Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 323 Time Monarch!Supreme Spiritual Realm!

Chapter 323 Time Monarch!Supreme Spiritual Realm!

Emperor Xuanmiao and the evil corpse of the Heavenly Emperor looked up at the top of their heads together, only to see a handsome young man in fluttering white clothes appear out of thin air.

Before the other party spoke, they didn't even notice.

"Han Zhao!!" The evil corpse of the Heavenly Emperor's pupils constricted, and his divine sense unscrupulously swept across Han Zhao's body, his gaze was hot. Under close observation, he could feel the extremely powerful power of the law of time in Han Zhao's body. He has such a powerful law of time without breaking through to the realm of the emperor, and the "time stamp" is very likely to be on him.

"Is that you?" Emperor Xuanmiao also sensed the existence of the "Reincarnation Disk" on Han Zhao.

His perception is even above the corpse of the Emperor of Heaven, because the "Reincarnation Disk" has his imprint and the reincarnation pattern in the imprint.

Although he has completely lost control of the "Reincarnation Disk", the Dao Rune of Reincarnation is not so easy to refine.

Emperor Xuanmiao stretched out his broad palm towards Han Zhao, a huge black handprint shot up into the sky, and then he clenched his fist tightly.

After confirming that Han Zhao was the target of this trip, Emperor Xuanmiao directly acted without saying a word.

Taking advantage of Han Zhao's current cultivation base that has not yet broken through the realm of the emperor, he can still rely on the advantage of the great realm to defeat him. If it drags on, the outcome will be unpredictable.

Moreover, Han Zhao took away the treasure that he had sacrificed for many years from an emperor out of thin air. This is the secret that Emperor Xuan Miao most wanted to find out.


A huge roar resounded through the void, and the big black handprints of clenched fists exploded, revealing Han Zhao's figure in his clothes in the strong wind.

Emperor Xuanmiao's expression changed slightly. Although he didn't use all his strength, this attack was also a supernatural power at the emperor level, and Han Zhao lightly deciphered it.Through the trivial memories sent back from the fragmented and remnant souls, it was only after using the pseudo-spiritual domain of time that Han Zhao had the strength to rival the emperor in a short period of time. Now it seems that Han Zhao's strength is much stronger than before.

"A single Han Zhao can't turn the sky, but this person..." Emperor Xuanmiao looked at the corpse of the Emperor of Heaven beside him. Now he is in a weak state of reincarnation, and he has to be more cautious when facing a fellow whose background is unknown. .

"Your Excellency, don't worry, I am your friend and not your enemy, why don't we join forces and capture this person first, and then make a decision, how about it?" Tiandi Evil Corpse noticed that Emperor Xuanmiao was afraid of his presence, and immediately smiled .

As soon as the Evil Corpse of the Heavenly Emperor finished speaking, it seemed to show his sincerity, and his whole body burst into purple light.

Overwhelming yin energy from the heavenly demon spewed out of his body, rolling in like a sandstorm, sweeping towards Han Zhao.

"Sure enough, it is the method in the "Chaos Star Map"! "Han Zhao looked at the purple light with astonishing power all over the corpse of the Emperor of Heaven, and his eyes lit up immediately, but the sky demon system still couldn't seem to be perfectly integrated with the warrior system. It seems to be stronger, but in fact there are still some forces that cancel each other out.

"Huh?!" Emperor Xuan Miao also noticed that something was wrong. Although he didn't believe the words of the corpse of the Emperor of Heaven, he didn't want to be caught by the other party first, so he also shot at the same time as the other party's attack.

At the moment when the two made their moves, an astonishing group of spiritual pressure suddenly erupted in the source world. At the same time, a large piece of golden light shot up into the sky, and finally flew out of the source world, came to the outer sky, and poured into Han Zhao's body. in vivo.

"Huh?! Heavenly Dao Merit!!"

"This person turned out to be."

The huge celestial change made Emperor Xuanmiao and the evil corpse of the Heavenly Emperor change their faces, and the merits of the Heavenly Dao appeared and poured into Han Zhao's body, indicating that this person has been favored by the Heavenly Dao in the source world and has become a child of luck.

At this time, a mysterious and unfathomable fluctuation of law came from Han Zhao's body.

"Not good!" Emperor Xuanmiao originally had the idea of ​​probing, but now he has changed his mind and directly shot with all his strength.He was afraid that with the help of Heaven's merit and will, the other party would suddenly break through and become an emperor, and it would be difficult to deal with.

"Sure enough, for the source world, these two people are moths and invaders!" Han Zhao was suddenly supplemented by the merits of heaven, the spirituality of the "Time Stamp" in his body increased greatly, and mysterious changes appeared in the "Reincarnation Disk". His connection grew stronger.


Suddenly, a space crack less than three feet wide opened in the void behind Emperor Xuanmiao. Accompanied by a terrifying spiritual pressure, a glaring golden light flew out of it, hitting Han Zhao's heavenly spirit directly.

"Huh? Soybeans?" Han Zhao saw through the golden light with his spiritual thoughts, and saw the inside, which was a golden bean.

"Could it be?" Han Zhao suddenly recalled the scene he had seen in the simulation. He was about to use the Great Sun Tathagata's Dharma Body to fight back, but his mana soared, and his figure retreated sharply.

The sound of "Kaka" exploded continuously, and the golden bean pierced through the afterimage of Han Zhao left in place, and suddenly grew in size, and at the same time grew a head and limbs.

In an instant, a yellow turban wrestler several hundred feet in length appeared in the void. His upper body was naked, his waist was wrapped in a yellow turban, and his explosive muscles seemed to be poured with fine steel. Every move released an astonishing spiritual pressure.The terrifying sense of oppression caused the four true emperors and the five-color phoenix who were traveling with Emperor Xuanmiao to stay far away.

"This is a Taoist soldier!"

"Master Dijun used Dao soldiers as soon as he came up against a real monarch!"

The four of them looked at the giant yellow scarf standing upright, and they all showed shock. Although Han Zhao looked very strong, it seemed that he would not let Emperor Xuanmiao use the innate Taoist weapon as soon as he made a move.

However, the next moment, something that shocked them even more happened.

I saw the yellow turban wrestler wave his tightly clenched fist towards the void, and golden beans fell like raindrops densely, and then swelled and exploded at an incredible speed, turning into a yellow turban like the yellow turban wrestler. giant.

Hundreds of yellow turban warriors lined up like well-trained soldiers and surrounded Han Zhao.At the same time, wisps of golden glow gushed out from the body of the yellow scarf warrior.

"Scattering beans into soldiers!!"


The true emperors who followed Emperor Xuanmiao looked in disbelief. The spiritual domains and innate Taoist artifacts of the powerful emperors are enough to crush practitioners in the lower realms, and the biggest gap between the innate Taoist artifacts and the innate spiritual treasures is It is the innate Taoist weapon that can increase the power of the spiritual realm and activate Taoism.

The power of each Taoism can be called earth-shattering, but using Taoism will consume the original power of the innate Taoism. For the strong emperor, unless he is desperate, he will not use Taoism easily even if he activates the spirit field.

In their view, this is a battle that will end soon, but they didn't expect that Lord Dijun would go all out as soon as he came up!


Hundreds of yellow turban wrestlers formed a circle, and when the radiance from all around completely engulfed Han Zhao's figure, a golden fist suddenly rushed out from the top of the golden radiance.

Immediately afterwards, a white flame like the scorching sun exploded from the surface of the fist, turning into a huge fireball with a diameter of hundreds of feet, and exploded!

Accompanied by a wave of flames spreading in all directions, where the wave passed, hundreds of yellow scarf fighters burst like bubbles and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The only thing left is the yellow turban wrestler from the beginning.

In front of the yellow scarf warrior is a huge golden body of the Great Sun Tathagata.In front of the golden body of the Great Sun Tathagata, the yellow-turban fighters of hundreds of feet are as insignificant as a baby.

Emperor Xuanmiao's expression changed slightly. Seeing the power of Han Zhao's Tathagata golden body, especially the golden sun flame attached to his fist, which was only one step away from evolving into a true sun fire, he immediately slapped the sky. Spirit, in the dantian, the spirit pattern of the thousands of feet-long Void Returning Dao Tree flashed, and then, the power of the law of reincarnation gushed out, all pouring into the body of the yellow scarf warrior.

The yellow turban wrestlers that had been burnt out by the golden flames of the sun re-condensed, and finally turned into soybeans again, and entered the yellow turban wrestlers one by one.

The figure of the yellow turban wrestler, who was hundreds of feet tall, swelled rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, he also reached a gigantic size of ten thousand feet. The terrifying coercion around him even crushed the golden body of Dainichi Tathagata.

"Huh!" Han Zhao snorted coldly, golden light flashed all over his body, and as the golden light gradually dimmed, he had turned into a ferocious golem with three heads and six arms, covered with dark golden scales, with golden thorns glowing on the surface of the scales.

He threw his whole body towards the golden body of the Great Sun Tathagata, and the golden body of Buddha Demon with six heads and twelve arms condensed instantly.

Han Zhao stretched out a fist as huge as a mountain, opened his five fingers suddenly, and then clenched his fist tightly. The surface of the fist was densely lit up with gold, silver, and purple three-color spirit patterns.

The golden body of the Buddha Demon and the Yellow Turban Warrior punched at the same time.

The two fists that were almost the same size collided with each other.

The piercing golden light centered on the two giants spread out in all directions, and the nearby void trembled violently, making a sharp buzzing sound.


The Four Great True Monarchs watching the battle were shocked by the terrifying aftermath of the battle and retreated quickly, but they still couldn't avoid it. Fortunately, the five-color phoenix was fast enough, and it directly released the five-color phoenix, engulfing the four people to tear the void, and fled to the hundreds of miles away.

At this time, the fists of the two giants touched each other, standing in the void, motionless.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, a huge crack appeared on the fist where the golden body of the Buddha Demon and the yellow scarf warrior were in contact. In an instant, the crack spread in all directions, and finally covered the entire golden body like dense spider webs.

The golden body of the Buddha Demon was finally overwhelmed and shattered suddenly.

And Han Zhao's figure also flew upside down from the brows of the Buddha's golden body.

"It feels stronger than in the simulation!" Han Zhao looked at the yellow turban wrestler, whose breath was greatly damaged but unscathed, with awe in his heart.He seldom loses in the confrontation of power-type supernatural powers.The huge power transmitted by the yellow scarf warrior through the golden body of the Buddha and demon to his body was so amazing that even his powerful physical body, which was comparable to a spirit treasure, could not resist it.

Of course, with the law of time he mastered, the golden body of the Buddha and Demon can be instantly restored, but against the strong emperor, the golden body of the Buddha and Demon is difficult to win in one blow, so he is not going to use this precious power of the law of time here.

"Don't forget, there's me too!"

A deep voice suddenly sounded in Han Zhao's ears, and a huge black hole appeared behind him, like a terrifying beast that was about to devour people, opened its mouth wide, trying to swallow him in one gulp.

The Heavenly Emperor Evil Corpse, who had been waiting for an opportunity, finally found an opportunity. He appeared in front of Han Zhao, and at the same time opened the "Psyche World" behind him.

As long as Han Zhao is absorbed into his "psychic world", it will be much easier to capture him alive.

The Heavenly Emperor Evil Corpse's heart was agitated, as if he had obtained the "time seal" this chaotic spiritual treasure.

Going back to the past, occupying the physical body of the body, achieving the fruit of the chaos, and controlling the way of heaven are close at hand!

However, as soon as the law of time released by him touched Han Zhao's body, it disappeared without a trace like a mud cow entering the sea. At the same time, he noticed a hint of sarcasm in Han Zhao's expression looking at him.


The Heavenly Emperor Evil Corpse suddenly became alert.

The next moment, Han Zhao's body burst into dazzling purple light.

The light of the demon!

Cover the world!


When illuminated by the purple light, the black hole in the space behind Han Zhao quickly shrank, and the Heavenly Emperor Evil Corpse also felt that the demonic yin energy in his body disappeared as if he had encountered a natural enemy, and more than half of it dissipated out of thin air, and his strength dropped by at least [-]%.

After being so delayed by the corpse of the Emperor of Heaven, the Yellow Turban Warrior had already recovered all his power, and Emperor Xuanmiao also knew that it would be as difficult as reaching the sky to capture Han Zhao alive, so he was already murderous at this moment, and only wanted to take back the "Reincarnation Disk". In this way, the evil corpse of the Emperor of Heaven is nothing to worry about.

Emperor Xuanmiao appeared above the head of the Yellow Turban Warrior, and strange black runes suddenly appeared on the body of the Yellow Turban Warrior, which was originally shining with golden light. With him as the center, an astonishing force of law suddenly appeared in the void with a radius of a hundred miles fluctuation.

"Samsara Spiritual Realm! Finally can't help it?!" Han Zhao looked at Emperor Xuanmiao who was approaching him rapidly. The other party wanted to include himself in his spiritual realm, so he didn't think so.With his current cultivation base, the three supreme pseudo-spiritual domains are fused together, and the power is much higher than that of ordinary spiritual domains.It's just that the scope of his spiritual domain is not as large as that of a normal emperor, so Emperor Xuanmiao must approach him first.

Finally, this time the two-way rush was completed.

"Spirit Realm! Get up!"

A golden seal flew out of Han Zhao's body, and he was holding the golden seal in his hand, as if holding Tianxian in his mouth.

While Emperor Xuanmiao enveloped him with the spiritual domain of reincarnation, his whole body was full of glow, and the "Time Seal" in his hand shot out a white beam of light that went straight into the depths of the void, and strange runes of three colors, black, white, and gray, appeared in the beam of light superior.

The black, white, and gray runes complement each other, turning into light spots all over the sky, and finally covering a nearby void.

"Timestamp"? ! ! "The evil corpse of the Emperor of Heaven was also caught off guard by the spirit realm. Although he had already had psychological expectations, seeing that Han Zhao could really control the "Time Seal" with his cultivation level of refining the gods, he was so frightened that he almost thought He is the reincarnated body of the Heavenly Emperor himself.

"This is." Emperor Xuanmiao felt a daze in front of his eyes, his reincarnation spirit realm was suppressed by Han Zhao's spirit realm.

"Time! Space!! Reincarnation!!!"

Emperor Xuanmiao felt the three supreme laws blending in the spiritual realm, and his pupils constricted.

At this time, a huge phantom of Han Zhao condensed in the sky above the vast white spiritual domain, and in an instant, the power of law in the spiritual domain rose sharply.

"Real spirit?! High-ranking emperor's spiritual realm!!!" Emperor Xuanmiao's face finally changed color.

"Welcome to my home stadium."

Han Zhao's calm voice resounded in the spiritual realm.

(End of this chapter)

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