eldest son of Ming dynasty

Chapter 462 National Hero

Chapter 462 National Hero
"These are from Baoding Mansion, Zhending Mansion, and Hejian Mansion..."

In the value room of the cabinet, Mr. Xie Ge arranged the memorials one by one and placed them in front of Li Dongyang.The burning incense on the desk kept wafting, without any sound.

Li Dongyang was also silent. He stood up with his hands on his hands, glanced at Xie Qian, and looked around the value house.

As more and more memorials for the distribution of land in various places were issued, the matter was getting closer to the end, and it was time for him, the chief of the cabinet, to retire.

Because of the division of the fields, there was already a rift between him and the emperor, and this kind of rift would be constantly exploited.Even if you don't want to leave yourself, you will be driven away eventually, so why bother if you end up feeling disgusted by yourself.In short, the current emperor will not let the decapitated old man be decapitated and leave no bones, so it is good to go quietly.

In particular, Wang Jia has also been ordered to enter the cabinet.

"In two days, I will submit my resignation to His Majesty." Li Dongyang's voice was a little impure, as if there was a mouthful of phlegm in his throat that could not come out, "Now that I think about it, when I wanted to buy sweet-scented osmanthus and carry wine with me, I never thought about it. Time passed so quickly."

"What about Jizhi's proposal, what do you think?"

Wang Jia proposed that the two of them, like Liu Jian, still govern a place and benefit the people.This passage should have come from the mouth of the emperor.This shows that the emperor still agrees with the two of them.

Li Dongyang is still grateful to the emperor for the fact that an old minister who is about to retire can have such an ending.

But whether he was like Liu Jian, he still hesitated.

At this time, an inner eunuch came to the door and said: "Ge Lao, the letter from Qianqing Palace, Your Majesty has left the palace this morning, and I don't know when he will come back. I told the two elders not to wait, and came back when the next duty time came." The government will do."

Li Dongyang and Xie Qian didn't react as strongly when they heard this now, they were just a little stunned, and then they seemed to accept it helplessly.

"Have you brought enough manpower?" Xie Qian stepped forward and asked.

"Hui Ge Lao. Bring it, and most of the Shenwuwei have gone out."

Meeting such a powerful emperor, the two of them probably can only worry about it.In the court hall tomorrow, of course, some censors will submit some memorials, but the emperor will ignore him.

If so, each will live in peace.

If he wants to make it bigger, the emperor will not let him.

This is how it is now between the monarch and his ministers.

Just like Emperor Taizong's five expeditions to Mobei, many ministers also stopped them, how could they stop them?
As Ge elders, the reaction to this is so weak, which seems to indicate that they should leave.

"Understood, you go down." Xie Qian waved his hand, and then walked to Li Dongyang, "Wang Jizhi's words will not be groundless, His Majesty will definitely agree. We are so favored by the country. As long as the emperor still trusts me, I think You can listen to it. Mr. Xi Xian has a good reputation in Shandong, isn't that what we people are looking for?"

Xie Qian is willing, and Zaigong is the truth he said-reading sages' books, seeking people's affairs, and there are precedents like Liu Jian.In private, he still has his second son Xie Pi in the attendant's room.

However, Li Dongyang has lost his son and daughter, so far he has only one adopted child, and he himself has reached the age of obedience.After Liu Jian left, he was not completely comfortable as the chieftain, because Zhu Houzhao's purpose of being the emperor was not to make him happy.

So after several times of tossing, my heart is somewhat dry.

This is an inevitable thing. Since ancient times, it has not been easy to be a courtier of a powerful monarch.

"Yu Qiao, since we assisted His Majesty, I have experienced so many things that I understand that Daming does not lack a me, nor does it lack a you. What is really indispensable is the emperor. With the emperor, the two capitals of the Ming Dynasty, the thirteen provinces, and any province are chaotic. No. Your Majesty’s retention of Mr. Xi Xian is to achieve the reputation of being a wise monarch and virtuous minister, and we may leave behind the bad name of being greedy for power and position.”

"Why is it notorious?"

"Occupying one position is a good reputation, but isn't it bad reputation to occupy positions one after another? In the future, will all the veterans who have served in the court go to various provinces as governors?"

Xie Qian couldn't deny it, and it's really hard to say clearly about the things in this world.



There will be cicadas screaming in the forest in summer. In the feudal era, officials thought they would call their servants to drive them away, which was actually a kind of embarrassment.Zhu Houzhao hadn't heard of Zhu Houzhao's past life and present life together for decades, so he felt a sense of intimacy.

The girl named Wang Zhi in front of her should be a few years older than him, but her brows are still in her boudoir, but she can control and direct Wei Ningbo to say many words that are in line with the holy will, this is not an expert What is it?
"Mr. Wang Xiangmin used to say that he doted on a granddaughter, so it was you, right?"

Wang Zhi nodded, "Grandfather treats his offspring the same, but the little girl was naughty at the time, pestering the old man, grandfather couldn't bear to punish him, so he coaxed me everywhere."

"You have no position in the court and no security, and you don't receive a salary. Later, I know that you have contributed to the matter of Shuntian Mansion's people and herdsmen. I owe you a favor."

"Your Majesty is serious. The Wang family relied on the grace of the king to be granted the title of Wei Ningbo. The little girl enjoys glory and wealth because of this. This is all His Majesty's grace."

There is no need to mention these scenes.

Zhu Houzhao asked: "I remember I told Uncle Wei Ning to do the farming work by himself. Why did you still bother you later?"

Wang Zhi raised her eyelids, she seemed to want to say something, but her red and tender lips were pursed, as if she didn't dare to say it.

Zhu Houzhao is not a stupid person either, as soon as he rolled his eyes, he thought that this kind of smart person probably made such an expression on purpose.

Anyway, if you are not in the palace today, the rules should not be so strict.

"Speak up if you have something to say."

Wang Zhi stood up and lowered her head, "The civil chaos that His Majesty wants has already happened, so naturally I don't want it to continue. Otherwise, my brother will always be guilty."

Zhu Houzhao's index finger trembled inadvertently.

Liu Jin's face also changed, "Presumptuous!"

How dare you say that the emperor is 'wanting civil unrest'? !

Wenningbo was also taken aback.Immediately stood up, kowtowed and said: "My sister was raised in a deep boudoir, and I don't know the etiquette before the emperor. If my words are inappropriate, please forgive me."

"Liu Jin."

"The servant is here."

"Who told you to talk too much? Take the others away and wait. Don't you, a crap guy, keep interrupting!"


Liu Jin had no choice but to say, "The servant obeys the order."

"Wenningbo, you get up too, let's go along together."

These are honest people, and they will do whatever the emperor calls them.

Liu Jin turned her head three times at a step, as if she was reluctant to give up. It was not until the emperor waved to him again that he took Xu Guan and took another ten steps.

In this way, only the emperor and Wang Zhi were left in the pavilion.

The summer wind blew slightly, blowing her soft black hair fluttering, blowing up a green leaf and falling on the stone table, Zhu Houzhao picked it up and played with it, and said at the same time, "What you say bears a big responsibility, if you say No, it’s terrible.”

Wang Zhi continued: "Your Majesty is doing this for the benefit of the people. If the people are not chaotic, how can we let the civil and military officials know that Zhuangtian has to be divided?"

Zhu Houzhao frowned slightly. So far, only this girl is right in his thoughts.

"How did you come up with this idea?"

"Because my brother is stupid, and at that time the government was fighting openly and secretly for the treasury's money, which involved how many counties the people and herds had withdrawn. His Majesty would not ask my brother to do such a thing. Unless...

...Unless His Majesty himself wants a bad result.However, if His Majesty does not do well, it does not mean that there will be continuous civil unrest in Beizhili, so my brother can no longer make mistakes. "

Wang Zhi was also puzzled for a long time, especially when the emperor asked Wang Xuan not to let anyone teach him.This is obviously a very strange thing.

Which emperor doesn't want his courtiers to get things done?

It would be another thing to say if the emperor was stupid, but Emperor Zhengde was obviously deep-minded and extremely intelligent, so there was no other reason to explain it other than deliberately asking Wei Ningbo to mess things up.

It wasn't until later that the court began to talk about the distribution of Zhuangtian on a large scale, and she finally figured it out, and found out that many things in the court were all under the emperor's control.

"It's a pity." Zhu Houzhao licked his mouth and shook his head, "You are a daughter."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your praise."

Zhu Houzhao couldn't help laughing again when she said this, "There is no one around here, but I can tell you. I am proud that I am different from many emperors in the past three generations. Your daughter is a problem, but it is not a big deal. What I mean is pity, I feel pity for Wang Xiangmin, who has fought many battles in his life, but no one can inherit his mantle."

In the past few days, he has been thinking carefully. If there is such a capable person, of course he will use it.

It is time for the country to employ people.But how to arrange it is really going to test him.

Of course, the girl's own opinion must also be considered.He can somewhat grasp a man's ambition, but he is really not sure whether women in this era have that will.

"Grandfather is over seventy years old, and it is a great honor for His Majesty to know and get along with him. If Grandfather can be 20 years younger, Your Majesty does not have to feel sad about it."

There was a 'rustling' sound in the woods, and Zhu Houzhao's gaze fell into the distance. When I really think about it, it's really a pity.

Wang Yue went to the fortress three times in his life, and he fought with the Mongols countless times. He attacked the Weining Sea by surprise and chased the Black Rock Cliff, all of which defeated the Tatars.Right now he has decided to restore the Tao as a national policy... In fact, the Hetao area was recovered during the reign of Emperor Xianzong, and Wang Yue fought the battle.

Therefore, he was also a famous general who was knighted by three literati in the Ming Dynasty.

Fortunately, one Wang Yue and one Wang Shouren left.

But right now, when the relationship between Daming and Tatars is tense,

Zhu Houzhao thought of another point, "Grand Wang Xiangmin fought for the country against foreign barbarians. His meritorious deeds were not only written in the history of the Ming Dynasty, but also in the annals of the Han people in the Central Plains and Chinese descendants for 3000 years. This has nothing to do with the war. In the [-]s, the generals in the civil war between the Han people were different.

Just like Huo Qubing, Xue Rengui and Yue Fei back then.Even though Li, Tang, Zhao and Song have become history, as Chinese people, we should pay homage to such heroic souls from generation to generation!Generals like them can be called national heroes! "

He had a thought in his heart, to truly confess these generals who fought abroad, on the one hand to shape the national character of the Han people, and on the other hand, it was also part of the current Ming-Mongolian War.Because sharp is sometimes more than just a weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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