Chapter 330 Repay in the future?No!Right now

The Xuantian Thunder Beast slammed its wings on the back, and saw two dark blue thunderbolts of Dutian God transform into terrifying pillars of thunder that were as thick as a water tank and shoot out. The next moment, they pierced through the space and landed on top of Han Zhao's head.


Black-gold mysterious light shot up into the sky, forming a huge light cluster, covering Han Zhao's whole body.

The next moment, two arms covered with black and golden scales protruded from the mysterious light, with five fingers spread wide, and then they clenched their fists tightly, and they smashed out violently, hitting two thick thunder pillars in the middle.

There was an earth-shattering explosion in the void.

When the mysterious light dissipated, Han Zhao had turned into a ferocious demon god hundreds of feet tall, with black gold scales the size of a copper coin, glowing coldly under the sunlight, overflowing with aura.

At the same time, another Dainichi Tathagata Dharmakaya with the same height of one hundred feet appeared behind him.

After experiencing the great battle with Emperor Xuan Miao, Han Zhao discovered that against his peers with extremely strong physical bodies, becoming too big would not give him an obvious advantage. Instead, maintaining a body size of less than [-] feet can maximize the advantage of speed.


Dainichi Tathagata's Dharma Body fit together and merged with the demon god transformed by Han Zhao. The next moment, the golden body of Buddha and demon appeared in the void, and a strange smile appeared on the half-devil, half-Buddha face.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

The overflowing Dutian Shenlei turned into three-foot thunder snakes on his body surface, flickering and beating.

A group of pale golden flames attached to the surface of the golden body of the Buddha Demon.

With the appearance of the flame, the temperature of the surrounding void skyrocketed, and the terrifying high temperature made distorted ripples appear in the space as if they were real.

Du Tianshen Lei couldn't get follow-up supplements, and was quickly dispersed by pale golden flames.

As soon as Han Zhao came up, he used the strongest conventional means.

After all, the Xuantian Thunder Beast is the best among its ranks, the two sides have already fought once, and there is no need to test if they fight again.

"The body of a true devil! The golden body of the law!"

"Sun Golden Flame! Body Refining Immortal!"

Seeing Han Zhao lightly defeating the Dutian Shenlei released by Xuantian Thunder Beast, He Rui's eyes widened and his face was full of shock.

Lan Zhi was also shocked. Although she had guessed that Han Li was not simple after hearing what Xianjun Jiu said that day, she did not expect such astonishing strength.

Just when Lan Zhi was thinking about Han Zhao's origin, the black water droplets she released turned into huge waves, forming a torrent in the sky, and finally converging into a sea covering the sky.

Although Xianjun Tianjue dodged the moment the black water drop appeared, but this thing was a life-saving thing given by Daozu and Lan Zhi, how could it be easily avoided by Xianjun, so Xianjun Tianjue was finally swallowed by the black ocean and fell into the boundless black ocean.

Han Zhao took the initiative to attack the Xuantian Thunder Beast, and after a few encounters, he suppressed the Xuantian Thunder Beast.

When he saw the black water drop turned into a black ocean, he thought of the horned dragon he killed. The other party's innate supernatural powers were very similar to the scene before him.

It's just that the black ocean controlled by the horned dragon is formed by the gathering of dark and heavy water, and its power is overwhelming, but compared with the black ocean in front of it, it is not worth mentioning at all.

With the appearance of the black ocean, Han Zhao felt that the gravity of the entire void seemed to suddenly increase. This was a kind of all-round depressive feeling. It seemed that only the water of the Yellow Spring beside the Naihe Bridge in the legendary Nine Nether Underworld could have such power.

"It seems that Daozu's supernatural powers are far beyond my imagination!" Han Zhao felt awe-inspiring, Lan Zhi's life-saving thing must have been left to her by Daozu, just a drop of water from the Yellow Spring can trap a seemingly powerful fairy.How hopeless it would be if he really faced Dao Ancestor directly.

When Han Zhao was fighting, he deliberately stayed away from the black ocean.

The Xuantian Thunder Beast also seemed to be extremely afraid of this water from the underworld, so it fought further and further away from Han Zhao.

"Han Dao. Senior Han! I'll help you!" Seeing that the water of the underworld temporarily trapped the Heavenly Envious Immortal Lord, Lan Zhi's expression did not relax too much. Instead, she transmitted her voice to Han Zhao through her spiritual thoughts.

She wants to deal with the Xuantian Thunder Beast first, because her own cultivation is too weak to exert the full power of the water of the underworld, at most it will seriously injure the Immortal Monarch Heavenly Jealousy, and it may be extremely difficult to kill it.

The only way to survive this trip is to join forces with Han Li, an unknown fairy.

The Eternal Life Alliance is a huge organization composed of cultivators of multiple races. In order to live forever, avoid catastrophe, and improve their cultivation, this group of people will conduct various inhumane researches, and blood sacrifices to souls are commonplace.

Although the Eternal Life League was besieged and suppressed by various forces in the Ancestral Immortal Realm, it was able to continue under the encirclement and suppression of all the top forces in the Ancestral Immortal Realm because it possessed two Dao Ancestral Realm great powers and joined forces with the Chaos God League, the top demon force.

After all, the Ancestral Immortal Realm is too big. Whenever the Eternal Life Alliance encounters a large-scale siege, it will hide in the depths of the wilderness, and the forces of all parties have nothing to do with them.

Because they have to escape into the wilderness at any time, the Eternal Life Alliance, like the Chaos God Alliance, is active in the periphery of the major heavens, so the damage they actually cause to mortals is not as good as natural disasters and wild beasts.

The Heavenly Jealous Immortal Monarch is one of the top ten existences among the many Immortal Monarchs under the Immortal Alliance, ranking fifth among the Immortal Monarchs with the top ten titles, and has the terrifying cultivation base of the Seventh Heavenly Monarch.

Moreover, this person is bloodthirsty. Although I said just now that as long as she surrenders the spirit of the great way, she will be freed to survive, but it is very likely that she will be killed as soon as she surrenders the spirit of the great way.

The Eternal Life League is already hostile to Fu Haizong, so it is even more impossible to let her go.

"No need." Han Zhao's calm voice came.

Lan Zhi hesitated to speak, and finally gave up the idea of ​​making a move.

"Miss Lan Zhi, aren't we going to help?" He Rui stared at Han Zhao, who was fighting fiercely with the Xuantian Thunder Beast, with a worried look on his face.

The Xuantian Thunder Beast has supernatural powers, and it is far from showing its full strength. If Senior Han Li loses the battle, their trip will be in danger.

"Trust him." Lan Zhi shook her head slightly, and began to mobilize the water of the underworld with all her strength, trying to suppress the Heavenly Jealous Immortal Lord for as long as possible.


Han Zhao, who was seriously injured by it and was dying before him, suddenly burst out with astonishing strength and suppressed it. The Xuantian Thunder Beast showed its fierceness and roared to the sky. Then the blue light flashed in its mouth, and countless dark blue thunderballs the size of fists rolled out.

At the same time, a pair of wings from the back of the Xuantian Thunder Beast flapped down, hundreds of thousands of black feathers shot out, and immediately turned into three-foot-long black lightning arrows, pouring down from the top of Han Zhao's head like an impenetrable arrow net.


The next moment, the Xuantian Thunder Beast's four sharp claws twitched suddenly, and purple, white, gold, and blue arcs shot out.

The Xuantian Thunder Beast used six different lightning-attribute supernatural powers in an instant, and the other five didn't seem to be much weaker than the dark blue Dutian Shenlei.

Seeing this situation, Han Zhao's face turned cold.

When he was in the space channel back then, he was caught off guard by Xuantian Thunder Beast's attack that broke the five-color divine light and seriously injured his body.

"You thought it was before!" Han Zhao snorted coldly.

At this time, a space crack of less than three feet suddenly opened in the void behind Han Zhao, and accompanied by a terrifying spiritual pressure, a glaring golden light flew out of it.

It was a golden bean.

"Scattering beans into soldiers! Come on!" Han Zhao made a formula with both hands, and a pure force of the law of reincarnation emerged and poured into the golden Taoist soldier shaped like a soybean.


The sound of explosions continued, and the Golden Bean Dao Bing swelled up in size, with a head and limbs growing out.

In an instant, a yellow turban wrestler hundreds of feet in length appeared in the void, with his upper body exposed and a yellow turban wrapped around his waist. His explosive muscles seemed to be made of fine steel.

It's just that, compared with the golden bean soldiers used by Emperor Xuanmiao, the yellow scarf fighters summoned by Han Zhao are much weaker.

After all, his reincarnation body is only at the peak of refining gods, and has not reached the level of emperor.

In addition, the time for the Samsara deity to refine the Golden Bean Daobing is too short, and has not yet been fully refined.

This golden bean Taoist soldier is an extremely rare high-level innate Taoist weapon. Even Emperor Xuanmiao himself, because of the decline in his cultivation during the reincarnation period, was unable to exert the full power of this golden bean Taoist soldier.

Otherwise, even if Emperor Xuanmiao lost the "Reincarnation Disk", it is not yet known who will win the battle.

However, even if the power that can be exerted is limited, the defensive power of the yellow turban warriors summoned by the golden bean soldiers is still amazing, so Han Zhao summoned the yellow turban warriors at this moment mainly to resist thunder.

"Huh?! High-level fairy weapon!!" Lan Zhi was startled when she saw the yellow turban warrior summoned by Han Zhao. In fact, her father, as the Taoist ancestor, could not defend himself against high-level fairy weapons.

In particular, this high-level fairy weapon contains powerful power of the law of reincarnation, and it is obviously of the highest quality among high-level fairy weapons.

"It seems that this person's background is bigger than I expected!" Lan Zhi frowned slightly.

At this time, I saw the yellow turban wrestler wave his tightly clenched fist towards the void, and golden beans fell like raindrops densely.

Then these golden beans swelled and skyrocketed at an incredible speed, turning into a yellow turban giant just like a yellow turban wrestler.

Hundreds of yellow turban warriors lined up like well-trained soldiers, taking care of Han behind him.

At the same time, strands of golden rays of light gushed out from the body of the yellow scarf warrior, and finally formed a huge light shield.


The six-level thunder-attribute supernatural power released by Xuantian Thunder Beast crashed down, and the sky burst into thunder. The earth-shattering roar resounded through the void, and even the black ocean that covered the sky was affected.


Accompanied by the first crisp sound, the sound of shattering followed one after another. The huge mask was crushed by the six-level thunder attribute supernatural power, and hundreds of thousands of yellow scarf warriors inside were shattered inch by inch, and finally turned into powder and disappeared with the wind.

The golden bean Taoist returned to the top of Han Zhao's head with a whoosh, the aura dimmed a lot, and finally sank into his heavenly spirit.

Because the power of the law of reincarnation is limited, the Golden Bean Daoist Soldiers only have the power of one blow.

But for Han Zhao, this is enough.

At this time, the sixth-level thunder-attribute supernatural power was only weakened by about half, and the castration continued to surround Han Zhao.

"Oops!!" He Rui's complexion changed drastically. If Senior Han was killed, they would be in danger too.

Lan Zhi hurriedly made a tactic with both hands, and the water from the underworld above her head condensed into a huge waterspout, intercepting the path of the six-level thunder attribute supernatural power.

However, just as Lan Zhi drew the water from the Yellow Spring to rescue, an astonishing spiritual pressure suddenly erupted from the black ocean all over the sky, and the mournful cry of the Immortal Lord of Heaven's Jealousy came out.

"Bitch! I'm going to take your soul out!"

Lan Zhi's heart sank, and she felt an astonishing impact through the water of the underworld.

In desperation, Lan Zhi could only manipulate the waterspout to return to the black ocean again to suppress the jealous lord.

At this time, Xuantian Thunder Beast's six-level thunder-attribute supernatural power surrounded Han Zhao, turned into a six-color thunder ball, and then shrank suddenly.

Just when the diameter of the six-color thunderball shrank to less than a hundred feet, a dazzling blue rainbow bloomed inside it, and in the end it forcibly tore the six-color thunderball to create a gap.

When the cyan rainbow touched the six-color lightning ball, it quickly swallowed the purple, white, gold, and blue lightning bolts in the six-color lightning ball.

The gap, which was originally the size of a fist in diameter, spread rapidly in a very short period of time, and the gap instantly exceeded a radius of ten feet.

"Nirvana Divine Light?!"

He Rui's eyes lit up, he didn't expect this senior's methods to come up one after another, and the divine light of Nirvana he cultivated could swallow the original thunder released by Xuantian Thunder Beast.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that shocked He Rui even more appeared.

Through the gap in the thunderball, he saw blue, yellow, red, black, and white, five colors of divine light shooting up into the sky, forming a five-color mask.

As the five-color mask spread out in all directions, the thunderball was stretched and burst, and finally turned into blue and black light spots, dissipating in the void.

"This is the five-color divine light of innate great accomplishment?!"

Lan Zhi's eyes widened.

Generally speaking, if a celestial being who has comprehended the original principles of the five elements, if he practiced the top-level kung fu, he would hopefully be able to practice the five-color divine light the day after tomorrow, but it is nothing compared to the five-color divine light that the legendary five-color peacock Taoist master can brush with everything.

He Rui next to him is practicing the five-element origin law, and through acquired efforts, he has practiced the five-color divine light.

However, this Xuantian Thunder Beast is an extremely powerful true spirit at the same level as the five-color peacock, but its realm is not as high as that of the five-color peacock Taoist ancestor.

Dutian Shenlei is not weaker than the five-color divine light at all!
This senior Han was able to use the five-color divine light to disperse Dutian Shenlei directly. Could it be that he couldn't be transformed into a five-color peacock? !
"Roar~!" Seeing that the same trick was useless against Han Zhao, the Xuantian Thunder Beast's eyes were red, and it roared to the sky, bursting out an even more astonishing spiritual pressure.

However, this time, before he made a move, Han Zhao moved first.

Han Zhao stretched out his right palm, and five-color feathers like five-handled swords appeared in his palm. He waved lightly, and the five-color mask in front of him turned into a huge light array and fell downward.

The void with a radius of thousands of miles was covered by five colors of light, and even the black ocean, which was originally as dark as ink, was also dyed with a layer of colorful mysterious light.

The next moment, only the sound of thunderclap resounded through the void.

Han Zhao's figure suddenly appeared above Xuantian Thunder Beast's head, and he drew a circle under his body with five colored feathers in his hand.

A hole glowing with colorful lightning arcs emerged out of thin air.

An astonishing suction followed.

"Roar!" The Xuantian Thunder Beast was frightened and angry, and caught off guard, it was sucked into it.

Soon, the earth-shattering roar of thunder and lightning came from the seven-colored hole, as well as the roar of the Xuantian Thunder Beast, which actually carried a sense of fear.

"Stop!" At this moment, the Heavenly Envious Immortal Lord, who was suppressed by the black ocean of the water of the underworld, yelled, and turned into a ball of white light, appearing in the void.

It's just that at this moment, the Tianju Xianjun no longer has the charming and gorgeous posture before. There are large pieces of corroded black and red flesh and blood all over her body. The skin on more than half of the whole face is rotten. One eyeball is connected to the fascia and droops in the eye socket. The whole person looks like a ghost crawling out of hell.

Tianju Xianjun looked at the rapidly shrinking colorful hole with a distorted face, feeling extremely painful in her heart, but at this moment, her aura has dropped by more than half. If she continues to fight, she may be corroded by the water of the underworld. Even if she does not die, she will fall to the realm.

"I remember you!" Tianju Xianjun stared at Han Zhao viciously.

After the harsh words, he turned into a white light and soared into the sky, fleeing from Sufeng Mountain Range.

Hearing this, Han Zhao watched Tianju Xianjun leave with a calm expression.

The Xuantian Thunder Beast has just been suppressed, and since the Heavenly Jealous Immortal Lord left on his own initiative, he is not going to use the method of suppressing the bottom of the box to fight the opponent desperately.

Now it is necessary to kill or subdue Xuantian Thunder Beast as soon as possible to get back his evil corpse soul.

Lan Zhi breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the Heavenly Jealous Lord had finally left.


She made a tactic with both hands, and the black ocean in the sky regrouped into a black water drop the size of a grain of rice, but at this moment, the power of the black water drop was nonexistent, faintly approaching the edge of collapse.

However, when meeting Han Zhao's calm gaze, Lan Zhi felt awe-inspiring and took the initiative to meet her.

"Thank you senior for saving my life, I will definitely thank you in the future!"

"No, let's do it now." Han Zhao said lightly.

"Senior? What's the meaning of this?" Lan Zhi was taken aback.

"If I'm not wrong, this Xuantian Thunder Beast was going to deal with you, but it met me by accident. If it weren't for me, you would have died twice. Can you lightly expose the two life-saving graces with a word of gratitude in the future?" Han Zhao looked at Lan Zhi with a half-smile.

"What do seniors want?" Lan Zhi moved her fingers lightly, but finally stopped.

"Give me the Spirit of the Great Dao," Han Zhao replied.

"What?! You also came for the spirit of the Dao!" Lan Zhi was stunned.

"I was almost killed by the Xuantian Thunder Beast this time, and I lost all my cultivation. There must be some compensation, right?" Han Zhao took it for granted.

"If I don't give it, will senior kill me?" Lan Zhi said in a deep voice.

"Of course not! Otherwise, I could just sit back and watch that person kill you, and then go out to snatch the spirit of Dao. It's just that I might turn against Fu Haizong. I'm a rising immortal, but I can't offend Daozu." Han Zhao laughed.

It's really honest! Lan Zhi was taken aback, fiddled with the long hair on her temples, and said with a sweet smile: "In this case, the little girl can only hand over the spirit of the great way to the senior! I believe that my two lives are more important than the spirit of the great way. Father knows this, and he will definitely not blame him."

Afraid that I will kill people after I get the spirit of the Dao? Han Zhao smiled: "Don't worry, I, Han Li, keep my word and say what I say! If Senior Daozu really doesn't pursue this matter, I will treat it as a favor to you! In the future, if you are in trouble, you can come to me. As long as I am within my power, I will help you."

Han Zhao is naturally very happy to not offend a strong Taoist ancestor.

"The little girl will thank you senior." Lan Zhichen bowed and put her hand into her bosom.

(End of this chapter)

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