Chapter 89
In the backyard of the Sheriff's Mansion, in the orchard.

Everyone looked up at a fruit tree four or five feet high. In the crown of the tree with luxuriant branches and leaves, twenty or thirty fairy fruits were hidden in it. The light gradually weakened, and the fairy light gradually disappeared into the fruit.

Green Bamboo and Green Bamboo both agreed with the young lady's words:

These bright red fairy fruits smell delicious and look delicious too.

The color is rosy and attractive, like a girl's blushing cheeks, and the color and fragrance are complete, making people want to take a bite naturally.

"It's incredible..."

As the sheriff, Xia Yongcheng looked up in disbelief at the big apples hidden in the leaves, each one as big as a child's head, hanging on the branches and glowing red.


Lu Rui was shocked by the fairy fruit tree in front of her.

Before, Chen Ji came to visit with his things like an ordinary man. Although it made people feel that the fairy is approachable, it also lacked a sense of awe.

Now with a touch of his fingertips, the apple tree grows rapidly, takes root and sprouts, and bears fruit.

Lu Rui, who was in the realm of a great master, was stunned by such a wonderful method of the fairy family.

Chen Ji didn't expect the effect of Xianli to be so good.

Turning the apple tree into a fairy apple tree not only bears attractive apples, but also this fruit tree formed by integrating four or five seedlings seems to have a mind, and can take the initiative to express to him that he wants some more fairy energy to bear fruit. produce fruit.

The effect of immortal energy is greater than Chen Ji imagined, and it is completely a means of immortality in the world of martial arts.

"Young master, the fairy fruit from this fruit tree..."

Xia Shumin's eyes fell on Chen Ji's face, and she asked shyly, "Can I eat it?"

She doesn't ask for more, just a taste.


Green Bamboo pulled her suddenly and gave her a look.

Only then did Xia Shumin realize that she was still holding the young master's arm, her white face blushed, she quickly let go, and hid behind the maid, too embarrassed to lift her head.

As an official lady in a deep boudoir, this is the first time she has been so close to a man.

Lu Rui suddenly sighed, this daughter is becoming more and more impossible to keep.

"Well... since it bears fruit, it must be edible."

Chen Ji didn't feel anything just now, but the shy appearance of the little lady made him take a closer look.

If it's private, you can tease her.

Don't think about it now, the little lady's parents are still watching.

"I'll pick a few and give you a taste."

Chen Ji stretched out his palm, wanting to try Xianli's volley shooting.

Xia Shumin, who was hiding behind the maid, poked her head out, "Do you want a ladder, sir? I will go up with you to pick it up."

As soon as these words came out, the others all looked at her in unison.

Xia Shumin's face turned red again, and he faltered.

"Next time."

Chen Ji was actually quite moved, but his parents were by his side, no matter how excited he was, he could only talk about it next time.

Before he stretched out his hand, a bright red fairy fruit on the tree slowly fell, and it happened to land in his hand under the surprised gazes of the crowd.

"It really has a mind."

Chen Ji's words surprised several people again. They looked at the fruit tree and at the two or three catties of heavy apples held in his palm.

Xia Shumin held back the shyness just now, moved lightly with lotus steps, and came to Chen Ji to watch.

"Give you."

When Chen Ji handed the fruit to her, Xia Shumin panicked and hugged it with her slender hands, like holding a hydrangea.

"Miss, this apple is so big!"

The two maids came up to look at it, and even Lu Rui couldn't help but get closer to look at this magical fairy fruit carefully.

Seeing that Chen Ji was still looking up, Xia Yongcheng said cheerfully to him: "Nephew, one is enough."

"No, I'm watching... Forget it, let's taste the apple."

Chen Ji had a sudden feeling just now, and a mysterious feeling rose in his heart, as if something would appear.

But it wasn't a disaster, so he put it aside for the time being.

Everyone returned to the table, took the gifts brought by Chen Ji off the table, and put the fairy fruit on it instead.

The moment the fruit was cut open by Xia Shumin, a sweet and sweet fragrance rushed to the face, as if it was spring water in the mountains, or like flowers in the spring sunshine, but it also had a sweet taste.


People with sweet, salty, light and heavy tastes can't resist this fairy fruit fragrance.

"It's as crystal clear as jade, and the fairy liquid is rich in nectar, which is unique in the sky and unique in the world."

Xia Shumin admired and cut again, the juice of the fairy fruit oozed out, and the fragrance became more intense.

People can't wait for a moment!
But Lu Rui, the only one in the crowd who had true energy, felt something that the others did not.

The thick zhenqi in her body spontaneously circulated, and just smelling the scent of this fairy fruit, she already felt like she was floating in the sky.

It was as if some kind of obstacle was right in front of her eyes, as long as she broke through, she would be able to step into a brand new realm of martial arts!

"Young master, it's finished~."

Xia Shumin put down the knife, sat back obediently, and looked at Chen Ji expectantly.

It was she who took the initiative to cut the fairy fruit just now.

Now when it's time for distribution, it's natural to let the young master come.

"Uncle and aunt, please use."

Chen Ji stood up, handed over a piece of cut fruit with both hands, and put it on the plate in front of the two of them.

"Thank you, nephew, the old man feels itchy after smelling the fragrance, so he won't be polite to nephew!"

Xia Yongcheng couldn't wait to take a sip, just after taking a bite, his whole body trembled, and he felt comfortable.

"Thank you, nephew."

Lu Rui also took a sip, and as soon as the pulp entered her mouth, a mysterious air flow diffused into her body, mixing with the true energy in her body, forming an incredible change.


Lu Rui was amazed, it really was a fairy fruit!

Chen Ji handed Xia Shumin another piece of fruit that she had just cut, and when their hands touched, her weak and boneless hands and her shy expression caused ripples in Chen Ji's heart.

The little lady smiled shyly, pursed her cherry lips and said nothing. After receiving the fruit, she turned around and tasted it slowly with her small mouth.

So hot.

The more you eat this fairy fruit, the hotter you get, but it's delicious.

"This is yours."

Chen Ji picked up two more apples and handed them to Green Bamboo and Emerald Bamboo standing aside.

The twin maids were flattered, bowed their heads shyly in thanks, and went aside to eat the fruit.

They could be heard whispering faintly.

"Sister, your son is very nice."

"Well, miss likes him, in the future..."

"In the future, we also have to serve the young master, right? My sister is going to warm the young master's bed~"

"Bah, bah, what nonsense did the stinky girl say, I want to warm you up."

"Hee hee hee."

The twin maids played and laughed coquettishly, and ran to Xia Shumin's side to ask the lady to come and judge, to see who would go to warm the bed first.

Xia Shumin felt baffled while eating the apple. Wouldn't it be the same who would warm the bed?
Just lie down together.


Chen Ji looked up at the sky, not because he was embarrassed by overhearing the conversation in the boudoir.

Instead, he felt that something was flying fast.

This time the feeling is very clear, it is almost certain that there is something flying towards the sky!
"My nephew is going back to the fairy world?"

Xia Yongcheng thought it was the time for Chen Ji to go down to earth, and felt a little regretful.

Chen Ji shook his head, frowned slightly, and looked at the sky.

Everyone looked up together.

I don't know when, the dark clouds in the eastern sky quietly covered, and they were quickly sweeping towards Yongkang City.

The dark clouds are rolling, but people don't feel depressing. On the contrary, there is a sense of shock that the wind and clouds are changing, which makes people look fascinated and stare at the clouds repeatedly.

In the orchard, the birds suddenly flapped their wings and flew into the sky, singing together, first hovering and flying, and after gathering more and more, the flock of birds flew towards the sky together.

Lu Rui stood up in surprise, performed lightness kung fu and jumped up to the top of the tree, looking up.

The birds in the whole Hongye Mountain spread their wings and fly, no, in the entire Yongkang City, countless birds flapped their wings and chirped, their voices were light and melodious, as if they were playing cheerful music, welcoming the arrival of a noble being .

The dark clouds in the south were instantly dyed red.

The chirping of the mysterious bird spread all over the world, and the flames soared into the sky, reflecting each other with the dark clouds covering Yongkang City, forming a shocking scene in the sky.

The dark clouds in the east were suddenly dispersed, and a huge monster appeared and disappeared in the clouds, and flew quickly from the east to Yongkang City.

"It's a real dragon!!"

In Yongkang City, the members of the Tiandao Society screamed.

Countless people inside and outside the city looked up at the clouds.

The scaled claws of the real dragon protruded from the clouds.

The phantom of the fiery red divine bird hovered over Yongkang City, and its elegant phoenix feathers hung down for thousands of meters. Thousands of birds flew over and sang around the phoenix feathers.

The real dragon travels in the clouds and spreads the rain, and the colorful phoenix and a hundred birds worship.

"What a picture of dragon and phoenix in harmony!"

Chen Ji praised.

(End of this chapter)

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