Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 283 [Emperor Taoism]!The cultivation base soared!

Chapter 283 [Emperor Taoism]!The cultivation base soared!

"how so?!"

Looking at the information in the simulation, Han Zhao couldn't help frowning.

He didn't expect that the remnant soul of the Heavenly Emperor held such a treasure as the "Dao Seal" in his hands, that he could travel back in time and space.

"Why did I lose all my cultivation after returning to the source world? Is it because my understanding of the laws of time and space is not enough, or because of an accident, or..."

Han Zhao pondered in his heart.

After traveling through time and space, it's fine to lose all your cultivation, but it's too unreliable for the Heavenly Emperor to travel directly to the battlefield.

"He didn't do it on purpose, did he?" Han Zhao was still wary of the Heavenly Emperor.

After all, Emperor Baolun, who had regarded him as the successor in the previous simulation, also attacked him in order to break through the realm of harmony.

A heavenly emperor who has never met before can harm him for any reason, as long as there are enough benefits.

"It's just that, is there anything in me that the Emperor of Heaven would value? Talent? Or something else?"

Han Zhao carefully checked the simulation information.

"I didn't seem to say that I am a martial artist from the source world. Did the Emperor of Heaven let me go back to the source world 1000 years ago because the source world was the largest fragment of the source world?"

"The great change in the source world, does it have any vital influence on the emperor?"

"The Emperor of Heaven said that there are nine "Dao Seals". He has mastered the Time Seal and the Space Seal, and there are still seven "Dao Seals". The seal of reincarnation, the seal of destiny, the seal of cause and effect, the seal of destruction, the seal of five elements, the seal of yin and yang, and the seal of power. "

"Time, space, and reincarnation, the three supreme laws can be fused into the law of chaos."

"As long as two of the nine original laws are practiced concurrently, it is easy to form a strong conflict of laws, which makes the difficulty of breaking through the boundary increase exponentially."

"Heavenly Emperor himself also said that because he practiced the law of reincarnation, he failed the third time to join the Dao, was seriously injured, and his strength was greatly damaged, so he died in the battle with the demon."

"The Emperor of Heaven can unite the Dao with the two supreme laws of time and space, which is unprecedented."''

Han Zhao thought to himself, if what the Emperor of Heaven said is true, then one can imagine how powerful he was at his peak.

Similarly, under this premise, even the emperor of heaven can fail to join the Dao, and it is simply as difficult to reach the sky if he wants to join the Dao with the three supreme laws, let alone one person joining the Dao three times.

"The Emperor of Heaven failed in the third joint Dao. It should be because of the lack of the seal of reincarnation. He himself said that there are only time seals and space seals."

Han Zhao frowned. In this way, it would be beyond imagination if he wanted to practice the Law of Time and the Law of Space at the same time to break through the Monarch Realm.

Especially in his time-space pseudo-spiritual domain, rules of destruction, five elements, life and death, and strength have also been added.

Continuing to practice the two rules of destruction and five elements is the corresponding original law, the upward rule of life and death is the original law of yin and yang, and the upward rule of strength is the original law of strength.

If Han Zhao wants to continue to maintain the current terrifying growth in strength, he cannot give up several of these laws.

"Even in simulation, it is not easy to succeed!"

"Heavenly Emperor possesses treasures such as the "Chaos Star Atlas" and time seals and space seals. He was seriously injured just by practicing the three original laws. If I continue, there will be six kinds. "

"If you want to master the law of chaos, I'm afraid you have to practice the law of reincarnation. Isn't this the old birthday star who hanged himself and thinks his life is too long?"

"However... I may not be able to do things that even the emperor of heaven can't do!" Han Zhao thought about it and suddenly felt relieved.

Others have only one chance for this kind of thing, but he has countless chances.

As long as it succeeds once in the simulation, it represents a 100% success rate in reality.

After thinking clearly, Han Zhao's attention returned to the system panel.

[The simulation is over, you can choose two of the following]

[[-]. Obtained entries (Golden Fate Yin-Yang Spiritual Body)]

[180. Obtain attribute points ([-]w)]

[[-]. Obtaining the realm in the simulation · the second stage of refining gods (excluding cultivation base)]

[[-]. Obtaining the cultivation base in the simulation · the second stage of refining gods (excluding the realm)]

[[-]. You can randomly refresh the things that appeared in the simulation ("Chaos Star Map" volume [-] visualization map) (you can pay to refresh)】

[[-]. You can get a chance to refresh or combine three entries into a fate entry (free of charge) after you choose 'Option [-]' to get the entry.]

"The cultivation base of the second level of refining gods is still a bit shabby, not as perfect as the third level of the simulation last time."

Looking at the options in the system, Han Zhao pondered for a moment, and gave up the option to directly increase the strength of the realm, because three and four must be selected together.

Since in the previous simulation, he could cultivate up to the third level of god refining, he would naturally have to wait until he reached the third level in the simulation before choosing.

Otherwise, if you choose the realm and cultivation level of the second level of refining gods, the price of the simulation will definitely skyrocket with the breakthrough of the big realm. If you choose the realm and cultivation base now, the price/performance ratio is too low.

With his current cultivation and strength, it is not difficult to get hundreds of spirit crystals.

But if there are too many, it's trickier.

After all, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. If there are not so many spirit crystals in the inventory of other caves, then no matter how powerful he is, he can't snatch them out of thin air.

"Compared to the visualization map in the first volume of the "Chaos Star Atlas", the treasure of the "Great Way Seal" is obviously stronger!Now that there are not enough spiritual crystals, you can not choose them for the time being, and get some spiritual crystals to refresh slowly. "

"These are trivial matters, but..." Han Zhao suddenly thought of an important matter.

He immediately said silently: "System, if I get a treasure that will appear in the future from the simulation, will that treasure disappear in the future? This will cause a chain reaction?"

Before Han Zhao took away the Innate Dao Fruit from the simulation, he didn't worry about it at all. After all, only celestial beings below the true king can enter the Guangling Immortal Realm. On his head, because by then the innate dao fruit would have been completely refined by him.

The same is true for the Thunder Sandalwood Fairy Fruit, which has long been integrated into the innate Thunder Gourd Vine, ripening the five-color Thunder Gourd.

But the "Prince of the Great Way" is different, it is something held by the remnant soul of the Emperor of Heaven.

With the strength of the Emperor of Heaven, even a remnant soul should not be underestimated.

If he swipes away the "Da Dao Seal", the next time he encounters the remnant soul of the Emperor of Heaven in the simulation, he will definitely be discovered.

At that time, it will be impossible to explain clearly, and it will be even more impossible to obtain the follow-up inheritance of the "Chaos Star Map".

You must first obtain most of the inheritance of the "Chaos Star Map" from the Emperor of Heaven, and then you can brush away the "Da Dao Seal". After all, the "Chaos Star Map" can cultivate the three supreme laws into the laws of chaos, which is the foundation of the power of the Emperor of Heaven.

[This tip requires an additional payment of 2 units of Heavenly Demon Yin Qi, 200 gold beads or magic gold. 】

A system prompt appears.

"Good guy, I'm thinking about my gold beads here!" Han Zhao was a little speechless. Before the system upgrade, the normal simulation and the special simulation were fused, and those gold beads and magic gold were returned by the system.


It's all about complaining, Han Zhao has to be clear about such an important matter.

[Obtaining treasures that will appear in the future in the simulation will definitely attract the attention of the treasure owner. The strong emperor has the ability to deduce the secrets, and can roughly locate the whereabouts of the treasures, so as to determine your location. 】

[Of course, as long as the money is sufficient, the system can also block even the secret deduction of Daojun Hedao. 】

[Note: The Dao He Dao power who practices the law of time generally has the magical ability to go back in time, which can make the natal soul flow back from the long river of time, so as to confirm your position. The fate of 'Lord of Time' can guarantee that no means can cause harm to you in the past time node, but the power of Hedao can indirectly affect your luck, thus making you bad luck. 】

"Huh?!" Han Zhao's eyes narrowed, bad luck?

"I was so unlucky in the simulation, wouldn't someone target me in the future?"

An astonishing idea suddenly rose in Han Zhao's heart.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter whether it's true or not, the important thing is whether there are countermeasures."

Han Zhao stopped thinking wildly.

His attention returned to the system panel.

"This "Chaos Star Map" cannot be cultivated now, otherwise the next simulation will be prone to huge changes. "

In Han Zhao's mind, he already had the first volume of the "Chaos Star Atlas" introduced by the Emperor of Heaven. Only the first volume requires the third level of refining gods to practice. As for the visualization map of the first volume, it is a breakthrough. It can only be used in the Emperor Realm, but there is no need to exchange it in advance.

"If you don't choose three, four, and five, then only one, two, and six remain."

"I haven't chosen six so far. Gambling luck is my strong point!" Han Zhao looked at the golden entry of option one. He didn't like it at all, but if he refreshed it, there might be better ones.

"The most important thing in this simulation has been obtained, so there is no need to hesitate." Han Zhao was sure that the most important thing in this simulation was not what to choose, but the important information in the simulation.

"System, I choose one and six."

[Obtain the golden fate 'Yin Yang spirit body']

Han Zhao frowned as he looked at the Yin-Yang spirit effect in the system panel.

"Crotch pulling!"

The golden light group transformed by Han Zhao galloped across the outer sky. When he saw a small planet full of vitality but without aura in front of him, he immediately lowered the light and landed on the ground.

He came to a forest, waved his sleeve robe, and with the operation of mana, soon, an ancestral hall made entirely of wood was quickly built.

Han Zhao tidied up his clothes, walked in, took out two shiny tablets from the Sumeru bag, and placed them in the center of the ancestral hall.

"Brother! Father! Bless me. When I travel through time and space, I will make you immortals and ancestors in this life!"

After Han Zhao kowtowed three times devoutly, he recited silently in his heart.

"System, refresh me!"

The originally gleaming golden fate - Yin-Yang spirit body suddenly burst into dazzling colorful light.

[Get colorful fate upgrade entries]

"Colorful fate upgrade entry?!" Han Zhao's eyes widened.

Is there any cause and effect in this?Every time I ask my father and brother for blessings, there are unexpected surprises in most cases.

[Colorful Fate Upgrade Entry]: A one-time advanced entry, which can upgrade the entry with the quality of blazing gold or the entry with the upper limit of blazing gold by one level, and upgrade it to a fate entry.

"Which one should I choose for the next colorful entry? The one with the upper limit of fiery gold seems to be [Martial God Taoism]."

Han Zhao pondered in his heart, and quickly made a decision.

You have to meet the remnant soul of the Emperor of Heaven before you are two thousand years old in order to get the inheritance. [Martial God Taoism] can improve his supernatural powers, root bones, and understanding in all aspects, but it can greatly speed up the speed of cultivation in the simulation.

"System, use [Colorful Fate Upgrade Entry] to improve the quality of [Warrior God Lineage]."

As soon as Han Zhao finished speaking, the entry of [Martial God Taoism] suddenly burst into colorful lights.

[Obtain the entry 'Emperor Taoism']

[Emperor Daotong]: Colorful fate; if you are poor, you will be good for yourself; if you are rich, you will benefit the world!

A person's power is limited, and as long as your inheritance is endless, your power will be endlessly improved;
Every time there is a blood descendant with super root qualification in your orthodoxy, or a disciple of the master's disciple; your root bone, understanding, and mana recovery will increase by 10%-20%; the upper limit is 200%;

Every time there is a descendant of spiritual body root bone qualification bloodline in your orthodoxy, or a disciple of the shackle realm; your root bone, understanding, mana recovery, and supernatural power will increase by 20%-30%; the upper limit is 400%.

Every time there is a descendant of the bloodline of the holy body root bone qualification in your orthodoxy, or a disciple of the supernatural power realm; your root bone, understanding, mana recovery, supernatural power, and cultivation will increase by 40%-60%; the upper limit is 600% .

(If the cultivation base reaches the upper limit of the current realm, the success rate of breaking the realm will be increased instead.)
Every time there is a descendant of the bloodline of the immortal root bone qualification in your orthodoxy, or a disciple of the disciple of the heavenly realm; your root bone, understanding, mana recovery, supernatural power, cultivation base, and law practice speed will increase by 100%- 200%; upper limit 800%.

Every time there is a bloodline descendant of Taoist root qualification in your orthodoxy, or a disciple of the disciple of refining gods; your root bone, understanding, mana recovery, supernatural power, cultivation base, law practice speed, law compatibility, will appear Increase 300%-600%, no upper limit.

The lift rate is related to closeness.

The improvement of your root bone and cultivation level will also improve the root bone and cultivation level of your blood descendants, and at the same time, it will also improve the cultivation base of disciples who practice the same kind of kung fu as you.

From the first level of supernatural power to the third level of heaven and man, the bonus is 10%-100%;


"Huh?!" Han Zhao had just finished watching the powerful effect of [Colorful Fate - Emperor's Dao Lineage], and suddenly felt that his cultivation base had risen in a straight line.

In the original simulation, he still needs to practice in seclusion for more than 200 years before he can reach the perfection of the third level of heaven and man, but the current cultivation level has reached perfection in a very short time.

Moreover, Han Zhao felt that the mana in his body had been greatly enhanced, and the tree of heaven and humanity grew accordingly.

As long as he wants to, he can retreat to the Shock Cave Realm now.

"Could it be that Nian Xuan, Yan'er and the others have broken through the realm of supernatural powers?"

Han Zhao's heart skipped a beat.

"Fate entries can also take effect in the simulation, if I recruit disciples in the simulation, wouldn't it be."

Han Zhao had a bold idea.

If he can travel back to 1000 years ago or even earlier through time and space through the "Da Dao Yin" under the condition of ensuring safety, he will be able to prostitute 1000 years of orthodox development time in an instant.

In the simulation, he might be in danger and lose his cultivation due to time travel, but in reality, as long as the option is left as a guarantee, his cultivation can be restored as soon as he travels through time.

"This time, it's completely clear!"

Han Zhao immediately put away the tablet and galloped towards the source world.

Yuanjie, the inner hall of "Qiantian Palace".

Han Nianxuan, Han Yan, Yu Chongxiao and others retreat here.

Three years ago, Han Nianxuan took the lead in breaking through to the supernatural power realm, but in order to increase the success rate of crossing the catastrophe, she still needs to use "Tianwai Xuanying" to speed up the process of transforming small supernatural powers into great supernatural powers.

At this time, Han Nianxuan suddenly had an astonishing spiritual pressure.

"what happened?!"

Han Nianxuan immediately woke up from the state of retreat.

"My cultivation level." Han Nianxuan realized that in just a few breaths, her cultivation level had reached the perfection of the first level.

"Could it be that Dad has achieved the Dao of the True Monarch?!"

Han Nianxuan's eyes widened, thinking of the previous few times.

"That's right!" Han Nianxuan immediately walked out of the quiet room in the inner hall.

Seeing the excited Han Yan, he also walked out of the quiet room.

"Sister! I have made a breakthrough! You didn't expect me to be the first to do so." Han Yan's face was full of joy, but when he felt the amazing spiritual pressure emanating from Han Nianxuan's body, his eyes suddenly widened.

"you you you!"

 PS: Due to some indescribable reasons, my wrist hurts a lot, so I should spend less time in these two days
(End of this chapter)

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