Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 64 Divine Grace Mainland Prayer Ceremony

Chapter 64 Divine Grace Mainland Prayer Ceremony
Mao Zhu Financial Building Chen Ji did not.

He doesn't have any ordinary third-party rooms either.

The empress could only follow him to an old community in Haicheng, and under the watchful eyes of a group of grandparents with children, she walked up the stairs 30 years ago to the sixth floor and entered a two-bedroom house.

"You live here?"

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the old man with a disgusted expression.

"Don't be too disgusted, the rent is six thousand a month."

Chen Ji took her to the bathroom and thought of one thing: "Didn't you come from a valley?"


Mu Xiaoxiao said with a blank face.

Chen Ji didn't ask further, probably she didn't want to talk about it.

"Come on, I'll teach you how the earth bathes, this is hot water, this is for washing your hair..."

Mu Xiaoxiao remembered them one by one.

She has slept in the Nine Domains for 10 years, and has not bathed for 10 years.

But after coming to Earth, just one fight made her feel uncomfortable. She vaguely recalled when she went to the lake in the woods to take a bath after practicing martial arts when she was in the Nine Regions and the Three Realms.

"You're hurt, be careful."

Chen Ji glanced at the scar on her cheek, "Recovery from injuries is very slow on the earth, and it takes a hundred days to hurt the muscles and bones."


Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, glanced at him with an unnatural expression, and turned her head away again.

Chen Ji said: "You wash it first, and I'll go buy you something."

He didn't expect that Mu Xiaoxiao would use the same physical body as last time, and if she came over next time, he could directly summon her at home.

The empress wants to practice the "Law of Chaos" on the earth and live in his house for a period of time.

Chen Ji didn't object, if she stayed longer, maybe his cheat could be upgraded.


After half an hour.

"All right."

Chen Ji put OK bandages on Mu Xiaoxiao's fair and smooth round face, looked at her from a distance, and couldn't help laughing.

After putting a Band-Aid on the empress's face, she became more like a little sister.

Slender, beautiful, with a rebellious and aloof temperament.

Mu Xiaoxiao glared at him, touched the band-aid on her face, and said angrily, "I'm hungry!"

"Eat when you're hungry, but is this your attitude as a guest?"

"I've never seen a master who sees others... as soon as he comes."

"Ahem, cough, there is a pickled fish restaurant outside, I will buy you a mobile phone by the way, and give it to you, okay?"

"It's your acquaintance."

Only then was the little sister and empress satisfied with her tight face, and she went out to eat with the Supreme Lord of Chaos, Chen Ji.

Settle down first, then think about other things.

Strange to say, Jiuyu also uses square characters.

Chen Ji bought Mu Xiaoxiao a 2000 yuan Maimai mobile phone, and used his ID card to apply for a card for her. After teaching her a few simple lessons, she quickly got used to it, and kept bowing her head to study on the way to the restaurant.

Learn to type first, then go to the news headline website to browse blindly, and occasionally click on the video to watch it, and watch those weird short videos boringly.

Chen Ji admired her determination as an empress, it's not a joke.

Only when she saw the war scenes did she become curious.

"This is the war in the chaotic world?"

"Almost, how is it compared to Nine Domains?"

"The explosion of this bomb is similar to a blow from the Spirit Profound Realm."

Mu Xiaoxiao made a simple comparison, glanced at Chen Ji, and expressed a little interest: "And the Nine Regions have so many Spirit Profound Realms, if we come to fight the earth, as long as any dynasty sends troops to crush you."

"is it?"

Chen Ji ate pickled fish, "I think 1 Destiny Empresses like you can't stop a nuclear bomb from the earth."

Mu Xiaoxiao raised her clenched fist at him, expressing her dissatisfaction.

"eat fast!"

Chen Ji said unhappily.

Empresses of the Nine Realms have to obey the physical laws of this universe when they come to Earth, so if they come from the Lingxuan Realm, they might not even be able to walk easily.

Mu Xiaoxiao went to find out what the nuclear bomb was.

After reading the information, she showed a very surprised expression.

It's rare to see her lose her composure like this.


Chen Ji teased, but he felt a little strange, she was afraid of nuclear bombs?

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't speak. She hesitated for a long time before asking Chen Ji: "Will nuclear bombs destroy the earth?"

"To be precise, it is to destroy humans and most of the creatures on the earth."

"So that's it. In this way, the nuclear bomb is the destiny of the chaotic earth!"


Chen Ji couldn't keep up with her thoughts again.

"It can bring powerful power and destroy the world at any time. Isn't this the destiny?"

The Empress explained to him, but Chen Ji still couldn't understand, only heard that the Nine Realms' Destiny also had a bad side.

It's no wonder that in her personal introduction, she didn't care much about Tianming, and even threw Tianming out to mass-produce strong people to challenge her.

Moreover, her surprise just now should not be because of the nuclear bomb, but because she saw that the nuclear bomb is similar to the destiny.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't speak any more, and ate while reading the news.

After eating, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

Chen Ji walked with her on the street, and explained to her the precautions for living on the earth, so as not to be in trouble when the empress is arrested by the police station and found out that she is a stowaway without an ID card.

In the evening, Chen Ji moved out the sundries from the small room next door, and let Mu Xiaoxiao sleep on the sofa overnight.

The empress didn't care about the poor environment, she kept studying with her mobile phone in her hand.

the next day.

Chen Ji woke up, but didn't see Mu Xiaoxiao. He called and found out that she got up early in the morning to go for a run.

The dignified empress still has to run and exercise, and she is so tired that she is out of breath. This is really...

Chen Ji couldn't laugh or cry, and could only admire her perseverance.


After Chen Ji bought vegetables from the vegetable market and had dinner at home with Mu Xiaoxiao, she lay on the sofa and continued to use her mobile phone, while Chen Ji sat on a chair on the balcony and chatted with the other two blind dates.

"Lord, are you there?"

Astana sent a brief message saying something was up.

"Here, are you ready for the prayer ceremony?"

"Yes, under the gift of the great lord, the elves can feel the presence of the lord. They can't wait to accept your gift of power and dedicate a lifetime of pure faith to you."

Every time I contact Astana, the style of painting always becomes different.

It is probably because of her status as a divine descendant saint and the fact that the world she lives in has been invaded by evil gods, so every time she speaks, she has deep admiration and admiration for Chen Ji.

It is completely different from the painting style of the Empress of the Nine Regions who is playing with her mobile phone in the living room.

Chen Ji smiled, "Okay, since you are ready, let's start... I don't need to do anything, right?"

The elf girls seem to be eager to offer their pure faith.

Chen Ji's expectations were also full.

"Great Lord, you just need to look here and watch Astana and the elves pray to you. If you feel their piety and are willing to give blessings, the elves will be very grateful for your kindness. If you don't give Fu, they will work hard again to offer their faith until you are satisfied."

After accepting Astana's guidance, the seven elves have become believers of the Creator, and they must not abandon their belief in the Lord, otherwise they will become fallen and be cast aside by the people of God's Grace Continent.

Chen Ji didn't know this, but was moved by their piety and humbleness, and replied to Astana: "No matter how well you do, I will give blessings, I hope it will be useful."

after a little while.

"Lord, Nina and Mina thank you for your kindness~"

Nina Mina?

Why do they sound like sisters, elf girl sisters?

Seems great.

Chen Ji's sense of anticipation increased again, causing Astana to start praying.

"Great and merciful Lord, you live in the divine kingdom of the earth, and your power passes through the void..."

As Astana began to pray and described the appearance of the "Divine Kingdom Earth" in detail, Chen Ji's sight seemed to cross the void, penetrate the Divine Grace Continent eroded by the power of evil gods, land on the Church of Light, and see the earth in the underground. .

A tall and beautiful divine-born saint is leading seven "monsters" in prayer.

"what is this?!!"

Chen Ji cried out in shock.

In the living room, Mu Xiaoxiao turned to look at him, frowning suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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