Chapter 6

"Brother is so focused now, it is definitely impossible to find me, hehe..."

At this moment, Lingqiu has a guilty but playful smile, and her bright eyes are like half crescent moons.

Tiptoe past, like a kitten.

When she just came out, she saved a hand and didn't close the door, just in time to see her senior brother through the gap.


Under the light and shadow, the senior brother sat cross-legged on the futon.

The Guhong Sword lay horizontally between his knees.

"Senior brother is so serious, it seems that he has encountered a problem."

"However, from this point of view, senior brother is really awesome, cold and solemn, extraordinary bearing, and extremely serious."

"Hmph, as expected of the senior brother I trained."

Ling Qiu has always firmly believed that the reason why the senior brother is so outstanding is because of his "strict training".

However, repairing the seventh-grade magic sword is really difficult.

"Senior Brother has worked so hard to make money, I have to find a way to help Senior Brother..."

But, how can I help?

There is a way!
Find Master.

Of course, it would be best if the master passed by "unintentionally" and happened to point out the senior brother.

"It's time to arrange a wave."

She didn't realize at all that the senior brother's mind had already sunk into another world.


After the mysterious dark void, the light curtain chat room appeared again.

"No, it's a typo to say that. It should be said that I entered here again."

"Compared to the last time, this time when I came in, it was really much smoother."

Feng Ming compared the two entries.

Last time, after I chose 'yes', I immediately felt dizzy.

It was as if he had been directly stuffed into a black hole.

Then, the card is rubbed hard between the gears.

Finally, to this piece of the world.

But this time, it felt like an elevator.

A huge interface was presented in front of him.

On the edge of the interface, there are red dots.

Obviously, this is the unread message prompt.

"However, don't rush to read the private message now, let me verify it first."

He sank his mind and felt carefully.

"That's right, my spirit is indeed gradually dissipating."

If you compare your spirit to a small pool, the water in the pool is leaking out bit by bit.

Of course, the water droplets are not fast, so I didn't notice it at first.

"That's a good thing, though, because every time the water leaks out, my pond actually gets bigger."

"Okay, let's take a look at the private chat."

Click to open.

It is different from the chat tool in the previous life.

The private chat is not a dialog box, but a nihilistic figure appearing in front of him.

Obviously, there is nothing between him and the other party, but it seems that there is a starry sky and a long river separating him.

As a rookie, Fengming is very self-conscious.

After all, last time due to embarrassment, he didn't even say hello and was forced to go offline.

He found that if it is a private chat, you don't need to use your mind to send text, but can directly realize the function of "voice call".

That's not bad.

And the moment the private chat was established, Feng Ming knew that the other party was "Tianji, don't talk nonsense".

To be able to take such a name, the other party is definitely an expert!
Definitely a great senior.

Feng Ming didn't dare to neglect, and said respectfully:
"This junior met Senior Tianji, I was really embarrassed last time, this junior went offline without even saying hello."

Well, let's not talk about the reason why I was forced to go offline because of lack of energy. After all, it is not a glorious thing.

A gentle and honest voice came.

"Hehe, my little friend, my full name is Tianji, don't talk nonsense, but it's not Tianji. As for the sudden offline last time, don't worry about it, who hasn't got an urgent matter yet."

Fengming thought in his heart: Xiaobaoyou...if I delete the last word, I will become Xiaobao.

Time is not forgiving, in a blink of an eye, I, Fengming, am already a few dozen years old and can still become Xiaobao.

However, the name of this senior is too lofty.

If I don't call the other party "Senior Tianji", should I call "Senior Nonsense"?

Of course, there is nothing wrong with shouting the whole process.

Every time I typed out the full name of the senior, I could add a few more words.

The only problem is that my mental power is limited, and it is very difficult to get the word count.

After all, although chatting directly in private, it seems that the consumption of mental power has been at least halved, but I am still too weak.

Fortunately, this senior is really considerate.

He smiled and said, "Little friend, you can call me Lao Mo directly."

Tucao returned to Tucao, Feng Ming hurriedly said: "Thank you, Senior Mo, for your consideration and understanding. By the way, Senior, why are you calling me?"

The other party didn't answer directly, but said with a smile: "Little Baoyou's personality, but I like it in the poor way, gentle and honest, and polite."

Senior's praise made Fengming very happy.

"Your temperament is somewhat similar to that of Renjiao."

Senior Mo could tell that Feng Ming was not surprised at all.

Not to say that everyone who teaches their disciples is a good person, but their general style is like this.

As the saying goes, Taoism follows nature.

The method of practice will subtly affect a person's personality, at least his expression form.

According to Feng Ming's understanding, if he is a disciple of the Demon Sect who cultivates the magic way and cannot control his mind well, perhaps he would say hello:

"You bum, why are you looking for DIE? Do you want oil cakes?"

Well, that's probably the style.


At this time, Senior Mo has asked again:

"The old man would venture to ask, did little treasure friend come from a human education?"

"Of course, it's not convenient for Xiaobaoyou to say, and it doesn't matter. After all, the rules of our group are not to inquire."

Feng Ming smiled, and then said very sincerely:
"It's nothing, the junior is indeed a disciple of the Renjiao."

Fengming replied very calmly.

It doesn't matter if you just reveal that you are taught by others.

After all, if there are no accidents, we will have a long time to get along with each other in the future.

When chatting, even if you don't deliberately reveal your own information, the characteristics of the disciples of the Renjiao will be very distinct.

Instead of waiting for the senior to measure it himself, it is better to say it directly.

Otherwise, it would seem petty.


Fengming felt that it was very normal.

But this senior Mo is not normal at this time!

"He said, he is a disciple of the Renjiao!"

"Yes, the word he just used was...disciple!"

This mysterious old Mo is very surprised at the moment!
"So, is it true that I recruited the wrong Baoyou?"

I, Old Mo, can actually do such stupid things.

"Uh, this is embarrassing. Obviously, I sensed that a new junior Baoyou who met the group entry requirements was born, and the direction and location should not be wrong."

"The person who should have been summoned should indeed be the little treasure friend from the Renjiao lineage?"

"How is this going?"

(End of this chapter)

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