Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 95 Purifying the Brood

Chapter 95 Purifying the Brood

Tens of thousands of stars are floating above everyone's heads, they are shining, and even cover the entire original city, causing millions of people who are still rational inside and outside the city to raise their heads and witness the great man once again. The eternal starry sky created by existence.

The stars slowly fell, pressing down on the original city, but they did not destroy the protective magic circle of the city. The light of the stars fell to every corner. Countless people felt this pure power of order, which was completely different from the distorted and chaotic power of the evil god. .

This is holy and great power.

The unicorn Sassy ran happily in mid-air, chasing every star, and the children in the city cheered endlessly.

outside the city.

The knights and the orcs looked up at the sky and watched the stars fall on the dragon Tess, purifying the twisted and weird black flower branches on her huge dragon body.

The dark flowers that are about to bloom are withering one by one. The incomparably evil and terrifying power that once brought the Goddess of the Moon in Shenen Continent back to its original state, and the chaotic shadow power that caused the stars of the temple to fall, was shattered by the eternal stars of the great creator Chen Ji.

Dark petals turn to fly ash.

After the polluters came into contact with the falling starlight, their diseased and distorted body parts faded away one by one, most of their swollen bodies recovered, the pain disappeared, and the ravings of the fallen eyes disappeared from their souls.

This piece of starlight pulled them back from the brink of death that was almost completely polluted.

Evil still exists.

But they can already stand up and walk, and they can use the power they used to have, allowing them to vent their anger these days!

They captured the evil believers around them and brought them to the believers of the Creator.

"Unimaginably great power!"

Tess recovered, she shook her body, shook off the remaining black flower branches, snapped off the dragon flame that had turned into stone, and crawled down with a huge dragon head, thanking the two little princesses, and thanking the creator Chen Ji again for his kindness .

If Astana is in front of her, she has chosen to follow the envoy and become a dragon follower of the great creator.

"It's not over yet."

Astana's voice sounded again in the hearts of Mina and Nina.

Together they looked at the altar.

Everyone's eyes followed those of the creator believers.

On the altar, the lump of flesh and blood is still there, but the distorted power around it has dissipated, and its appearance can be seen clearly at a glance.

On the huge mass of red flesh, people who hadn't fully integrated waved their hands and feet, calling for help with feeble voices.

They can finally make a clear sound.

But it seems too late.

Many people covered their faces and wept, unable to bear to see the mass of flesh and blood again.

"The dead brood..."

The tall Helquid stared at the mass of flesh and blood, murmured the name of the evil god with a trembling voice, and tightly held the wide long sword in his hand.

Of course he is no stranger to this evil god.

The once prosperous and prosperous Mellon King City, his kingdom standing on the top of the mountains, was infected by the eyes of corruption, and then swallowed most of the kingdom's people by the dead brood, turning into a huge monster entrenched on the top of the mountain.

No, can't think anymore!

Herquad closed his tearful eyes, and replaced the terrifying scene in his mind with the starlight of the creator Chen Ji just now. The stars enveloped the city of Mellon, giving those who died a rest.

His soul tremors slowly stabilized.

"You will die, and you will be swallowed by the brood and the shadows just like them!"

The leader of the cultists sat on the ground, swearing viciously at them, holding a withered flower of darkness tightly in his hand.

The funny thing is.

His distorted and swollen body was also healed by the starlight, but he stared at the other recovered people with increasing resentment.

Everyone ignored him, but looked at the flesh and blood group that gradually regained its twisted and evil power.

It is a symbol of the most terrifying power of the dead brood. It can never be destroyed. Once infected, it will stay in the human body forever, causing people to deform their bodies and turn them into swollen and twisted monsters, attacking all living things around them until they devour their flesh and blood. It is slowly withering.

The once vast and boundless elf forest was infected by the dead brood, and the towering trees turned into thousands of evil treants, crazily devouring and destroying all life.

"The great power of the Creator can purify all evil."

Nina said loudly.

"And we will use the power bestowed by the Creator to kill the evil god."

The two little princesses spoke a sentence each, holding the branches of the Starlight World Tree, and walked firmly towards the altar.

They are to cleanse the dead hive of flesh and blood.

"Come on up, little ones."

The dragon Tess lowered its head and let them stand on it.

Mina Nina looked at each other and said in unison: "Thank you Tess."

Even if the huge dragon body does not stand upright, it is enough to overlook the altar.

Tess walked forward a few steps, and sent the two little princesses to the altar, but she did not leave, watching them jump down with her huge eyes, and walked in front of the flesh that had become evil again.

"Save me, save me."

"Elf, save me..."

"I'm in pain, someone help me."

The people in the fleshy mass that hadn't fully fused shouted weakly, and their twisted hands and feet protruded from the fleshy mass, looking extremely disgusting.

But for many here, they have seen the terrifying power of the Dead Brood many times before, and there is nothing but sadness for those people at this moment.

Mina and Nina are in a bad mood.

They came to the cage and looked at this huge pile of flesh and blood. The evil breath invaded their petite bodies at close range, but they were defeated by the power of the Lord before they got close.

Tess's huge dragon eyes clearly saw the confrontation between the two. The power of the Lord of All Order was pure and holy, while the dead brood was chaotic and evil.

The power of order seems weak, but chaos can never affect them.

"The merciful God beholds you, the great God has mercy on you."

The two little princesses stood in front of the flesh and blood, holding the Starlight World Tree and praying devoutly.

At this moment, their faith is stronger than ever.

In front of them, there are victims who have been integrated into the dead mother's nest, waiting for the redemption of their devout Creator.

"The eternal starlight created by the Creator shines on you, and the radiance of the kingdom of God and the earth envelopes you."

While reciting hymns and prayers, they lifted up the radiant World Tree together, and forcefully inserted two branches into the fleshy lump in front of them.

Everyone opened their eyes wide.

The evil is too large, and the World Tree is too weak. Two small branches emit faint starlight in the flesh and blood, and people can't help but feel deeply worried about them.

The darkness almost swallowed the starlight.

"You can't fight against the dead brood!!!"

The leader of the cultists stood up on the ground, screaming loudly, his face extremely distorted.

Everyone looked at the ball of flesh and blood, and at the branches of the World Tree inserted in the flesh and blood.

The two little princesses clasped their hands under their chins and closed their eyes in prayer.

Their petite bodies trembled slightly.

The evil god is right in front of them.

"Fear not, God is watching you."

Astana's soft voice sounded and reached everyone's ears.

Tess couldn't believe that the power of the Creator's envoy could penetrate the original city, and even the evil power of the dead brood far away couldn't interfere with her?

But Tess had no time to be surprised.

The lump of flesh and blood in front of him suddenly burst into a mass of dark light, and the flesh and blood twisted violently. The dark evil light hit everyone, and the nearest Tess even covered the entire body of the dragon.

But these evils did not frighten her. She could feel the power of the chaotic shadows screaming, and the flesh and blood squirmed violently, emitting more and more intense dark light, twisting in the air, turning into black weird flowers , like evil hands reaching out to the sky.

Countless flowers of darkness bloomed, devouring everything around them. The flowers covered everyone. The darkness even covered the edge of the original city. The soldiers standing on the city wall saw the boundless sea of ​​flowers outside through the magic circle.

But in the sea of ​​flowers, a faint starlight is always shining.

Outside the distant world, Chen Ji, who was on the earth, saw this weird and dark scene, saw the densely packed dark flowers, and saw Mina and Mina standing in front of the huge flesh and blood.

For the first time, he looked out of the original city and saw the scene outside.

"Great Creator!!"

Astana's voice became high and enthusiastic, "Under the watchful eye of the Creator, the eternal stars give the World Tree the power to defeat evil gods!"

The voice fell.

The starlight world tree bloomed brightly.

Thousands upon thousands of evil flowers of darkness were illuminated by the starlight, and one by one withered.

The blood group finally collapsed.

The two branches inserted in the flesh and blood grew rapidly, from small twigs to a lush branch, forming stars one after another on the leaves.

(End of this chapter)

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