Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 225 Body of the Holy Spirit!Valkyrie family!

Chapter 225 Body of the Holy Spirit!Valkyrie family! (make up for yesterday)

Han house.

Backyard wing.

Han Zhao held her eldest daughter Han Nianxuan in her right hand and her youngest son Han Yan in her left hand, coaxing the two babies to sleep.

Lu Yingxuan and Xu Ling went shopping with Lu Yi and Zhang Mudie.

Although there are maids and nanny to help take care of the children, Han Zhao, who is a new father, also wants to feel more involved, so he takes part in the battle himself.

"It's really tiring to take care of children, and it's not easy for women!"

Han Zhao sighed.

Babies wake up almost every two to three hours, and then they have to change diapers, drink milk, and put them to sleep.

And it's best to stay out of sight.

Han Zhao can't adjust his breath or do exercises, otherwise he will be interrupted after a while.

Of course, as a martial artist who has completed the six evil realms, it's fine even if he doesn't eat or drink for ten days and a half a month, but this frequent repetitive work is really tiring, especially at night.

Han Zhao looked at the sleeping faces of the two babies with a smile on his lips.

Objectively speaking, it looks wrinkled like a little monkey, but my own child is very pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at it.

"Before Yingxuan and Lingling got pregnant, my Dragon Yin Body had already been upgraded to a Heavenly Dragon Spirit Body. Logically speaking, the two children should also inherit my talent."

Han Zhao's face revealed a look of contemplation. Through the spirit seizing method, he has completely absorbed the dragon's body in Lu Yingxuan's body, and his dragon's body has also evolved into a spirit body.

In addition, before the two women became pregnant, Han Zhao raised Xu Ling's roots to the highest level through Luanfeng and Ming Gong.

Originally, she wanted Xu Ling to learn the Dafa of seizing spirits, absorb part of his roots, and at least raise her roots to super, but Xu Ling firmly disagreed, and in the end the matter was still nothing.

Anyway, Xu Ling's roots have been upgraded to the highest level. With the resources Han Zhao now possesses and his super-level alchemy skills that are beyond common sense, it is not a big problem for Xu Ling to become a saint.

After Xu Ling became a saint, Han Zhao had a lot of ways to make her live to the limit.

For more than 400 years, there should be a way to solve the problem of her lifespan.

Although the Longevity Pill that Han Zhao refined before was not of the holy grade, all four furnaces of the pill were successful, and each furnace had as many as four pills.

Except for the first batch of four, two low-grade pills and two middle-grade pills, the other three batches of twelve life-extending pills contained four top-grade pills and eight top-grade pills.

Lu Yi took three top-quality longevity pills, which increased his lifespan by nearly one sixty years, and the effect was comparable to taking Jiuqu Lingtao directly.

In addition, the 800-year-old blood ginseng sent by Zhao Wuji and Zhao Wuxiu was also refined by Han Zhao into a high-level elixir, Buyuan Pill, which completely made up for Lu Yi's lost qi, blood and essence.

Half a year ago, Lu Yi successfully broke through to the Grandmaster Realm, adding another six years to his lifespan.

Instead, Han Zhao owed the Zhao family a small favor.

However, Han Zhao will not take advantage of Zhao's family for nothing. When he survives the catastrophe of supernatural powers, becomes a martial god, and has the strength to cross the world, he can give Zhao Wuji and Zhao Wuxiu four top-quality life extension pills. This favor is repaid.

"I'm not worried about Yan'er, but Nianxuan's bones won't be affected by the body of the dragon singing and the Phoenix singing, right?"

Han Zhao looked at the eldest daughter in his right hand, frowning slightly.

Now it is very different from the situation in the simulation.

Even if the eldest daughter's physique is also in conflict, he has a way to solve it, but he doesn't want his eldest daughter to suffer as much as Yingxuan.

After all, if you are too young, you will not be able to bear the pain of Seizing Soul Dafa.

Han Zhao now has divine sense, but he can't detect the physique of the two underage babies.

"System, can you check the physiques of Nian Xuan and Yan'er?"

Han Zhao said silently in his heart.

[The current reminder requires an additional payment of 50 gold beads or magic gold. 】

A system prompt appears.

"Such a high reminder fee, is there really a problem?!" Han Zhao was startled.



Han Zhao took out fifty magic gold from the Sumeru bag and recharged it into the system.

[Han Yan——The body of three yangs: super root bones; practicing yang-attributed external skills and internal skills is twice the result with half the effort; practicing Zhiyang skills until the seven evil spirits are perfect, and it is expected to evolve into a nine-yang spirit body. 】

[Three minutes in Hedong, three minutes in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor.Dad! 】

"The following sentence is redundant." Han Zhao's mouth twitched.

Han Yan has super roots, which is not bad.

After all, Xu Ling's roots have only just been promoted to the first class.

[Han Nianxuan - the body of the holy spirit: the top spirit body!After the combination of Tianfeng spirit body and Tianlong spirit body, the spirit body that appears with a very low probability also inherits the advantages of the flawless body;
Naturally, all the meridians are connected, the heavenly meridians are self-contained, and there will be no bottlenecks before the supernatural powers; the practice of any human race can make rapid progress and mastery;
Overcoming the supernatural catastrophe in the source world, it is expected to evolve into an innate holy body. 】

[Young and strong don't charge money, the boss is sad.Daughter save me! 】

"You fucking" Han Zhao cursed secretly: "I said the following sentence is superfluous!"

"It seems that my worries are unnecessary, the body of the holy spirit is really powerful!"

Han Zhao looked at the effect of the Holy Spirit Body and admitted that for a moment, he was a little envious.

Hundreds of pulses are connected, which is the level that normal warriors can only reach when they reach the Ningsha Wusheng Realm.

Han Zhao also penetrated the Hundred Meridians in the realm of the Five Qi Grandmaster.

As for the self-contained Tianmai, this is the most outrageous!
When he reached the Evil Condensation Realm, what affected Han Zhao's cultivation speed was no longer the absorption of evil energy, but the need to condense a heavenly vein in his body every time he broke through a level.

The Tianmai need to absorb a lot of power from the heaven and earth to condense, and even if Han Zhao has both internal and external skills and a strong physical body, the meridians still cannot withstand the scour of the huge amount of power from the heaven and earth.

Of course, his cultivation speed is already extremely fast.

If the Tianmai is self-contained, it means that the eldest daughter only needs to absorb the evil spirit when she reaches the evil spirit congealing state.

Han Zhao practiced so many skills, just like stacking buffs, to strengthen himself in all directions, so as not to let himself have any shortcomings that would affect the success rate of crossing the catastrophe.

This holy spirit body is not only a combination of Tianfeng spirit body and Tianlong spirit body, but also inherits the advantages of the flawless body, which shows that it can also weaken the power of Thunder Tribulation.

"It is not an easy task to overcome the supernatural calamity in the source world."

Han Zhao looked at the sleeping face of his elder daughter and murmured in a low voice.

After finishing speaking, Han Zhao looked at his youngest son again, not to mention the spirit body, he was a little envious of even the Super Root.

When he first came to this world, if he had a super-rooted bone, let alone become a martial god and kill the wealthy family, at least he would not be chased by those people and run around.

Of course, if Han Zhao had to choose again, he would still choose the system.

After all, if you want to become a top powerhouse who runs rampant in the heavens and myriad worlds, how can you do it without cheating?
"Those who know the three cardinal principles and five constant principles, only know the seven blues and eight yellows, oars dropped from round duck eggs, bamboo poles grow empty, and there is no food in the stomach. The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants enjoyed the shade."

Han Zhao hummed and sang that folk saying.

He has already raised his starting point. As for what he can achieve in the end, it depends on the efforts of his children.

"Simulate it and see."

I think so, but Han Zhao still plans to see the future through life simulation.

It is obviously reasonable to simulate it for your own family.


"Simulation." Han Zhao started the long-lost fourth simulation.

[29 years old, your eldest daughter Han Nianxuan and second son Han Yan were born one after another. 】

[At the age of 36, you have reached the consummation of the Eight Demons Realm. 】

[You have raised children at home for seven years. You have used precious medicinal materials to soak your two children in medicinal baths since childhood, and at the same time gave them pills that strengthen the meridians. 】

[In the same year, you started teaching two children martial arts. 】

[At the age of 37, you have broken through to the Nine Shattered Realm. 】

[In just one year, the eldest daughter, Han Nianxuan, reached the breakthrough stage of Qi and blood, and at the same time practiced the formula of health preservation to the first level of perfection. 】

[In the same year, the youngest son entered the bone refining realm for the first time. 】

[You went to Dongshengzhou to participate in the trial of Qiantian Palace. During the trial, you swept away the children of the wealthy family and captured a large amount of "Qiantian Jingqi" and "Tianwai Xuanying". 】

【Afterwards, the two brothers Zhao Wuji and Zhao Wuxiu appeared with the decree of the Heavenly Sage, Dongtian Headmaster, and took you back to the open sea safely. 】

[At the age of 50, you and the two incarnations have both cultivated to the perfection of the ten evil spirits and are ready to cross the catastrophe. 】

[Brothers of the Zhao family advise you to go to Tiansheng Cave to cross the sky, but you politely refuse. 】

[In the same year, Han Yan practiced to the perfection of five qi. 】

[Han Nianxuan has cultivated the Longevity Art to the fourth level, successfully attacked the three evil realms, and is ready to practice the first small supernatural power. 】

[At the age of 55, you began to retreat and attack the supernatural powers. 】

[At the age of 56, you have survived the catastrophe of supernatural powers and become a warrior. 】

[At the age of 87, Qiantian Palace was opened ahead of schedule, and Han Nianxuan, who had already reached the perfection of the ten evil realm, and Han Yan, who was in the seven evil realm, entered it. 】

[The two teamed up to eliminate all the children of the aristocratic families except the warriors. 】

[Han Yan accidentally obtained the Houtian Lingbao Qiantian Junyang Pot in Qiantian Palace, and Qiantian Palace has never been opened since then. 】

[When the two left Qiantian Palace, the envoys in charge and spirit summoners from the wealthy families came to compete for the Qiantian Junyang Pot. 】

【You arrive in time and repel the seven soldiers and spirit summoners with your own strength. The heroes are silent and dare not step forward. 】

[After this battle, Han Zhao's name shocked the world. 】


[One hundred years old, you have cultivated to the perfection of the first level of supernatural powers. 】

[In the same year, Han Nianxuan survived the supernatural catastrophe in the source world. 】

[She was seriously injured when she crossed 27 divine sky thunders and [-] purple sky thunders. 】

[At a time of crisis, you used the innate thunder gourd to help her weaken the No. 14 Zixiao divine thunder. 】

[Han Nianxuan succeeded in crossing the tribulation and became a god of war. 】

[110 years old, the Hall of Reincarnation opened, you won six copies of "Reincarnation Edicts", one of which was given to the real person of Tiansheng Dongtian Headmaster, and one was used for trading in exchange for a 2000-year-old Ziyunzhi. 】

[At 120 years old, you broke through to the supernatural double mirror.Han Yan practiced to the perfection of the ten evil spirits. 】

[In the second year, Lu Yingxuan survived the supernatural catastrophe in Tianshengdongtian without any danger. 】

[Since then, the Han family has three martial gods and has become a family of top warriors. 】

[130 years old, at Han Yan's strong request, you agreed to his supernatural catastrophe in the source world. 】

[In the end, Han Yan's body was destroyed under the No.12 Zixiao God Thunder. 】

[You resisted the No. 13 purple sky thunder, angered the will of the world, and fell to the realm of heaven and man to encounter the Nine Heavens Annihilation Tribulation. 】

【You were hit hard by the eighth Nine Heavens Extinguishing Spirit Tribulation Thunder. 】

[In a critical moment, Yuan Xiyu, the real person in charge, used the fragments of the innate spiritual treasure, the Seven Treasure Umbrella and the super magical power "Sky Covering Technique", to temporarily block the catastrophe for you.Because of this, he was backlashed by the secrets and was seriously injured and retreated. 】

[After Han Yan's soul bids farewell to you, use the "Reincarnation Law" to reincarnate and rebuild. 】

[At the age of 340, you have finally recovered from the injuries you suffered under the Nine Heavens Mieling Tribulation, and your cultivation level has risen to a higher level, and you have reached the perfection of the second level of supernatural powers. 】

[Four hundred years old, you have retreated and hit the third level of supernatural powers, and Han Nianxuan has cultivated to the second level of supernatural powers. 】

[460 years old, you have successfully broken through to the third level of supernatural powers. 】

[Five hundred years old, you joined forces with Han Nianxuan to repel twelve third-tier envoys and emissaries, and seize the masterless cave world. 】

[530 years old, during your retreat to refine the cave world, the Heavenly Demon Cave Lord invaded, and Han Nianxuan was defeated. 】

[In a critical moment, Han Yan's reincarnation, Han Yan, appeared, and joined forces with Han Nianxuan to repel the Holy Master. 】

[Six hundred years old, you have cultivated to the perfection of the triple realm of supernatural powers, and you have begun to retreat to the realm of heaven and man. 】

[860 years old, you have successfully broken through and survived the catastrophe of heaven and man. 】

[After you left the customs, you were shocked to hear the bad news. 】

[More than a hundred years ago, Yuan Xiyu was besieged to death by the Ten Great Lords of the Heavenly Demon Cave Heaven in the Outer Heaven War. 】

[Three years ago, when Han Nianxuan and Lu Yingxuan were competing for the Wuzhudongtian, they were seriously injured by the Heavenly Demon Dongtian Holy Lord. 】

[In order to protect Lu Yingxuan, Han Nianxuan fought to the death without retreating, destroying both body and spirit. 】

[950 years old, Han Yan became a heavenly man. 】

【Your father and son teamed up to kill the Heavenly Demon Grotto, and wiped out all the envoys and the ten holy masters in the Heavenly Demon Grotto. 】

[This action caused the high-level leaders of the major caves to be terrified, and they jointly summoned the real king of the heavens to come into the world. 】

[At a critical moment, you send Han Yan away and face the True Lord alone. 】

【you are dead. 】

"This demon cave."

Han Zhao looked at the information in the simulation, his face turned cold, it seemed that he was destined to have a conflict with the demon.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

"One." Seeing an entry, Han Zhao chose it directly.

【Acquire 'Range Specified Entry'】

[Range Specified Entries]: A one-time advanced entry, which can increase the quality of random entries to a higher level the next time the entry option is obtained, and specify the range of entry types, including but not limited to attack, defense, Auxiliary entries.

"The competition for many resources is unavoidable at all. The more you climb to the top, the more resources you need, and it cannot be changed."

Han Zhao thought to himself, in this way, he either has a stronger background or stronger fighting power.

It is best to have both.

Thinking about it this way, Han Zhao figured out how to use this entry.

"The Qiantian Palace has the Houtian Lingbao Qiantian Junyang Pot, and the Reincarnation Palace has the remnants of the Xiantian Lingbao Reincarnation Mirror. It seems that we have to get them."

Han Zhao showed a pensive look on his face.

For the next entry, Han Zhao must find a way to get some kind of refining weapon!
In the past, they were chased by people to upgrade, but now that they can develop for such a long time, they need a development item, and at the same time, they can directly improve their combat power, so it must be an item of refining equipment.

If you want to fight against the real monarch, you must have the innate spirit treasure.

The best way is to ripen the Xiantian Thunder Gourd Vine a bit, then he will have a complete Xiantian Spirit Treasure!

(End of this chapter)

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