Eat the incense of the world, I am actually the underworld

Chapter 76 Weakness is the original sin【4K】

Chapter 76 Weakness is the original sin【4K】

Tianyun, on the third day of October [-], congratulate "Yunji Zhenjun Yaoxu Patriarch" on Christmas.

Purify the heart with vegetarian food, bathe and cleanse the body.

The grand festival begins now!
The ancestor worship ceremony of Yunji Temple is divided into inner and outer two fastings, and the outer fasting is to enjoy with the believers. It is divided into praying for safety and detachment, issuing city god ultimatum, offering food to relieve suffering, offering sacrifices to the Taoist ancestors of the Three Qing Dynasty, and praying for blessings at the ceremony of fasting and sacrificial rituals... wait.

The scene is grand and magnificent.

Wherever Yunji's team passed by, all the believers were pious and converted, and there were even women vying to be the first with their children in their arms, praying for the blessings of the master.

The weak child, after being blessed by the expert, immediately smiled and was full of energy.

The people were amazed to see it.

As a result, there were many participants in the blessing ceremony.

Compared with the hustle and bustle of Jidu Wai Zhai, Jidao Inner Zhai, which is closed inside the Taoist temple, looks solemn and solemn.

In this part, ordinary people are also refused to disturb, and only Taoist disciples can participate.

Early in the morning, Taoist Xuanyun dressed up and followed his master to observe the rituals of Yunji offering sacrifices to the ancestors!
The process of ancestor worship rituals is very cumbersome.

Build a sacrificial altar, invite deacons... high-level chanting, prostration and chanting, step-by-step advancement, refining and giving food... Afterwards, the public sings and hangs, high-level essays, and rolls up the curtain on the altar to enlighten and thank teachers.

Rao Xuanyun Daotong was born in an orthodox Taoist school, and he was still speechless when he saw the extraordinary process.

Fortunately, he just needs to be patient.

After the ceremony of worshiping the ancestors, the sun has already set to the west, and the road is dying.

All sects watching the ceremony, return to the guest house to rest for the time being, waiting for the open-air Dharma meeting to be held at night.

If visiting relatives and friends before the festival is considered a gathering in circles; then the open-air ceremony can be regarded as an exchange meeting to break circles led by Yunji Temple.

If you can speak amazing words at the Fa Conference, you will have a bright future!
The reason is not enough for outsiders.


The sun is setting and the sky is dim.

"Dong dong dong..."

Xuanyun Daotong knocked on the door of the master's room and shouted: "Master, the time has come!"


The door of the room opened suddenly, as if the old Taoist Fuluan had been standing in front of the door.

"Where's Wang Sheng?" Fu Luan asked.

"Stay in the gourd!" Xuan Yun patted the copper gourd on his waist.

This is not a magic weapon, it's just a mortal object. There are small holes hidden in the pattern on the gourd body as a temporary shelter for Musheng.

After all, as a ghost cultivator, it's not easy to show up in public.

And the cultivation base has fallen to Jiazi, although he is not afraid of the sun, but if it is exposed for a long time, it is still unbearable.

"Let him out!"

"Eh?" Daotong Xuanyun was startled, and Fu Ru said sincerely, "Master, what do you mean, let Musheng also participate in the open-air ceremony?"

Old Taoist Fu Luan nodded solemnly.

Xuan Yun was overjoyed when he heard the words, he patted the copper gourd and said, "Wang Sheng, did you hear that? Come out!"

A wisp of green smoke poured out from the gap in the body of the gourd, and fell to the ground and turned into a urchin with long hair.

The naughty boy landed on the ground, clapped his hands at the old Taoist Fuluan politely, and said, "Wang Sheng has met senior brother!"

The old Fuluan also bowed his hands in return, saying: "Let's go, let's go to see the Daoist event together today, and remember not to let Meng Lang lose his dignity."

Wang Sheng replied: "Brother, I would like to obey my brother's instructions."

After a question and an answer, Fuluan old man held his head high and walked out of the guest house.

Xuan Yun fell behind the master, winking at Wang Sheng, but said in a serious manner: "Little Master Uncle, please!"

Wang Sheng also winked in response.

"Cough cough!"

The old Fuluan coughed a few times, but didn't look back.

The two young children were startled when they heard the words, and hurriedly followed Fuluan old Taoist.

As soon as the group of people left the guest house, voices of surprise and suspicion came from the side.

I saw a few Taoist priests and fairy boys who were about to participate in the open-air ceremony, looking behind the old Taoist Fuluan in surprise.

"Fellow Daoist Changqing, who is this?"

A Taoist priest couldn't bear his curiosity and came over to ask.

"Oh, this is the poor Taoist brother, whose name is Wangsheng!"

The old Taoist Fuluan stood still, and introduced with a serious face, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart, this was the first time since he stepped into Yunji Temple, he was actively approached by someone.

"It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Wang Sheng! It's a pleasure to meet you! Seeing the light of the soul body, condensed like a solid body, this is not Jiazi, but it is better than Jiazi, right?"

The Daoist had a look of emotion on his face.

"Hehe, I still lack a few years of Daoism, making fellow Daoists laugh at me."

"Don't dare, fellow daoist is humble."

The two asked and answered, and they already walked together.


Not long after, another surprise came.

"The Lord Fuluan is so good at cultivating, that he even took in a big demon!"

Another group of Taoist priests came out of the inn, and they praised it loudly, with a very surprised expression on their faces!

"Misunderstanding, this is the poor Taoist brother, whose name is Wang Sheng!"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"


Daoist Xuanyun, who had been depressed all this time, finally felt the feeling of being the center of attention.

Along the way, I dare not say that I was trying to steal the limelight, but people passing by all looked sideways.

Familiar people come forward to greet and inquire;
Those who are not familiar with it are also secretly inquiring, what kind of school is this?He was able to subdue a big Jiazi monster.

This situation did not get better until they arrived at the venue of the Fa conference.

It's really a famous family with a great style!
Let's say there is a faction called Wuzhen Sect, the head of the faction is holding a big yellow civet cat in his arms, looking very lazy and pleasant.

But if it was really a civet cat, it would be a big mistake.

This is a three-armed tiger—a tiger demon!

It is said that the temple master has been protected for three generations, and the end is the town sent spirit beast.

Once the body is transformed, the wind follows the clouds, the tiger roars in the mountains and forests, it is extremely terrifying!

There is also a sect called Zhengquandao. The master sits on the futon, meditating quietly, holding a jade ruyi in his arms. It is said that it is a spiritual weapon with supreme magic. You can turn stubborn stones into gold jade, which has incredible Supernatural powers.

There is also a Taoist who is out of place and attracts everyone's attention.

Among the Taoist priests in fluttering Taoist robes, he was wearing straw sandals, a bamboo hat, and his clothes were in tatters.

There are no spirit beasts to follow around me, and no weapons to get close to me!
But all the passers-by slowed down, or bowed, or cupped their hands to show respect.

If you ask who is this person?

He is a true disciple of Wudang's "sloppy school".

Walking is the way to return to the body, free to do whatever you want, don't look at the magic weapon of the spiritless beast, if you really fight, the word Wu of the Wudang School is not easy to pick up.

All these kinds, and so on.

Only a grand view like Yunji can gather so many disciples from famous sects.

Otherwise, how could we bump into so many high-level people on weekdays?
Under the light of the bright moon, when Fuluan watched the fireflies, he was naturally overshadowed.

However, even so, Fu Luan is still very satisfied.

At least it is no longer a person who speaks lightly!
The open-air dharma meeting of Yunji Temple was held in front of the Sanqing Hall of Yunji Temple, and all sects and sects sat around a bronze tripod.

The position of Fuluan Temple is relatively at the back, sitting on the periphery.

As soon as Xu time arrived, Hong Zhenzi, the master of Yunji Temple, stood up, clasped his hands in all directions, and asked:

"Follow the Three Purities to establish a religion, open the door of repentance, there will be no disasters and obstacles, and the Tao will be peaceful forever. The Supreme Being will be merciful, and the ceremony of worshiping the ancestors will be revealed!"

"Thank you fellow daoists for participating in the grand event. There is no way to entertain Yunji, only to wipe the moon and the wind!"

"As the saying goes: nature is the Tao, and the Tao has no name. We, those who seek the Tao, should wash away all the lead, and the pearls are not protected. Please speak freely and sit down to discuss the Tao!"

After Hong Zhenzi finished speaking, he bowed in all directions, then sat down, and the open-air ceremony officially began.

After a little silence in the venue, some Taoist priests immediately stood up, cupped their hands in all directions, and raised a topic, but it was a discussion of the way of Yuan Qi.

A very moderate start, but it concerns all Taoists.

Even if the Taoism is superficial and there is no lack of insight, the Dharma conference quickly became popular.

Occasionally, there are wonderful words, which immediately win the applause of the whole house!Some even left the table to chat closely.

"Wangsheng, Xuanyun, listen carefully and memorize well. It doesn't matter if you don't understand what you understand. You may recall it someday in the future, and it will be an epiphany."

The old Taoist Fuluan told Wang Sheng and Xuan Yundao.

"Yes, brother (master)".

Wang Sheng and Xuan Yun quickly nodded and listened carefully.

Little did they know, at this very moment, their patriarch, Mo Chuan, was also listening carefully.

The incense offered on the copper stove provided him with the best mirror of incense. Although the person had not arrived, he was already there.

Listening to the debates of various schools and schools, Mo Chuan's basic knowledge is also rapidly increasing.

He has always been based on Taoism.

As everyone knows, this is due to his good luck wrapped in incense.

The foundation of establishing a school lies in the use of Yuan Qi.

This is exactly what Mo Chuan lacks.

At this time, listening carefully, I feel that listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books.

Before you know it, the night is getting darker.

But not only are the sects and factions not tired, but the more they talk, the more energetic they become, and there are many noisy people with red faces!

What's more, I have secretly tried it.

Only some immature Taoist boys with superficial knowledge yawned and drowsy.

Seeing that more than half of the meeting was over, Fu Luan took advantage of his free time to stand up, cupped his hands and said:

"Fellow Taoists, the poor Taoist priest is the master of the Fuluan Temple. Dare I ask you, fellow Taoists, if you have any insights into the method of avoiding nightmares?"

Most of the big Dharma conferences just glanced at them, ignored them, and continued with the previous topic in small groups.

Only two or three Taoist temples came up in response.

"Fellow Daoist Changqing, if you ask about the method of entering dreams, I have heard some tricks..."

These Taoist temples were politely introduced, and upon closer inspection, they were all Taoist temples near the county town of Qingshui, and they were not large in scale.

The method of entering dreams is also very shallow.

The Master Fuluan listened with a polite face, but sighed in his heart, this talk of experience is meaningless.

After thinking about it, he said loudly again:
"Fellow Taoists, please listen to Pindao's words. Pindao's visit is not only to celebrate the Yunji Festival, but also to respect the will of the patriarch to find a nightmare method! I hope that fellow Taoists will not hesitate to enlighten you.”

The sound fell, and the open-air ceremony was quiet for a while.

"Dharma is not taught lightly, Taoism is not sold cheaply, teachers are not on the way, and doctors do not knock at the door. Even though the tradition of ghosts and immortals descending from ghosts is thousands of good, how can we let us deceive teachers and destroy ancestors to exchange Dharma for each other? Fuluan Temple Lord, don’t bring this up again!”

The Master of the Shangqing sect said loudly.

The words seem to be praising the technique of ghosts and immortals, but they are actually attacking the view of Fuluan.

The reason why he opened his mouth was obviously because the Shangqing sect was good at warding off nightmares. The old Taoist Fuluan once went to the door to seek Taoism, but was thrown out.

"Thank you for your kindness! It's just that the world's orthodoxy originates from Sanqing. One life is two, two is three, and three is endless. We only have..."

The old Taoist Fuluan replied euphemistically, and even tried to refute one or two.

In fact, if he is put on the label of "deceiving masters and destroying ancestors" by the Shangqing sect, even if there are sects who are tempted, they will die because of people's words!

The master of the Shangqing angrily scolded: "How can we allow sorcery to be filthy when talking about metaphysics?"

"As the saying goes: All the gods and generals of the heavens do not possess the body of a living person. If they possess the human language, they are definitely demons, heretics, and unrighteous ghosts. How dare you use such a sorcery in exchange for a law?"

An angry reprimand made the old Taoist Fu Luan's face stiffen suddenly.

Xuanyun Daotong behind him pursed his lips, clenched his fists, and glared!

Only hopeful life, a look of ignorance.

It's just that it's really annoying to watch the Master of the Qing Dynasty!

"Fellow Daoist, this is an open-air Dharma meeting, please put aside disputes over orthodoxy and sectarian differences!"

Hong Mako, the master of Yunji Temple, said loudly!

As the host, he is obliged to maintain the basic order and face of the participants.

"Fellow Daoist Hongzhen, please forgive me. It is true that this Fuluan old Taoist has searched everywhere since he entered Yunji Temple, looking for the way to enter the dream, and he did not hesitate to exchange Taoism. , bewitching the hearts of the people, vain incense!"

The master of the Shangqing Temple clasped his hands, his eyes were not friendly, and he looked at the Fuluan Temple as if he was looking at mouse droppings.

If you ask the Master of the Shangqing Temple why he became so angry?

There is a reason for this.

In other words, if this Fuluan Temple has not entered its gate, it will be fine.

As a result, not only went to the door to seek Taoism, but also exchanged the skill of ghosts and immortals, which is tantamount to denying the Taoism of Shangqing in disguise.

How can this make the Shangqing Temple bear it?

"Why do fellow Taoists say that? I am looking for the technique of nightmares, and it is also to relieve the nightmares of believers!"

Master Fuluan's old face was flushed, and he dryly made an excuse.

Xuanyun Taoist next to him heard this, his little face turned red with anger, and he wished to shout on behalf of his teacher:

——What does Patriarch doing things have to do with you?

It's just that after the incident at the Qingshui County Wei's mansion, he no longer dared to speak presumptuously, for fear of causing trouble to his master.

"Really? How did the poor Taoist hear that the Patriarch Guiguan threatened the county magistrate with a headless ghost? Do you really think the Daolu Division doesn't know about this?"

The Master of Shangqing sneered.

The Daolu Department he mentioned is the yamen that the imperial court manages the Daomen.

Of course, it is said that it is a yamen, but it is actually self-government.

Basically controlled by the famous sect, directly under the National Defense Division.

"Enough! It's a good open-air ceremony, why talk about these bad things?"

Palace Mistress Qingwei suddenly stood up, angrily reprimanded.

If you ask him why he is so furious?

But the headless ghost was created by Chong Shizi, a disciple of Qingwei Palace. It is not on the scale, it is not four or two. Once on the scale, it may weigh more than a thousand catties!

This is also the root cause of the death of the county magistrate of Qingshui, which has kept the court silent.

Everything was quelled by Qingwei Palace's mediation.

"Okay, don't say a word!"

The Lingbao temple master stood up, smiled and cupped his hands and said:

"The master of Fuluan Temple seeks to relieve the nightmares of the believers, and I can give you a few of the disaster-relief talismans enshrined in the Pindao Temple!"

The old Fuluan showed gratitude on his face, and he cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Master Lingbao, for giving me the talisman!"

The tense scene, after Qingwei Palace's angry reprimand and Lingbao Temple's smoothing, finally eased up.

"Fellow Taoist Fuluan, there is a technique called Taixuan Entering Dreams in Pingdao. This method can understand dreams in dreams and enlighten Taoism in dreams. Is Fuluan Guanzhu interested?"

At this moment, another Taoist priest stood up.

If you look closely, you can see that it is the leader of the Wuzhen sect who is holding the top three tiger monsters.

Hearing this, Shang Qingguan was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, so he snorted coldly, sat down on his buttocks, and was too lazy to say anything.

Old Taoist Fuluan was naturally ecstatic when he heard the words, he threw all his grievances behind him, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said:
"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Wuzhen, for not hesitate to change the method!"

"Don't be in a hurry to thank! If you want Taixuan to enter the dream method, poor Taoists don't pay attention to the art of ghosts and immortals, just ask for one thing from fellow Taoist Fuluan!"


Old Taoist Fu Luan's heart skipped a beat.

Wuzhenpai raised his finger, and with his index finger and middle finger together, he pointed at the ignorant demon boy Wangsheng.

"Pindao wants this ghost baby!"

The audience was stunned when the sound fell, and then looked at the civet cat in the arms of the master of the Wuzhen faction, and suddenly realized it!

Look at that Fuluan ghost watching boy, with a confused look on his face, obviously he is not deeply involved in the world.

If you ask for it and cultivate it carefully, it will be a ghost fairy sent by the Taoist temple in the future!
"Musheng is my little uncle, don't sell it!"

Xuanyun Daotong, who was holding back his anger, became anxious and shouted loudly, while looking at his master with an aggrieved face: "Master, they bully people!"

Old Taoist Fuluan hurriedly reprimanded him: "Shut up, don't talk too much!"

"Fellow Taoist Wuzhen may have misunderstood, this is a poor Taoist brother, how can we trade?" Fu Luan explained with an ugly face.

He didn't believe it, Wuzhen faction didn't know this!

"Pindao just heard that the method of finding nightmares is the idea of ​​the patriarch of your sect. Why don't fellow Taoists Fuluan ask for instructions?"

The head of Wuzhen faction glanced at Taoist Xuanyun, and said calmly.

Old Taoist Fuluan froze when he heard the words.

"Hahaha, Wuzhen is old-fashioned, you are holding the Sanjia tiger, but let the Fuluan ghost show up, isn't this difficult for the strong?"

The Master of Shangqing burst out laughing.

The person who is eaten by the tiger is the ear of the tiger and the ghost!

Patriarch Fuluan is a ghost and immortal, so he is naturally afraid of the tiger, just like he fears the immortal.

"Friend Wuzhen, if there is a deal, please discuss it after the Fa Conference is over!"

Yun Ji Guan Hong Mako opened his mouth.

Not wanting to, Fuluan old Taoist suddenly said: "Xuanyun, Fuji invites immortals!"

 [Master readers, don’t worry, the grades of this book are not good, but it’s not too bad either, if you can write it down, don’t worry about eunuchs. 】

(End of this chapter)

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