eldest son of Ming dynasty

Chapter 495 Capital Master!Capital!

Chapter 495 Capital Master!Capital! (one)

Zhu Houzhao is afraid of heat, and the means of cooling in this era are really limited, so every summer will be a bit difficult, and this year is even more so, because the development of the war affects his heart.

So far, he has allocated millions of taels of silver, and the military supplies and rations have flowed continuously to various armies. Various expenses including the departure fee have turned spending money into a numbers game.

Even so, everything has not stopped.

The Twelve Regiment Battalion in the Beijing Camp took another 50 taels of silver, which was used to recruit and replenish the vacancy left after the elimination of personnel.In addition, after the intensity of training is increased, the military salary also needs to be increased, otherwise it will be hard work, and the salary of the [-]th Regiment Battalion is less than that of Shangzhi's personal guards, which will easily lead to problems.

In the past, the twelfth regiment battalion was easier than Shangzhi's personal guards, and that's all.

Now that the war is at hand, Zhu Houzhao is not a miser, he is the emperor, and the money spent can be recovered.So he agreed to this after a little discussion with his courtiers.

The salary of the [-]th Regiment Battalion is also at the same level as that of Shangzhi's personal guards. It just so happens that the [-]th Regiment Battalion itself is divided into Siwu Battalion, Siyong Battalion and Siwei Battalion.

The imperial decree has already come down, and the silver taels have been allocated to the Ministry of War. The difference is which four battalions become Class A and which four battalions become Class B. The final division is based on the merits of this battle.

If you want money, earn it yourself.


Zhu Houzhao dispatched the battle in the middle,

Not only suppressed all obstacles in politics, but also appeared to be particularly sufficient in terms of money and food.

So far, no army has said that its actions have been affected by insufficient military pay.

This is actually a big difference.

It is only natural that good news came from the beginning.

Zhu Houzhao became more experienced in facing the battle reports, so he ordered the Ministry of War to do two things. First, the rewards and pensions should be done quickly, and they should be sent out as soon as possible.Second, for the generals who are not effective in combat, they must be resolutely taken down, and there is no need to talk about intercession.

The country is at war. As a general, if you can't fight a war, what else can you say?
What stands out are four words: clear rewards and punishments.

This is a very important mechanism. As long as this mechanism is not chaotic, the administrative channels for uploading and issuing are basically smooth, because the blocking points can be removed, and people who are willing to become officials will fill them in.

"Yizhou fought a good battle." Zhu Houzhao praised him in the palace, "This Shandong envoy is worth his life. Go and send a letter to appease him. I'll emphasize it again, I've been watching it all the time." , if you dodge the war, I will not forgive you."

"Yes. Your Majesty has issued several decrees to encourage you. No matter what, you should pay more attention."

Zhu Houzhao snorted indifferently, if this guy fails at this link, he must be beheaded afterwards.

"I'm not being honest. These tactics are full of the style of the military academy, but he said that he thought of them himself. The bureaucratic habit will never change." Zhu Houzhao shook his head.

But let's not worry about this at this time, anyway, he will always promote people from the military academy, and he can't bury those three people.

In front of you, Wang Jia, Wang Bing, Han Wen and others smiled slightly.The emperor is too smart, it is not easy to deceive him.

"Your Majesty, although there was a small victory in this battle, Dayan Khan's main force was not damaged. Report from the front, he is still marching towards the capital, and the marching speed has suddenly accelerated."

"Is he going to ignore it and fight to the death?"

Zhu Houzhao actually understood, "The so-called hero is a person who cannot be overwhelmed by ordinary difficulties. He still has a man in his hand and a horse when he sits down. It is very difficult for a person like Dayan Khan to admit that he has lost."

In fact, many people have faced this situation. If they break free, they will be heroes who created legends. If they can't break free, they can only be crushed into the dust of history.

Wang Bing continued to report, "Your Majesty, I believe that the two guards in Laishui and Liangxiang should be ordered to protect the people with all their strength, to look for opportunities to fight but not to be reluctant to fight, and to protect people and food as the criterion."

There is a mystery in his words, that is, the main purpose is to protect the people.

But no one is good to ask back, after all, protecting the people is a kind of discourse similar to political correctness.

Wang Bing explained by himself, "Recently, I have been thinking about the mystery of encouraging the common people that Your Majesty said, and I have gradually gained something. I think that if the court mainly protects the people, it will kill three birds with one stone. First, It is to protect His Majesty's people to the greatest extent. Second, the officers and soldiers can win the trust of the people by doing this, and the people will further cooperate with the officers and soldiers. Third, the logistics of the little Tatar prince's army are all based on looting, so they protect the people. , is to cut off its food and grass!"

Makes sense.

It makes sense, and Zhu Houzhao will listen, "I'm sure. That's the order. I will find suitable opponents for the main force of the Tatars. The defenders of Laishui and Liangxiang will go to the countryside. !"


"My dear friends." The emperor stood up, "The little Tatar prince is getting closer to the capital, so that there is a sense of panic in the court. In the past few days, people have been playing, saying that if you keep the green hills, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood." Burn, I’m here to explain it clearly today, I’m not going anywhere, I’m in the Forbidden City! I hope all my lovers will fight against the enemy with me! Let’s write good stories together!!”

"The ministers are willing to meet the enemy with His Majesty!"

The imperial decree is issued in the palace,
Jin Yiwei all the way out of the city one after another.

At this time, the capital has been under martial law, and most ordinary people are not allowed to go out except for those with will.Otherwise, the spies can come in and out as freely as they go to the vegetable market, then this battle can't be fought.

Now even if there are spies in the city, at least he must not pass on the news.

For the next two days,

Dayan Khan's march was much faster. Except for the loss of Da Caogu, there was no serious resistance force.

That is, the problem of food is becoming more and more serious.

On August [-]th of the second year of Zhengde, the army flags were flying outside the capital city, and the north wind blew the chill of the battlefield into Deshengmen. Every time Dayan Khan saw this majestic city, he would think of his ancestors who once occupied it and controlled it. The splendor of the world.

He is an ideal offspring.

"The former Yuan Dadu, Ben Khan, finally came back."

"Father Khan, let the son fight the first battle!"

"No." Dayan Khan shook his head, "Let someone tell you first, the army is already approaching the city, if the little emperor of the Ming Dynasty abandons the blockade and resumes trading with each other, Tatar and Ming will live in peace, if he is stubborn and stubborn If it doesn't work, Ben Khan will personally lead the army to attack!"

After finishing speaking, he said to his son, "It's not uncommon for the Ming army to negotiate peace. It's not unheard of in the past. Try it. If it succeeds, it will be good. If it fails, there will be no loss. Bals, you have to remember this, don't I always think about fighting and rushing in everything."


For Daming, no matter what, there was a large army of Tatars outside the capital, and both the common people and the ministers of the court were still very nervous.

There is no certainty about such things as war. What should we do if we are defeated and Tatar soldiers enter the city?
So Dayan Khan's attempt can't be said to be stupid, maybe it will be successful?
In fact, there are quite a few people in the DPRK who want to negotiate a peace, and Zhang Fuhua, the censor of the Zuodu, reported, "The old minister thought that the request made by the little Tatar prince was just a mutual market. It may be possible to strike and stop the war.”

"Maybe it can be done?! Hasn't Zhang Zongxian heard that if the land is a matter of Qin, he still holds the salary to put out the fire? If the salary is not exhausted, the fire will not be extinguished? Today is the exchange market, and tomorrow it will lose the land! Besides, his little prince has tens of thousands of horses. Those who have traveled thousands of miles are only trading each other, so who would believe this word in the world?!"

Zhu Houzhao didn't want to hear them arguing at this time. There was really nothing to be arguing about.

So he coughed and said, "I remember that in the 12th year of Hongzhi, the Tatars used the mutual market as an excuse to invade the border of our Ming Dynasty. At that time, there were courtiers in the court who said that I 'opened a big quarrel at the border'. Forget. Zhang Zongxian and all the people in the court who think that the war can be stopped by trading with each other, listen to me. I agree with the mutual market. But it is not agreed by being beaten!"

"If Dayan Khan is outside the Great Wall and not within the borders of the Ming Dynasty, this issue can be discussed. However, at this time, soldiers are approaching the city, what is this called?! Is it deceiving me that I have no generals who are good at fighting?! I am the master of this matter, and I will reply immediately. Refute him!"

Wang Bing glanced at Zhang Fuhua with a little complacency, "This humble minister takes orders!"


Zhu Houzhao took time to visit the harem to comfort the women in the harem.They didn't understand the situation, and always thought that the capital was besieged, and Empress Dowager Zhang was still worried that the disaster of Zhengtong years would happen again.

This kind of emotion, probably only victory can appease.

August 31, the second year of Zhengde.

Dayan Khan received the reply, and he also scolded him in the reply, and he was so angry that he cursed.

But he also calmly did not go to attack the city immediately. He had to solve the food problem first. After rushing quickly, he had already noticed that the looting of the army this time was far worse than before, and he had to solve this problem.It just so happened that the Ming army hid inside and couldn't come out.

It was Ma Yiqian in the barracks who kept talking about losing, so Dayan Khan asked someone to tie him up and gag him.

He said to his subordinates in a rather imposing manner: "Since we have arrived here, we will decide the outcome on the battlefield. We can't be like this Han who is more timid than women! All the men in our grassland are true warriors!! "

(End of this chapter)

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