eldest son of Ming dynasty

Chapter 408 Zhengde 1st, No Fear of Four Barbarians!

Chapter 408 Zhengde I, fearless of the barbarians!

Yang Yiqing of Guyuan Mansion also heard the news that Zhou Shangwen, the general of Datong, went deep into the grassland and defeated the Wanhu tribe.

The moment he heard it, the three words Zhou Shangwen weighed a little more on his heart.

A year and a half ago in the battle of Huamachi, Zhou Shangwen led his army to fight to the death with the Tatar Huosai tribe. At that time, he and his brothers were all brave,
Sure enough, it won't be long before it will shine like this.

At that time, Yang Shangyi also served as the deputy chief soldier (deputy general) of Datong Mansion in Datong, and the [-] elite cavalry were also under his command.Although Yang Shangyi was considered brave, he would not be afraid if the Mongols really came to fight, and he would guard Datong all the year round, let alone make any mistakes, but he always felt that he was a little bit worse.

This may be the difference between ordinary people and famous generals.

Zhou Shangwen was a powerful general in the mid-Ming Dynasty.

He began to show his prominence during the Zhengde period, and gradually rose to a high position during the Jiajing period, and continued to fight in Datong, Xuanfu, Yulin, and Guyuan, defeating the Mongolian cavalry many times without encountering failure.

Moreover, Zhou Shangwen really beheaded the son of the Great Khan of Tatar, and even killed two of them.

During the Jiajing period, the Tatar Khan Ji Nang attacked Daming, Zhou Shangwen led the attack, and Ji Nang's son, Ten Kings, was beheaded by him.

Later, Ji Nang's younger brother, I Da, succeeded the Great Khan and came to fight against the Ming Dynasty.Zhou Shangwen is already seventy, and he still goes to the battlefield.

An elder brother of the Ten Kings, named Manhanbai, was very brave and resented Zhou Shangwen for beheading his younger brother, but he failed to take revenge and was shot down by Zhou Shangwen instead.

Basically, the two generations of Ji Nang, I Da and his son have not been well-loved by Zhou Shangwen.

But Zhou Shangwen has a bad relationship with Yan Song, and likes to fight with civil servants, so the political environment he lives in is actually not that stable.While fighting, you have to take care of the back.

However, it is not false to say that Emperor Jiajing is smart. He knows who can do things and who can't do things, who can fight and who can't fight, so he ignores slander and always relies on Zhou Shangwen.

When Zhou Shangwen died, Emperor Jiajing refused to give Zhou Shangwen a pension according to Yan Song's words. This matter was not resolved until Emperor Jiajing's son.

It means that Jiajing doesn't love and trust him too much. If he likes him, with his intelligence, he can't know Yan Song's abacus.After all, this person is easy to use, nothing more.

Use it when you are good, and dismiss it if you are not good!

And Zhu Houzhao remembered this name to some extent, so he noticed these three words when he first saw these three characters on the student list of the military academy.

Later, he was promoted several times.

Moreover, Zhou Shangwen has an advantage among this group of warriors, that is, he "studied since childhood, and he has a rough understanding of righteousness".

In fact, he is a military member and a hereditary commander.I don't know which muscle has moved, but I have been reading since childhood.This way it's easier to get promoted.

Up to now, the two wars have made the traveler Zhu Houzhao feel the happiness of holding a famous general!
Zhou Shangwen also appeared earlier than in history, but it is early, he is already 32 years old.

In contrast, Yang Shangyi, who entered the emperor's field of vision earlier and had Wang Yue as his intermediary, also had Xiaosheng, but he rarely surprised the emperor.
Although the position of a general in Gansu is not low, but if the situation continues, it may be that Zhou Shangwen will be the commander-in-chief next time the army goes out, and he will be in the tent of Zhou Ziying.

Yang Yiqing didn't care what Yang Shangyi thought, as a courtier, the first thing he had to do was to write memorials and submit them to the capital to congratulate the emperor.Then, he still wrote back a letter to Zhou Shangwen,

The Ming cavalry went out of the fortress, and Gansu also responded. They also led troops across the Great Wall to share the pressure for Zhou Shangwen, but they didn't go far and the results were not many.

Either way, it's a collective effort.

Furthermore, Zhou Shangwen's suppression of the fraud was also part of the re-construction, and the three-year suppression of the fraud was a major event that had always been on his head.

The Hetao area and the "several characters"-shaped map of the Yellow River have been hanging in his Governor's Mansion.

The part in the upper left corner of the characters is the south of Yinshan Mountain, which is the so-called Houtao. At the beginning, the Huozhai Department was stationed there for herding. After the battle of Huamachi, he retreated far away, almost turning over Yinshan Mountain and heading north. But that's not really a duplication.

Because the Fire Screening Department still belonged to Dayan Khan in essence, and the two of them were still related, after the Fire Screening Department's strength weakened, they lost their hearts and belonged to Dayan Khan more thoroughly.

In other words, the main force of the Tatars is still there.

However, there were only a few elite cavalry in the Ming Dynasty. At this time, they went to the Hetao Plain to reclaim land and grow food. What is this called?Store food for the enemy?

Fortunately, Mingjun was in power, giving money and food, and giving people horses. The two battles can be said to have shaken up the situation in Tatar, and the reconciliation has become closer.

In the 18th year of Hongzhi, the Battle of Huamachi weakened the power of Dayan Khan's fire department.

This time the Ming army went north to the Great Wall, defeated and subdued a group of right-wing Wanhu,
As the saying goes, step by step, what is left is the [-] left-wing households led by Dayan Khan himself, and the two right-wing [-] households who are alienated from him.

However, the little prince is not an ordinary person. In two years and two battles, the obvious change in Ming's military strategy may bring about his reaction.

On the way back to Beijing, Zhou Shangwen was reading the letter from the elder Ge and the governor of the three sides, Yang Yiqing.

But he fought the Tatars on the grassland several times, and his self-confidence has already been cultivated.

In comparison, the one next to him was even more uncomfortable,
Coming to the Daming capital with such an identity...

He glanced at Ma Rong, who was on the side of their team.

After he surrendered, he gradually realized that it was this guy who had a bad idea and forced him to kill Urus Borot, making him unable to return to the grassland.

"Xuan, Datong Commander-in-Chief, Zhou Shangwen has an audience!!"

In today’s capital, the autumn is crisp and cloudless. The Forbidden City under the blue sky seems to become clearer in sight. Rows of guards stand erect with guns. Get up again.

"Xuan, the leader of the Mongolian Yongxiebu Tribe will not assassinate you either!!"

Zhu Houzhao sat facing south in the Fengtian Hall. Today he is wearing a bright yellow dragon robe and a black gauze winged crown. Although he is as immature as a white-faced niche, he sits on the dragon chair in the main hall and looks forward with lingering prestige.

This is the emperor with real power, with civil servants, military generals, factory guards, and his mother's money in his hands!

At the end of the stairs outside the hall, Zhou Shangwen's figure rose step by step until his feet were exposed, and he walked steadily into the Fengtian Hall. Behind him were two lieutenants, as well as Ye Busha and his cronies, a total of five people entered the hall.

On such an occasion, a big salute is required, Zhou Shangwen lifts his robe and kneels,

"Zhou Shangwen, the commander-in-chief of the Minister Datong, was ordered to suppress tricks, and was ordered to go out. Thanks to the emperor's blessing, he defeated more than a thousand enemies and returned in triumph!"

Zhu Houzhao was naturally happy, but he would not be so indulgent, and it was not irritating to look at that with some curiosity in his eyes.

The Fengtian Temple in the Ming Dynasty also ushered in the leader of a Wanhu tribe.

Not to mention Han Chen's concept of "looking directly at the emperor is disrespect". Instead, he looked at the emperor several times, thinking in his heart that this man is a man of great talent and grandeur, and he has the style of his ancestors. Children are average.

It is no wonder that Zhu Houzhao is 15 years old after all. If the ministers who have been in contact with him all the year round may gradually get used to his mature personality, but those who are new to him will see that he is a child with delicate skin on his face.

This made him feel unspeakable.

Little kid!
"A daring lunatic, to go so far, dare to see my emperor and not kneel?"

Lin Han from the Ministry of Rites has spoken so loudly for the first time since he entered the court.

The corners of Zhu Houzhao's mouth curled up, showing a slight smile. This is not the time to talk about equality and friendship, so he doesn't speak.

After Lin Han finished speaking, some courtiers in the hall were dissatisfied.
Several voices sounded, and they didn't stab the old man, no matter how awkward he felt, he could only kneel down to the young emperor,

Seeing him leaning down, Zhou Shangwen breathed a sigh of relief.

"The leader of Yongxiebu is not stabbed, he has met His Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty!"

Zhu Houzhao could tell that the old man with a gray beard made this gesture because he was under the eaves and had to bow his head.

"Your Majesty!" All the courtiers of Ming Dynasty were jealous and began to enumerate Yong Xiebu's crimes. It is useless to rob tens of thousands of people, cattle and sheep, and I ask your majesty to kill this man! Sacrifice to the spirit of the ancestors and avenge the blood of thousands of my people!"

"My minister agrees!"

"My minister agrees!"

"Your Majesty, please behead this person!"


Zhu Houzhao did not suppress these voices at the beginning, and it was difficult to suppress them. Daming and the Tatars have blood feuds. Only those with some foresight and wisdom know how to make rational choices, but most people are not rational people.

In addition, these Tatars must not really be submissive, so it is useless to treat such people just to show weakness and curry favor, and sometimes let them see the Han people's murderous vigor.

Instead of making him grateful, it is better to let him fear, because his understanding of fist is far more than Enyi.

After fermenting like this for a while, let the voices dissipate by themselves,

Only then did Zhu Houzhao speak, and he asked Zhou Shangwen first, "Zhou Aiqing,"

"Wei Chen is here!"

"Dayan Khan's second son, did he really die in this battle?"

"Return to Your Majesty! It's absolutely true!" Zhou Shangwen said firmly, "There are many people in the Yongxiebu tribe who know this person, and they can't be wrong!"

"it is good!"

With his reply, Zhu Houzhao felt more at ease,
As for whether he was killed by an assassin, as the emperor, it is not suitable for him to ask on this occasion.After all, that method is not elegant.

"At the beginning of the year, the imperial court decided on a strategy to suppress the trap. At the beginning, I never thought that Aiqing would have such a result. Since ancient times, the sages have said that meritorious deeds must be rewarded, and demerits must be punished. This is the way of rewards and punishments! Today You have made great contributions to the imperial court, and I wish you to add the crown prince Shaobao and the title of Minister of the Ministry of War, and you will still be in charge of everything in Datong. You will be named General Dingguo of Ming Dynasty, and you will also lead [-] elite cavalry!"

In the Ming Dynasty, Zongbing was already a great military officer.However, when Zhu Yuanzhang made the order, there was no order for the rank of the general army, but General Dingguo was a military officer of the second rank. This is recorded.

However, the Ming Dynasty valued literature over martial arts, and at the level of the second rank, if he made another meritorious service, he would be granted the title of uncle.

However, the duplication was not really successful, and it was a bit premature to confer a title at this time.But he was a military exploit after all, and he also "captured" a leader back, so he gave his prince Shaobao.

Among them, the span of Prince Shaobao is not small, but the emperor likes it and has credit, so it is actually not too much.

At least it's better than those preaching officials who haven't made any achievements.

The rise of Zhou Shangwen's official position in the past few years is really terrifying. The emperor's love for him this time is probably comparable to that of Gu Liqing.

"My lord, Zhou Shangwen thanks His Majesty! Long live my emperor! Long live long live!!"

"Free of courtesy. Mr. Li Ge, Mr. Xie Ge,"

"The old minister is here."

"Since Zhou Yanzhang, the soldiers who go out to the war must be rewarded according to the law, and the soldiers who died must be well compensated, especially those who are seriously injured or disabled. Make statistics and take care of the aftermath. The imperial court has raised so many redundant officials, can't they free up some seats to support these people?"

Hearing this, Liang Chu of the Ministry of Officials bowed his head. The issue of redundant officials is actually one of the government affairs, and the emperor often brings it up to talk about it.

"The Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of War must participate in this matter together, Jin Gui."

The attendant set up a small table and sat in a small corner on the side. Hearing the emperor's voice, he left the table and bowed his hands.

"Remember this matter."


From the corner of their eyes, Wang Bing and Liang Chu saw Jin Gui's brush moving.

The setting of the Zhengde Emperor's attendant room is really unique. On the one hand, it cultivates trusted officials, and on the other hand, it puts the reins on the ministers.

As long as that note is written down, even if you make up a lie, you have to give an explanation to the emperor. As long as you make up a lie well and can deceive you, then that's fine.

But it cannot be without the following,
One month or two months have passed, and there is no memorial of the result of the process. Then the emperor will definitely call you into the palace. If the time comes and you can't say anything, are you afraid?
Zhu Houzhao also stood up, and he said: "Da Ming won the victory. Of course, generals like Zhou Yanzhang should be rewarded, but every soldier must not forget it. It doesn't mean that we sacrificed less and achieved great results. Losing hundreds of lives is the most important thing." It doesn't matter, no one can ignore it!

Back then, Mr. Wang Xiangmin had a bad reputation because he was considered an eunuch. When he went out to fight, I didn’t say that as long as I was there, those who fought for Ming would not be able to escape the enemy’s bright arrows. And can't hide from the back arrows of his own people!

I am determined to restore the great martial arts of Taizu and Taizong, and revive the glory of Ming Dynasty. Today's victory is worth celebrating, but dear friends, we still have a long way to go.From today onwards, Daming will prepare for a greater victory. Some people may say that I am very happy, but I don't care!What I care about is that no one dares to invade Daming again!Masanori I, no fear of the barbarians! "

These words were spoken in front of civil and military officials in Fengtian Palace.

The point is that all the past has proved that this is not a young man's empty talk, he can really do it.

This is the ambition of the emperor.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!!"

All the officials knelt down one after another. They were all well-read poets and books. Since ancient times, how many emperors have such ambitions?

At this time, it seemed a little abrupt.

As the victor, Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty, when he turned his head and looked at the defeated general, it always made others feel that he was looking down.Emperor Zhengde didn't even care about those little details that Yibushi was entangled with.

With hundreds of thousands of soldiers in hand, I still care if you surrender to me from the bottom of your heart?No need, you can be rebellious in your heart and surrender on the surface.

"No, I won't take your life since you surrendered. You can ask for anything. But you must understand what I mean by surrender."

The emperor's voice came slowly, full of majesty.

"Please ask the Emperor Ming to clarify."

Maybe it's the environment, maybe it's the words of Emperor Zhengde just now, or it's hard to just treat him as a simple and immature child at this time.

"The so-called obedience means obeying my orders and not rebelling. As long as you do this, I will ensure that you and your tribe will enjoy peace!"


Wrote until 11:51, more than 4 words... correct the typo again, the time is up

(End of this chapter)

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