Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 60 The Lord Doesn't Care

Chapter 60 The Lord Doesn't Care

The elf king Imory is ready to believe in an unknown being.

Only such a guess can explain why he said such words as the stars are eternal and the lord of the order of all things.

"It's an evil god!!"

Dominique, a heretical believer in a gray robe, sneered loudly.

The polluters, and the elves who came in a hurry, plus more and more people gathered, didn't believe his words.

Together they looked at Imory, eyes full of hope.

From the Elf King riding the unicorn, they felt the tranquility and warmth, which was what they longed for.

After all the gods returned to the original, not only the order in the city fell into chaos, and people could not unite, but the polluters outside the city were even more desperate, numbly waiting for the arrival of death.

"Evil God?"

Nogre grinned at the heretics, "It turns out that the heretics also know that what you believe in is an evil god, not a true god."

The faces of a group of heretics changed.

Imory ignored them.

He got off the unicorn and said to the polluters around:
"A great existence answered the prayer of Astana, the descendant of God. He came from the earth beyond the void, and lived in a great country called Xia Kingdom. In the world he created, the starry sky is vast, and every star is It is eternal."

Imory looked softly at the elves who came, "His power is the same as the original one, and he is an existence that the evil gods cannot contend with. Astana created a brand-new magic technique to purify the evil in her body."


"Purify the evil?"

The polluters exclaimed in disbelief.

A polluted fox clan orc immediately knelt down and prayed devoutly to the "Lord of the Order of All Things" and "The Kingdom of Eternal Stars", but there was no response.

They can't imagine what the kingdom of God is like, where the stars are like the sun.

They also cannot feel the existence of that great Creator.

It is impossible to depict the earth of the kingdom of God with true power.

"Under the light of the Creator Chen Ji, Astana will lead us to defeat the evil god!"

Imory said firmly again.

Originally, he should not have told them so quickly, let alone describe the kingdom of the creator Chen Ji.


After seeing these polluters who were in pain and could not find hope, Imory couldn't help being impulsive, and told them what he saw in the church underground, telling them that the Creator Chen Ji had the same the power of.

He can defeat the evil god!

"You bullshit!"

The cultist Dominique suddenly asked sharply: "In the beginning, there was no name, and there was no way to perceive existence, but the Creator in your mouth has a name and a kingdom. This is impossible!!"

The crowd rioted again.

"The great creator has mercy on us, he is a benevolent existence."

Imory responded coldly.

The polluters around gathered closer, they were willing to believe that the Creator was real,
"It's just that his country is too far away for us."

Imory's voice softened, and he looked at the seriously polluted elves: "I have discussed with Astana, let the elves pray to him first, and ask for his kindness. You are willing to follow me to worship the creator Chen Ji ?"

The polluted elves knelt on the ground one after another, shouting in their mouths:
"May the stars be forever."

They are not believers of the creator Chen Ji, so they can only praise his kingdom in this way.

More and more people are walking, even crawling, with their swollen bodies that are inconvenient to move, their faces full of excitement that cannot be seen from the original appearance.

The heretics were furious, but they didn't dare to make a move. This group of city people is very powerful.

Imory said euphemistically to the elves: "As the first batch of believers in the Creator, I hope you can offer the purest faith."

Pure faith means giving everything to the great creator Chen Ji first.

Including body and mind.

Everything is dedicated to the gods.

Elves who have been married and have been in a relationship do not meet the conditions to go to the city to receive the gift of the Creator this time.

More than half of the elves stood up in shame and backed away.

Imory said again: "I hope you can dance beautifully, sing the melodious poetry of the elves, weave beautiful garlands, and show the most soft and light gestures, dedicated to the greatness beyond the void and in the earth." The creator, Chen Ji."

This is almost limited to only elegant and beautiful female elves.

The male elves retreated again.

They have no complaints, and the gods favor beautiful maidens many times.

"Yes, but."

An elven girl who was still kneeling on the ground raised her head and said in shame: "Your Majesty Imory, how can we dance beautifully to please that great being?"

She lifted her bloated arms, and her skin cracked like a tree trunk, and weird flowers grew out of it.

The face is also full of ugly scars.

This is the result of the mixed influence of the two evil gods, Chaos Shadow and Dead Nest.

"What's your name?"

Imory approached her, carefully watching her appearance.

"My name is Miranda, Your Majesty Imory."

The elf girl said respectfully: "I used to live in Boos, the evil god destroyed my hometown, and we were forced to flee back to the mainland by boat."


Imory recalled those old things and looked at Miranda: "I remember that Kovai led you to leave on a big ship to find islands far away from disputes. I didn't receive his letter until many years later, knowing that He found a huge island and lived there with the hundreds of elves he brought with him."

"Yes, Your Majesty Imory, this happened more than 1 years ago."

Facing the oldest elf, Miranda's voice was excited, but quickly dimmed, "Now, Boos has been destroyed, and huge and crazy sea monsters attacked us. The elders blocked the sea monsters for us. Fleeing in the storm..."

Tears welled up in Miranda's dark blue eyes.

"May the first bless us, and may the Creator Chen Ji have mercy on us."

Imory bestowed her blessing.

Ask another elf.

"Your Majesty Imory, my name is Alice, and I live in the snow-capped mountains in the north."

The elves in the northern snow mountains used to have pure white and soft skin, but now they are completely covered by black and blue lumps, their legs are like swollen balloons, they can't even walk, they were carried here.

"May the Creator grant you the power to purify evil."

Imory also blessed Alice.

He looked at the other two who were petite, it should be said that they were young elves.

"Imori, it's us!"

The two young elf girls spoke at the same time, their voices were clear and sweet.

They are the two little princesses of the elf kingdom. They were lively and cute in their original appearance, so beautiful that people fell in love with them at a glance.

But now.

Black flowers grew out of the bodies of the two little princesses, and weird scabs grew out of their beautiful golden hair, each thick and weird, like poisonous snakes raised by evil witches in jars.

Imory took a deep breath, suppressed the trembling in his heart, and blessed again: "May the stars created by the creator Chen Ji shed light and shine on you forever, Mina, Nina."

The two little princesses of the elves blinked, looked at each other, and fell to the ground together: "May Chen Ji, the Lord of the Order of All Things, have mercy on me and my sister (sister)!"

That great being has become their only hope.


Imory and Nogrey took the seven polluted elves back to the original city amidst the hopeful eyes of many polluters.

Thousands of tainted elves sent them to the city gate.

Imory didn't stay too long, he couldn't wait for a moment, and sent the seven severely polluted elf girls to the Church of Light.

There are already many people waiting in the city, including those who quarreled before.

"You need to pay attention."

Hilo stood up blankly and warned the seven elves: "Once you enter the Church of Light, you are not allowed to leave the church until your evil is completely purified. Even if you die inside, the corpse will remain forever. Under the church."

The seven elves wanted to say something.

But Hilo had stepped back, waiting silently.

Tess, Queen of the Dragon, Herquad, King of Mellon, Emperor Enkel of the Roman Empire, and many bishops and popes are waiting.

"I'll take you in."

Imory said softly, and walked towards the church first.

Miranda helped Alice, and the seven polluted elves with weird and ugly looks entered the church under the gaze of everyone.

The further you go to the bottom of the church, the stronger the evil atmosphere becomes.

"I, Imory."

Nina, the little princess of the elf kingdom, was frightened and shivered, "You, you won't harm us, will you?"

"You're not polluted by the Fallen Eye, right?" Mina was also trembling.

The two little princesses were about to cry.

The rest of the elves were equally uncomfortable.

Just as Imory was about to speak, a warm radiance burst out from the ground, surrounding them like sunlight.

"May the stars of the Lord guide you."

A pious and holy voice came.

The eyes of the seven polluted elves widened in surprise.

The two little princesses were the first to react, holding hands and stumbling down the ground together, and then they saw a scene that they would never forget in their entire lives:
The Goddess Astana sat on the chains, a gentle and holy radiance poured out from the light ball held in her palm.

Above her head is a beautiful and dazzling starry sky!

The stars shine.

They revolve around a water-blue sphere.

In the slow rotation, wisps of soft light bloomed.

"This is the place where the Supreme Creator lives, called the Earth."

Astana smiled softly, and looked at the seven polluters: "Hello, elves, I hope you take a moment to listen to me introduce you to a benevolent ruler of the operation of all things, who created The creator of the Eternal Starry Sky is the same as the original, the savior of Shenen Continent, Chen Ji."

The elves were trembling all over.

Supporting their weirdly swollen bodies, they prostrated themselves on the ground together, shocked by the pure power displayed by Astana, the representative of the creator Chen Ji.

Astana has not yet directed them to believe in that great being.

But the ray of brilliance shown by the earth of the kingdom of God has illuminated them, causing the evil in them to shrink back into their bodies in fear.

This is the same as the original, the great power of the creator Chen Ji!

"We, willing!"

They worshiped devoutly, and under the witness of Astana, they dedicated their pure faith to the great creator Chen Ji.

Astana got off the god's lock, helped them up one by one, and said softly: "The Lord does not need us to kneel down. When praying, you need to sit and listen to the will of the Lord at any time."

"In the next two days, I will guide you to experience the kingdom of God of the Creator. You also need to prepare dances and poems, and praise the great and merciful Lord in the prayer ceremony."


The little princess Nina covered her ugly face and said in shame: "Your Highness, but we are like this..."

"It's okay, the Lord doesn't care."

The elves looked at each other and praised together:

"Great Lord, Merciful Lord~"

The Creator of the Kingdom of God and Earth doesn't care about their appearance at the moment, and is so kind that they are moved.

 You all make complaints about the water, but I feel that I must write and explain clearly...

  Add a new chapter, three thousand three-character chapter, as an apology, please be patient.

(End of this chapter)

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