Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 370 The little lady meets her in-laws

Chapter 370 The little lady meets her in-laws
Chen Ji's parents came up from the county seat.

The driver sent by Xia Shumin took the two elders from the county seat to the city, and drove directly to the Green City Peony, which is in front of the community of Dongxiyuan Villa in the new home.

"Son, you..."

When Chen Ji's mother got out of the car, she saw nine girls of different ages and temperaments, but all of them were beautiful and beautiful. Under the leadership of Chen Ji, they came to welcome her.

She looked left and right, she took a fancy to all of them, and liked them all!

And, the way these girls call her, makes her very happy!

One of them, a virtuous girl wearing a dress from an ancient costume TV series, shyly called her mother-in-law. Chen Ji's mother burst into a smile. Originally, she had the most affection for the two tall and tall girls who looked exactly the same among the nine people, but Now after this virtuous girl shyly called her mother-in-law, she suddenly changed her attitude, thinking that this one in front of her is the best!

If she wanted to choose a daughter-in-law, she would definitely choose this lady-like girl.

Of course, according to what the girl on the phone said before, these people are all her future daughter-in-laws, so there is no need to choose!

"Auntie, uncle, hello."

The two tall, fair-skinned girls who looked the same shyly called Chen Ji's parents, making the two elders turn their eyes to them again.

"Uncle and aunt, hello, I am also Chen Ji's girlfriend." Empress Mu Xiaoxiao came to meet Chen Ji's parents with her grown-up and mature appearance.

Chen Ji glanced at her with a strange expression. He originally thought that Mu Xiaoxiao would be embarrassed to see his parents. After all, she is an empress and has lived for so many years.

But in the end, Mu Xiaoxiao calmly called her uncle and aunt without embarrassment at all.

Perhaps it was because, in her heart, she had already regarded him as her husband.

Chen Ji approached Mu Xiaoxiao quietly, and shook her hand.

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at him.

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law." Astana, the god-born saintess with platinum-blonde hair, also came forward and greeted the god's parents with a smile.

She came to the earth with God yesterday, and immediately made up for Xia Guo's daughter-in-law's various etiquettes when meeting her in-laws—mainly learning from Xia Shumin. She rehearsed with Xia Shumin for a day yesterday, and it finally came into play today.

"And me and me!"

The black cat girl, Chen Xiaoke, was shaking her hips and tail, and her cat ears were shaking happily. She also came forward and introduced herself by pointing: "Uncle and aunt, my name is Chen Xiaoke, and I am also Chen Ji's wife~~~!"

Chen Ji and the others laughed, it was rare for her to show a serious side on a serious occasion, and it was no longer a joke.


Chen Ji's mother was taken aback, her eyes were on the two cat ears on her head, and the cat tail tied with a bow behind her small buttocks, cute and beautiful, with a strange sense of charm.

"You, you too?" Chen Ji's mother was startled.

"Of course~"

Chen Xiaoke said proudly.

"And I."

Mai En, who has always liked to be quiet, also stood up at this moment. The appearance of white hair and red pupils made the second elder look at her again. From her long white hair, it can be seen that she is not simple.

Ma Yien made an introduction, but didn't say what she was, and even said that she was only 16 years old this year and had been with Chen Ji for many years.

The eyes of the two elders are straight.

"Ahem, parents, it's not what you think!"

Chen Ji first explained indiscriminately.

I will tell my parents where they came from when I have time later.

The introduction is not over yet.

Chen Ji looked at the two maids standing behind Xia Shumin with their heads bowed.

The little lady gave them a tug.

Xia Lvzhu and Xia Cuizhu finally raised their heads, their faces flushed red, and they said in a trembling voice: "Master, Madam... We are Miss's servant girls, and we will accompany Miss to marry Master."

With such words, they are already satisfied.

My uncle has not forgotten them, and he is willing to let them show their faces in front of the young lady's in-laws. This is considered a formal entry in Zhao Guozhong.

"Accompany... to marry!"

Chen Ji's parents were shocked.

The nine beautiful girls finally finished introducing themselves, Er always looked at this and then that, completely shocked.

A year ago, they were worried that Chen Ji would not be able to find a wife, so they introduced someone to him on a blind date, but now, they have found so many in one go!

They are all beautiful girls with gentle, noble, virtuous, cute and lively, quiet and so on.

"Come here for me!"

After Chen Ji's mother came to her senses, she took Chen Ji's ears and turned aside, asked him carefully, and finally confirmed.

After coming back, she looked at these beautiful girls apologetically, and said, "Chen Ji, this kid messes around after earning money. I have really wronged you. I think you are all excellent girls. You can fall in love with my son." , and I don't mind being together... This is my son, and it's my Chen family's blessing! When you get married, I will... It doesn't seem to work, how can I get a certificate?"

"What's this!"

Chen Ji's father said casually: "Now children don't need a marriage certificate to register for household registration, and they can get married after leaving... I saw that rich people do this in the news!"

Under Chen Ji's mother's gaze, he bit the bullet and finished speaking.

"Don't worry about the registered permanent residence, and we don't care about marriage certificates." Da Zhouwan smiled, "As long as we live together and live happily ever after."

"That's what I said..."

Chen Ji's mother struggled for a while, looking at these girls, which one is not beautiful and has a good figure?Even Xia Shumin's two girls, who were the same as the companions in ancient times, were also candidates for daughter-in-law in her mind.

"How about this!"

Chen Ji's mother finally thought of a way, "Chen Ji is sorry for you, he gave me and his father a lot of money, we don't spend it, we give it to you as expenses, you can't suffer by following him Already!"

She subconsciously thought that these girls followed Chen Ji because he was rich. Even if they had feelings, the money factor also accounted for a large proportion.

Rich people change girlfriends frequently, and she has seen a lot in the news, so she knows it.

Now that her son is rich, the girls around him are also popping up one after another. There are nine of them in one breath, which is normal.


Xiao Zhouwan smiled slightly, "We don't need any money. My family has money too. I used to have hundreds of millions of houses in Haicheng. The house everyone lived in before was still my house. It's voluntary!"

Chen Ji's mother was speechless.

"Hey, let's not talk about this, parents, let's go, go in and visit the house I bought!"

Chen Ji brought the two elders into the community, Xia Shumin and other daughter-in-laws followed.

The gardens in the Haicheng villa community are well done, Chen Ji's parents are full of love, and there are many beautiful daughter-in-laws around, the only ideal in life is to have grandchildren.

Walking to the door of the new house, the bodyguard at the door just happened to be away, and they should have gone to help prepare for the banquet.

Xia Shumin took the initiative to open the door, and her two maids hurried to help.

"What a good boy!"

Chen Ji's mother praised her.

Chen Ji glanced at it, and found that Zhou Wan and the others obviously had no intention of "competing for favor". That's right, they were not daughters-in-law in the traditional sense at all, and they had no intention of pleasing their mother-in-law. Zhou Wan and the others were like this, let alone Mu Xiaoxiao. , she just met the two elders once, and she doesn't want to live with her in-laws in the future.

What they like is Chen Ji, and they want to be his wife, but they don't want to be a good daughter-in-law.

Chen Ji didn't force them, and he didn't think it was wrong. Marriage is a matter between husband and wife, and has nothing to do with both parents.

However, he did not stop Xia Shumin from being a good daughter-in-law. Honoring her parents-in-law is the education she has received. Xia Shumin is a girl with deep traditional concepts. She even prepares to go to pay her mother-in-law every day. She stands by and serves her mother-in-law when she eats Prepare.

Of course, after Xia Shumin said these words, Chen Ji and Zhou Wan laughed directly to make her change her mind.

"Such a big house?!"

After entering the gate, Chen Ji's father exclaimed.

He knew that every inch of land was expensive in Haicheng, even if his son made money, he never knew that there was such a big villa in Haicheng.

"I spent a lot of money, can't it be too big?" Chen Ji said with a smile.

"How much did it cost?"

"Uncle and aunt, please drink tea."

While talking, Su Xiaojing, Mo Yueyao and the others came with four welcoming ladies in cheongsams. The welcoming ladies held several cups of tea in their hands and brought them to Chen Ji's parents.

Give it to the elders first, and then give it to Chen Ji, Zhou Wan and the others.

Chen Ji's mother watched with emotion, her son is indeed promising, a new home is very lively, even the welcome lady invited a rare beauty, good figure and good temperament.

Plus, her son's new house is really big!

There is a large grassland in the front garden, two rows of landscape trees are planted beside the wall, there are vines beside the wall, and there are runways and cobbled sidewalks beside it.

In addition, she also saw badminton courts, table tennis courts, and even a lake with very clear water, and there was even a gazebo in the lake.

It was simply extravagant beyond her imagination.

But it was far more than that, the villa had already started to be decorated, flowers were everywhere, trees were covered with colored lights, there was also a Christmas tree, and there were also colored lights on it, not to mention all kinds of balloons, it was very lively.

In addition, she saw her son's house, there was a carport on the right side of the villa, and there were seven or eight cars parked in it, as well as the electric cars of the decorators, and there were also a dozen of them.


She would be naive if she thought that was all there was to it.

Chen Ji's mother walked around with her young daughter-in-law Xia Shumin, only to find that there was an arched door on the fence with a plaque hanging on it. The door and door were all in ancient characters that she couldn't recognize.

After asking my daughter-in-law, I found out that the villa next to her was also bought by her son.

"Two sets together? I thought there were two sets here, but it turns out that there is another set next to it!"

Chen Ji's mother was amazed, and went to the West Garden with her daughter-in-law Xia Shumin, and saw that the inside was also decorated, and a small stage was built. It seems that someone will go up to perform tomorrow.

"How much will it cost to invite so many people?" Chen Ji's mother was completely shocked.

Xia Shumin thought for a while, "It seems to be more than 1000 million, but Sister Wan also hired a few celebrities, and it costs several million...Grandma, don't worry, husband, Sister Wan and Sister Mayen can all make money. "

"More than 1000 million..."

Chen Ji's mother was terrified, no wonder her son had so many good girls by his side, so he was willing to spend money.


She also saw that among the many daughters-in-law, only Xia Shumin and her maid treated her like a mother-in-law. The others only respected her, but didn't intend to get close to her.

Therefore, she will not live with her son's family in the future. She will buy a house nearby after they have children so that they can take care of their grandchildren.

She didn't think too much about it. Modern people get married like this. Both men and women form new families, and they rarely live with the older generation.

After visiting the outside, Xia Shumin took her mother-in-law to visit the room again, and saw Chen Ji and the little miss drinking tea in the living room on the first floor.

"It's beautiful on the outside, and it's well decorated on the inside!" Chen Ji's mother praised, making Xia Shumin blush, and quickly took her to visit her parents' room. It's on the first floor, the windows face south, and the floor-to-ceiling windows face the garden outside, which is very nice environment of.

"Mother-in-law will stay here tonight, this will be your second elder's room from now on."

Xia Shumin said.

"Our room? Don't leave it to us, we'll just stay for two or three nights, how nice it is to use this room as a guest room."

"No need, the villa is very big, and there are many rooms on the other side..."

Anyway, Xia Shumin finally persuaded her mother-in-law to use this room as a room to live in. Of course, the father-in-law and mother-in-law will not live for long, but they must be filial.


Zhou Wan's parents, Xia Shumin's parents, and Astana's goddess, the goddess of light, Irene, also came to the earth to act as her mother to meet the elders.

The in-laws meeting was very lively, especially Xia Shumin's parents, who attached great importance to this meeting and officially put Xia Shumin's marriage on the agenda.

However, when Chen Ji's parents knew that Xia Shumin was only 17 years old this year, they were all shocked. They thought that Xia Shumin was young, but they didn't expect that he was really young.

Fortunately, Chen Ji explained that these girls came from different worlds, and after persuading the elders to let them know the general truth of the matter, they reluctantly accepted.

In Zhao country, Xia Shumin was already married.

However, the marriage was postponed until five years later, until Xia Shumin became an adult.

As for the others, Zhou Wan, Astana and the others can marry Chen Ji.

But they both found it troublesome, so they agreed to wait for Xia Shumin, and find a small island to hold the wedding five years later, or go to Zhao Country, or go to the place where the world meets.

The marriage is settled.

But after eating, the situation appeared.

Xiao Ke doesn't like living here very much, because Zhou Wan is going home, and Chen Ji has to send them back. Although Mu Xiaoxiao is there, she is still used to living with the two elder sisters, Zhou Wan and Chen Ji.

So she clamored to go home, that is, to live in Daping.

In the end, Chen Ji still took them with him, leaving his parents to live in the new house, and the others still lived in the original place, and they will officially move in tomorrow.

In the car.

"In the future, I can live in my big flat floor when I'm working, and it's okay to change the two places." Xiao Zhouwan and Chen Ji said, after all, Xiao Ke lives there because of affection, and they will move there together tomorrow. Xiao Ke will regard the new home as his home.

"We'll move in together tomorrow."

Chen Ji laughed.

Xiao Zhouwan didn't refuse, and acquiesced, this was something that was decided long ago.

The three cars returned to her house. After getting off, Chen Ji jumped out first, came to the passenger seat, helped Xiao Zhou Wan out of the car, hugged her and kissed her.

Then, he went to the car behind and also hugged Da Zhou Wan and kissed him.

"Go back, you're still messing around."

Da Zhou Wanjiao was offended, and asked Chen Ji to send Xiao Ke and the others home.

"Then see you tomorrow?"

"Well, you will pick us up tomorrow."

Before saying goodbye, Chen Ji hugged the little lady again, she is still staying here tonight.

After returning to the Daping floor, Xiao Ke obviously relaxed a lot, pestered Chen Ji, coquettishly said to go to the study, Mu Xiaoxiao said that before taking a bath, Xiao Ke dragged Chen Ji to the bathroom.

Chen Ji took Astana's hand and asked her to come together.

Now that she has come, the goddess of light, Irene, is not left behind, only Ma Yien and Mu Xiaoxiao are left at the end. After Xiao Ke and Ailin were thrown out by Chen Ji, they also entered the bathroom.

When Astana came out, she saw Xiao Ke who was not wearing anything, lazily lying on the cat bed sofa wagging her tail, apparently still wanting to go to the study.

Astana didn't come to Earth for much time. After seeing this scene, she finally realized that the living room on the second floor is also equivalent to the Moon Garden, and it is a place bestowed by God on them.

Is it going to be all night again tonight?

But there are many fewer people, and I am afraid that God will not take so long to deal with them.

(End of this chapter)

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