Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 6 Evolving cheats

Chapter 6 Evolving cheats

Chen Ji was immersed in the novelty of having a cheat.

While other people in the company were working overtime, he kept chatting with Zhou Wan and learned more about her.

A 24-year-old woman with a Ph.D. in finance came from a wealthy family, and her parents are both shareholders or chairman of listed companies.

After returning to China, instead of taking over her parents' business, she founded an investment company of her own, which soon became famous, and within a few years she was on the list of the richest young people relying on investment.


Chen Ji praised again.

Compared to him, Zhou Wan is the one who cheats.

Not only her IQ, but also her tenacious willpower and ability to act four months after the apocalypse.

Such a beauty can no longer be simply summed up by Bai Fumei. If Zhou Wan had been living in a peaceful age, she would definitely become a bigwig in the business world, with hundreds of billions of capital in her hands, and her every move would attract attention.

"After the apocalypse, all this will be a thing of the past."

Zhou Wanshu confided to Chen Ji under the covers, feeling very complicated: "The wealth I once owned cannot be exchanged for a bowl of instant noodles."

Banks and stock markets have already collapsed.

Those long strings of numbers lying in the bank naturally disappeared.

The car, house, jewelry, and brand-name clothes she owned were thrown on the side of the road for half a month after the sun went out, and no one picked them up.

Of course, it's not completely useless, at least the clothes can be thrown into the fire as fuel-expensive clothes are very light and not durable.

"At least you have owned it. Compared with you, I, a migrant worker, cried with envy."

Chen Ji laughed.

He could tell that Zhou Wan was not in a good mood.

These heavy memories are all in her heart, and it is estimated that after her parents died, she never confides in others.

Chen Ji is a special existence to her.

Zhou Wan smiled lightly: "It's a pity that I can't give you anything, otherwise I can give you the tens of millions of Patalis I wear, as well as the calligraphy and painting antiques in the villa."

Chen Ji didn't hide from her that he was just an ordinary person, and he didn't seem to know how the dating app contacted her across time and space.

"Patek Li? Patek Philippe? I heard that these luxury goods are numbered, so I can't sell them."

Chen Ji guessed that she wanted more supplies.

"It can be sold. It is well made and should sell for tens of thousands."

"Hahaha, tens of millions of watches are sold for tens of thousands. If you don't feel bad, I will feel bad."

"[Smiley Emoticon]"

"Huh? Can I post pictures?"

The two were chatting, and Zhou Wan discovered that this magical dating app had an extra function of sending pictures.

She was very pleasantly surprised, and chose to send a series of doomsday photos taken on her phone before.

Chen Ji truly felt the shock of the doomsday ice and snow world after the sun went out.

At the beginning of the apocalypse, the city was brightly lit, but the crowd had already fallen into madness. Countless people were looting supplies, a large number of cars blocked the roads out of the city, and social order began to collapse.

Afterwards, the earth cooled down slowly, and heavy snow fell one after another, covering the whole world, and people were shivering with cold.

Zhou Wan didn't deliberately point the camera at the dead, but Chen Ji was able to find stiff corpses in the corners of many photos.

within the gathering point.

What Zhou Wan photographed were all people wearing thick coats, huddled together in numbness and fear to keep warm.

The desperation shown on their faces cannot be shown in doomsday disaster movies.

Disaster movies will not show vulnerable groups such as the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled.

But no one gets preferential treatment until the real doomsday.

"... Shocked."

Chen Ji swipe his fingers, carefully looking at the pictures sent by Zhou Wan, and he is more and more shocked by the pictures of human beings struggling to survive.

"Sorry, I forgot you didn't go through these things."

Zhou Wan apologized.

She was used to seeing doomsday scenes, but it was normal for Chen Ji to feel uncomfortable when he saw these all of a sudden.

"No, nothing."

Chen Ji took a deep breath and said, "I feel sympathy for the pain your world has suffered, and hope that the sun of your world can recover as soon as possible!"

Zhou Wan replied to him: "It is not normal for the sun to go out. If someone can end this doomsday disaster, I think that person can only be you."

She typed very fast, and she typed out what was on her mind and sent it to Chen Ji.

But after sending it, Zhou Wan felt it was wrong again, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm not asking you to save our world, but I believe in you."

"It's okay, your words are fine, the problem is—"

Chen Ji said helplessly, "I'm just an ordinary person, and I only have this strange blind date official account."

He didn't hide it, because Chen Ji didn't know that they came from different time and space from the beginning, and he also exposed that he was an ordinary person.

However, being separated by two worlds, it is not a big problem to be exposed.

"Even ordinary people are extremely important to me."

What's more, Zhou Wan felt that he was not an ordinary person. After all, Chen Ji was giving her supplies unilaterally now, not reciprocally. The other party must have something special.

"Also, this strange dating app seems to be getting stronger step by step."

Zhou Wan remembered the newly added function of sending pictures, "Maybe I can send you something soon."

"Can we even meet?" Chen Ji's eyes lit up, "I'm quite curious about the doomsday world where the sun goes out."

"If we can really meet... I will invite you to come to my place."

Zhou Wan smiled, and said her guess: "It seems that the super time and space dating app is slowly enhancing its functions as we communicate. Let me send you some pictures."

"Good deduction, I will send you some more things."

"That was not what I meant."

"You don't want delicious food and clean hot water?"


Zhou Wan bit her lip and accepted his gift with a blushing face.

Since it is a blind date beyond time and space, then... if you are satisfied with the blind date, then it is not too much to accept a gift from the other party, right?


Chen Ji chatted with her for two full hours.

While chatting, look at her fancy selfies.

I have to say that Bai Fumei, who came from a wealthy family, looks really good-looking.

Even if she hasn't bathed for a long time, her hair is messy, and she suffers from hunger and cold for a long time, Zhou Wan's outstanding appearance cannot be concealed.

Her facial features are very delicate, with a high nose bridge, plump lips, beautiful lip shape, bright and energetic eyes, revealing a firmness.

If she hadn't met Chen Ji, maybe she would have left the basement in a few days to find a chance of life, and she would never sit still.

Her basement is also very clean.

Two elastic mattresses were spread on the ground to insulate the cold air, and thick blankets and quilts were spread on the mattresses. It can be seen that she usually turned off the lights and huddled under the quilts to wait.

Such a state of mind is admirable.

"Chen Ji, what are you testing?"

When Huang Hao passed by, he took a look and found that Chen Ji was still clicking on a blank page in WeChat, so he asked curiously.

Chen Ji came to his senses, other people on the Blind Date official account couldn't see it.

However, if a blind date gift is presented in front of them, they will definitely see the disappearing item.

"Research casually."

As a programmer, it makes sense to click and test against a blank interface.

Chen Ji stood up, greeted him, and left the company.

"Remember to be early tomorrow, the effect of your program has not been adjusted yet."

Huang Hao shouted at him.

Chen Ji waved his hand back and left after get off work.

I have to go to work tomorrow!

Does he count as a traverser with cheats, or without cheats?
(End of this chapter)

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