Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 278 Seven Colors of Fate!Time spirit field

Chapter 278 Colorful Fate!Time Spirit Field (Middle Cup)

[One hundred and three years old, you have refined the origin of the worlds of Tiancang Realm and Wuzhudongtian. Qianqiu Bingzhu personally came, transformed into the cave world and attacked you, and the body stayed outside the realm, trying to kill you completely. 】

[Frost projection has been fighting for an hour, and it is about to be destroyed. You take it back into your body and make a move on your body. 】

"System, select immersive simulation."

Looking at the text that quickly appeared on the system panel, Han Zhao immediately read it silently.

As soon as the selection was over, Han Zhao felt dazed for a while, and a large number of pictures flooded into his mind.

It's as if he has replaced 'Han Jo' in the simulation.

The one eye between Qianqiu Bingzhu's forehead suddenly opened in front of him, and a beam of golden light piercing the sky shot out.

Han Zhao almost subconsciously urged the body of the real demon to release the body of Nirvana.

"What a miraculous feeling!" Han Zhao's heart skipped a beat. He felt like he was really fighting with Qian Qiubing, but he also clearly knew that he was in a simulation and could control all his actions.


Han Zhao muttered silently.

[As soon as you made a move, you urged the Nirvana Dharma, but your full blow was repelled by the golden beam of light released from the eyes of Qianqiu Bingzhu. 】

[The opponent comprehends the power of destruction, but you comprehend the rules of destruction, and his incarnation already possesses the power of the laws of destruction. 】

【If it weren't for your amazing supernatural powers and the protection of your body with the light that can dispel demons, the Qianqiu Bingzhu is just incarnated here at this moment, and you would have been injured just now. 】

At this time, words appeared on the system panel again, and the picture in Han Zhao's mind stopped.

Immediately afterwards, Han Zhao had a thought, and the text on the system panel disappeared, and then a screen appeared, and he entered the immersive simulation again.

Facing the powerful attacking Qianqiu Bingzhu, Han Zhaodang even took out the golden body of Buddha and Demon.

"The ten directions will be destroyed!"

The massive aura of heaven and earth in the cave quickly gathered towards the golden body of the Buddha and Demon.


The envoys and warriors present at the scene really hated their parents for giving them two legs, and desperately stayed away from the center of the battle, and stepped up to leave this side of the world.

After a fierce battle, Han Zhao figured out Qianqiu Bingzhu's methods in the simulation, and then quit the immersive simulation.

[The incarnation of Qianqiu Bingzhu was finally defeated by your hands. 】

[Before he died, his incarnation uttered harsh words and wanted to explode himself, but you had already seen everything and beheaded his incarnation. 】

[After killing the incarnation of Qianqiu Bingzhu, you have mastered all the secrets of the cave by refining the current cave. 】

[Because the Qianqiu Bingzhu's body is outside the cave, although the Outer Realm rejects the heavenly beings and the superpowers above the level of the Holy Lord, the suppression of the real king and the Bingzhu is not as strong as the source realm. 】

[To be on the safe side, you did not leave the cave, but practiced in secluded places. 】

[Qianqiu Bingzhu once again released an avatar to provoke, but after being easily killed by you, he no longer sent an avatar to enter. 】

[During the period, the Heavenly Demon Cave Heaven sent envoys to come and ask you to hand over this Fang Dongtian, otherwise the soldiers will overwhelm the realm, enter the source realm, and destroy Qiantian Palace. 】

[You will kill people in the future, and you will be ashes, and continue to retreat. 】

[110 years old, "Reincarnation Hall" opened, in order to fulfill the oath of heaven, you sent the projection left in the "Qiantian Palace" to enter the "Reincarnation Hall", and seized the fragments of the innate spiritual treasure reincarnation mirror and the "Reincarnation Edict", but unexpectedly comprehended The power of reincarnation rules. 】

Looking at the information in the simulation, Han Zhao immediately sank down.

The memory picture flickered, and he appeared in a blue stone hall, surrounded by endless black mist.

And in front of him is a stone mirror with a simple shape, exuding extremely weird energy fluctuations.

Soon, Han Zhao felt a sudden realization in his heart.

"Put down the reincarnation mirror!"

Han Zhao was feeling the power of the rules of reincarnation when he was suddenly woken up by a loud shout, breaking away from the state of epiphany.

I saw more than a dozen warriors and envoys coming to the hall.

"Looking for death!" Han Zhao was furious in his heart. It seemed that because the main body was trapped, these clowns dared to provoke him just by projecting him.

Han Zhao immediately displayed his supernatural powers and beheaded most of the offenders in the future.

Although the projection can only show the cultivation of supernatural powers, but leapfrog fighting is as simple as eating and drinking for him, not to mention that the people in front of him are all of the same level.

After repelling everyone, Han Zhao continued to comprehend the power of the rules of reincarnation, and got the fragment of the reincarnation mirror.

"After the simulation is over, you can refresh the things that appeared in the simulation, obviously including the innate spirit treasure."

"If I can get a space-type innate spirit treasure and let me go back to the source world, wouldn't it be possible to avoid fighting the main body of Qianqiu Bingzhu?"

Han Zhao's heart moved, and he immediately left the immersive simulation.

【Your projection has fulfilled its promise and handed over the remnant mirror fragments to the real person who concealed the sun in Zizaitian. 】

[160 years old, Qianqiu Bingzhu has been squatting outside the cave for more than 50 years, and he insists on fighting with you. 】

【At the same time, your eldest daughter, Han Nianxuan, is leaving the "Qiantian Palace" to go through the supernatural catastrophe in the source world. 】

【Heavenly Demon Grotto sent Holy Master and envoys to come to the source world. 】

[Although Han Nianxuan was seriously injured, she survived the catastrophe without any danger. 】

[The Holy Lord and the commander of the Heavenly Demon Grotto made an immediate move. 】

[Your projection avatar presides over the "Qiantian Palace" and counterattacks with the Kowloon array. 】

【The attack of Tianmodongtian lasted for several years. In the end, your projection joined forces with Yuan Xiyu to kill one Holy Master and severely wounded the other three. Everyone in Tianmodongtian retreated.But your projection also loses combat power due to heavy injuries. 】

[Thirty years later, Han Yan survived the supernatural catastrophe in the source world and became a martial god. 】

[In the next hundred years, Tianmo Dongtian frequently sent envoys to the source world, harassed Qiantian Palace, and rebuilt the Valley of Souls in Qi. 】

[The invading enemies were all repelled by Han Nianxuan and Han Yan, and with the assistance of Yu Xuanji, Qiantian Palace was temporarily safe. 】

[50 years old and [-] years old, your cultivation base has reached the perfection of the three realms of heaven and man, and there is no way to advance. 】

【You are going to take a risk to break through and leave this cave. 】

"Immersion." Han Zhao immediately muttered silently, taking over the behavior control in the simulation.

He returned to the cave world and began to retreat to attack the cave realm.

After more than a hundred years of retreat, finally at the age of 460, he successfully broke through the cave realm.

As soon as he broke through, Han Zhao felt the repulsion from the power of the realm.

He was forced to leave the cave and appeared in the outer world.

"Finally let me wait for you! Kid! Give me the cave realm?!"

Seeing Han Zhao leaving, Qianqiu Bingzhu, who was guarding the cave, appeared immediately and laughed wantonly, but when he saw that Han Zhao had already achieved the cave, he was shocked and turned pale.

"What about the Dongtian Realm?! It's just entering this realm for the first time!"

Master Qianqiu suppressed the shock in his heart and killed him directly.

Since Han Zhao was not in the source world when he broke through the cave, he was also suppressed by the power of the realm when he was in the outer world.

However, both his supernatural powers and celestial tribulations were spent in the source world, so the suppression he received was far less than that of Qianqiu Bingzhu.

In addition, his own strength is far superior to that of the same level, so after an earth-shattering battle, the Qianqiu Bingzhu unexpectedly fell to the disadvantage and was severely injured by him.

"Die to me!" During the simulation, Han Zhao made up his mind and tried to kill Qianqiu Bingzhu by consuming the innate Thunder Gourd Vine at the cost of serious injuries.


At a critical moment, a strange big tree that covered the sky and the sun came through the sky and rescued Qianqiu Bingzhu.

Seeing this situation, Han Zhao fled immediately.

[Soldier Lord Qianling made a sudden move and rescued Soldier Qianqiu, you were seriously injured and escaped far away. 】

[You fled back to the vicinity of the source world, but because you broke through the Dongtian Realm outside the source world, you were rejected by the will of the source world, and your body could not enter the source world. 】

[In desperation, you can only transfer the sky realm outside the source realm, and retreat to recover from your injuries. 】

[Five hundred years old, during your retreat, the Qianqiu Bingzhu and Qianling Bingzhu came together and led the army to attack the Tiancang Realm. 】

[For a while, you fell into a desperate situation. 】

"I can't help it." Han Zhao immediately switched to the immersive simulation and controlled the behavior in the simulation.

"Heavenly will, I will give you the two big caves!"

Han Zhao integrated the Heavenly Cang Realm and another cave world into the Source Realm.

Under Han Zhao's control, the two great caves were absorbed by the source world.

He was instantly exposed to the attacks of the two masters.

After receiving the guarantee from the will of the Heavenly Dao in the source world that he would take care of the Qiantian Palace lineage, Han Zhao immediately ascended to the heavenly realm and escaped the fatal attacks of the two major warriors.

[After ascending to the heavens, you accidentally entered the "Da Guang Tomorrow" in the "Last Ten Days". 】

[Because of your serious injuries, you have entered a dormant state under the protection of the Longevity Art.During the dormancy process, you were discovered by the disciples of the Great Bright Sacred Religion, and you were rescued from Islam. 】

[Because you have the power of time rules, you were discovered by the 'Baolun Dijun' of the Great Bright Holy Cult. 】

[The real monarch, who is more than 500 years old, possesses the power of time rules and multiple rules, and has been valued by Emperor Baolun.After he woke you up, he learned that you had ascended from the lower realms, and he paid more attention to you. 】

[Since what you suffered was the injury of the law, the longevity formula cannot be recovered, and you have to retrain your skills as a last resort. 】

[Because you have the power of multiple rules to break through the realm of the true emperor, there is no hope for the emperor in the future, but Emperor Baolun cherishes his talents and wants to accept you as a closed disciple. His 'Great Light Runner Sutra' specializes in the power of the law of time. 】

[The Emperor Baolun is the top three emperors in the heaven and the devil world. Once the time spirit domain is released, it is enough to rival the Dao Lord and the Vientiane Heavenly Demon in a short time. 】

[If the law of time is successful, your strength will not decrease because of giving up the power of other laws. 】

[You hesitated again and again, and finally chose to reincarnate and rebuild. 】

【Due to the personal support of Emperor Baolun, you have successfully reincarnated. 】

[After a short period of 200 years of re-cultivation, you used the power of time rules to cultivate to the perfection of the three realms of heaven and man, and became the first holy son of the Great Bright Sacred Cult. 】

[Just when you were about to retreat and break through the Cave Heaven Realm, Emperor Baolun came to tell you that Da Luotian was about to open. 】

[Da Luotian has a secret realm named 'Guangling Immortal Realm', in which there is a 'Chaos Dao Tree' that existed when the world first opened. Every ten million years, nine innate Dao fruits will be condensed. 】

[From the realm of the real monarch to the realm of the emperor, one must comprehend a complete law of origin.Those who refine the Dao fruit are favored by the heaven and the earth, and the power of the law of cultivation is advancing rapidly, and they will almost become emperors.And the probability of breaking through the realm of Daojun will increase greatly in the future. 】

[Since Guangling Immortal Realm can only be entered by those below the Dongtian Realm, Emperor Baolun asks you to suspend your breakthrough. 】

[At this point, you finally understand why Emperor Baolun accepted you as his apprentice. 】

[After thinking about it, you agree to go to the Guangling Immortal Realm to compete for the Innate Dao Fruit. 】

[In order for you to gain an advantage in the battle for Dao and Fruit, Emperor Baolun bestowed a high-level innate spirit treasure "Clock of Light", and did not hesitate to use the original power of the innate Taoist artifact of life and life to enhance the power of "Clock of Time" power. 】

[You met peerless geniuses from various heavens and demons in Guangling Immortal Realm. There are as many as four heavenly beings who practice the power of time rules alone. 】

[Those who dare to compete for Dao Fruit are almost all heavenly beings and holy master realm heavenly demons who practice the original rules of space, reincarnation, fate, karma, destruction, five elements, yin and yang, and power. 】

[After a bloody battle, you won a dao fruit, but you were besieged by many demons in the holy master realm. 】

【Relying on the light of the demon, you forcibly killed a bloody path. 】

[In the end, you successfully brought out the Innate Dao Fruit. 】

【Emperor Baolun is overjoyed, and rewards you with the high-level innate spirit treasure "Guangyin Clock", and promises to teach you all the contents of the Great Bright Wheel Sutra, and fully help you achieve the position of emperor. 】

[You retreated to recover from your injuries, and spent more than a hundred years breaking through the cave realm. 】

[Afterwards, you request the lower realm from Emperor Baolun, and go to the source realm to visit relatives. 】

【Emperor Baolun agreed immediately, and sent the Three Tribulations True Monarch of the Third Level of God Refining Realm to go with you. 】

[At this time, Han Nianxuan and Han Yan have already achieved the triple realm of heaven and man, and joined hands with Yu Xuanji who also broke through the realm of heaven and man, and took the initiative to set off a catastrophe. The nine caves returned to the source world, and the world changed drastically. 】

【Qianqiu Bingzhu and Qianling Bingzhu came to the world and launched a fierce attack on Qiantian Palace. Everyone used the "Qiantian Palace" and the Kowloon formation to deal with it. 】

【After you and the True Monarch of the Three Tribulations came into the world, you immediately killed the Qianqiu Bingzhu and Qianling Bingzhu with a thunderous blow. 】

[Afterwards, you lead everyone in Qiantian Palace to ascend to Daguang tomorrow together. 】

[Nine thousand years old, you have cultivated to the perfection of the third level of refining the gods, and you are famous at the 33rd level. 】

[You deeply feel the difficulty of condensing the time spirit domain, and it is even more difficult to break through the Void Return Realm and become the emperor.For this reason, you start to travel all over the 33 heavens, looking for opportunities to break through. 】

[Ten thousand years old, you heard that there is an inheritance left by the Emperor of Heaven in the Taiming Heaven occupied by the demons, so you ventured into Taiming Tian. 】

[It's just that you were discovered by the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon not long after you entered Taiming Tian. 】

[After an earth-shattering battle, you and the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon both suffered losses and escaped from Taimingtian. 】

【Your combat strength has attracted the attention of the Heavenly Demon. 】

[1 years old, the inheritance of the Heavenly Emperor appeared in the Posa Heaven, and you won the treasure map of one of the Ten Great Secret Stores of the Heavenly Emperor in the battle.In the end, you were hunted down by the emperor. Fortunately, Emperor Baolun rescued you and brought you back to Daguang tomorrow. 】

[After returning to Daguang tomorrow, you will offer the treasure map, and the emperor of Baolun will retreat and understand the treasure map. 】

【[-] years old, Emperor Baolun will take you to Taiming Tian to search for the secret treasure of the Emperor of Heaven. 】

[You found the Heavenly Emperor's Secret Treasure, but before you could enter it, you were discovered by the Vientiane Heavenly Demon. 】

"Immersion." Han Zhao looked at the screen immediately, and saw that there was only one demon god in the world that seemed to have existed since ancient times. With just a glance, Han Zhao lost his mind and exited the immersive simulation.

【Emperor Baolun used the time spirit domain to fight against the Vientiane Heavenly Demon, and was seriously injured in the end, leading you to flee back to the Holy Cult of Great Light. 】

[After this battle, you suddenly have more understanding of the law of time. After thousands of years of retreat, you actually comprehended the pseudo-time spiritual realm in the realm of refining gods. 】

"Pseudo-spiritual domain?!" Han Zhao was startled. The spiritual domain is a method that can only be mastered by the emperor. If you condense the pseudo-spiritual domain, you can hope to break through the bottleneck of the emperor's realm.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao once again entered the immersive simulation to comprehend the power of the law of time. Although he can't comprehend all of it in his current state, as long as it can be deeply imprinted into the depths of his soul, when he reaches the state in the future, he will naturally realize it with twice the result with half the effort.

[[-] years old, because Emperor Baolun does not come out all year round, and the news of his serious injury cannot be concealed. His enemy, Emperor Wanling, came to the door, but you repelled him with the fake time spirit domain. 】

[For a while, in the name of Han Zhao, Megatron 33 Chongtian! 】

[After another thousand years, Emperor Baolun came out and summoned you. He said that he was seriously injured and would need a million years of hard work to recover, so he first passed on the position of the leader of the Great Bright Sacred Sect to you. Let you become the master of Daguang tomorrow. 】

【You repeatedly declined, expressing your willingness to take the position of leader temporarily, and help Emperor Baolun collect the treasures needed for healing. 】

[Thirty-six thousand years old, in order to compete for a Thunder Sandalle Fairy Fruit that can heal the soul, you encountered the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon. Although you used the pseudo-time spirit field, you were still defeated. You were severely injured by the opponent and fled back to Daguang tomorrow. 】

[Just as you were recuperating and healing, you were suddenly attacked by Emperor Baolun. 】

[It turned out that he was injured by the Vientiane Heavenly Demon, and his soul was damaged beyond repair. Unless he breaks through to the Dao Harmonious Realm, he will undoubtedly die. 】

[For the only hope, Emperor Baolun wants to devour your power of the law of time, put all his eggs in one basket, and hit the Dao Harmony Realm. 】

【You resisted desperately, but due to your injuries and a surprise attack, you were not defeated at all. 】

[In the end, you blew up your soul, causing Emperor Baolun to be injured more and more, and you were completely destroyed. 】

"The Dao is ruthless." Han Zhao sighed.

[The simulation is over, you can choose two of the following]

[[-]. Obtained entries (Colorful Fate·Lord of Time)]

[180. Obtain attribute points ([-]w)]

[[-]. Obtaining the realm in the simulation (excluding cultivation)]

[[-]. You can randomly refresh the things that appeared in the simulation (Innate Lingbao reincarnation mirror fragments) (you can pay to refresh)]

[[-]. After you choose 'Option [-]' to get the entry, you can get a chance to refresh or combine three entries into a fate word (free)]

(End of this chapter)

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