Chapter 31 A small red envelope is not a tribute (thanks to the book friend for the big red envelope!)

Feng Ming patted his head helplessly, then stood up.

He smiled bitterly and sighed: "I'm sorry, Senior Kuanglang, I really didn't mean to snub you, hahaha..."

No way, who would have thought that the things given by the senior fraudsters would be so good.

Really fragrant, really fragrant!

"Oh? Your body is so relaxed!"

I hadn't noticed it just now, but now I realized that my body was so light.

"The spirits are completely full, and..."

Fengming moved his arms, and then his whole body changed!
"The whole body has also become more... stronger."

This is not that the body becomes stronger, thicker, or bigger, but simply full of strength.

Same body shape, same physique, same weight, but the strength is improved.

Moreover, the degree of improvement was so exaggerated that he felt scared himself.

Feng Ming continued to sense it, and said: "When I exert my strength, there is still a burning heat flowing, as if there are flames flowing in the muscles."

"I think that I am now a small sun."

Is this also the benefit brought by the Sun Xuanling Qi?

Feng Ming pondered for a moment, then suddenly smiled:
"Forget it, don't study this anymore, anyway, I'm not a big boss who takes the route of physical sanctification."

After all, Feng Ming has never had the idea of ​​"fighting against the Holy King", he just wants to do what he likes, that's all
At least for now, it seems that this is definitely not a bad thing. It is more convenient to work with more strength, isn't it?

"However, my control over the Sun Spirit Fire has indeed increased!"

As soon as his mind moved, the sun spirit fire jumped up and down at his fingertips, changing into various forms according to his own mind, such as:
Spirit birds fly high, fireflies dance lightly, tigers prey on food...

Very agile!

"If the Sun Spirit Fire has mastered this level, then my ability to sacrifice treasures will definitely improve even more!"

"Ah, I was actually under a lot of pressure to help the brothers who participated in Qiushou to upgrade their magical weapons, but now it should be very easy!"


An Nai suppressed the joy in her heart, and Feng Ming's Yin God entered the chat group again!

This time, he didn't even go to climb the stairs, and directly clicked on Senior Kuanglang's private message first.

As for himself, he went to his new "studio" to familiarize himself with, organize, and clean.


Click on the private message.

【"Baoyou, I want to ask you to do me a favor. I will let you know the details. Thank you, Baoyou!"]

"Ask me... for help?"

Feng Ming was taken aback for a moment, is he helping like last time?
Kuanglang's senior knife, who do you want to bet against again?
And this time, he even specially sent a red envelope, so polite?

"Let's see what Kuang Lang's Dao senior wants me to do first, and then order red envelopes."

If it's something I can't help, wouldn't it be embarrassing if the red envelope is accepted again?

The point is, if I have to resend the red envelope to Senior Kuanglang again, my mental strength will be drained again!
Click on the private message and read it carefully.




"Senior Kuanglang, you actually want me to refine... a batch of magic weapon-level chopping knives. What is the purpose of this...?"

Forgive me for being stupid and unable to understand the intentions of the seniors.

Logically speaking, everyone in the chat group is a boss!

Just like Senior Kuanglang himself, he can casually create a spirit formation, benefiting him a lot.

"According to the level of Senior Kuang Lang, it must be very easy to refine weapons by yourself?"

Then why ask me to help?

"However, Senior Dao of Kuang Lang spoke earnestly, and even used words like 'must', 'begging', and 'grateful', so of course I have to help!"

Elder Autumn has prepared a lot of materials for himself, if it's just for refining magic tools, it's obviously enough.

"It just so happens that I still have the low-end version of the real fire of the sun... so I can try its excellent performance on the refining device."

It's decided, do it!
"However, let's go to the group first to see if Senior Kuanglang is messing with other senior Baoyou again!"

Master's "Stability of Words" said that no matter what you do, you must understand the cause and effect, so as to ensure that you will not offend others inadvertently.

If you help Senior Kuanglang but offend other precious friends, then the loss outweighs the gain.

It's not that I, Fengming, look down on Senior Kuanglang, it's because there are still super treasured seniors in the group who can be called fellow Taoists with Master Tongtian!


"Hey, the it so quiet?"

Feng Ming was surprised!
Baoyou didn't come out to speak?

what's going on!
"Is it because of the administrator, Senior Hunyuan Wuji?"

The floor at this time still stays in the direct farewell words of several treasure friends such as the sword of the emperor of heaven!
So, the answer is obvious.

What is the origin of this Hunyuan Wuji senior?

Fengming was very curious.

However, practicing Master's "Stable Words" all the year round has made his mind very mature.

So he suppressed this curiosity very easily.

"Forget it, at least I can be sure that Kuang Lang's Dao senior has not clashed with other Baoyou seniors during this period of time."

In this case, I can work with peace of mind!

Go and reply a message to Senior Kuanglang first.

The current Fengming, although sending red envelopes will still drain his energy, but sending private messages is not at all.

Of course, Feng Ming didn't dare to try to take the initiative to initiate the private chat that Senior Tian Ji Mo Luan Shuo communicated with him last time.

Grand Master of Artifact Refining: "Friend Kuanglang, I'll take care of this matter."

Remembering the teachings of senior fraudsters, although I respect Senior Kuanglang very much in my heart, I still removed this honorific name when chatting.

Now think about it, the emergence of the title Baoyou is also a manifestation of the wisdom of the seniors in the chat group.

After Feng Ming said a word, he was ready to go to work.

The image of the senior mad wave is in black state, it should not be online.


"Uh, you replied so quickly?" Feng Ming was surprised, Senior Kuang Lang didn't go to Kuang Lang, but actually dived in the chat group to become invisible!
Kuanglang's Knife: "Thank you Baoyou for your help. Although this matter is small, it is very important to me. I am really grateful for Baoyou's willingness to help."

Grand Master of Artifact Refining: "It's okay, it's just a matter of raising your hands."

For the current me, it is indeed a piece of cake to apply Senior Kuanglang's philosophy to magic weapons!

Kuanglang's knife: "Baoyou's power, I admire you very much."

Feng Ming: ...I always feel that the senior is mocking me, hey...

Kuanglang's Knife: "Although Baoyou's red envelopes are not many this time, it is my heart, Baoyou, please don't dislike it!"

"Okay, I won't disturb Baoyou anymore."

"After Baoyou is finished, you only need to send it to me in the form of a red envelope, thank you very much!"


Feng Ming waited for a while to make sure that Senior Kuang Lang would not send any more messages, and then he thought:
I really don't understand why such a powerful person would be so polite because of a batch of magical artifacts!
"But since it has been confirmed that there is no risk in doing this, it will be easy to handle!"

Feng Ming immediately went to open the red envelope.

"Although Senior Kuanglang said it was a small thought, but for a rookie like me, their little thought is something I can't expect!"

Tianji don't talk nonsense about the meeting ceremony of the seniors, it is the incomparably precious "Sanqing Shangdongxuan Zhenlingbao Miaolu Outline"!

The Heavenly Emperor's sword treasure friend also gave a total of 900 innate spirit patterns as a gift.

Feng Ming thought in his heart: "I don't know what Senior Kuang Lang gave me, but it would be great if it was an innate spirit pattern!"

Why are congenital spirit patterns so precious?

Because, its effect is too great!

As we all know, there are congenital spiritual treasures and acquired spiritual treasures in Honghuang.

However, after reading the research and exploration of the predecessors, I found that the power of the Houtian Lingbao can be infinitely improved!
There are several common ways to improve Houtian Lingbao:

First, condense merit and turn it into a treasure of merit.

The disadvantage is that the power of merit is extremely precious. If ordinary people obtain merit, they would like to merge into their own body to protect themselves.

Second, use more powerful acquired materials to enhance the spirit treasure. For example, someone who is powerful can directly use the bones of the ancient demon god to integrate into his spirit treasure, which can immediately increase the power of his spirit treasure!

The disadvantage is: those with weak cultivation may die before seeing these materials, and those with heaven-defying cultivation may not be able to use them.Moreover, these materials are not easy to find.

Third, the day after tomorrow rebels against the nature!

And what will be used here is the innate spirit pattern, the innate god pattern, and even the innate dao pattern!
As we all know, there is a definite number of innate spiritual treasures in the prehistoric world, which is the number of 360 five-week days.

However, up to now, how many innate spiritual treasures are there in the prehistoric world?
More than half of the innate spiritual treasures were actually shattered in the beginning of the sky.

And the innate spirit pattern came from this!

Of course, those complete innate spirit treasures can also separate the innate spirit patterns.

What Feng Ming didn't know was that some of the treasure friends in the group were used to bet, and this was where the innate spirit patterns came from.

Dozens to hundreds of innate spirit patterns are actually insignificant to them.

Just like the hair on the body.

However, if it is the innate divine pattern, then you have to pay a little attention, especially the low-rank innate spirit treasure.

And if it is the innate dao pattern, it will already affect their own existence!
Above the innate dao pattern is the innate god forbidden.

That is even more important!


Feng Ming smiled and opened the red envelope.

Well, although it is just a small thought, it doesn't matter, even if it is not the innate spirit pattern, I, Fengming, will not dislike it.


 Thanks to the book friend: book friend 20220830093342524 for the big red envelope.

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(End of this chapter)

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