Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 73 Nine Regions Conferring Gods List

Chapter 73

Heaven is ruthless.

The destiny of the Nine Regions is also ruthless.

"But why did Destiny choose the Nether Emperor—"

Chen Ji looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, the Empress of Destiny who looked like a high school girl, "And, someone like you?"

Mu Xiaoxiao compares himself to the Nether Emperor.

It can be seen that this irascible empress has also killed many people, but she didn't make the sky angry and people complained, she sat firmly on the emperor's throne, no, she lay on the emperor's throne and slept for 10 years.

"Because of Xianmen." Mu Xiaoxiao replied flatly.


"The strong searched for treasures and brought them to the upper three domains, and a lot of vitality was locked in them by the fairy gates, so that the creatures of the lower six domains could only look up to them. Every time they went down to the six domains, they looked down on us with the eyes of humble servants."

Mu Xiaoxiao's indifferent voice was full of murderous intent, "That's why I'm going to break through the fairy gate, and kill the powerhouses of the upper three domains again, and give justice to the hundreds of millions of creatures in the nine domains!"

The Empress is indeed domineering.


Chen Ji thought of a classic movie.

However, for the sake of fairness, is it worth it for Destiny to choose someone like Emperor Youming?
"It's not that simple."

Seeing Chen Ji's thoughts, Mu Xiaoxiaobai glanced at him, "For Heaven's Destiny, the Youming Emperor is more important to kill those strong men like Lao Wangba in the upper three regions, this is something I only want to understand later. "

In order to kill the strong in the upper three domains, Destiny chose to let an ordinary ghost clan become emperor, and the creatures in the lower six domains suffered as a result.

Heaven is indeed ruthless.

"Heaven sends murderous intentions, moving stars and places. Earth sends murderous intentions, dragons and snakes rise to land."

Chen Ji sighed.

"Who said that?" Mu Xiaoxiao was a little surprised.

"An ancient man from Xia Kingdom."

Chen Ji thought about it, and then asked her: "Is there no way to curb the rising murderous intent of destiny?"


Mu Xiaoxiao said: "Now I want to create a cage to lock up all the undead bastards who escaped the law of life."

Chen Ji raised his eyebrows, "Dare you want to imprison the strong from the Nine Realms to the earth? No, let's not talk about whether it can be achieved, but you are rashly judging others guilty?"

"Anyone who is resurrected deserves to die. Not only is the destiny to let them die, but also the creatures of the Nine Realms want them to die. Do you think there is any sin?"

The empress looked at him indifferently, she never said these words to anyone.

The destiny of the emperor is not for the human race, and the existence of destiny is not only for the living beings.

If this is the case, it is enough to make all the beings in the Nine Regions pale in horror and cause violent turmoil.

The human race would not believe it at all.

"Not guilty, but damned?"

Chen Ji understood a little bit.

Nine Regions does not allow so many strong people to live, just like a pool cannot raise too many bastards.

The death and resurrection of the powerful people hundreds of millions of years ago is not fair to the current creatures of the Nine Regions.

Therefore, the destiny wants them to die, and the living creatures in the Nine Regions should also kill them.

Destiny is ruthless, and destiny is also sentient.

"So what do you want to do?" Chen Ji asked her.

"Create the tenth domain."

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned and hesitated, "I'll talk about it later."

Create the tenth domain, similar to the tenth domain of the chaotic earth.

This is the way the queen came up with.

Chen Ji felt that she was very similar to Hongjun, and the tenth domain was similar to the list of gods, both of which were used to restrict the strong.

I just don't know how the faces of those strong men will be ashen when the Empress of Destiny wants to sign the Nine Regions Gods List.

Chen Ji smiled and said, "I think you should discuss it with others before creating the tenth domain. Such a major event cannot be decided by one person."

How can you sign the god list without calling other people?
"So I revealed your existence to them, leaving them a choice."


Good guy.

It was only then that Chen Ji realized that the conversation between him and her was broadcast live for many experts in the Nine Regions to watch.

Who have I become in the Nine Domains?
"What do you think about the Tenth Domain?"

Mu Xiaoxiao stared at him closely.

All he had to say was his purpose of wanting to travel through other worlds.


Chen Ji sat on the chair and thought for a while, then said to the squatting Empress of Destiny: "I can try to help you, but what will you give me in return?"

"Simple, I'll be your thug."


Chen Ji was shocked, the dignified empress actually casually said that she would be his thug?
Although he himself is the Supreme Emperor of Chaos and the Creator, his identity is enough.

"What's this."

But Mu Xiaoxiao was very calm, and said lightly: "When I was in the lower three domains, I worked as a nursing home for others and joined gangs. As long as you can pay the reward, I will let you drive me around!"

Chen Ji was speechless, took out his mobile phone, originally wanted to tell her that he couldn't do anything right now.

But I saw that there was an extra function in the Chaos Time Official Account.

【Invite Mu Xiaoxiao to go to the doomsday world together】

This makes Chen Ji have to suspect that his cheat may have the ability to think independently, but it has not yet fully awakened. When he traveled through the ancient world of the little lady last time, the large cloud of fairy energy that floated into the phone was the energy it needed. .

Research and study when you have time to see if you can make the plug-in do more things.

"I want to see the world."

Mu Xiaoxiao pinched the leaves of the World Tree and shook them towards him.

"Where are you going?" Chen Ji shook his head straight: "Even if you go there, there is a high probability that you will not be able to defeat the evil god. There is no law of the Nine Realms in Shenen Continent, only gods."

"How do you know if you don't go and see it?"

Mu Xiaoxiao showed a smug smile.

The chaotic earth is too big, and the power of the source makes her weak. Although there are countless chaotic particles here, it is difficult to comprehend.

But in other worlds, there may be a kind of law between the two worlds of chaos and the Nine Realms, let her make a transitional training first, and then return to the earth.

She would not tell Chen Ji these words, although this guy is very capable, he is stupid.

"I can only take you to another doomsday world, where one sun goes out..."

"it is good!"

Mu Xiaoxiao agreed without hesitation, not because she was reckless, but because this man can go, she must be fine.

Chen Ji said again: "That world is very dangerous, even if you have rich combat experience, you may still be a little careless..."

"Do you think I ascended to the throne of God by the sword in my hand, or by the sects of the Three Realms escorting me to proclaim myself emperor?"

Mu Xiaoxiao asked him back.

Chen Ji was speechless.

He shouldn't doubt the battles experienced by an empress who came from a humble background but achieved the throne.

"Okay, I'll call you when I go over."

Chen Ji said, took the leaves of the world tree in her hand, stood up, and planted the leaves in the flower pots on the balcony.

It wasn't growing fast, and it didn't have a green glow.

It just stayed in the flower pot unremarkably.

"It is estimated that it is suppressed by the physical laws of the earth's universe."

Chen Ji smiled at her.

Mu Xiaoxiao raised her fist, meaning to point at Sang and scold Huai asshole!Come and fight me if you have the ability!

Chen Ji held back his laughter, squatted down and watered the leaves of the World Tree with a water bottle, and by the way imitated Nina and Mina, and blessed it:

"You are a tree from the Continent of God's Grace, I hope the sunshine and clear water of the Earth's universe will allow you to thrive."

Mu Xiaoxiao saw it interesting, so she also squatted down, took the water bottle in Chen Ji's hand, and said while watering the leaves: "The ruler of the nine domains will water you, you grow faster, take me to your world, This emperor will help you kill the evil god with one sword!"

Chen Ji laughed out loud.

If this world tree doesn't grow something, it will be sorry for the blessings of the Supreme Emperor and the Empress of the Nine Regions!

(End of this chapter)

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