Chapter 43

Chen Ji now knows why the item cannot be given to Astana and Mu Xiaoxiao.

These two worlds are very different from the earth and the universe, and the material composition is different, so there is no way to directly give it to the past.

Of course, this may also be limited by the fact that his plug-in is not strong enough, otherwise he would forcefully send it over, or bring the artifacts and magic weapons from their world to Earth.

Chen Ji is invincible.

"What is particle motion?"

Mu Xiaoxiao tried her best to resist the urge to beat up the bastard Chen Ji, or the Mirror of Destiny in front of her, and asked again.

"Particle motion...that's a huge topic."

Chen Ji is not a physics major, and the cutting-edge knowledge of physics he knows is all learned from popular science videos.

"Let's talk a little bit, I have time!"

Mu Xiaoxiao sat on the ruins of the imperial palace, still ignoring the prying eyes of those experts from the Nine Realms.

Around her, those who were fixed by the law of space, including Zhao Changkong, had fallen to the ground.

But it was as if a huge mountain was pressing on their bodies, so that they couldn't even raise their heads, they could only kneel and lie on the ground, waiting for the empress to let go.

"Say a little bit?" Chen Ji said helplessly, "Then it won't be finished for a few days and nights, and it's hard to understand."

"You are stupid. If you say it, I will definitely understand!"

As the Empress of Destiny, Mu Xiaoxiao's understanding is naturally full.

"Can you understand? Well, let me understand, the particle in your hand is not just a particle, it is a wave, it is both a particle and a ripple!"


A question mark appeared on Mu Xiaoxiao's forehead, "Are you trying to say that it is a wave on the waves?"

"No, no, it's not, it's a section of wave, with properties such as fluctuations and wavelengths! It's a single particle, and it's also a section of wave!"

Chen Ji's words were once again seen by countless powerhouses in the Nine Regions.

"It's just nonsense!"


"What nonsense is the man on Earth talking about?"

"Another speck of dust, another ripple, isn't this pure nonsense?"

"The empress actually sat down to chat with this kind of person?!"

Spiritual thoughts are being communicated one after another, and most of the powerhouses think that this is some kind of unrealistic fantasy. If the empress who holds the fate in her hand is not chatting with him, they will slap Chen Ji of the earth to death after hearing it. .

Let's see if he's still in a daze, to say such words to deceive people!
"Can you understand?"

On Earth, Chen Ji cheerfully asked Mu Xiaoxiao.

The concept of wave-particle duality has been studied by countless top scientists on the earth. If the earth is a fantasy interface for cultivating immortals, then each of these top scientists is a powerful person, and at least they are masters who have proved Taoism and become immortals.

They all need to spend many years arguing about the wave-particle duality, not to mention Mu Xiaoxiao who is the first to contact the rules of the earth’s universe.

She had never studied physics before.

What she learned was fighting and the law, how to have the supreme mighty force follow as soon as she stretched out her hand, and slap people to death with a slap.

"I don't understand, but I think you're avoiding the question."

Mu Xiaoxiao really can't understand what wave particles are.

It's like she couldn't understand why the electrons caught in her hands were so weird.

She vaguely felt that Chen Ji was not lying to her.

The particles of the earth are so weird, it is a magical thing that she has never seen before, not restricted by the laws of the nine domains, and does not contain any laws of the nine domains!

Waves and particles, she doesn't know how to understand it for the time being.

"Tell me first what is the movement of electrons? Why does it go up and down, left and right, see and not see, and still penetrate the supreme holy body created by me!"

Mu Xiaoxiao asked again.

Her words stunned the experts in the Nine Regions.

Supreme Eucharist?

Even if they have never experienced the power of this kind of physique, they can still see the pride of the current empress from the name.

Supreme is the title of honor when the human race has no emperor.

Holy, is the sacred ancient clan, and was later used by people as a respectful name for the strongest.

Can a tiny electron penetrate the empress's body?

"It's too troublesome to explain the whole content, how about this, I will only tell you one principle that I think is the most important in the microcosm, and you will learn about the rest later."

"What is it?"

"The Uncertainty Principle."

Of course, this is not the uncertainty principle defined by earth sciences, it is summarized by Chen Ji himself.

The empress, the strong man from the Nine Realms, Shen Xuanyin, Zhao Changkong and others all looked at the Mirror of Destiny.

"Let me give you an example."

Chen Ji knew that Mu Xiaoxiao had never studied physics, and only had one electron or proton in her hand. She did not see electrons and nuclei, or protons and neutrons. What she seemed to see was the random appearance of electrons outside the nucleus, that is, electronic cloud.

Therefore, Chen Ji cited an example from the macro world:

"Suppose, you have a pair of shoes!"

"Nonsense, of course I have a pair of shoes!"

Mu Xiaoxiao looked down at the shoes on her feet, and gave Tianming Mirror a blank stare—as if it was a blank stare for that bastard.

In the Nine Regions, the powerhouses also looked down at their feet.

Those who have no feet, or no body, silently conjure up a pair of shoes.

"Assume again, I'll punch you first to let you interrupt."


Mu Xiaoxiao's fist hardened.

When she got angry, the whole Mount Dishan seemed to be crumbling.

Zhao Changkong and the others, who were lying on their stomachs and kneeling on the ground, once again truly felt the powerful strength of the empress of the world.

"Assume also that I have two boxes, and I put a shoe in each box, assuming that no one, including me, knows whether the box is the left shoe or the right shoe, anyone, including Mu Xiao Little you and Destiny, it is impossible for any existence to know what is inside the box before it is opened."

"Do you understand me when I say this?"

Chen Ji asked her.

Nine domains have extraordinary power, even when the box is closed, they can see it at a glance.

"I'm not stupid!"

Mu Xiaoxiao said unhappily, "A box that can hide secrets from prying eyes is rare, but it's not uncommon. Go ahead and talk about it!"

This is beyond comprehension, and the powerhouses of the Nine Domains don't have to mess around.

Even Zhentian Yaohuang, who is located in the fifth domain, easily understood what Chen Ji said, but he was very disdainful, and his anger was still pent up in his stomach and he didn't vent it.

"it is good."

Chen Ji continued: "Now I put one of the boxes in Tianyu, and the other box in Huangyu, and put them away separately."

Chen Ji used the world of Nine Realms as a metaphor in a down-to-earth manner.

This is better understood.

"and then?"

Mu Xiaoxiao, like everyone else, was baffled.

The treasure box that conceals the secrets of the sky and blocks prying eyes, instead of containing the treasures of heaven and earth, is used to hold two shoes instead?

Are these embroidered shoes worn by the empress's pure white feet?
"Now, someone opened the box in Huangquan and found that it contained a left shoe.

So, do people in Tianyu immediately know that the Tianyu box contains the right shoe? "

"Of course!"

Mu Xiaoxiao clenched her fists even tighter, what are these?Any idiot can understand!


Chen Ji basking in the sun in a rental house on Earth.Showing a smiling face, "Before opening the box, can you tell whether it is the left shoe or the right shoe inside the Huangquan box?"

(End of this chapter)

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