Chapter 66
On the playground, students in twos and threes are throwing snow to play.

This is really not much fun for southern students in winter. It's too cold in the classroom, so it's better to run outside to keep warm.

After seeing Xiaogua's hearty smiling face, Fu Chengque's mood improved a lot.

But right now she was sitting motionless in her position, her head tucked into her clothes, like a cat, holding her hands.

Seeing her appearance, Wen Yu felt that he was also very cold.

"Get up and move around, shrinking like this, be careful that it will grow crooked in the future."

"I don't. Even if I become a tree with a crooked neck, I won't move!"

"Is it that cold?"

"December, winter, snowing, why isn't it cold?"

"Bartcherinsky once said that the first 20 years of life are a pile of dead leaves, while youth is the ignition point, and we can turn into a fire at any time to burn the world."

Fu Chengque's soul shook, "It makes sense, it's so philosophical! It's so passionate, I like it! Who is Bashski?"

"I made it up, and the Chinese teacher taught it. If you can't write famous quotes in the composition, just make it up."


Fu Chengque took out his hand, and was about to beat him with a fist.

Just at this moment, someone outside the classroom called their names.

"Wen Yu, Fu Chengque, Chen Ban asked you to go to the office."

Wen Yu glanced at Fu Chengque, and the girl showed an expression of "I'm going to die": It's impossible not to get up now.

When the two arrived at the office, Chen Ban was writing something.

Wen Yu knocked on the door, looked at Fu Chengque's cowardly appearance, and stepped in first.

"Mr. Chen, are you looking for us?"

"Come on, close the door, don't let the cold wind in."

Chen Xiongguo got up to take two cups of hot water and handed them to the two.He also filled the yellow teacup with hot water, carefully held down the tea leaves, and took a sip of the hot tea. The old man's complexion turned rosy.

"take it easy……"

"Teacher, I'm not nervous." Wen Yu said.

Chen Ban choked, and glared at Wen Yu, "I didn't mention you!"

Fu Chengque quickly said, "Teacher, I'm not nervous either."

"Okay, let's get straight to the business. I have two things to ask you: first, the school evaluates the 'three good students' this semester. I have already mentioned the two of you and the other two students; second, each class will organize New Year's Day Lianhuan, I want you two to be responsible for this."

"Teacher, there are so many 'three good students'?"

Wen Yu used to be a marginal student in his class, let alone a "three-good student", he had never seen any awards.

Chen Ban explained: "This is for the school. You can take as many as you want, but you shouldn't have too many. At present, there are 4 students per class. Anyway, don't mess with me during this time, especially you, Wen Yu."

"Teacher, my honesty is obvious to all."

That's right, that's it, it's especially disturbing, it's especially dishonest!Chen Xiongguo thought to himself.

Fu Chengque was more concerned about the party, "Mr. Chen, do you have any requirements for the New Year's party?"

"There is no requirement, each class can do its own thing, and the fee will be paid from the class fee. You can just communicate with Li Yi."

Immediately rush away after speaking: "Other things are fine, go back to class."

The two returned to the classroom just in time for class, and when the second break came, the three of Xiao Gua couldn't help but huddled together.

Fang Ling asked: "Orange bird, orange bird, why did Ban Chen ask you? You won't be discovered, will you?"

"Tell us about the evaluation of the 'Three Good Students', and then there is a New Year's Day party for us to organize..." Fu Chengque suddenly reacted, and reached out to pinch Fang Ling's face, "Baba opened his mouth, what to say, what to say Woolen cloth!"

Lu Min on the side was a little surprised, "Did I call you this year?"

"what happened?"

"Last year, Li Yi and I were here..."

"Senior!" Fu Chengque dropped her face and threw herself on Lu Min, "You must guide us! Today's kindness will be repaid in the future!"

"Ah! Orange sparrow don't hug... This matter is not difficult, it's okay, I will help you when the time comes."

Lu Min suddenly laughed, and said mysteriously, "Besides, you won't have to go to class on Saturday."

Xiaogua asked: "Why?"

"Because I need to go shopping." Lu Min explained.

"Go together?"


"A date by order!" Fang Ling said suddenly.

Those four words made Fu Chengque blushed.

She ran to pinch Fang Ling's face again, making various shapes, and threatened viciously while pinching: "I'll tell you nonsense, don't you dare!"

After a few quarrels, when the class time came, a few people dispersed.

Although Wen Yu didn't interrupt, he was listening the whole time.

He looked beyond Fu Chengque's reddish side face and looked out of the window. The snow outside had stopped, and it was white, pressing down on the ground.

Looking up, the sun reveals a tiny corner, shedding a ray of light.This ray of light was imprinted on the snow, refracted and refracted, and kept beating. He suddenly felt that this light should have a poetic name——




After lunch, those who did not go home will rest in the classroom.

Li Yi, the deputy squad leader, was also there, and the two of them went to find Li Yi, and the reply they got was similar to Lu Min's: You can go shopping on Saturdays, and the expenses will come from the class fee. It's not much, but it's enough to hold a party.

Then wait until Saturday.

After dispelling her worries, Fu Chengque began to think about the task again, and she decided to keep trying.

Be bold, student Chengque, this is the tempering of the empress's path, this is the only way to become the king of the world!

"Wen Yu, are you sleeping?"

"I don't have the habit of taking a nap."

"I have something to tell you, you get down..."

As soon as the words were finished, Wen Yu fell his head on the table with a "bang", with a smile on his mouth, and stared at the girl with piercing eyes.

Then excitedly said: "Let's get started, I'm ready!"

With his appearance, Fu Chengque flinched immediately.

But ideals defeated reality, she hesitated, and said shyly: "Turn around, don't look at me..."

"I do not."

"So I can't tell."


Wen Yu sighed heavily and turned his head to the other side.

Then he said, "Just tell me, I just don't want to watch it."


Fu Chengque looked around to make sure that no one cared about them, and the lunch break was not completely quiet, and there were some people chatting, she whispered in a low voice, no one would care.

So Xizizi slightly moved the chair to bring the two closer together, and then also leaned on the table.

When she was ready, she was about to start when she suddenly found that the words couldn't come out of her mouth—it was stuck!

The mouth is about to talk, but the inside of the brain is fighting.

Because, so close, so close!

Wen Yu was too close to her, in order to satisfy the request of "Whisper", she almost posted it.

His hair was close to his eyes, exuding a slight scent of shampoo, and there was a faint smell of washing powder on his body.Ah, there is a spinner on the top of Wen Yu's head, the hair is spinning clockwise, it's amazing.Take a closer look, there is a little Xuan'er next to the big Xuan'er, Wen Yu doesn't even know about this, right?There is a new little secret.


too close!
No, no, no, if anyone passes by, he will know something is wrong just by looking at it.

The girl's heart was beating violently at this moment.

Fu Chengque's head was in a mess, and her face was hot and hot.

She pushed hard with her feet, pushed the chair and herself farther away, then buried her face in her arms, and didn't want to look up when the sky was falling.


(End of this chapter)

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