
A Mitsubishi Viper with a body length of less than two meters, colorful body, and a flat triangular head was floating in mid-air under the control of Han Zhao's true energy.

No matter how much it struggles and resists, it cannot break free.

"There just happened to be a ready-made animal imperial bag, which saved me a lot of trouble."

Han Zhao found two red and three red beast-guarding bags from the warrior's remains, two of which were damaged, and the remaining one was still intact, but the inside was empty and contained nothing.

Judging from the remains of the warrior, he should have been seriously injured during his lifetime, and he probably died soon after returning to the cave.

Because the sitting time was too long, the Mitsubishi Viper in the animal control bag woke up after a long period of dormancy, and broke open the animal control bag.

"I don't know who your enemy is, otherwise, if I have the chance, I can avenge you."

Han Zhao opened the Sumeru bag on the remains of the warrior. There were many porcelain bottles for storing pills and jade boxes for storing elixir, but they were all empty.

There are only two broken spiritual weapons, which have lost all spirituality.

The incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism took the imperial animal bag and left the cave quietly.

"It seems that it is very necessary to learn the art of refining, otherwise the quality of this pill furnace will never meet my requirements, and it will still affect the final quality of high-level pills."

However, because these two lines of divine patterns are condensed by the blood of spirit beasts, the upper limit will be very high.


Immediately afterwards, there was a fine and sharp sound of breaking through the air.

"Yes." The Buddha and Taoist incarnation responded.

Now Han Zhao is not only pursuing the best, he also wants to refine the psychic elixir, otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of the effect of the [Alchemy God is alive] entry.

Soon, Han Zhao discovered a special connection with Mitsubishi Viper, as if connected by blood.

Three more days passed.

At the same time, the dragon totem and white tiger totem appeared, hovered in the void in front of him, and finally attached to his chest.

Han Zhao's heart was awe-inspiring, and he saw the spirit of the Buddhist and Taoist incarnation suppressing and devouring the spirit of the Mitsubishi Viper little by little. He could feel the killing intent and fear of the Mitsubishi Viper.

"Ah this."

Immediately afterwards, a translucent vortex appeared in the void above the heavenly spirit incarnated by Buddha and Taoism.

Han Zhao was a little speechless, but after being licked by the Mitsubishi Viper on his face, he felt a slight tingling and itching.

However, there were more than 100 golden beads left, which was a surprise.

The blood essence circle and mental power submerged into the top of Mitsubishi Viper's head at the same time, deeply rooted in its soul and blood.

Han Zhao withdrew his true energy, and the Mitsubishi Viper fell to the ground and swam towards him, along his trouser legs, all the way up his waist, and finally wrapped around his arm, spitting at him affectionately Snake Letter.

Han Zhao dug a pit to bury the warrior's remains, and erected a monument without words.

Han Zhao was stunned when he looked at the contents of the Beastmaster's Book.

The incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism urged the True Spirit God Control Art, and the Thunder Jiao Totem and White Tiger Totem attached to the body surface seemed to be resurrected, becoming lifelike, hovering behind him.

Then, he carefully checked the beast-controlling book left by this person.

The soul of Mitsubishi Viper was sucked into it, and the third gray and white divine pattern burst into colorful lights in an instant.

The Mitsubishi Viper, locked in mid-air, struggled violently.

He protruded his spiritual power out of the body and poured it into the bronze Beastmaster's Book.

Just as Han Zhao opened the Soul Rescue bottle, a snake-shaped phantom popped out of the bottle, which was the soul of Mitsubishi Viper.

"It's a good thing I have the body protection of the Longevity Art, otherwise the average person would be poisoned after two strokes."

The pages of the bronze-like book were densely engraved with words the size of a pinhole, and it was impossible to consult the contents unless it was checked with mental strength.

Han Zhao took out the alchemy stove from the Sumeru bag, and skillfully started to warm up the stove.

Although Mitsubishi Viper's soul was struggling violently, it couldn't break free and was finally sucked into the vortex.

A roar of tigers and dragons came, and the body of Buddha and Taoism turned into the color of red gold, turning into the body of King Kong.

Like a sharp sword, the innate sharp gold energy criss-crossed his body surface.

After all, the human body has limits, and its digestion ability cannot be compared with that of monsters.

Anyway, Han Zhao wanted to hunt and kill third-level monsters for alchemy, and the flesh and blood of martial arts-level monsters would be a great supplement to the juvenile Mitsubishi Viper.

"This is not much different from the legendary Duoshe."

Han Zhao thought to himself.

On the contrary, it was the second-order metallic monsters, which captured hundreds of them.

"You go hunting monsters, I will continue to open the furnace for alchemy, and condense the third divine pattern here, refining the inner alchemy and soul of the adult Mitsubishi Viper."

In the deep sea cave.

The incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism closed its eyes slightly, with its five hearts turned to the sky, and sat cross-legged on the futon. There was a "crackling" sound from the whole body, and platinum-gold thunder flashed.

"In addition, if you encounter a first-level thunder-type monster or a second-level metal monster, it's best to capture it alive." Han Zhao added, throwing the beast-controlling bag to the Buddha and Taoist avatar.

But in the next second, the divine pattern began to distort and deform, and the roar of the Mitsubishi Viper continued to come from the divine pattern, as if a fierce battle had taken place inside.

"What a strong resistance!" Han Zhao didn't face the spirit of Mitsubishi Viper directly, but felt shocked by the spirit of Mitsubishi Viper through the belief of the incarnation of Buddhism.


The first two totems do not have inner alchemy and spirit, and can only be filled with monster inner alchemy and spirit of the same attribute, so their power is greatly reduced.

Among them, two of the divine patterns are full of rainbow light, and the sound of dragons and tigers can be faintly heard, while the third divine pattern is gray and white.

Han Zhao bit his finger and squeezed out a drop of blood.

As the incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism continued to operate the True Spirit Controlling God Art, the negative emotions in Mitsubishi Viper's soul gradually subsided, and finally disappeared without a trace.

"The addition of this True Spirit God Control Technique to the physical body is still above my expectations. This has not yet condensed the third totem!" Han Zhao felt the powerful aura emanating from the incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism, and was a little speechless.

I saw that this drop of blood was stretched and deformed rapidly under the control of mental power, and finally turned into a precise magic circle.

The advancement of monsters is difficult to say, but easy to say.

It seems that if you want to practice the contents of this book of beast control, at least you need a little supernatural power and a martial sage. Han Zhao has developed a strong interest in the above contents.

At this time, as the soul of Mitsubishi Viper appeared in the mind of the Buddha and Taoist incarnation, the third gray and white divine pattern seemed to have sensed something, and it suddenly swelled up.

Is it difficult to break through the shackles of racial blood, simply because as long as you eat well, you can quickly pass through the childhood stage.

[True Spirit Yushen Jue (Double God Patterns): First Divine Pattern Leijiao Totem; Lei Neidan (600/1000); Second Divine Pattern White Tiger Totem; Golden Neidan (3200/5000); Three God Patterns None; Special Effect: True Spirit Totem]

He turned his attention to the properties panel.

Han Zhao took out the soul-rescue bottle from the sumeru bag and handed it to the incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism.

However, the True Spirit Yushen Jue completely eliminates the hidden dangers of beast soul fighters. At the moment when the monster soul is refined, all negative emotions will be purified. It's getting easier.

At this time, the incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were like lightning.

"It's no wonder that even pure-blooded beast soul fighters will suffer backlash and die when refining the souls of monster beasts. From this point of view, the True Spirit God Control Art is the strongest!"

Han Zhao thought to himself, frequently refining various high-level elixir, the quality of the elixir furnace could not keep up with his improvement in alchemy.

In an instant, the Canon of Beast Mastery glowed brightly, and countless words caught his eyes.

At this moment, the Mitsubishi Viper stopped struggling.

Absorbing the spirits of monsters and spirits is the most critical step, and also the most dangerous step. Many times, the resentment of the spirits of monsters and beasts will remain in the soul. The more monsters absorbed, the higher the probability of becoming obsessed.

One Qi Hua San Qing first level is perfect, he and the incarnation are connected with each other, and can instantly know all the thoughts of the other party, but if the incarnation wants to communicate with his mind, he must get his consent.

"Start to condense the third totem, and I will protect the law for you."

Two months passed quietly.

"This Mitsubishi Viper eliminates the threat of extreme poison, and its actual combat power is only at the level of an ordinary six evil spirits, which is weaker than that of Huo Longteng. From this point of view, even if you get the inner alchemy and soul of the blood mosquito, if you want to use it Refining is not an easy task."

The adult Mitsubishi Viper was mainly dealt with by the incarnation of Buddhism and Daoism. The vajra body protection and the innate yang energy are not afraid of severe poison. Only by experiencing it personally can Han Zhao understand how terrifying the venom of Mitsubishi Viper is.

Han Zhao directed at the Buddhist incarnation beside him and said.

After thoroughly refining the spirit, the Buddha and Taoist incarnation took out the demon pill of Mitsubishi Viper and put it in his palm, and immediately activated the spirit of Mitsubishi Viper in the divine pattern to refine the demon power in it.

The Mitsubishi Viper spit out the snake letter and made a "hissing" sound, and Han Zhao felt its happy mood.

The whole process lasted for three days and three nights!
The monster power in the Mitsubishi Viper Demon Pill is constantly impacting on the body of the incarnation of Buddha and Taoism, but with the King Kong Immortal Art and the Thunder Dragon Totem and White Tiger Totem to strengthen the body, this monster power is completely bearable.

The only problem is that it is difficult to find first-level thunder attribute monsters. It took nearly two months for the Buddha and Taoist incarnations to hunt and kill more than two dozen first-level thunder attribute monsters.

"It seems that you are worth cultivating!" Han Zhao stretched out his fingers and gently poked the rough and hard head of the Mitsubishi Viper.

"Okay." The Buddha and Taoist incarnation said sternly.

At the same time, Han Zhao saw three crack-like textures in the depths of his mind through the mind of the Buddha and Taoist incarnation, which were the three divine patterns condensed by taking the Beast Soul Pill.

More than half of the content in it records the life of the person who created the secret art of beast control, until the last small part of the content is to condense the magic circle through mental power, and then use the blood refining technique to control the monster.

As for the Mitsubishi Viper, it can be fed with 'Feeding Spirit Pill' after it becomes an adult. The recipe for the pill is recorded in the Beastmaster's Collection, but it is only a mid-level pill.

With Han Zhao's current level of alchemy, even if he mastered it proficiently, he would be considered a failure to refine a mid-grade spirit pill.


A 30-meter-long colorful giant python roared upwards, and while it was moving, there were bursts of roaring sounds in the empty deep sea cave.

[Third Divine Pattern: Mitsubishi Viper Totem; Poison Neidan (22000/30000); Totem Special Effect: Corrosion Venom]

"The True Spirit Body Refining Art is really abnormal!" Han Zhao's eyes lit up. The strength of this totem is almost the same as that of the previous Mitsubishi Viper, and it can also improve its strength by refining the monster inner alchemy and soul of the same attribute. It is only a matter of time before the seven evil spirits are consummated.

From this point of view, if he can refine the blood mosquito in the pseudo-supernatural realm, there is even hope that he can be promoted to the supernatural power realm.

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