Chapter 272 Chizhu and Nanke Yimeng!

After Han Zhao crushed Yan Shuangbai's soul with the Dragon Blade, he found a thumb-sized dark blue bead among the fragments of his soul.

Seeing the dark blue beads flashing several times, as if he wanted to escape, Han Zhao waved the five-color feathers in his hands, and the five-color divine light swipe down, and the dark blue beads froze instantly.

"This is……"

Han Zhao took a shot with his magic power, and the dark blue beads fell into his palm.

When he explored his divine sense, he felt an astonishing power of the soul from the dark blue bead, and he was shocked in his heart.

Moreover, he also felt a ray of Yan Shuangbai's remnant soul in the dark blue bead, and immediately poured more spiritual thoughts into it, obliterating it with the force of Mount Tai.

"Ah?! Han Zhao!!"

Yan Shuangbai's remnant soul let out a shrill scream, and finally completely disappeared from the world.

"Is this Yan Shuangbai's hole card in the simulation to severely damage my spirit?" Han Zhao thought to himself.

[Chi Beads——the natal inner alchemy of the dragon, the spiritual beast of the dragon, contains extremely strong power of frost rules and the power of pure chi dragon spirit.Absorbing the power of the dragon spirit in the bead can strengthen the soul; parasitizing the soul, you can get an incarnation of innate frost rules; combining the bead with the supernatural power golden pill, you can return to the ancestors in the realm of heaven and man, and incarnate as a chi Dragon; using the power of the soul to induce the power of the Chizhu to self-explode, it can explode the power of the frost rule at one time and freeze the soul. 】

A system prompt appears.


Looking at the system prompt, Han Zhao was startled, what a treasure!

This chi bead can even be used as a storage treasure. Han Zhao also found the items stored by Yan Shuangbai in it. There are more than 300 spirit crystals alone.

Noticing that Yuan Xiyu was out of trouble behind him, Han Zhao wrapped the chi bead with mana and temporarily incorporated it into his body.

"I've met the Master Teacher." Han Zhao turned around and bowed to Yuan Xiyu.

Yuan Xiyu felt the terrifying spiritual pressure on Han Zhao's body, and felt that everything in front of him was unreal.

Han Zhao asked suspiciously, "Teacher Daoist?"

Yuan Xiyu finally came to his senses. He suppressed the complicated emotions in his heart and slapped Han Zhao: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Han, for your rescue."

"Teacher Master is serious. If he hadn't helped me, Master Master would not have suffered such a catastrophe."

Han Zhao said sternly.

"You are carrying the Maha inheritance, so you can be regarded as half of his disciple. Naturally, I will help you with all my strength." Yuan Xiyu's expression was a little bit sad, and there was a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Han, how did you know about this?" Yuan Xiyu changed the topic.

"Among the Heavenly Demon Cave Lords I killed before, there was a Dongxuan King, who was the source of the divine weapon and psychic. I obtained the secret of Yan Shuangbai's collusion through refining his remnant soul.

Reminiscing that I was hunted down by the family before, and Yan Shuangbai stopped me many times. I guess he may completely fall to the Heavenly Demon Cave, and then assassinate the real person in charge.

So I got in touch with Zhu Yuan and learned the news that Master Zhang and Yan Shuangbai were retreating together, so I felt that this matter was very strange.

So I sneaked into this Fangdongtian secretly and asked Zhu Yuan to come and test it out.Sure enough, something was wrong. "

Han Zhao explained that he naturally couldn't tell Yuan Xiyu that he could predict what would happen in the future.

"Fellow Daoist Han is really brave and careful. If it weren't for that, the poor Daoist would be in danger." Yuan Xiyu couldn't help but sigh.

Although what Han Zhao said sounds like he should be hiding something, but he has to admire that Han Zhao guessed that Yan Shuangbai might attack him with such a little information, and dared to sneak into the Sanqi Palace alone to rescue him. It's really empathy.

If there is a wrong step in the middle, it may fall into a situation of eternal doom.

In just over twenty years, Yuan Xiyu felt that he could not see through Han Zhao at all.

Not to mention that Yan Shuangbai didn't see any abnormalities in Han Zhao's transformation technique just now, even he didn't see any clues.

In addition, his magic power has already surpassed Maha by an unknown amount.

The Buddha, Dao, and Demon skills are perfectly integrated in his body. If it can be attributed to talent, then the power of rules that he just exploded cannot be explained by adventure and chance.

"I'm just a little more prepared than Yan Shuangbai. It's a fluke to be able to win with one blow." Han Zhao said seriously.

Without the suppression of the will of the source world, few of these old monsters who have cultivated for thousands of years are simple.

As soon as Han Zhao finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed, and he said again: "Master Master, the aftermath of the battle just now seems to have attracted the attention of others, and many warriors rushed over."

"Please also ask Fellow Daoist Han to stay aside for the time being. Let the poor Taoist handle this matter in advance. Whether it is Yan Shuangbai's collusion with the demon, or Fellow Daoist Han beheading him, it is too amazing. In order to avoid turmoil in the sect, this matter can only be temporarily Concealed it. After all, senior brother also rushed to the front line to wipe out the demons. Since he is dead now, body and spirit are gone, let him save some face."

Yuan Xiyu's voice was low.

"Everything is under the arrangement of Master Teacher." Han Zhao nodded slightly.

Before he came in just now, he asked Zhu Yuan to go to the hall where the high-level soul cards were placed. If Zhu Yuan moved fast enough and retreated to the left and right in advance, he should be able to hide this matter.

Anyway, Yan Shuangbai was gone, and Han Zhao didn't want to show off the limelight.

It is his style to hide his strength and make a fortune in silence.

Yuan Xiyu waved his whisk, and a wisp of fresh air appeared out of nowhere, surrounding his body.

In the blink of an eye, Yuan Xiyu's sluggish aura suddenly recovered a lot, and his moon-white Taoist robe became spotless again, and he once again regained the demeanor of the immortal head teacher.

However, those introverted eyes dimmed a lot, revealing deep fatigue.

Yuan Xiyu turned into a white ray of light and flew out of the Hall of Three Wonders.

"When it comes time to compete for the Lordless Cave, the biggest enemy is the Demon Cave."

Han Zhao showed a thoughtful look on his face. As a newly promoted celestial being, he just needed a masterless cave as a place for the inheritance of Taoism.

Except for the mortal enemy Tianmo Dongtian, the other caves should give him this face after the battle of Qiantian Palace.

Of course, it doesn't work if you don't give it.

The Martial God who has survived the supernatural tribulation in the source world will not be suppressed in any way when he goes to Wuzhu Cave.

A small number of high-level Wuzhudongtians will reject heavenly beings and holy masters abnormally, but because he has survived the great calamity of heavenly beings in the source world, even if he is also rejected, it will have little impact on his strength.

Otherwise, he would not be able to kill the incarnation of the soldier master.

After all, the power gap between the power of law and the power of rules is still huge.

"Before the emergence of Wuzhudongtian, there is nothing to be afraid of if you raise your cultivation base to the peak of the third level."

Han Zhao was certain in his heart that he still had a long time before the millennium catastrophe came.

"At that time, it will be uncertain who will kill who."

Han Zhao's face turned cold.

When the catastrophe comes, give those Xuanyin Heavenly Demon and Jiuyou Heavenly Demon a little bit of shock to mortals.

Demon invasion?

Most of the heavens have fallen?

What's the matter with him?

As long as the demons dare to come, they will be killed!
I am worried that there is no simulation of the demon's yin qi.

Yuan Xiyu left and returned soon.

Zhu Yuan also returned with him.

"Han Daoyou, are you really?" Zhu Yuan looked Han Zhao up and down, as if seeing him for the first time, and couldn't seem to find any words to describe his mood at the moment.

When Han Zhao contacted him and explained to him that his master might be banned by Yan Shuangbai, Zhu Yuan had already had this guess.

But there was nothing he could do.

The heaven and man double realm is perfect, looking at the nine caves, there are also countless strong ones.

In particular, Yan Shuangbai has the blood of Chilong, and his combat strength is comparable to the triple realm of heaven and man.

If Yan Shuangbai really has evil intentions, no one in the entire Tianshengdongtian can stop him, and even the Nine Great Dongtian can do nothing to stop him.

Because no celestial being would dare to risk being suppressed by the power of the cave to enter the holy cave.

Even if he dared to come, he was no match for Yan Shuangbai.

So when Han Zhao wanted to secretly go to the cave with him, Zhu Yuan tried to persuade him again and again.

Later, when Han Zhao changed into a storage bag and prepared to attack Yan Shuangbai, Zhu Yuan was even more taken aback by his crazy idea.

Fighting Yan Shuangbai in Sanqi Palace, even if they succeed in sneak attack, they will definitely lose.

It's just that Zhu Yuan has seen Han Zhao create miracles again and again, so he can only choose to believe in him.

When he went to the Patriarch Hall alone according to Han Zhao's request, he could only pray for a miracle in his heart.

However, when he rushed to the Patriarch's Hall, and after he retreated to about half a cup of tea, Yan Shuangbai's soul card shattered.

Zhu Yuan was shocked, and Dang even focused on the master's soul card.

After waiting for a long time, there was no change in the soul card.

Therefore, Zhu Yuan summoned his elder brother Song Dengyun, explained the situation to him, and then rushed to Sanqi Palace immediately.

When he arrived at the outer hall of Sanqi Hall, he happened to see the master dismissing the elders in the door, and he finally let out a long breath.

Zhu Yuan had long thought that Yan Shuangbai had a different heart, but the master cared about the friendship of the same family, so he backed down step by step, but he didn't expect that it would lead to a catastrophe.

Until he learned from his master that it was Han Zhao who killed Yan Shuangbai, Zhu Yuan was still in a daze.

Han Zhao broke through the realm of heaven and man, and it seemed that he was able to kill Yan Shuangbai one-on-one in the Sanqi Palace in just two years.

Zhu Yuan seemed to be in a dream.

"I still remember that more than twenty years ago, you still called me Shizu, but now I seem to call you senior." Zhu Yuan was a little bit embarrassed, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Brother Zhu is serious. Friends can have their own way." Han Zhao smiled and cupped his hands. Anyone else might not believe him so much. It will be much more troublesome to solve Yan Shuangbai at that time. There may be twists and turns in vain.

"Then I won't be polite." Zhu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief with a smile on his face.

"Now that Yan Shuangbai has been punished, the line of master and apprentice can completely control the Heavenly Saint and the Cave Heaven. In this way, we can work together to fight against the Heavenly Demon." Han Zhao looked at Yuan Xiyu.

"Master, we must make up our minds to clean up the interior!" Zhu Yuan echoed.

"If it hadn't been for Pindao's repeated connivance, the current situation wouldn't have happened." Yuan Xiyu said in a deep voice, making up his mind.

"If that's the case, then I won't bother you." Han Zhao bowed his hands and prepared to return to the source world. At present, Qiantian Palace still lacks a Martial God who can truly be alone, and he can't leave for a long time.

"Fellow Daoist Han, wait a moment. You helped me today and saved my master-student lineage. I can't repay you. Since some of the exercises you practiced come from the Heavenly Sacred Sect, why don't you go to the Buddhist scriptures pavilion? The poor Taoist can get rid of everything. The authority of the exercises and secret techniques is open." Yuan Xiyu gave a slap in the face.

"So, thank you Master Master!" Han Zhao's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Tianshengzong is the orthodoxy left by the great master of Dongtian Realm, with a long history of tens of thousands of years.

The Vajra Jue and Vajra Indestructibility Magical Art have been his protection against the aristocratic family for quite a long period of time.

Although the current Vajra Immortality Divine Art has already become a brand-new exercise under systematic deduction, but it has to be said that the exercise of Tianshengzong is indeed very powerful.

Moreover, the Vajra Immortality Magical Art is only the category of the "Four Skills" among the top schools of the Twelve Schools of the Tiansheng Sect, and there is also the more mysterious and powerful "Three Classics".

The previous True Spirit Body Refining Formula was also obtained from the Heavenly Saint Cave Heaven in the simulation.

It is a great gift for Yuan Xiyu to open up all the exercises and secret techniques.

"Yuan'er, take the golden seal of the head teacher and go with Fellow Daoist Han." Yuan Xiyu swung his whisk, and a ball of golden light flew out with a golden seal the size of a palm, and landed in Zhu Yuan's palm.

"Yes, Master." Zhu Yuan took the seal and saluted respectfully.

"Brother Han, please."

"Thank you." Han Zhao followed Zhu Yuan and left Sanqi Palace.

I came to the peak of the giant peak, where there is a nine-story white jade tower.

"It's such a profound heritage." Han Zhao's eyes narrowed, and this white jade tower was obviously a pseudo-innate spiritual treasure.

Including the Hall of Three Wonders and the Hall of Five Elements, as well as the fragments of the Seven Treasures Umbrella of the Innate Spiritual Treasure in Yuan Xiyu's hands, there are as many as four top-level treasures in the Heavenly Sacred Cave.

Moreover, the spatial fluctuations emanating from the white jade tower are obviously a pseudo-innate spiritual treasure of space, and a powerful formation is also set up.

Zhu Yuan directly took Han Zhao to the seventh floor with the escape light.

Immediately, he took Han Zhao straight to the eighth floor.

The person guarding the entrance of the eighth floor is an old man in gray robes. He looks ordinary, but his cultivation is at the third level of supernatural powers.

"I met Uncle Sun."

Zhu Yuan bowed respectfully to the old man in gray robe. Although he was both in the supernatural power realm, the other party was a disciple of the previous head teacher, a fellow teacher of Daoist Master.

"Master Nephew Zhu?" The old man in gray robe couldn't help being taken aback when he saw that it was Zhu Yuan who came.

"This is the golden seal of the head teacher." Zhu Yuan took out the golden seal.

The gray-robed old man took the gold seal for inspection, and then took another look at Han Zhao behind Zhu Yuan, who was masked by the aura. He returned the gold seal and gave up his position without asking any further questions.


"Thank you Uncle Sun." Zhu Yuan led Han Zhao up to the eighth floor.

Han Zhao suddenly felt the scene in front of him change, and appeared in a space less than ten square meters, with more than 100 hand-sized jade slips floating in the void.

"Brother Han, what is stored here are the 36 unique skills of the Heavenly Sacred Sect, as well as the secret techniques of everyone in the supernatural realm. If you want to see the secret techniques of the heavenly realm and the cultivation experience left by the true king, you have to go to the ninth floor. "Zhu Yuan explained.

"Thank you." Han Zhao casually found a jade slip exuding fluctuations of spirit and soul, and put his spirit into it.

What is recorded in it is a mysterious soul technique called "Spiritual Awakening", which can leave a ray of soul in the warrior's body and control the warrior's actions for a short time at a critical moment. The child's life-saving hole card.

However, compared with the soul-dividing secret technique attached to the "Zuowangjing·Shenyou Chapter", it is still inferior.

Han Zhao put the jade slips back, then checked several jade slips one after another, and then stopped checking.

They are all very powerful secret techniques, but they don't mean much to him.

"Brother Zhu, don't you want to watch?" Han Zhao couldn't help asking, looking at Zhu Yuan who was watching his nose and heart.

"Practice many kinds of magical skills, for ordinary people, it is a way to kill yourself. Brother Han, do you think everyone is like you?" Zhu Yuan smiled wryly.

"Okay." Han Zhao nodded, "Let's go to the ninth floor."

"Okay." Zhu Yuan poured mana into the golden seal of the head teacher.

As soon as the scene changed, they appeared at the stairs again.

The two came to the ninth floor, and the gatekeeper was an old woman, who was sitting on a wicker chair, dozing off with her eyes closed.

Han Zhao's divine sense swept over him, and the other party was a strong man at the second level of heaven and man, but his breath was a bit strange, as if his divine sense was extremely powerful.

"It seems that Tianshengdongtian is stronger than I expected." Han Zhao's heart moved.

Seemingly aware of something, the old woman opened her eyes, and her gaze swept across Han Zhao, her cloudy gaze froze immediately, and her pupils constricted.

"So it's Xiao Yuanzi." The old woman's eyes returned to Zhu Yuan.

"I have met the master, and this disciple is ordered by the master teacher to enter the ninth floor to check the exercises." Zhu Yuan bowed deeply, and immediately presented the master teacher's golden seal respectfully.

The old woman did not take the golden seal, but just glanced at it, and then returned her eyes to Han Zhao, then nodded, and said, "Since the master teacher has a life, then you all go in."

"Thank you, master." Zhu Yuan saluted again, and took Han Zhao into the ninth floor.

"The one just now is the younger sister who taught the previous generation, Daoist Taiyin. What she practiced was the most mysterious of the three scriptures, the Nine Beginnings of Taiyi. Encountered a siege by a foreign race. Although he killed two heavenly beings of the same level, he was also seriously injured, and his cultivation level fell to the second level."

Zhu Yuan explained as he walked.

"So that's how it is." Han Zhao's heart moved. Although he didn't know the supernatural powers of alien races, being able to kill two of the same level under siege was amazing.

"Later, the headmaster of the previous generation ascended to the heavens, and Daoist Taiyin stepped down as the master of the Sanqi Hall, and Yan Shuangbai took over as the master of the Sanqi Hall. Yan Shuangbai was able to compete with the master for the position of the Daoist Master, and there was also this one For the sake of support." Zhu Yuan added.

"That..." Han Zhao frowned.

"Brother Han, don't worry. Although Daoist Taiyin supports Yan Shuangbai, if he knows what he has done, he won't be compatible. Of course, it's better not to let him know for the time being." Zhu Yuan explained.

Han Zhao nodded slightly upon hearing this.

In the simulation, the real Taiyin has never appeared. Although they are not helping each other, they are actually biased toward Yan Shuangbai.

But Han Zhao didn't care, as long as the other party didn't take the initiative to make trouble, he didn't want to do any more crimes.

The two walked to the middle of the ninth floor, and Zhu Yuan urged the head teacher, Jin Yin.

The picture in front of me changed.

This time it was a huge square with more than a dozen white jade pillars in the middle.There is a hemispherical mask on the top of the jade pillars, inside which are floating gold and jade pages of different shapes, exuding a strong spiritual pressure.

"Are these all gold and jade books?" Han Zhao's expression changed.

"Brother Han really has sharp eyesight. These exercises are brought down from the heavens by the founding masters, and each of them points directly to the Dao of Dongtian." Zhu Yuan explained.

"That's it, thank you Master Master!" Han Zhao said sternly, the value of these exercises is far beyond expectations, and they can be cultivated to the Dongtian Realm, which is extremely precious.

Although he won't change his main practice method, the reference value is too great.

Maybe you can find a solution to the conflict of laws from these exercises, even if you can't solve it directly, as long as you have a general direction, you can deduce and optimize it through attribute points.

"Brother Han, take your time, I'll wait here." Zhu Yuan came to the center of the square and sat down cross-legged.

"Thank you." Han Zhao arched his hands, flew up to the top of the three jade pillars in the center, landed on one of the jade pillars, and penetrated his spiritual thoughts into it.

The golden jade book appeared in his palm.

Han Zhao put the Jinque jade book close to the center of his eyebrows and checked it.

"Heavenly Knife Killing Nerves!" As a large amount of exercise content poured into his mind, Han Zhao discovered that this exercise was the complete version of the Heavenly Knife Killing Nerves that recorded the three moves of killing gods.

"Refining the body as a sword, using the gods to control the sword? What an amazing idea!"

Han Zhao couldn't help sighing after roughly going through the content of Tiandao Killing Nerves.Practicing the heavenly knife to kill the nerves, in the end, it is necessary to use the fleshy body as a knife, temper the fleshy body with the gods and demons in the cave, and finally strengthen the fleshy body to the level comparable to the innate spirit treasure.

However, this technique is too extreme. After all, even Han Zhao dared to temper his body with Thunder Tribulation because he tried repeatedly in the simulation and did it only after he was fully prepared.

"It's really nerve-wracking." Han Zhao thought to himself, because to practice Heavenly Sword Killing Nervousness, one needs to specialize in saber techniques and not concurrently.Therefore, apart from the three ways of killing gods and the secret technique of tempering the body when crossing the catastrophe, this technique does not have much reference value for him.

Han Zhao wrote down the body tempering secret technique, then put down the golden jade book that recorded the Heavenly Sword Killing Nerves, and took out another copy.

"Huangliang Dream Tribulation Sutra, Song Dengyun's practice." Han Zhao remembered Song Dengyun, who came to the source world to support him before. Using the method of entering a dream, he can project his soul and mana to any realm he has visited.

"If you can practice Huangliangmeng Jiejing and project multiple realms, wouldn't you be able to find out the details of each cave. If you cast the net widely, you may be the first to find the ownerless cave."

The more Han Zhao thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible.

Most of the Wuzhudongtian are broken fragments of the highest heaven, and there are living beings and practitioners inside.

For the aborigines of the 'Wuzhudongtian', these heavenly beings and holy masters are outsiders.

The so-called ownerless cave is just an independent plane that has not been refined by the will of the world, and it is different from the cave world that is condensed in the body of the cave.

"With the improvement of the realm, more and more demon yin energy and spirit crystals are required for simulation. When we reach the cave realm, the price will skyrocket again, so we must open source!"

Han Zhao pondered in his heart.

It was a pity that one of the Holy Lords of the Heavenly Demon Grotto came to the sky before, and if he could get the Bone Mountain, which was composed entirely of divine soldiers, he would probably be able to obtain a large amount of demonic yin energy.

With Han Zhao's current strength, he is invincible in the source world, but going to the cave is still risky.

If you want to go directly to the Heavenly Demon Grotto and wipe out all the Heavenly Demons, it is a bit risky for you to cultivate at the third level of the Heavenly Human Realm, after all, it is someone else's home field.

It's better to go to Dongtian Realm, don't talk about the big battle of Heavenly Demon Zhuxian, even if the main body of the soldier comes, he still has to leave the magic soldier behind.

For the time being, we should first look for the Masterless Cave and get a few options for the special simulation.

Like the source world before, there must be many worlds controlled by aristocratic families.

Most of the 33rd layer of heaven has been captured. There are indeed countless celestial demon yin energy and celestial demon stones, but there are too many high-level celestial demons there. If you ascend to the wrong place, you will die.

So Han Zhao is going to go to the Three Tribulations True Monarch, or even the Fourth Tribulations Emperor Realm, who has the space ability, and then try to go to the heaven.

Next, we will focus on finding Wuzhudongtian.

There is still a certain risk in the direct ontology descending.

But if it's just a projection, even if it is lost, Han Zhao doesn't care.

His divine sense itself is far superior to the same level because of the practice of sitting and forgetting the Sutra·Shenyoupian, and he also has the innate spiritual object of Thunder Gourd Vine as a soul object, the soul is powerful, and the recovery ability of the Longevity Art is even more unique.

"Nanke Yimeng." Han Zhao looked up the Huangliangmeng Jiejing, but the content was less than a thousand words.

With the strength of his mind and soul, he can meet the cultivation conditions of the "Nanke Yimeng" dream projection magical power recorded in the Huangliang Mengjie Sutra, but the content inside is extremely profound, and the god's intentions are extremely complicated. It will take at least several years, or even more than ten years to get started. If it is successful, I am afraid that it will take hundreds of years of hard work.

Most people don't know how many years it takes just to comprehend.

Han Zhao's comprehension has been enhanced many times, and has reached an astonishing level, otherwise he still wouldn't be able to understand God's intention.

"Fortunately, you can add some."

Han Zhao carefully observed the divine intention of Huangliangmeng Jiejing, and it took him two months to fully memorize the divine intention of the first level.

[Huangliang Dream Tribulation Sutra: the first floor (0/200000); can be upgraded]

"The first level requires so many attribute points. It is indeed a technique that is purely based on comprehension." Han Zhao thought to himself, no wonder Song Dengyun's comprehension is known as a rare one in thousands of years, and it took hundreds of years to practice it level one.

Fortunately, only the first level of consummation is required to practice 'Nanke Yimeng'.

20 attribute points is not trivial to him today, but it is just a general meaning.

Han Zhao put down the Jinque Yushu that recorded the Sutra of Huang Liang's Dream Tribulation, and continued to check.

"Taiyi Nine Beginnings Manual... Is it an all-round bonus?"

After reading the content recorded in the Taiyi Nine Beginnings Manual, I feel that this exercise is like a fusion of body training, qi training, and god training. The longevity formula on the eighth floor competes for recovery ability.

But from another perspective, this technique is mainly to strengthen the recovery ability, and it is very general in terms of life extension. After practice, it is suitable for fighting attrition wars.

However, Han Zhao likes to have both high burst, high frequency and high battery life, so this skill is obviously not good.

And he didn't change his mind about majoring in exercises.

Han Zhao put down the Taiyi Nine Beginnings Manual and continued to check other Jinque jade books.

There are quite a few exercises and secret techniques, if they were placed in his supernatural power state, he would switch to practice without hesitation, but now that he has reached the perfect cultivation base in the second level of heaven and man, switching to practice is not worth the loss.

Only when the complete vajra indestructible magic skill is practiced to the perfection of the heaven and man state can the arhat become a golden body, and he can become the golden body of the immovable king.

After that, you have to go through the catastrophe of the cave and the thunder of the gods and demons before you can hope to practice the Dharma body of the Buddha.

And Han Zhao has now practiced the Great Sun Tathagata Dharmakaya, and he is already many times stronger than the creator of the exercise.

It is also lagging behind in the comprehension of the power of rules and the power of laws, otherwise the power of Dainichi Tathagata's dharmakaya will be greatly improved.

"The power of the rules can be improved by improving the skills, but in the cave realm, to comprehend the original law, it is not enough to have simulated memory alone. You have to rely on special simulations and immerse yourself in the simulation to comprehend the laws."

After Han Zhao checked all the Jinque jade books, he turned his head to look at Zhu Yuan who was resting with his eyes closed.

"Brother Zhu, you can go."

"Brother Han, don't you want to watch?" Zhu Yuan was startled, he thought Han Zhao would stay here for at least a few years.

It is extremely difficult to reproduce the divine intention of the top-level exercises. Even if Han Zhao has already become a celestial being, with a deep foundation and a heaven-defying understanding, it will take several years to comprehend it.

It's only been two months, what can you see?

"This trip has been very rewarding, that's enough." Han Zhao nodded slightly.

"!" Zhu Yuan was taken aback, he didn't think Han Zhao would talk big, but it was beyond his understanding.

'Sure enough, the gap between me and Brother Han is bigger than that between humans and dogs! '

Zhu Yuan sighed in his heart, and immediately got up and said, "Brother Han, please."

He took out the gold seal of the head teacher, took Han Zhao out of the Tibetan scripture pavilion, and then sent Han Zhao back to the source world all the way.

Han Zhao returned to the inner hall of "Qiantian Palace" and took out the Chi beads.

"Is this chi bead used to strengthen the soul, or to refine the avatar?"

Han Zhao looked pensive. If Xu Ling could refine Chilongzhu and become one with the blood of spirit beasts, the problem of lifespan would be completely solved.

However, there is only one chi bead, and there are several people who need to use it.

Moreover, refining the inner alchemy of this kind of dragon spirit beast, which is comparable to the realm of heaven and man, is extremely dangerous, and if it is not done well, it will destroy both body and spirit.

"It should be used to enhance strength first, or used as a hole card for projection"

 PS: Most of the content of this chapter is the manuscript of the day before yesterday.I will stay in my hometown for the next few days and spend more time with my grandpa.From tomorrow onwards, the basic [-]-word update will be maintained. I must find something to do, otherwise it will be even more uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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