Chapter 208 Epoch-making Fengming (There is another update, today)

Apprentices are very popular, which is of course a good thing.

Moreover, now she is sought after by both the Dao of Heaven and the Dao of Humanity!
Two rays of golden light merged together.

It is rare!

Ordinary people are probably not qualified to distinguish such divine light.

But it is undeniable that for Fengming, this is an indescribable honor.

Master Wan Mu's heart also let go a lot!

"Qing Shuzi, you just said that senior brother Fengming is concocting alchemy for me these few days?" Lin 800 million asked his senior brother.

Qing Shuzi nodded, and said with certainty: "Yes, Senior Sister Lingqiu told me personally, so is it false?"

Although Senior Sister Lingqiu just nodded her head at the time, it is not much different from what she said herself!
Lin Rizhao looked at the golden divine light falling from the sky, and couldn't help feeling: "As expected of Senior Brother Fengming, I knew he would be able to do it."

"It's just that I never expected that senior brother Fengming would make such a huge noise for me. This is really surprising and touching!"

"But, brother, we can keep a low profile!"

Just to make my lost legs grow back, brother, he actually put in so much effort...

The scene is too grand, I, Lin Rizhao, am really flattered!
At this moment, he didn't feel any depression in his heart any more, and roared angrily: "From today on, I, Lin Rizhao, will protect the human race forever, and I will definitely not disappoint Senior Brother Fengming's great love for me!"

This is Lin Rizhao's inner declaration, and it is also a promise!

At this time, Feng Ming in the practice room suddenly smiled.

"It looks like it's a success!"

In order to be able to successfully complete his work on alchemy, Feng Ming racked his brains and exhausted his energy.

Finally, he successfully developed his own melting pot: Creation No. [-]!
"Although the name doesn't sound like an ancient rhyme, I think it's very appropriate."

First of all, the current alchemy furnace can only refine Shengsheng Huadan.

Because Feng Ming didn't start from alchemy, he was very unfamiliar with elixir. Fortunately, he had the guidance of the senior paper, so that he made up his knowledge and mastered the alchemy of "Sheng Sheng Hua Dan".

It may be very difficult to master the refining of the second elixir in a short period of time.

"But don't worry too much, because I have already considered the possibility of future expansion and left the structure."

Although he has never written code and worked as a programmer, he also understands that scalability must be reserved when writing programs, so as to meet the needs of continuous development in the future, so as to be able to sacrifice a higher level of automation.

"Of course, I didn't expect that, just by refining a pill furnace, I was able to obtain the merits of humanity and the merits of heaven. What a surprise!"

After Feng Ming sighed, the elegant paper senior appeared beside him.

His eyes fell on Fengming, who was shrouded in golden light, and then he said seriously: "Little friend, it doesn't surprise me at all that you have obtained this merit. Even when you proposed this idea, I thought Already have a hunch!"

"This is already an epoch-making move."

Feng Ming immediately asked: "Huh? Senior, is it really that exaggerated?"

"I just feel like I'm just doing something small."

To be honest, he is at most carrying over the previous idea of ​​mass production, that's all.

However, in this way, Feng Ming seems to have grasped some patterns.

At this time, Senior Paper Chip said with a smile: "Little friend, don't be modest, you must understand that in today's prehistoric world, the method of alchemy has not been widely passed down."

"Although there are many prehistoric creatures today, most of them are dominated by monster races."

"Little friend, do you know the biggest difference between the monster race and the human race?"

Fengming: ... I can answer, do human races look better?
Sure enough, the real seniors will always ask you questions directly when you don't know it. This is really fatal!

Fortunately, Senior Paper Piece did not wait for Fengming to answer, and continued to say: "Yaozu, they are born with special characteristics, and the promotion of Yaozu revolves around their own bodies."

"Even for the top monster races like Dijun and Taiyi, they have gone to Taoist Ancestor Zixiao Palace to listen to the sermon, and they have come into contact with the prehistoric top magic, but their battles rely more on their own bodies."

"Because their bodies are strong enough to develop terrifying supernatural powers, they don't pay much attention to learning."

"Even if I went to listen to Taoism, I still hope to use Taoism to expand my physical advantages and self-supernatural powers."

"And the human race, as a representative of the Dao body, will really study and explore the Dao."

"This is the root of the luck of the human race!"

"It's a pity that because the time of the human race is too short, although the three religions have passed down the Taoism, most of them are still fighting for survival. It is destined that it is impossible to spend too much thought on alchemy and weapon refining."

When Senior Paper Chip said that, Feng Ming immediately understood.

As the so-called principal contradiction determines productivity!

Why later, the human race was able to let a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend?
That's because in the later stage, the human race has definitely become the protagonist of the prehistoric world, and there is almost no survival and death oppression by foreign races.

Once your life is stable, you will naturally be able to develop other aspects.

But in today's prehistoric times, the Three Emperors have not yet emerged, and the Five Emperors have not yet been determined. The main problem that most human races need to face is still two words - survival!
Therefore, in order to urgently resolve the contradiction of "survival", even though human race qi refiners already have their own civilization, they still pursue the direction of improving combat effectiveness.

Not many people, like Feng Ming, specially choose Ye Luzi for development.

That's right, whether it's crafting or alchemy, for the mainstream of the human race today, it's Yeluzi.


Senior Paper Pieces continued:

"Little friend, in this era when both weapon refining and alchemy seem to be bleak, you directly opened up this kind of method of batch automatic alchemy and tool refining. It's really amazing!"

"Really, I am very impressed!"

Fengming: ...Ah, isn't that a serious statement?
Senior Paper, you are a top boss, if you praise me so much, I will float up.

"Okay little friend, let's accept the rewards from Heaven and Humanity with peace of mind!"

"By the way, I want to record your current picture as a souvenir, okay?"

Feng Ming: ... Big Brother Honghuang, actually have this habit of taking pictures as souvenirs?
At this time, he suddenly had another good idea!

"Our chat group is actually quite powerful, but what if we can go one step further?"

PS: On the 29th, it will be updated after 2:00 pm, with 5 updates on the basis.In case there is a leader by chance between today and the 29th, 10 more updates will be added (normally updated these days)
(Personal suggestion, no reward required)
(End of this chapter)

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