quilt with some regret.

He thought that he and Mu Xiaoxiao were going against each other and became stronger after going to another world, but he didn't expect to be defeated by the will of the world. Sure enough, the road to invincibility is not that simple.

"Your ability can be controlled at will, which is already very strong."

Zhou Wan smiled lightly.

Her ability has also been studied clearly.

In the final analysis there is only one:
The body has adapted to the cold and darkness, greatly reducing heat dissipation, keeping the inside of the body warm, but the surface of the body is cold.

It's not clear if it's her skin, or some mechanism in her body that has changed.

It seems that his strength has also become stronger, but his spirit is indeed much better.

"Hearing what you said, my strength seems to be..."


Just when Chen Ji was about to speak, a deep roar came from the ground of the villa, shaking his scalp numb.


Zhou Wan raised a finger to her lips, turned off all light sources, and sat with Chen Ji in the dark.

Her whole set of movements was neither fast nor slow, neither flustered nor cautious, and she finished these things in a smooth manner.

Outside the door, Wang Caicheng and others also fell silent.

Even the irritable Wang Caiyong didn't dare to breathe at this moment.

Chen Ji covered his mouth and nose with Zhou Wan's quilt, so as not to exhale the hot air directly, although he also doubted whether it would be useful, the human body would generate heat—except for Zhou Wan.

Fortunately, the sound of violent fighting soon came from the ground. It should be that two mutated creatures met and then fought.

The ground part of Zhou Wan's villa is estimated to be completely scrapped.

But it won't turn into ruins, the mutated creatures are not that strong yet.

"I can't tell what kind of creature it is."

After the battle sounds were far away, Zhou Wan said softly, "But I can tell they are crazy."


"Well, even if the mutated creatures were hunting for food before, they wouldn't keep roaring like this. They are hunters and prey at the same time. They should keep quiet, approach slowly, and make a quick decision."

"Could it be that two mutated creatures are naturally hostile?"

While speaking, a group of mutated creatures running, fighting, and roaring were heard from far away on the ground.

"Something's wrong!"

Zhou Wan became nervous, "I want to go out and listen."


It was the first time for Chen Ji to experience such a thing, and he was a little puzzled: "Why go out now?"

"You can't sit still. The danger is not approaching now. Take this opportunity to take the initiative to understand and prepare in advance."

"So it is."

Chen Ji nodded, he has nothing to say, he is an expert in doomsday survival.

And this sentence is quite reasonable and can be applied to other things.

"Chen Ji, you can leave first, I will go out and listen and come back."

Zhou Wan suggested.

"How can this be done? Since you are here, why don't you go out and experience it!"

Chen Ji stood up, reached out to pick up her fire axe, hiss, it's really cold!

"Don't... at least wear gloves."

Seeing that she couldn't stop Chen Ji, Zhou Wan could only put on her own scarf, plush hood, gloves, and windbreaker for Chen Ji.

And tidy it up for him carefully.

"It's much warmer now!"

Chen Ji jumped a few times on the spot, moving his body.

Zhou Wan stood in front of him and looked at him wearing her own clothes, pursed her lips and smiled, and said:

"Walk lightly when you go up, even if you are noisy, you may not be noticed, but it's better to be careful. Also, don't use your abilities, otherwise you will become a sun that attracts hundreds of mutated creatures Already~"

"Don't worry, I remember everything, I will do whatever you do, I will follow suit!"

Chen Ji will not be brave, Zhou Wan is a local, a proper doomsday survival expert.

However, Chen Ji also has an advantage. He can leave this world at any time, and before he leaves, he can activate the last light and heat ability to attract the attention of mutant creatures.

Zhou Wan nodded, and after a little preparation, she opened the iron gate and went outside to face Wang Caicheng and others.

Chen Ji followed her with an axe, and took the breakfast bag along the way.

"Miss Zhou, what's the matter?" Wang Caicheng asked proactively.

"Something's wrong."

Zhou Wan said: "The mutated creature seems to be in chaos. I'm worried that the situation outside will change. I plan to go up and listen to the sound and prepare in advance."

"What is there to prepare for?"

Wang Caiyong muttered.

"Shut up." His elder brother Wang Caicheng yelled in a low voice, "Miss Zhou's thinking is right. Don't tell me you have to wait for the mutated creature to come to you before you realize that you want to run away?"

In fact, after leaving the wine storage room, Chen Ji heard clearer voices coming from the ground, scaring the little girl Tongtong into her mother's arms, not daring to raise her head.

"Stop talking, let's go."

Zhou Wan turned on her mobile phone, turned it off after finding the stairs at a glance, took Chen Ji's hand actively, and asked him to follow her.

Chen Ji put the breakfast bag on the ground and asked the mother and daughter to find it in the dark.

"Wait, let's go too."

Wang Caicheng was not in a hurry to eat breakfast, and quickly put on his coat and shoes.

Wang Caiyong was reluctant, but he could only bring a fruit knife to keep up.

The group of four left behind Qin Dongxue, mother and daughter, and walked up the stairs lightly.

After leaving the basement, you should go to the first floor of Zhou Wan's villa, and turn into a door to her living room.

But, it's too dark.

It's no longer the blackness where you can't see your fingers, but the pitch blackness that you can't see even if you put your palm in front of you.

There really isn't a ray of light.

Up, down, left, right, front, back, all is darkness!

If it wasn't for being able to hear other people's voices, Chen Ji couldn't bear it by himself, and would turn on the lights even if he said anything!

Zhou Wan's voice was very soft, and after stopping everyone's footsteps, she said, "I'll turn on the light, and you all pay attention to your surroundings."

Prevent mutated creatures from being nearby.

The lights turned on and off, like a firework blooming in the dark night, Chen Ji only had time to take a look at the post-apocalyptic scene.

After confirming that it was safe, Zhou Wancai took him and walked out the back door to the backyard of the villa.

The backyard is fenced for a little bit of security.

But in the distance, in the urban area of ​​Haishi, there are constantly faint and chaotic sounds coming from it.

It is a mutant creature.

And there are many mutant creatures.

They wander around in the urban area, fighting when they meet, and roaring from time to time.

"It's fucking wrong!"

Wang Caiyong's voice was trembling, and he cursed in a low voice: "What are these ghosts doing?! Was it too cold last night?"

last night?

Chen Ji's heart moved, and he raised his head to look at the dark night sky: "Is it because there are no stars that they fall into chaos?"


"It is indeed possible."

"Moths fly to the flames, maybe mutated creatures also rely on starlight to navigate, or the stars can see the way clearly."

The four whispered in the dark, listening to the movement in the distance, they became more and more certain that a large number of mutated creatures had fallen into chaos.

They wander in the dark, roaring, chasing all sources of light, heat, and sound.

"Let's go back."

Zhou Wan said softly.

The four returned to the basement.

The mother and daughter were eating breakfast. After hearing them coming back, the little girl was the first to speak: "Are you brother Chen Ji? Thank you brother for the food!"

The little girl's sweet voice, the feeling of weakness has disappeared, much better than what Chen Ji heard before.

"Tongtong is so cute."

Chen Ji smiled, and said to Zhou Wan: "I still have some supplies over there, which can be sent to you through space."

"Okay, thank you when I go back."

Zhou Wan cooperates with Chen Ji in acting, and they have a tacit understanding.

"Mr. Chen, you, can you teleport at will?" Wang Caicheng couldn't help asking, and Wang Caiyong listened sideways.

"You need an anchor, and you can't bring people."

Chen Ji replied lightly.

Other information is not disclosed, let them guess.

"I can't go out these days."

What Zhou Wan said to Chen Ji was also said to Wang Caicheng and others.

She analyzed and said: "The mutated creatures lose the guidance of starlight, and will be very manic in the next few days. Even if we find the gathering point, we may face the attack of mutated creatures again."

The gathering point is densely populated, so there will definitely be a lot of light and heat emitted, and it will become the target of attacks by the mutated creatures that have lost their starlight.

"Okay, let's listen to Miss Zhou."

Wang Caicheng once again stated that he would give Zhou Wan the decision-making power.

"I have no objection, but we can't stay here all the time, can we?" Wang Caiyong tried to ask Chen Ji, "This Brother Chen, can you find us some more food and hot water? We promise to protect..."

"you shut up."

Wang Caicheng stopped him again.

"Don't worry about the food."

Zhou Wan took out a small flashlight, glanced at Chen Ji, took out her phone, opened the dating app and clicked to give it to him.

There are two reasons for doing this, one is to try what will happen when giving gifts in person, and the other is to tell others that there is a special connection between her and Chen Ji, two "space power users", and they can interact with each other over a long distance. Send things.

Chen Ji saw what she was doing, and stretched out his palm to follow.

The test went well.

The flashlight disappeared from Zhou Wan's hand, and suddenly appeared on Chen Ji's palm.

But the next moment, before Chen Ji gave her a gift, the flashlight disappeared from his hand.

It returned to Zhou Wan's hands.

Wang Caicheng was not surprised, but just marveled at the abnormal ability of the supernatural being.

But Chen Ji and Zhou Wan stared wide-eyed.

"What was it that touched my hand just now?"

Chen Ji looked at her suspiciously.


Zhou Wan fell into a huge surprise.

The moment she presented the flashlight to Chen Ji, she felt that the world suddenly changed.

Things that are four or five meters away no longer have a sense of distance to her, and she seems to be able to reach them by stretching out her hand.

This wonderful feeling drove her to reach out subconsciously, wanting to touch Chen Ji's palm two meters away.

As a result, the flashlight in Chen Ji's hand was really grabbed by her and returned to her hand!
"Try again."

Chen Ji saw the problem, and was immediately very interested. He walked over, took the flashlight, and threw it up.

The flashlights that can still be used in the doomsday are very scarce. Zhou Wan panicked and stretched out her small white hand to grab the air.

The flashlight flashed into her hand.


Chen Ji smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

A surprised smile bloomed on Zhou Wan's face.

She threw the flashlight up and down, and every time the flashlight jumped a certain distance, it returned to her hand accurately.

She really has supernatural powers!
It's not the illusion of cooperating with Chen Ji before, it's her own ability.

Chen Ji's teleportation through time and space seemed to have broken some kind of shackles, or in other words, it was his ability that affected her.

The "lie" has come true!

She became a real space power user.

(End of this chapter)

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