510. Chapter [-]

The value of the cabinet is located in the east of the Forbidden City. From Yongle to Zhengde, the status of the cabinet has been steadily rising. In real history, when Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty, that is, during the Jiajing period, because Xia Yan and Yan Song were successively in charge of the cabinet, their status began. Comparable to the prime ministers of the past, the power can also firmly suppress the six departments.

Fortunately, so far, there has been no single prime minister, and the number of cabinet members has been maintained at around three.In fact, Emperor Yongle initially set up a cabinet, the number of which ranged from three to seven.Therefore, the emperor stuffed Yang Tinghe in, but it can't be said that there is any problem with the etiquette system.

He entered the pavilion with the sacred order of promoting sweet potatoes, even Wang Bing has always regarded himself very highly, and he dared not neglect too much.

Yang Yiqing didn't express much. When he saw Yang Tinghe greeted him, he said calmly: "The cabinet is not big, so I just choose a place to sit down. Serving His Majesty, self-restraint, self-denial, and honesty are all in my heart. I don't need the old man." Let's talk about it. From now on, we will be in the same cabinet, and His Majesty also attaches great importance to the sweet potato. If there is a need, the three of us can help."

"Thank you, Elder Ge, for your care."

In the past, the most important task of the cabinet was the drafting of votes, which was to write one's opinions on paper and then paste them on the memorial.Later, it was transferred to the emperor by the supervisor of ceremonies.

It was just passing through this hand in the middle, which highlighted the status of the supervisor of ceremonies.

The size of power sometimes depends on the distance between you and the emperor.

Zhu Houzhao knew such a hidden danger, that is, if the king of later generations was lazy, he would hand it over to the eunuch to approve the red.

But so far, he still retains his position as the supervisor of ceremonies.

The balance between internal officials and external courts is also an important aspect.If the supervisor of ceremonies is suppressed as much as possible, one day the civil servants will climb on their heads to defecate and urinate, and the emperor will cry when he tells Tian Tian not to answer.

And since last year, because the so-called "major affairs" need to be handled by the cabinet boss, the cabinet has an extra job besides drafting.

It is to make arrangements for major affairs. If there is a problem, the following will respond to it, and they will study and solve it together.

Although holding a meeting is a very annoying thing, when a matter involves many departments, holding a meeting is indeed an effective way to solve the problem. Everyone sits down together to explain the cause of the matter and feasible solutions.

Only by organizing such research and discussion meetings from time to time, the cabinet members can know the progress of the matter and the current problems well when Zhu Houzhao asks.

"Your Majesty is acceptable to 'don't know'. But what is unacceptable is that you don't even know who you ask... These things, Jiefu should have heard of them before, so naturally it is not a problem. Then besides His Majesty, there are still have……"

It was Wang Jia who was reminding him, and indicated Yang Yiqing's position with his eyes.

Wang Jia is considered older here. He is 58 years old this year, four years older than Yang Yiqing, and nine years older than Yang Tinghe.But who made Yang Yiqing the first to join the cabinet among the four of them.

When Yang Yiqing was in charge of the horse administration in Shaanxi, his methods were quite drastic, such as smuggling. He caught one and dealt with the other. The treatment here is basically ransacking the house or beheading, otherwise how can such a messy place be suppressed.

To a certain extent, Yang Yiqing is stricter and less sympathetic than the emperor.

It is a completely different style from Li Dongyang and Xie Qian back then.

Now he is the head of the cabinet. According to the rules, the remaining three people should belong to his management.That is to say, if what he did made Yang Ge dissatisfied, it would not work.

Yang Yiqing followed the direction pointed by Wang Jia, looked at Mr. Yang Ge who was at his desk annotating, and understood it in his heart.He was in the court, so he didn't hear any rumors.

"Thank you, Mr. Ji, for your suggestion."

During this process, Wang Bing did not speak, but greeted each other with him.

After sitting down, Yang Tinghe didn't know what to do.

The main emperor's requirement for him is two words, sweet potato.But for such a new thing, the officials below don't even know about it, so naturally there will be no memorials.

After a while, three or four eunuchs brought a lot of books. Yang Tinghe checked from morning to night, during which time the other three court elders were very busy, and Wang Jia left for a while to go to Qianqing Palace, probably for something.

Yang Yiqing only glanced at him a few times, but didn't speak.

On the second day, Yang Tinghe couldn't sit still by himself, so he walked over and said, "Mr. Yang Ge, I have checked some ancient books and materials, and I really haven't seen any records about sweet potatoes or similar sweet potatoes. I think that this Sitting in the cabinet will not make any progress, so I thought about going out, choosing a place first, and then discussing the method of promotion with the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry.”

"But, it's good for Jiefu to do it."


Yang Tinghe turned to leave, and lowered his head when passing by Wang Bing, "Old Wang Ge."


Wang Jia is not in the cabinet value room, but in the newly opened room next to it.

In addition to the value room of the cabinet, three new rooms have been added, which are all arranged in the style of receiving guests, with a few chairs and tables, and they are discussing things now.

He is in charge of contacting the Ministry of Households, the Shaofu and the Ministry of Industry. This involves a major matter, road construction.

Generally speaking, the elders of the pavilion give each other face. For example, although Wang Jia is not responsible for contacting the Ministry of War, if the specific matter involves the Ministry of War, he can also notify them to send someone over, and unless the Shangshu is called away by the emperor and the chief , otherwise Shangshu will also come.

In the same way, the other two people can also call the household department in this way.

Ge Lao and Ge Lao will not blush on this matter, after all, they need each other, today I beg you, tomorrow you have to beg me.As long as it is not the core issue, even if some work is arranged and a little effort is made, it will be fine.

For example, if the Ministry of War is disobedient, Wang Jia can go and talk to Yang Yiqing.

So the people below don't like to make trouble to this extent easily, why bother?If you can't hide and can't hide, if you really can't, people can still find the emperor.

Unless there is a good reason for the refusal, wouldn't it make the emperor feel that you deliberately made things difficult for others?
Now Wang Jia has summoned three top leaders from the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Shaofu, and the Ministry of Industry to discuss matters.

The reason is that Zhang Cong, the magistrate of Shanyang County, Huai'an Prefecture, made a performance. On the road from Huai'an Prefecture to Yangzhou Prefecture, some government officials withheld wages, causing the engineering team to complain. The engineering team hired ordinary people from the local area.

If the common people couldn't get the money, they kept suing the officials.But Shanyang County is not responsible for building this road, which is what the court wants to build.The officials sent were not officials from Shanyang County either. He was a county magistrate who was in charge of the sky and the land, but he couldn't control the head of the Shaofu.

However, many ordinary people don't understand the difference at all. What Shaofu and Shanyang, aren't you all government?A nest of snakes and rats, what difference can it make!
Zhang Cong, a county magistrate, was afraid after hearing too much about this kind of thing. If something happened, he would be guilty even if he was innocent, so he handed over memorials one after another.

He Jian, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, said: "...Many of the people who built roads were originally kitchen households. After the salt farm auction last year, kitchen households were unwilling to engage in salt production and would rather be hired to build roads. Now that the road construction is not successful, the resentment in my heart is hard to vent, the people's grievances are so huge, if something happens, it will cause a lot of disaster."

This is also understandable, if nothing works, it means that there is no way out.Put it on everyone's head, who is not in a hurry?

So Wang Jia cares about this matter.

The emperor is now a matter of personal responsibility, and road construction is a major matter, which is under his jurisdiction. If something goes wrong, it will inevitably be a crime of negligence.As an emperor's teacher, with a clear reputation and far-reaching reputation, he didn't want to let this shit happen to him.

"Liqing, the plan for the memorial in Shanyang County has not yet been drafted. What I want to do is to discuss a solution first. You are dedicated to the country and work hard. Don't let the group of people below be deceived. The money allocated must be paid. Find out which layer was deducted."

"Elder Ge, don't worry, since someone reported this matter, the lower officials will definitely pay attention to it."

"What about other sections. Apart from Huai'an Mansion to Yangzhou Mansion, other sections should also have this kind of deduction of wages?" The Minister of the Ministry of Households said Han Wen with hatred, and he knew the greed of the subordinates best.

This way, it is easy to find a nest case.

This road, which connects the two capitals along the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, has allocated no less than 400 million taels of silver.

The reason why the imperial court had to spend a lot of money to do such a thing was, of course, to build roads on the one hand, and on the other hand, it wanted to return the silver taels obtained from the people to the people as much as possible.

In other words, it is to be given to the people.

If these silvers are intercepted in large quantities at the level of officials...

"Let's check it out." Wang Jia felt that to be on the safe side, he sent someone to check the whereabouts of the silver and sort out the situation. People, come and investigate with the Shaofu. Otherwise, we will not be able to explain it when the time comes."


Wang Jia looked at the bill in his hand again, and he had made up his mind, but Wang Bing was involved in the sentence, so he still wanted to say hello.

From his heart's point of view, it's best not to be too serious about being greedy for ink. It's impossible to completely eradicate it, but he doesn't know to what extent the people below will do it.

On the other side,
Yang Tinghe knocked on the door of Meng's father and daughter.

He originally wanted to choose a place first, but he felt that sweet potatoes were a fresh crop. He didn't know exactly how to plant them or where they were suitable for planting. Easy.

Of course, this is not what he cares most about.

At that time in Qianqing Palace, many people did not dare to ask more questions.

Now it's different...

"Your Majesty has given me this task, and the burden is extremely heavy. But there is one thing that I haven't seen with my own eyes, and I still can't fully believe it. Brother Meng, you can't lie to me. This sweet potato can really be produced by mu. Thirty stone to forty stone?"

Meng Qiuzhong lowered his head, "How dare a villain lie in front of the emperor and the boss. The villain saw with his own eyes overseas that his mu yield is about this amount, and this matter cannot be faked."

"That's really God bless..."

(End of this chapter)

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